1,450 research outputs found

    Exploring Product Fit And Brand Fit In Brand Alliances: Establishing The Role Of Categorization Processes

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    The marketing strategy of brand alliance has received considerable attention in marketing literature. A significant factor in the study of how consumers process brand alliances is the concept of “fit”.  Specifically, it has been shown that consumers evaluate the extent to which the brands and products in a brand alliance are congruent. While the concept of fit has been addressed in brand alliance research, little is known about what fit really is.  This paper seeks to establish the processes by which consumers make evaluations of both product and brand fit.  Based on a review of the relevant literature, it is proposed that consumers use higher-order categorization processes in evaluating brand alliances. A 2 x 2 experiment was conducted to test multiple hypotheses. Results confirm these hypotheses and confirm that consumers do indeed conduct a higher-order category search as they evaluate brand alliances. Based on this work, an entire field of research can now be applied to the study of this promotional strategy.  While various studies in the recent past have examined factors affecting the processing of brand alliances, there remains a great deal to be learned about how brand alliance information is processed and what factors affect both cognitive and evaluative outcomes.  Applications of categorization theories open new avenues in the study of this area of consumer research

    "The pass-along effect: investigating word-of-mouth effects on online survey procedures"

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    Andrew T. Norman is a professor of marketing in the College of Business and Public Administration at Drake University. He can be contacted at [email protected] petitions to complete online surveys may be forwarded beyond the intended sample. We term this phenomenon the pass-along effect and investigate it as a factor that can influence the nature and size of survey samples in an online context. We establish the pass-along effect as a form of word-of-mouth communication and draw from the literature in this area to present and test a model of factors that influence the occurrence of this effect. The results of two studies provide empirical support for the existence and impact of the pass-along effect. Among the factors that lead to this effect are involvement and relationship with the survey topic, size of a participant’s social network, and tie strength. The appropriateness of employing pass-along respondents as well as other implications for online sampling and survey research are discussed

    MIG gas shielding : Economic savings without detriment to quality

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    Over the years a number of claims have been made related to potential savings of the shielding gas used in the MIG process. A number of work streams have been set up to consider such areas from a technical and economic standpoint. The use of small helium additions has particular benefits and despite an increase in unit cost, the overriding benefits are achieved in reduced manhour cost. A similar situation has been established when using a high frequency process to switch shielding gases during welding. The outcome from this was very similar to that already described. Overlaid on these has been the increasing use of a technique that visualises actual gas flow during welding by the use of laser backlighting. Some preliminary work in this area is described particularly related to the effect of drafts on the gas distribution. A recent development on the market place is a piece of equipment, which regulates the gas flow automatically and synchronously with the welding current. Gas savings in the region of 50-60% have been obtained. Data has been produced to illustrate these benefits. The potential benefit of developing a computational fluid dynamic model of the gas flow is also described, and early development stages of the model shown. However, there will always exist the very basic management need to minimise leaks from the gas delivery systems

    "The consumption of television programming: development and validation of the connectedness scale"

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    Andrew T. Norman is a professor of marketing in the College of Business and Public Administration at Drake University. He can be contacted at [email protected] consumption of television programming is of particular interest to consumer researchers because of the potential influence of television characters as referent others. Connectedness characterizes the intensity of the relationship(s) that viewers develop with television programs and their characters. We describe a threephased research program that develops and presents preliminary validation of a measure of connectedness. We differentiate connectedness from the related but distinct constructs of attitude and involvement. The potential of the connectedness scale to further our understanding of the consumption of television programming and its psychological and sociological effects on viewers are articulated and tested in a series of studies

    First exploratory calculation of the long-distance contributions to the rare kaon decays <i>K</i> →π ℓ<sup>+</sup>ℓ<sup>-</sup>

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    The rare decays of a kaon into a pion and a charged lepton/antilepton pair proceed via a flavour changing neutral current and therefore may only be induced beyond tree level in the Standard Model. This natural suppression makes these decays sensitive to the effects of potential New Physics. The CP conserving Kπ+K\to\pi \ell^+\ell^- decay channels however are dominated by a single photon exchange; this involves a sizeable long-distance hadronic contribution which represents the current major source of theoretical uncertainty. Here we outline our methodology for the computation of the long-distance contributions to these rare decay amplitudes using lattice QCD and present the numerical results of the first exploratory studies of these decays in which all but the disconnected diagrams are evaluated. The domain wall fermion ensembles of the RBC and UKQCD collaborations are used, with a pion mass of Mπ430MeVM_{\pi}\sim 430\,\mathrm{MeV} and a kaon mass of MK625MeVM_{K}\sim 625\,\mathrm{MeV}. In particular we determine the form factor, V(z)V(z), of the K+π++K^+\to\pi^+\ell^+\ell^- decay from the lattice at small values of z=q2/MK2z=q^2/M_{K}^{2}, obtaining V(z)=1.37(36),0.68(39),0.96(64)V(z)=1.37(36),\, 0.68(39),\, 0.96(64) for the three values of z=0.5594(12),1.0530(34),1.4653(82)z=-0.5594(12),\, -1.0530(34),\, -1.4653(82) respectively.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures, 4 table

    Cortical bony thickening of the lateral intercondylar wall : the functional attachment of the anterior cruciate ligament

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    Background: The anatomy of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) has become the subject of much debate. There has been extensive study into attachment points of the native ligament, especially regarding the femoral attachment. Some of these studies have suggested that fibers in the ACL are of differing functional importance. Fibers with higher functional importance would be expected to exert larger mechanical stress on the bone. According to Wolff’s law, cortical thickening would be expected in these areas. Purpose: To examine cortical thickening in the region of the ACL footprint (ie, the functional footprint of the ACL). Study Design: Descriptive laboratory study. Methods: Using micro–computed tomography with resolutions ranging from 71 to 91 μm, the cortical thickness of the lateral wall of the intercondylar notch in 17 cadaveric knees was examined, along with surface topography. After image processing, the relationship between the cortical thickening and surface topology was visually compared. Results: A pattern of cortical thickening consistent with the functional footprint of the ACL was found. On average, this area was 3 times thicker than the surrounding bone and significantly thicker than the remaining lateral wall (P < .0001). This thickening was roughly elliptical in shape (with a mean centroid at 23.5 h:31 t on a Bernard and Hertel grid) and had areas higher on the wall where greater thickness was present. The relationship to previously reported osseous landmarks was variable, although the patterns were broadly consistent with those reported in previous studies describing direct and indirect fibers of the ACL. Conclusion: The findings of this study are consistent with those of recent studies describing fibers in the ACL of differing functional importance. The area in which the thickening was found has been defined and is likely to represent the functional footprint of the ACL

    Rab-coupling protein coordinates recycling of α5β1 integrin and EGFR1 to promote cell migration in 3D microenvironments

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    Here we show that blocking the adhesive function of αvβ3 integrin with soluble RGD ligands, such as osteopontin or cilengitide, promoted association of Rab-coupling protein (RCP) with α5β1 integrin and drove RCP-dependent recycling of α5β1 to the plasma membrane and its mobilization to dynamic ruffling protrusions at the cell front. These RCP-driven changes in α5β1 trafficking led to acquisition of rapid/random movement on two-dimensional substrates and to a marked increase in fibronectin-dependent migration of tumor cells into three-dimensional matrices. Recycling of α5β1 integrin did not affect its regulation or ability to form adhesive bonds with substrate fibronectin. Instead, α5β1 controlled the association of EGFR1 with RCP to promote the coordinate recycling of these two receptors. This modified signaling downstream of EGFR1 to increase its autophosphorylation and activation of the proinvasive kinase PKB/Akt. We conclude that RCP provides a scaffold that promotes the physical association and coordinate trafficking of α5β1 and EGFR1 and that this drives migration of tumor cells into three-dimensional matrices

    Exploratory lattice QCD study of the rare kaon decay K+π+ννˉK^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar{\nu}

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    In Ref [1] we have presented the results of an exploratory lattice QCD computation of the long-distance contribution to the K+π+ννˉK^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar{\nu} decay amplitude. In the present paper we describe the details of this calculation, which includes the implementation of a number of novel techniques. The K+π+ννˉK^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar{\nu} decay amplitude is dominated by short-distance contributions which can be computed in perturbation theory with the only required non-perturbative input being the relatively well-known form factors of semileptonic kaon decays. The long-distance contributions, which are the target of this work, are expected to be of O(5%) in the branching ratio. Our study demonstrates the feasibility of lattice QCD computations of the K+π+ννˉK^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar{\nu} decay amplitude, and in particular of the long-distance component. Though this calculation is performed on a small lattice (163×3216^3\times32) and at unphysical pion, kaon and charm quark masses, mπ=420m_\pi=420 MeV, mK=563m_K=563 MeV and m_c^{\overline{\mathrm{MS}}}(\mbox{2 GeV})=863 MeV, the techniques presented in this work can readily be applied to a future realistic calculation.Comment: 74 pages, 12 figure

    Comprehensive Biotransformation Analysis of Phenylalanine-Tyrosine Metabolism Reveals Alternative Routes of Metabolite Clearance in Nitisinone-Treated Alkaptonuria

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    Metabolomic analyses in alkaptonuria (AKU) have recently revealed alternative pathways in phenylalanine-tyrosine (phe-tyr) metabolism from biotransformation of homogentisic acid (HGA), the active molecule in this disease. The aim of this research was to study the phe-tyr metabolic pathway and whether the metabolites upstream of HGA, increased in nitisinone-treated patients, also undergo phase 1 and 2 biotransformation reactions. Metabolomic analyses were performed on serum and urine from patients partaking in the SONIA 2 phase 3 international randomised-controlled trial of nitisinone in AKU (EudraCT no. 2013-001633-41). Serum and urine samples were taken from the same patients at baseline (pre-nitisinone) then at 24 and 48 months on nitisinone treatment (patients N = 47 serum; 53 urine) or no treatment (patients N = 45 serum; 50 urine). Targeted feature extraction was performed to specifically mine data for the entire complement of theoretically predicted phase 1 and 2 biotransformation products derived from phenylalanine, tyrosine, 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid and 4-hydroxyphenyllactic acid, in addition to phenylalanine-derived metabolites with known increases in phenylketonuria. In total, we observed 13 phase 1 and 2 biotransformation products from phenylalanine through to HGA. Each of these products were observed in urine and two were detected in serum. The derivatives of the metabolites upstream of HGA were markedly increased in urine of nitisinone-treated patients (fold change 1.2–16.2) and increases in 12 of these compounds were directly proportional to the degree of nitisinone-induced hypertyrosinaemia (correlation coefficient with serum tyrosine = 0.2–0.7). Increases in the urinary phenylalanine metabolites were also observed across consecutive visits in the treated group. Nitisinone treatment results in marked increases in a wider network of phe-tyr metabolites than shown before. This network comprises alternative biotransformation products from the major metabolites of this pathway, produced by reactions including hydration (phase 1) and bioconjugation (phase 2) of acetyl, methyl, acetylcysteine, glucuronide, glycine and sulfate groups. We propose that these alternative routes of phe-tyr metabolism, predominantly in urine, minimise tyrosinaemia as well as phenylalanaemia