6 research outputs found

    Mammary Gland Ultrasound Evaluation of Jersey Cattle Breed

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    Background: Ultrasound allows the udder evaluation of lactating cattle, through parameters such as the area of the cistern of the mammary gland and teat, and can reveal structures with different echogenicity, indicating injuries as mastitis, edema, hematoma, abscess, atrophy and fibrosis in the mammary gland parenchyma. The aim of this study was to observe the clinical, morphometric and sonographic assessment of the mammary gland of Jersey cows, evaluating the correlation of this exam and the production of milk.Materials, Methods & Results: Nine Jersey breed cows, aged 3 to 9 years, in a variable order of first to seventh lactation were evaluated. Animals were submitted to general and specific clinical examination of the mammary gland. For the evaluation, inspection and palpation of the gland cistern and teat cistern, measuring with tape measure the udder circumference and width and height of each mammary quarter was held, and length measurements of the four teats individually using a caliper. By palpation the mammary gland parenchyma was classified as nothing worthy of note and fibrosis. After this evaluation, the mammary glands were evaluated using ultrasound, analyzing biometrics and echotexture in order to detect and/or confirm possible changes identified in prior palpation. The diameter of the gland and teat cistern were measured, and the echogenicity of each region and each mammary quarter, checking the homogeneity of the parenchyma, evaluating the possible presence of nodules, scarring or acute injuries. The average milk production was 15.57 ± 5.4 L. There was no correlation between milk production, measured biometric data of the mammary gland and clinical and ultrasonographic changes (P > 0.05). On palpation exam, a few number of animals had soft to normal consistency in mammary glands (2/9), the occurrence of fibrosis was observed, but could only be detected by ultrasonography (4/9).Discussion: Using the ultrasound examination is possible to access more accurately the morphology of the udder of lactating animals, examining and measuring the area of the cistern of the mammary gland and teat, the thickness of the wall and ceiling interface. Several studies correlate the morphology of these parameters with resistance to mastitis. The imaging aids to differentiate the teats according to animal age, milk production, lactation number, size, as well as a predisposition to mastitis. In healthy animals, the boundary between the gland cistern and teat cistern is marked by the presence of large anechoic structures. Changes in the teats of a gland with mastitis are mild inflammation, proliferation of tissues and mucosal lesions. No significant correlation between the morphology, physical examination and ultrasound changes of the mammary gland and milk production was observed. Possibly this was due to the limited number of experimental animals, and there is a wide variation in age and clinical profiles, as already observed in other studies that cows with high and wide rear udders tend to have higher milk production. In some cases ultrasound allows observe formation of gas, bruising, edema, abscess, atrophy, fibrosis, fistulae and intraluminal obstructions and parenchymal echogenicity changes during infection cases. In normal ultrasound examination, the parenchyma of the mammary gland must be homogeneous with high echogenicity and anechoic alveolus. Atresic and fibrosis are hyperechoic and lose the typical echogenicity of the udder. Thus, it is emphasized that ultrasound is a complementary method in the evaluation of the mammary gland, since it identifies not noticeable injuries on physical examination that may affect milk production

    Software educativo para universitários sobre prevenção de acidentes de trânsito

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    Confronted with the increased number of traffic accidents (TA), the purpose of the present study was to program, apply and evaluate a piece of educational software for university students regarding the prevention of TA – speed. Forty-six graduates of Systems Analysis participated in the activities: 24 in the experimental group (EG) and 22 in the control group (CG). The educational software and a computer program to store the data were created. All students performed pre- and post-tests, and the EG used the software and also did the follow-up after six months. It appeared that the EG had an increased number of correct responses in the post-test and the follow- up, but it was not significantly different from the CG. It was concluded that the educational software has good potential for increasing knowledge of university students regarding TA.Diante do elevado número de acidentes de trânsito (AT), o objetivo deste trabalho foi programar, aplicar e avaliar um software educativo para universitários sobre prevenção de AT – velocidade. Participaram das atividades 46 graduandos do curso de Análise de Sistemas de uma faculdade: 24 do grupo experimental (GE) e 22 do grupo controle (GC). Foram criados o software educativo e um programa de computador para armazenar dados. Todos os alunos realizaram o pré e o pós-teste, sendo que o GE usou o software e foi aplicado follow up após seis meses. Verificou-se que o GE apresentou aumento significativo do número de respostas corretas no pós-teste e follow up, e não foi significativa a diferença do GC. Concluiu-se que o software educativo tem bom potencial para ampliar conhecimentos dos universitários sobre AT.Frente al elevado número de accidentes de tráfico (AT), el objetivo de este trabajo fue el de programar, aplicar y evaluar un software educativo para universitarios sobre prevención de AT – velocidad. Participaron en las actividades 46 graduandos del curso de Análisis de Sistemas de una facultad: 24 del grupo experimental (GE) y 22 del grupo control (GC). Se creó el software educativo y un programa de computadora para almacenar datos. Todos los alumnos realizaron el pre y el post tests, y el GE utilizó el software y aplicó un follow up después de seis meses. Se verificó que el GE presentó un significativo aumento del número de respuestas correctas en el post test y el follow up, mientras que no fue significativa la diferencia del GC. Se concluyó que el software educativo posee un buen potencial para ampliar los conocimientos de los universitarios sobre AT

    Carbúnculo sintomático em ruminantes: Medidas de diagnóstico, profilaxia e controle

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    O Carbúnculo Sintomático é uma clostridiose que acomete os ruminantes de todas as idades. Alguns animais podem apresentar sinais clínicos inespecíficos como febre, apatia e anorexia, ou sinais referentes ao sistema locomotor como rigidez muscular, claudicação, com inchaço subcutâneo e crepitação local no membro afetado, embora na maioria dos casos ocorra morte súbita. Várias ferramentas podem ser utilizadas para o diagnóstico desta enfermidade, mas todas apresentam empecilhos quanto à sua utilização, como ausência de sinais clínicos, devido ao curso agudo da doença, rapidez para realizar a avaliação da carcaça, bem como dificuldade do envio de amostras para isolamento. O tratamento do Carbúnculo Sintomático não é eficaz, e devido às características ambientais do agente a prevenção da doença através de medidas de higienização e imunização são recomendadas para prevenir a ocorrência de casos numa propriedade. Diante do exposto, este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma breve revisão sobre as formas de diagnóstico, profilaxia e controle do Carbúnculo Sintomátic

    Mammary Gland Ultrasound Evaluation of Jersey Cattle Breed

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    Background: Ultrasound allows the udder evaluation of lactating cattle, through parameters such as the area of the cistern of the mammary gland and teat, and can reveal structures with different echogenicity, indicating injuries as mastitis, edema, hematoma, abscess, atrophy and fibrosis in the mammary gland parenchyma. The aim of this study was to observe the clinical, morphometric and sonographic assessment of the mammary gland of Jersey cows, evaluating the correlation of this exam and the production of milk.Materials, Methods & Results: Nine Jersey breed cows, aged 3 to 9 years, in a variable order of first to seventh lactation were evaluated. Animals were submitted to general and specific clinical examination of the mammary gland. For the evaluation, inspection and palpation of the gland cistern and teat cistern, measuring with tape measure the udder circumference and width and height of each mammary quarter was held, and length measurements of the four teats individually using a caliper. By palpation the mammary gland parenchyma was classified as nothing worthy of note and fibrosis. After this evaluation, the mammary glands were evaluated using ultrasound, analyzing biometrics and echotexture in order to detect and/or confirm possible changes identified in prior palpation. The diameter of the gland and teat cistern were measured, and the echogenicity of each region and each mammary quarter, checking the homogeneity of the parenchyma, evaluating the possible presence of nodules, scarring or acute injuries. The average milk production was 15.57 ± 5.4 L. There was no correlation between milk production, measured biometric data of the mammary gland and clinical and ultrasonographic changes (P > 0.05). On palpation exam, a few number of animals had soft to normal consistency in mammary glands (2/9), the occurrence of fibrosis was observed, but could only be detected by ultrasonography (4/9).Discussion: Using the ultrasound examination is possible to access more accurately the morphology of the udder of lactating animals, examining and measuring the area of the cistern of the mammary gland and teat, the thickness of the wall and ceiling interface. Several studies correlate the morphology of these parameters with resistance to mastitis. The imaging aids to differentiate the teats according to animal age, milk production, lactation number, size, as well as a predisposition to mastitis. In healthy animals, the boundary between the gland cistern and teat cistern is marked by the presence of large anechoic structures. Changes in the teats of a gland with mastitis are mild inflammation, proliferation of tissues and mucosal lesions. No significant correlation between the morphology, physical examination and ultrasound changes of the mammary gland and milk production was observed. Possibly this was due to the limited number of experimental animals, and there is a wide variation in age and clinical profiles, as already observed in other studies that cows with high and wide rear udders tend to have higher milk production. In some cases ultrasound allows observe formation of gas, bruising, edema, abscess, atrophy, fibrosis, fistulae and intraluminal obstructions and parenchymal echogenicity changes during infection cases. In normal ultrasound examination, the parenchyma of the mammary gland must be homogeneous with high echogenicity and anechoic alveolus. Atresic and fibrosis are hyperechoic and lose the typical echogenicity of the udder. Thus, it is emphasized that ultrasound is a complementary method in the evaluation of the mammary gland, since it identifies not noticeable injuries on physical examination that may affect milk production