59 research outputs found

    Strategi Pembelajaran dan Sikap Terhadap Komputer Bagi Mata Pelajaran Information and Communication Technology Pelajar Tingkatan Empat

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti sejauh mana hubungan di antara tahap strategi pembelajaran dengan sikap terhadap komputer. Ia juga bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti manakah di antara sepuluh dimensi bagi strategi pembelajaran (sikap, motivasi, pengurusan masa, kegelisahan, penumpuan, pemprosesan maklumat, pemilihan idea utama, bahan bantu belajar, ujian kendiri dan strategi ujian) merupakan peramal terbaik bagi sikap terhadap komputer dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan empat di negeri Terengganu. Kajian berbentuk deskriptif kuantitatif ini melibatkan seramai 149 orang pelajar di 12 buah sekolah pelaksana mata pelajaran Information and Communication Technology (ICT) yang dipilih menggunakan teknik persampelan berkelompok. Kajian menggunakan dua jenis instrumen iaitu Inventori Strategi Belajar dan Pembelajaran – Versi Sekolah Menengah (LASSI-HS) untuk mengukur strategi pembelajaran pelajar. Manakala instrumen Sikap Terhadap Komputer (STK) pula digunakan untuk mengukur sikap pelajar terhadap komputer. Nilai kebolehpercayaan yang dilaporkan bagi set LASSI-HS ialah .91, manakala bagi set STK ialah .86. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan secara keseluruhannya, pelajar-pelajar kelas ICT mempunyai sikap positif terhadap komputer (M=120.74, SP=12.43) dan mempunyai tahap yang tinggi (M=247.09, SP=32.94) bagi strategi pembelajaran. Analisis kolerasi pula mendapati terdapat hubungan signifikan yang positif tetapi lemah di antara strategi pembelajaran dengan sikap pelajar ICT terhadap komputer (r= .24, n=149, p< .05). Analisis berikutnya yang menggunakan regresi linear pelbagai (Multiple Linear Regression), menunjukkan hanya pembolehubah strategi ujian (TST) dengan nilai beta iaitu 1.03 merupakan penyumbang unik yang kuat bagi menerangkan sikap pelajar ICT terhadap komputer. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian ini, dicadangkan supaya guru menekankan penggunaan strategi pembelajaran ke dalam setiap mata pelajaran yang diajar di sekolah terutama bagi strategi ujian. Penekanan terhadap kemahiran metakognitif juga perlu dititik beratkan dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan sikap pelajar terhadap komputer dan untuk menggalakkan pelajar bertanggungjawab terhadap proses pembelajaran mereka seperti mana yang disarankan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bestari iaitu pembelajaran terarah kendiri, pembelajaran pemerolehan kendiri, pembelajaran penilaian kendiri, dan pembelajaran kemampuan kendiri (SeDAAP)

    Development of porous ceramic membrane from Industrial Sanitaryware Solid Waste / Norliza Ibrahim

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    Fabrication of ceramic membrane has been related to commercially available material which can be considered as high cost and its reduction was thus of great importance. Silica and alumina were the main ingredients that had been utilized in the fabrication of ceramic membrane. In this study, industrial waste from sanitaryware company had been selected as the raw material for ceramic membrane fabrication since it shown the presence of silica. The first objective of this research was to study the effect of particle size distributions (PSD), sintering temperature and binder concentration on the fabrication of ceramic membrane. It was then followed by characterization of the fabricated membrane. Next, the fabricated membrane was applied in cell separation process, and finally curve fitting and fouling model was analyzed. Extrusion process has been selected as the fabrication method

    Bladder scan vs urethral cathetarization for measurement of immediate post partum bladder volume

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    Introduction: Bladder scan is a well known non invasive and cost effective tool for the measurement of post void residual urine(PVR) however with some limitation. Literature on the efficacy of bladder scan on big uterus is limited and not promising. Study Objective: To determine the validity of bladder scan BV13000 in detection of bladder volume in immediate postpartum women. Methodology: A prospective cross sectional study conducted in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Pahang from 1st September to 30 November 2010, A total of 193 women who had undergone Caesarean section were recruited on postpartum day 1. Prior to removal of Foley’s catheter, their bladder volumes were first estimated by bladder scan BV13000. Immediately the bladder was then catheterized for the true bladder volume followed by 2D ultrasound bladder scanning to ensure that it was completely emptied. The data was analyzed using SPSS software version 18(SPSS Inc. Chigaco, Illinois). P value of less than 0.05 is considered as statistically significant. Resul : There were a total of 193 women recruited with the mean age of 28.84 years (SD 5.516) with mean BMI of 29.69( SD 5.69) kg/m2 and fundal height of 16cm (SD 2.382 ). The mean for time interval between bladder scan and catheterization was 3 min(range between 1-8 min). There is a linear relationship between the bladder scan-estimated and catheter bladder volumes (r2=082). The patient’s body weight also is significantly (p=0.01) correlated with the bladder scan-estimated volume with r2 of-0.25. The size of the uterus however does not correlate with the bladder-scan volume Conclusion : Bladder scan is comparable to urethral catheterization in the measurement of postpartum bladder volume

    Factors influencing students' behavioral intention to use an online learning portal

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    The widespread introduction of Information Technology and the Internet is reshaping the landscape of the learning environment, namely online education. It is important to note that, to achieve a successful online education, it is important to understand the determinants of online learning among students. Therefore, this research study aims to explore the factors that can influence students' behavioral intention to use an online learning portal. In view of that, a comprehensive search of the literature was carried out. The literature review reveals that gender, students' attitude, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, motivation and social interaction influence an individual's intention to use an online learning portal. Indeed, online learning has changed the learning culture forever

    Knowledge, attitude, and practice of adolescent girls towards reducing malnutrition in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Borno State, Nigeria: cross-sectional study

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    Addressing the gap in knowledge, attitude, and practice among adolescent girls are important as malnutrition has a negative effect on their future generation. This study aimed to determine the knowledge, attitude, and practice of adolescent girls towards reducing malnutrition in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Borno State, Nigeria. This was a school-based cross-sectional study conducted among 612 adolescent girls (10 to 19 years old). KoBo collect toolbox was used for the data collection between 3 June and 31 July 2019. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify predictors of knowledge, attitude, and practice towards reducing malnutrition. The majority of respondents (451, 80.2%; 322, 57.3%) had poor knowledge and attitude towards reducing malnutrition respectively, 278 (49.5%) had poor practice towards reducing malnutrition. Schooling (GGSS; p = 0.022; Shehu Garbai; p = 0.003) was a significant predictor of knowledge. Religion (p = 0.023), information (p < 0.001) and motivation (p < 0.001) were significant predictors of attitude. School (GGSS; p < 0.001; GGC; p < 0.001; Shehu garbai; p < 0.001; Bulabulin; p = 0.030; Zajeri day; p = 0.049), education of father (p = 0.001), information (p = 0.026) and behavioral skill (p = 0.019) were significant predictors of practice. There is a need to focus on both school-based and community-based health education intervention to address the poor knowledge, attitude, and practice among adolescent girls for a healthier future

    Effectiveness of health education intervention on water sanitation and hygiene practice among adolescent girls in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Borno State, Nigeria: a cluster randomised control trial

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    Poor water sanitation and hygiene practice can be associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of health education intervention using information, motivation and a behavioural skill model on water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practice among adolescent girls in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Borno State, Nigeria. A school-based cluster randomized control trial was conducted among 417 adolescent girls (10 to 19 years old) in four schools. The KoBo collect toolbox was used for data collection from October 2019 to March 2020. The chi-squared test was used to compare the baseline differences between intervention and control groups for WASH practice. A generalized estimating equation was used to assess changes from baseline, post intervention and follow up. There was significant interaction for WASH practice during follow up. Religion, place of residence, monthly income and occupation of mother had a statistically significant effect on WASH practice among adolescent girls. Findings revealed that this health education intervention was effective in improving water sanitation and hygiene practice among adolescent girls. Furthermore, religion, place of residence, monthly income and occupation of mother were found to be associated with water sanitation and hygiene practice

    Perubahan tahap pencahayaan dalam bilik darjah di sebuah sekolah pendidikan khas cacat penglihatan dan perbandingan tahap pencahayaan di bawah keadaan pencahayaan yang berbeza

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    Illumination is one of the important physical aspects that influences comfortability during learning session particularly among visually impaired students. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in illumination level in classrooms during learning session at Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas (SMPK), Setapak. The second objective was to compare the illumination level in the classrooms under three different lighting conditions: daylight only, with additional artificial light and with removal of obstructions to daylight. Illumination levels in 17 classrooms was measured at one hour interval, between 8 am to 1 pm for the first stage and 19 classrooms under three different lighting conditions from 11 am to 12 noon for the second stage, using ILM1335 (ISO-TECH, Taiwan) digital luxmeter. Illumination level increased significantly from 8 am to 11 am (One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA: F(2.14, 34.26)=76.49, p<0 .001) and was maximum at 1 pm. The illumination level was highest for the condition of daylight with additional artificial light (One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA: F(2,34)=110.51, p<0.001) compared to other conditions. Illumination levels for daylight without obstruction was significantly higher than daylight only (pairwise comparison: p=0.001). Classroom illumination level was lowest in the early morning. However, classroom illumination can be increased either by removing the obstructions to daylight or with additional artificial lighting

    Methods of evaluating adaptation and accuracy of additive manufactured removable partial dentures: a scoping review

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    This study aimed to provide a comprehensive review of various recent methods that can be used to assess the fit and accuracy of additive-manufactured removable partial dentures (RPDs), focusing on 3D-printed RPDs. An electronic search of the English language literature from January 2000 to February 2022 was performed using four databases: Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and EBSCOhost, using relevant keywords. The parameters of interest were extracted and tabulated. Of 936 retrieved studies, 26 studies were included. Most of the studies were laboratory studies, conducted between 2011 and 2022, did not include control group, used stone cast model as reference, used direct 3D printing method, and polished the final RPD framework. Methods of assessment can be divided into two categories: 1) qualitative assessment which is based mainly on visual inspection or tactile sense, and 2) quantitative assessment which includes optical assessment (with or without a registration material) and computerized assessment based on surface-matching software programs. In conclusion, computerized assessment using different surface matching software provides more accurate and precise quantitative assessment of denture fit and allows researcher and practitioner to detect minute dimensional changes that cannot be detected visually

    Kesan penuaan sesuhu terhadap sifat mikro kekerasan pempaterian Sn-Ag-Cu/CNT/Cu menggunakan pelekukan nano

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    Kesan penuaan terma terhadap sifat kekerasan sambungan pateri Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC305) yang ditambah dengan partikel karbon tiub nano (CNT) telah dikaji. Sifat kekerasan yang menggambarkan kekuatan sambungan pateri ditentukan melalui pendekatan pelekukan nano. Bahan pateri SAC ditambah dengan 0.03% kandungan berat CNT untuk menghasilkan bahan pes pateri SAC-CNT. Pes pateri yang telah dicetak di atas papan litar bercetak (PCB) berkemasan kuprum (Cu) dikenakan pematerian aliran semula pada suhu puncak 260°C untuk menghasilkan sambungan pateri SAC dan SAC-CNT. Sambungan pateri SAC dan SAC-CNT kemudiannya dikenakan penuaan terma melalui ujian penyimpanan suhu tinggi (HTS) selama 200, 400, 600, 800 dan 1000 j pada suhu tetap iaitu 150°C. Sampel sambungan pateri selepas pematerian dan penuaan terma dianalisis melalui kaedah pelekukan nano untuk menentukan sifat kekerasannya. Untuk analisis mikrostruktur, sampel dipunar dan imej dicerap melalui mikroskop optik. Keputusan menunjukkan nilai kekerasan menurun dengan peningkatan masa penuaan bagi kedua-dua sambungan pateri yang dikaji. Walau bagaimanapun, sambungan pateri SAC-CNT mempunyai kekerasan yang lebih tinggi iaitu sebanyak 10-26% berbanding sambungan pateri SAC. Melalui ujian pelekukan nano, sifat mikro kekerasan bagi sambungan pateri akibat tindakan penuaan terma sesuhu yang bersifat setempat dapat ditentukan. Corak nilai mikro kekerasan yang diperoleh adalah selari dengan corak yang diperoleh menggunakan kaedah ujian kekerasan konvensional