1,428 research outputs found

    Sudbury Igneous Complex: Impact melt or igneous rock? Implications for lunar magmatism

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    The recent suggestion that the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) is a fractionated impact melt may have profound implications for understanding the lunar crust and the magmatic history of the Moon. A cornerstone of much current thought on the Moon is that the development of the lunar crust can be traced through the lineage of 'pristine' igneous rocks. However, if rocks closely resembling those from layered igneous intrusions can be produced by differentiation of a large impact melt sheet, then much of what is thought to be known about the Moon may be called into question. This paper presents a brief evaluation of the SIC as a differentiated impact melt vs. endogenous igneous magma and possible implications for the magmatic history of the lunar crust

    Lithologies contributing to the clast population in Apollo 17 LKFM basaltic impact melts

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    LKFM basaltic impact melts are abundant among Apollo lunar samples, especially those from Apollo 15, 16, and 17. They are generally basaltic in composition, but are found exclusively as impact melts. They seem to be related to basins and so could represent the composition of the lower lunar crust. They contain lithic clasts that cannot be mixed in any proportion to produce the composition of the melt matrix; components rich in transition elements (Ti, Cr, Sc) and REE are not considered. To search for the mysterious cryptic component, we previously investigated the mineral clast population in two Apollo 14 LKFM basaltic impact melts, 15445 and 15455. The cryptic component was not present in the mineral clast assemblage of these breccias either, but some olivine and pyroxene grains appeared to be from lithologies not represented among identified igneous rocks from the lunar highlands. In addition, none of the mineral clasts could be unambiguously assigned to a ferroan anorthosite source. We have now extended this study to Apollo 17, starting with two LKFM impact melt breccias (76295 and 76315) from the Apollo 17 station 6 boulder. The results from the study are presented

    The Importance of the Historical Tang Dynasty in Place Branding Contemporary Xi\u27an

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the opportunity of utilizing Tang dynasty history, heritage, buildings and names in the effort to place brand the contemporary city Xi\u27an. Design/methodology/approach – The paper presents a conceptual framework for place branding cities consisting of two main dimensions. The first describes the continuum of functional versus emotional values within a city; the second measures the degree to which the image of a place is historical or contemporary. The paper then employs historical analysis to examine the meaning and construction of a Tang dynasty brand for place branding twenty-first century Xi\u27an. Findings – While Xi\u27an may possess an illustrious historical identity, the contemporary city is still searching for an image. Xi\u27an\u27s glorious heritage attracts considerable tourism, but has not yet drawn substantial business, foreign direct investment or talents to contribute to and support economic development of the metropolitan region. Research limitations/implications – Historical analysis of a city can allow a reconstruction of identity in the modern context. Since this is a case study of one key Chinese city, additional cases are needed for other historically important cities to see their influence on business and marketing development. Practical implications – Cities that are attempting to grow should consider their historical legacy. Building on images of the past, they can leapfrog development and establish a brand identity. Modernization was often thought of as a practical developmental tool. Building on the history of a region, modernization can take unique characteristics and differentiated developmental patterns. Originality/value – Few, if any, studies examined the historical antecedents of a remaking and a re-branding of a city. Destination marketing is an emerging area of research. Xi\u27an was a great, pivotal city in the past. This paper explores how one region built on the greatness of the past can re-emerge in modern society

    Previously Unidentified Changes in Renal Cell Carcinoma Gene Expression Identified by Parametric Analysis of Microarray Data

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    BACKGROUND. Renal cell carcinoma is a common malignancy that often presents as a metastatic-disease for which there are no effective treatments. To gain insights into the mechanism of renal cell carcinogenesis, a number of genome-wide expression profiling studies have been performed. Surprisingly, there is very poor agreement among these studies as to which genes are differentially regulated. To better understand this lack of agreement we profiled renal cell tumor gene expression using genome-wide microarrays (45,000 probe sets) and compare our analysis to previous microarray studies. METHODS. We hybridized total RNA isolated from renal cell tumors and adjacent normal tissue to Affymetrix U133A and U133B arrays. We removed samples with technical defects and removed probesets that failed to exhibit sequence-specific hybridization in any of the samples. We detected differential gene expression in the resulting dataset with parametric methods and identified keywords that are overrepresented in the differentially expressed genes with the Fisher-exact test. RESULTS. We identify 1,234 genes that are more than three-fold changed in renal tumors by t-test, 800 of which have not been previously reported to be altered in renal cell tumors. Of the only 37 genes that have been identified as being differentially expressed in three or more of five previous microarray studies of renal tumor gene expression, our analysis finds 33 of these genes (89%). A key to the sensitivity and power of our analysis is filtering out defective samples and genes that are not reliably detected. CONCLUSIONS. The widespread use of sample-wise voting schemes for detecting differential expression that do not control for false positives likely account for the poor overlap among previous studies. Among the many genes we identified using parametric methods that were not previously reported as being differentially expressed in renal cell tumors are several oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that likely play important roles in renal cell carcinogenesis. This highlights the need for rigorous statistical approaches in microarray studies.National Institutes of Healt


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    Student retention is defined as the extent to which the learners stay or remain at an HEI or Higher Education Institution and complete a program or course of study within a specified period. Several terms are linked to describe retention and its’ policies. Based on research, one of the key components of student success is the faculty. They play a vital role in the student's college experiences, including retention. A college student manual was distributed University-wide and supplemental manuals were created to provide information to the students and faculty regarding rules and regulations. However, despite the presence of these documents, a study regarding the faculty’s perception and whether they accept these policies is still non-existent. The role of the faculty in successful institutional efforts in student retention is not well investigated. Therefore, these weaknesses can challenge the successful outcomes of many institutional efforts, hence creating this research initiative. The purpose of this study is to explore the faculty’s perception regarding the student retention and elimination policy. Moreover, the acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of the policy were evaluated. The current research findings and recommendations could assist the University and administration in developing strategic plans to respond more effectively to challenges associated with student retention.The current analysis applied a mixed-methods approach of triangulating the quantitative questionnaire and qualitative interviews. Particularly the concurrent triangulation strategy. . Based on the findings, all areas yielded high acceptability (4.32), highly appropriate (4.375), and highly feasible as reflected in the table. This would mean that the faculty embraced the contents of the student manual about its’ retention and elimination policy. However, four themes emerged during data analysis namely: (A) Dissemination; (B) Orientation; (C) Action; and (D) Revalidation. The faculty members understand the value they bring to institutions’ ability to help retain students, because they care about their success, and strive to incorporate practices that support student retention. The findings show that the faculty have moved beyond needing to be persuaded that they are important to student retention to recognizing the value of their role. Faculty are willing to participate in student retention initiatives that align with their values

    The Complex Stratigraphy of the Highland Crust in the Serenitatis Region of the Moon Inferred from Mineral Fragment Chemistry

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    Large impact basins are natural drill holes into the Moon, and their ejecta carries unique information about the rock types and stratigraphy of the lunar crust. We have conducted an electron microprobe study of mineral fragments in the poikilitic melt breccias collected from the Taurus Mountains at the Apollo 17 landing site. These breccias are virtually unanimously agreed to be impact melt produced in the Serenitatis impact event. They contain lithic fragments and much more abundant mineral fragments of crustal origin. We have made precise microprobe analyses of minor element abundances in fragments of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase to provide new information on the possible source rocks and the crustal stratigraphy in the Serenitatis region. These data were also intended to elucidate the nature of the cryptic geochemical component in breccias such as these with low-K Fra Mauro basalt compositions. We chose the finest-grained (i.e., most rapidly quenched) breccias for study, to avoid reacted and partly assimilated fragments as much as possible. Most of the mineral fragments appear to have been derived from rocks that would fall into the pristine igneous Mg-suite as represented by lithic fragments in the Apollo collection, or reasonable extensions of it. Gabbroic rocks were more abundant in the target stratigraphy than is apparent from the Apollo sample collection. Some pyroxene and plagiociase, but probably not much olivine, could be derived from feldspathic granulites, which are metamorphosed polymict breccias. Some mineral fragments are from previously unknown rocks. These include highly magnesian olivines (up to Fo(sub 94)), possibly volcanic in origin, that exacerbate the difficulty in explaining highly magnesian rocks in the lunar crust. It appears that some part of the lunar interior has an mg*(= 100 x Mg/(Mg/Fe) atomic) greater than the conventional bulk Moon value of 80-84. Other volcanic rocks, including mare basalts, and rapidly- cooled impact melt rocks do not contribute significantly to the fragment population. Nor do ferroan anorthosites contribute more than a tiny part of even the plagiociase fragment population. A few mineral fragments that are consistent with the cryptic low-K Fra Mauro chemical component were found, and these appear to be from gabbroic sources. The mineral fragment populations cannot be mixed in their observed proportions to produce the whole rock composition, because the fragments are more refractory and deficient in Ti, P, and alkalis. A preferential contribution to the melt from a rock similar to sodic ferrogabbro can partly resolve the discrepancy. The population of mineral fragments requires a very diverse population of igenous rocks that are not all related to each other, demonstrating the existence of a complex crust built of numerous separate igneous plutons. Many of these plutons may have crystallized at shallow depths. The chemical composition of the melt breccias, in combination with the mineral fragment data and an understanding of the cratering process, suggests that the deepest crust sampled by the Serenitatis impace (not necessarily the deepest crust) was basaltic in composition, including KREEP and gabbroic rocks like sodic ferrogabbro, and lacking abundant olivine-rich material. These were overlain by Mg-suite rocks of varied types, including norites and troctolites that supplied most of the olivine mineral fragments. Granulities, which are metamorphosed and more feldspathic breccias, were abundant near the surface. Remote sensing indicates that the entire Serenitatis region lacks ferroan anorthosite, consistent with the results of our study

    Choreographing the extended agent : performance graphics for dance theater

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (v. 2, leaves 448-458).The marriage of dance and interactive image has been a persistent dream over the past decades, but reality has fallen far short of potential for both technical and conceptual reasons. This thesis proposes a new approach to the problem and lays out the theoretical, technical and aesthetic framework for the innovative art form of digitally augmented human movement. I will use as example works a series of installations, digital projections and compositions each of which contains a choreographic component - either through collaboration with a choreographer directly or by the creation of artworks that automatically organize and understand purely virtual movement. These works lead up to two unprecedented collaborations with two of the greatest choreographers working today; new pieces that combine dance and interactive projected light using real-time motion capture live on stage. The existing field of"dance technology" is one with many problems. This is a domain with many practitioners, few techniques and almost no theory; a field that is generating "experimental" productions with every passing week, has literally hundreds of citable pieces and no canonical works; a field that is oddly disconnected from modern dance's history, pulled between the practical realities of the body and those of computer art, and has no influence on the prevailing digital art paradigms that it consumes.(cont.) This thesis will seek to address each of these problems: by providing techniques and a basis for "practical theory"; by building artworks with resources and people that have never previously been brought together, in theaters and in front of audiences previously inaccessible to the field; and by proving through demonstration that a profitable and important dialogue between digital art and the pioneers of modern dance can in fact occur. The methodological perspective of this thesis is that of biologically inspired, agent-based artificial intelligence, taken to a high degree of technical depth. The representations, algorithms and techniques behind such agent architectures are extended and pushed into new territory for both interactive art and artificial intelligence. In particular, this thesis ill focus on the control structures and the rendering of the extended agents' bodies, the tools for creating complex agent-based artworks in intense collaborative situations, and the creation of agent structures that can span live image and interactive sound production. Each of these parts becomes an element of what it means to "choreograph" an extended agent for live performance.Marc Downie.Ph.D

    Assessment of crystallographic orientation effects on secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis of cassiterite

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    Crystallographic orientation effects on ion microprobe analyses for U-Pb and O-isotopes have been reported for a number of oxide minerals, including rutile (TiO₂) and baddeleyite (ZrO₂). Here we evaluate the effects of crystal orientation on U-Pb and O-isotopic data measured by ion microprobe on cassiterite (SnO₂), which is isostructural with rutile. The crystallographic orientations of mounted and polished grains of cassiterite were determined by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Those grains were then analysed for U-Th-Pb isotopes and ¹⁸O/¹⁶O compositions using the SHRIMP RG and SHRIMP SI ion microprobes, respectively. Based on these data, cassiterite appears to show no dependence of key measurement parameters such as UO₂/UO, Pb/UO, or ¹⁸O/¹⁶O ratios at the achieved precision with crystallographic orientation. The contrasting behaviour of isostructural cassiterite and rutile provides new insights into the mechanisms leading to crystallographic orientation effects during ion microprobe analyses with electronic structure proposed as being a significant factor