4 research outputs found

    A Granulysin-Derived Peptide with Potent Activity against Intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Granulysin is an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) expressed by human T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Despite a remarkably broad antimicrobial spectrum, its implementation into clinical practice has been hampered by its large size and off-target effects. To circumvent these limitations, we synthesized a 29 amino acid fragment within the putative cytolytic site of Granulysin (termed “Gran1”). We evaluated the antimicrobial activity of Gran1 against the major human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and a panel of clinically relevant non-tuberculous mycobacteria which are notoriously difficult to treat. Gran1 efficiently inhibited the mycobacterial proliferation in the low micro molar range. Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy indicated that Gran1 interacts with the surface of Mtb, causing lethal distortions of the cell wall. Importantly, Gran1 showed no off-target effects (cytokine release, chemotaxis, cell death) in primary human cells or zebrafish embryos (cytotoxicity, developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, cardiotoxicity). Gran1 was selectively internalized by macrophages, the major host cell of Mtb, and restricted the proliferation of the pathogen. Our results demonstrate that the hypothesis-driven design of AMPs is a powerful approach for the identification of small bioactive compounds with specific antimicrobial activity. Gran1 is a promising component for the design of AMP-containing nanoparticles with selective activity and favorable pharmacokinetics to be pushed forward into experimental in vivo models of infectious diseases, most notably tuberculosis

    A Polyclonal SELEX Aptamer Library Allows Differentiation of Candida albicans, C. auris and C. parapsilosis Cells from Human Dermal Fibroblasts

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    Easy and reliable identification of pathogenic species such as yeasts, emerging as problematic microbes originating from the genus Candida, is a task in the management and treatment of infections, especially in hospitals and other healthcare environments. Aptamers are seizing an already indispensable role in different sensing applications as binding entities with almost arbitrarily tunable specificities and optimizable affinities. Here, we describe a polyclonal SELEX library that not only can specifically recognize and fluorescently label Candida cells, but is also capable to differentiate C. albicans, C. auris and C. parapsilosis cells in flow-cytometry, fluorometric microtiter plate assays and fluorescence microscopy from human cells, exemplified here by human dermal fibroblasts. This offers the opportunity to develop diagnostic tools based on this library. Moreover, these specific and robust affinity molecules could also serve in the future as potent binding entities on biomaterials and as constituents of technical devices and will thus open avenues for the development of cost-effective and easily accessible next generations of electronic biosensors in clinical diagnostics and novel materials for the specific removal of pathogenic cells from human bio-samples

    Lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos (NGAL) e calprotectina no tecido laminar de equinos após obstrução jejunal, tratados ou não com hidrocortisona

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    A laminite é uma doença podal grave que acomete os equídeos, sendo responsável por intenso sofrimento. Neste estudo foram pesquisadas a presença de calprotectina por meio da imunoistoquímica, e de lipocalina associada à gelatinase de neutrófilos (NGAL), por zimografia, no tecido laminar do casco de equinos após obstrução intestinal. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: Grupo controle (Gc), contendo sete animais normais, sem procedimento cirúrgico; Grupo Instrumentado (Gi), contendo cinco animais, os quais passaram por todo o procedimento cirúrgico sem sofrerem obstrução intestinal; Grupo Não Tratado (Gnt), contendo quatro equinos submetidos a obstrução intestinal do jejuno por distensão de balão intraluminal, sem tratamento; e Grupo Tratado (Gt), contendo quatro equinos submetidos a obstrução intestinal, e tratados preventivamente com hidrocortisona. Houve imunomarcação de calprotectina em todos os grupos experimentais, com aumento nos equinos do grupo distendido em relação ao Gc. Com relação ao NGAL, houve aumento também do Gnt e do Gi em relação ao Gc. O Gt não diferiu dos demais. Conclui-se que a distensão do intestino delgado pode promover acúmulos de leucócitos nos cascos de equinos e que o NGAL é um método viável para se detectar infiltração neutrofílica em equinos. Novos estudos deverão ser realizados para se verificar possível benefício anti-inflamatório da hidrocortisona no casco de equinos com obstrução intestinal