8 research outputs found

    Il gioco con la convenzione della\ua0fiaba\ua0e\ua0della letteratura per\ua0l\u2019infanzia in Zwierzocz\u142ekoupi\uf3r di\ua0Tadeusz Konwicki

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    L'articolo esamina l'utilizzo del materiale folcloristico da parte di Tadeusz Konwicki nel suo romanzo Zwierzocz\u142ekoupi\uf3r, inserendolo nell'alveo del pi\uf9 ampio discorso sui Kresy portato avanti dall'autore. // The article analyses how the author exploits mockery on the convention of fairy tales and children\u2019s literature in the narrative thread set in the Green Valley. This storyline resembles a fairy tale, but its characters are a grotesque parody of the figures usually present in tales, intended both as folkloric narration and as a genre of children\u2019s literature. Other elements of Polish Borderland folklore are strewn everywhere in the Valley. All fairy-tale elements are shown in a slanted or degraded form. The blend of fantasy and Borderland scenery places this territory on the same ontological level as the marvellous

    O\u15bwiata ruska na ziemiach wschodnich Rzeczypospolitej w XVII wieku

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    Praca stanowi zarys rozwoju spor\uf3w o edukacj\u119 na ruskich ziemiach Pierwszej Rzeczypospolitej w XVII wieku. // Il capitolo, avente carattere di sintesi, \ue8 una panoramica del dibattito sull'istruzione nelle terre rutene della Respublica di Polonia nel XVII secolo. Viene tracciato un breve profilo anche dello sviluppo dell'editoria. // The paper is an outline of the debate on education in the Ruthenian lands in the 17th century. It contains also a brief outline of book culture in that period

    Lingua, confessione, cultura: il caso ruteno del Seicento

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    In una situazione di plurilinguismo la scelta e la valorizzazione di una lingua, di uno standard o di un alfabeto, Ăš sempre una dichiarazione di appartenenza e di ideologia. La capacitĂ  di servirsi di una pluralitĂ  di lingue a seconda delle circostanze e degli intenti puĂČ essere vista come cifra dellĂ orizzonte multiculturale in cui lĂ intellettuale ruteno del Seicento era inserito

    A study on machine translation tools: A comparative error analysis between DeepL and Yandex for Russian-Italian medical translation

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    The present research is aimed at conducting a study on Russian-Italian medical translation with regard to the current development of two Machine Translation tools that feature prominently in today’s Neural Machine Translation framework, namely DeepL and Yandex. For the purpose of our research, we have selected three highly specialized and three popular-science articles concerning coronavirus pandemic. Such a choice is justified by the willingness not only to analyse recently published scientific documents but also to investigate the particular linguistic implications of 2020’s coronavirus pandemic outbreak, which has introduced in every-day communication a whole set of terms whose use was previously limited to the language of science, as well as coined a group of new terms, which entered the boundaries of scientific terminology. We have considered this existing linguistic phenomenon as a proper condition to test the performances of Machine Translation tools. In particular, we discuss the most relevant features of the comparative error analysis as well as the BLEU metric for both DeepL and Yandex

    Trame controluce. Il patriarca \u27protestante\u27 Cirillo Loukaris / Backlighting Plots. The \u27Protestant\u27 Patriarch Cyril Loukaris

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    Cyril Loukaris (1570-1638), Orthodox patriarch of Alexandria and later of Constantinople, is a fascinating and controversial figure. In addition to being a religious authority, the patriarch proved to be a first-rate politician and diplomat, capable of weaving a vast network of relationships. An acute mediator between cultures, he was a prominent intellectual of his time. The volume, the first of its kind in Italy, collects contributions from scholars of different disciplines, which bring out the multiplicity of cultural and geopolitical plans and areas in which the “Protestant” patriarch Loukaris carried out his activity. For the variety of approaches and areas examined, the essays reflect the many-sided nature of this figure, of which an unpublished sermon and related documents from the Moscow State Archives are published.Quella di Cirillo Loukaris (1570-1638), patriarca ortodosso di Alessandria e poi di Costantinopoli, \ue8 una figura affascinante e controversa. Oltre che autorit\ue0 religiosa, il patriarca si dimostr\uf2 politico e diplomatico di prima grandezza, in grado di intessere una vastissima rete di relazioni. Acuto mediatore tra le culture, fu intellettuale di spicco nella sua epoca. Il volume, il primo di questo genere in Italia, raccoglie contributi di studiosi di discipline diverse, che fanno emergere la molteplicit\ue0 di piani e ambiti culturali e geopolitici nei quali si esplic\uf2 l’attivit\ue0 del patriarca ‘protestante’ Loukaris. Per la variet\ue0 degli approcci e delle aree esaminate, i saggi rispecchiano la multiformit\ue0 di questa figura, di cui vengono pubblicati un sermone inedito e documenti a lui relativi provenienti dagli Archivi di Stato di Mosca