117 research outputs found

    Liberating diakonia

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    Diakonia, as the churches' social action and healing ministry, has received increased attention over the last few decades. The ecumenical reflection on diakonia generally focuses on: Ecclesial identity, emphasizing the mutual relation between what the church is and what the church does Holistic nature and interdisciplinary approach Prophetic mandate, publicly defending the cause of the poor and suffering in the struggle for justice. Liberating Diakonia presents and reflects critically on these issues. The reader can follow these issues through twelve essays under three main headings: 1. The Theology of Diakonia 2. The Diaconal Ministry 3. Diakonia as Integral Part of Mission Through the book, special attention is given to questions of hermeneutics and the methodological approach. How is it possible to establish a scientific discourse on diakonia, as disciplined reflection on praxis

    Diaconal ministry as a proclamation of the gospel

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    Diakonia according to the Gospel of John

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    The Gospel of John is often considered less important in providing material for a biblical reflection on the understanding of diakonia, conceptualized as the social ministry of the for a the church, due to the fact that the diak-words (diakonia, diakonein and diakonos) do not have the same central role in this gospel as compared with the synoptic gospels. There are, however, other approaches to discovering the diaconal message in the Forth Gospel and its important role in the ministry of Jesus. This article points to the seven narratives of signs presented in John 2-11, interpreting them as diaconal both in the sense that they announce Jesus as a defender of human dignity, justice and life, and as examples of what it means to follow Jesus, incarnated in human reality. Upon reading the signs in this perspective, seven themes – shame, vulnerability, exclusion, hunger, fear, guilt and death – are identified that give meaning to interpreting them in today’s context, with special reference to diaconal challenges and practices

    O ministério diaconal na comunidade local: impulsos da teologia da libertação para uma reformulação do diaconato

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    O professor norueguês de Ecumenismo e Teologia Sistemática Kjell Nordstokke reflete sobre “O Ministério Diaconal na Comunidade Local”, apresentando os “Impulsos da Teologia da Libertação para uma Reformulação do Diaconato”

    Missão como diaconia

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    The text begins with a reflection on concepts related to Christian identity and praxis as well as their need. It then analyzes from this perspective the concept of mission and its connection in recent years with development work in social terms. That connection gives rise to problems both at the methodological and the terminological level. These problems are then analyzed, aiming at a renewal on both levels. The result could be an understanding of mission as diaconia. The final part of the article contains a reflection on this theme.El texto comienza reflexionando sobre conceptos que denotan la identidad y la praxis cristiana y la necesidad de los mismos. Examina, desde esta perspectiva, el concepto de misión, y su conexión en los últimos anos con el trabajo en pro del desarrollo en términos sociales. Esta conexión crea problemas tanto a nivel metodológico como terminológico. Estos son analizados con miras a una renovación en ambos niveles. El resultado podría ser un entendimiento de misión como diaconía. La parte final del artículo es dedicada a una reflexión sobre este tema.O texto começa refletindo sobre conceitos que denotam a identidade e a práxis cristã, e a necessidade dos mesmos. Examina, desde esta perspectiva, o conceito de missão, bem como a sua conexão nos últimos anos com o trabalho em prol do desenvolvimento em termos sociais. Esta conexão cria problemas tanto em nível metodológico como terminológico. Estes são analisados com vistas a uma renovação em ambos os níveis. O resultado poderia ser um entendimento da missão como diaconia. A parte final do artigo é dedicada a uma reflexão sobre este tema

    The study of Diakonia as academic discipline

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    Este artigo discute a compreensão do termo diaconia numa perspectiva histórica,sobretudo desde sua introdução na Alemanha no século XIX, quando foi usado paradesignar obras caritativas fundadas por pessoas ligadas à igreja protestante. Essas fundaram instituições diaconais, que também formaram ordens de diaconisas e diáconos. Apresenta interpretações teológicas da prática diaconal ao longo dos últimos 150 anos, refl etindo diversos contextos históricos e sociopolíticos, fi nalizando com uma introdução ao conceito diaconia ecumênica, assim como esse tem surgido no movimento ecumênico nas últimas décadas.This article discusses the comprehension of the term diaconia from ahistorical perspective, especially since its introduction in Germany in the 19th century, when it was used to designate the charitable works founded by persons connected to the Protestant church. These people founded diaconal institutions, which also formed orders of deaconesses and deacons. It presents theological interpretations of the diaconal practice throughout the last 150 years, refl ecting various historical and sociopolitical contexts, ending with an introduction to the concept of ecumenical diaconia, as it has emerged in the ecumenical movement in the last decades

    Who Is the Successful University Student? An Analysis of Personal Resources

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    A number of factors have been identified in the research literature as being important for student success in university. However, the rather large body of literature contains few studies that have given students the opportunity to directly report what they believe contributes to their success as an undergraduate student. The primary purpose of this study is to explore students’ descriptions of the personal resources that they use to succeed while attempting to reach their goals as well as those personal characteristics or obstacles that keep them from reaching their goals. Prominent themes supportive of student success included having a future orientation, persistence, and executive functioning skills such as time management and organization. Results also demonstrate that stress, inadequate academic skills, and distractions are detrimental to student success in university. This study is unique in that it gathers the content data directly from the population of interest; it is one of the few qualitative studies of undergraduate students’ self-generated perceptions. Implications for university administrators and academic counsellors and directions for future research are discussed.  Des travaux de recherche ont déjà relevé certains facteurs comme étant importants pour la réussite des étudiants de niveau universitaire. Mais bien qu’abondante, la recherche n’a cependant pas donné aux étudiants de premier cycle la possibilité de communiquer directement leur avis quant aux raisons de leur réussite. Le but principal de cette étude est d’explorer les descriptions que les étudiants font des ressources personnelles qu’ils utilisent pour atteindre leurs objectifs et, subsidiairement, les caractéristiques personnelles ou les obstacles qui les empêchent d’atteindre leurs objectifs. Parmi les thèmes importants menant à la réussite des élèves on trouve l’orientation vers l’avenir, la persévérance et des compétences exécutives telles que la gestion du temps et l’organisation. Les résultats démontrent également que le stress, des compétences académiques inadéquates et les distractions représentent des obstacles à la réussite des études universitaires. Cette étude est unique car elle collige les données directement de la population concernée. Elle est aussi l’une des rares études qualitatives portant sur la perception des étudiants de premier cycle. On y examine les conséquences pour les administrateurs universitaires et les conseillers scolaires, de même que les orientations possibles de futures recherches