12,484 research outputs found

    Belgian-French relations during World War II: the perspective of a Congo Governor General

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    African Studies Center Working Paper No. 1

    Using Intelligent Simulation to Enhance Human Performance in Aircraft Maintenance

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    Human factors research and development investigates the capabilities and limitations of the human within a system. Of the many variables affecting human performance in the aviation maintenance system, training is among the most important. The advent of advanced technology hardware and software has created intelligent training simulations. This paper describes one advanced technology training system under development for the Federal Aviation Administration

    An investigation of surface albedo variations during the recent sahel drought

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    Applications Technology Satellite 3 green sensor data were used to measure surface reflectance variations in the Sahara/Sahel during the recent drought period; 1967 to 1974. The magnitude of the seasonal reflectance change is shown to be as much as 80% for years of normal precipitation and less than 50% for drought years. Year to year comparisons during both wet and dry seasons reveal the existence of a surface reflectance cycle coincident with the drought intensity. The relationship between the green reflectance and solar albedo is examined and estimated to be about 0.6 times the reflectance change observed by the green channel

    Some Measurement on the Quantum Yield Temperature Coefficient of the Uranyl Oxalate Actinometer at 254 Mu1,2,3

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    Author Institution: Kenyon College, Gambier, OhioThis paper reports, for solutions of 0.001 M uranyl sulfate and 0.005 M oxalic acid, a 10-degree temperature coefficient, up to 85°C (using a base temperature of 25°) of 1.02±0.01 at 254 m/x. Measurements in more dilute solutions show a decrease to approximately unity at 0.00025 M uranyl sulfate0.00125 M oxalic acid, with indication that it may become less than unity on further dilution. Quantum yields measured (using uranyl oxalate as standard), by students under a National Science Foundation "pilot" undergraduate participation project, on actinometers at 254 rn.fi, were for (1) malachite green leucocyanide, 0.9; (2) monochloroacetic acid, 0.3; and (3) potassium ferrioxalate, 1.24 moles per einstein


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    A high resolution interferometer is described. The interferometer is insensitive to slight misalignment of its elements, avoids channeling in the spectrum, generates a maximum equal path fringe contrast, produces an even two sided interferogram without critical matching of the wedge angles of the beamsplitter and compensator wedges, and is optically phase tunable. The interferometer includes a mirror along the path of each beam component produced by the beamsplitter, for reflecting the beam component from the beamsplitter, for reflecting the beam component from the beamsplitter to a corresponding retroreflector and for reflecting the beam returned by the retroreflector back to the beamsplitter. A wedge located along each beam component path, is large enough to cover the retroreflector, so that each beam component passes through the wedge during movement towards the retroreflector and away therefrom