4 research outputs found

    Nutida och framtida möjligheter till att förebygga angrepp av bladmögel (Phytophthora infestans) i matpotatisodling med hjÀlp av integrerat vÀxtskydd.

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    Denna litteraturstudie handlar om hur man inom matpotatisodling kan arbeta förebyggande med integrerat vÀxtskydd (IPM) för att minska anvÀndningen av fungicider. Fokuset ligger frÀmst pÄ hur angrepp av bladmögel, orsakas av algsvampen Phytophthora infestans, kan förebyggas. Studien inleds med en beskrivning av patogenens sjukdomsförlopp och potatisplantans skadebild. DÀrefter kommer en utförlig redogörelse för de fyra grundpelare som integrerat vÀxtskydd bygger pÄ. Arbetet innefattar Àven intervjuer med sex olika odlare frÄn SkÄne och Halland, med syfte att fÄ en förstÄelse för hur de praktiskt tillÀmpar integrerat vÀxtskydd. Intervjuerna har gett en klarare bild av vilka utmaningar branschen stÄr inför. Bland annat spelar konsumenternas efterfrÄgan en stor roll nÀr det handlar om vilka sorter som odlas och de sorter som Àr mest mottagliga för bladmögel Àr ofta de som Àr mest efterfrÄgade. Ett lÄgt och stÀndigt minskande utbud av kemiska bekÀmpningsmedel krÀver ocksÄ nytÀnkande och alternativa bekÀmpningsmedel och metoder mÄste tas fram. Kemikalieinspektionen behöver se över om alternativa bekÀmpningsmedel kan genomgÄ en enklare registreringsprocess och huruvida vissa av dessa medel kan undantas frÄn bekÀmpningsmedelsskatten. Principen integrerat vÀxtskydd spelar en viktig roll nÀr det kommer till att minska mÀngden fungicider som anvÀnds i potatisodling. Under arbetets gÄng har det Àven blivit tydligt att det som beskrivs som den lÀmpligaste förebyggande ÄtgÀrden i teorin inte alltid fungerar att tillÀmpa i praktiken. Det Àr mycket som odlaren mÄste ta hÀnsyn till, inte minst ekonomiska faktorer. I arbetet diskuteras Àven framtida möjligheter till att förstÀrka vÀxtens egna försvar mot patogener, bland annat genom inducerad resistens. TvÄ exempel pÄ metoder som kan inducera vÀxtens resistens tas upp. Vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet har man forskat pÄ möjligheterna att applicera aminosyran BABA, alternativt vÀxtförstÀrkaren kaliumfosfit, i kombination med en lÀgre dos fungicider. Resultaten visar att genom att kombinera kaliumfosfit eller BABA med en lÀgre dos av fungiciden Shirlan, kan man minska mÀngden kemiska bekÀmpningsmedel som behöver appliceras i fÀlt, samtidigt som man inte gör avkall pÄ effekten av bekÀmpningen eller pÄverkar avkastningen. Det finns dock hinder kopplade till en eventuell framtida anvÀndning av dessa Àmnen som en del av IPM-strategin. Applicering av BABA i större fÀltförsök har inte gett lika goda resultat som vid mindre försök, dessutom Àr det i dagslÀget inte en ekonomiskt försvarbar metod. Applicering av kaliumfosfit Àr ekonomiskt försvarbart, men resthalter har pÄtrÀffats i knölarna. Detta skall dock inte vara skadligt, dÄ toxiciteten Àr mycket lÄg.The aim of this literature study is to investigate how to minimize the fungicide use in table potato production using IPM-strategy. The main focus lies upon how to prevent the infection of late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans. This thesis begins with an explanation of the disease course and the appearance of lesions. The principles of IPM and how they are applied in table potato cultivation will be subsequently discussed. This literature study also includes interviews with six growers from Scania and Halland. The purpose of the interviews is to gain a second perspective and an understanding of how they practically apply IPM. The consumer demand plays a major role when deciding which cultivars to grow, and the cultivars grown are often the most susceptible ones. A low and continuously diminishing range of both pesticides and herbicides requires innovations and alternative control methods and the development of new substances. The Swedish chemical agency needs to revise the registration processes and decide whether these alternative substances such as biodegradable fungicides could be excluded from the tax system. The concept of IPM is important in reducing the use of pesticides in potato cultivation. The interviews clarified some of the challenges this business is facing. What is described as the most appropriate preventative intervention in the literature is not always possible to apply in practice. There are a lot of things that the grower must take into consideration, such as economic factors. This thesis also addresses future possibilities to strengthen the plants' inner defense against pathogens, using induced resistance. Two examples of induced resistance are mentioned. At the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, studies about the possibilities to apply the amino acid BABA, or the plant strengthener potassium phosphite, combined with a reduced amount of fungicides has been performed. The results show that it is possible to reduce the amount of fungicides used by combining these two, without lowering the yield or reducing the effectiveness of the fungicide. However, there are some obstacles regarding the future usage of these substances. Application of BABA did not give as good results when applied in a larger field trial, as in the smaller trials. This method would also be very expensive. Application of potassium phosphite would be possible from a financial perspective, but residues were found in the potatoes after harvest and storage. These residues are, however, not considered to be harmful, since the toxicity is very low

    Genetic diversity within Swedish national heritage cultivars of gooseberry, Ribes uva-crispa

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    In the year 2000, the National program for diversity of cultivated plants (Pom) was established, aiming to recover old, Swedish fruit and berry cultivars that historically have been important for breeding and commercial production. A collection of mandate cultivars of Ribes uva-crispa (gooseberry) containing valuable accessions was created. Currently, 16 accessions from the mandate list are missing in the collection and missing mandate cultivars could be found through a national inventory of plant resources. In this study, mandate cultivars and inventory findings collected by Pom, were analyzed though molecular characterization (SSR-markers), to find duplicates, mislabelings and to analyze the genetic variability of the collection. The present work uncovered several cases of duplication among the inventory findings and one, possible case of mislabeling. All the mandate cultivars had unique SSR-profiles, which was expected. Furthermore, of the 15 SSR markers used, 6 markers are particularly effective at describing the variability of the gooseberry germplasm. The PCoA analysis revealed the presence of a relatively more homogenous group among the analyzed plant material. These accessions display more genetic similarities, compared to the rest of the analyzed plants. The data constitutes an important basis for evaluation and addition of accessions to the present collection of mandate cultivars and for removal of duplicates among the inventory findings.Under Ă„r 2000 grundades Programmet för odlad mĂ„ngfald, (Pom), med syftet att bevara gamla kultursorter av bland annat frukt och bĂ€r. För att en sort ska bevaras behöver den dels inneha ett kulturhistoriskt vĂ€rde, dels mĂ„ste sorten ha varit viktig för Sverige antingen i förĂ€dlingssammanhang eller i kommersiell produktion. PĂ„ denna grund valde man ut ett antal krusbĂ€rssorter som fick benĂ€mningen mandatsorter och de sorter som kunde hittas och valideras fick ingĂ„ i en samling i Alnarp (SLU). För tillfĂ€llet saknas dock 16 accessioner frĂ„n mandatlistan i samlingen. Äldre, saknade sorter kan hittas genom nationella inventeringar, dĂ€r man samlar in intressant vĂ€xtmaterial för analys. I denna studie genomfördes en molekylĂ€r karaktĂ€risering med hjĂ€lp av SSR-markörer av mandatsorterna i samlingen och de inventeringsfynd som Pom samlat in. MĂ„let med analysen var att hitta duplikat eller felmĂ€rkningar samt analysera samlingens genetiska variabilitet. Studien visade att det fanns ett flertal duplikat bland inventeringsfynden och ett fall av felmĂ€rkning. Alla mandatsorter hade unika SSR-profiler, vilket var förvĂ€ntat. Det visade sig ocksĂ„ att av de 15 SSR markörer som anvĂ€ndes, sĂ„ var 6 markörer sĂ€rskilt effektiva för att beskriva variabiliteten i arvsmassan hos krusbĂ€r. PCoA analysen visade att det fanns en relativt homogen grupp bland det analyserade vĂ€xtmaterialet. Dessa accessioner visade pĂ„ större genetiska likheter i jĂ€mförelse med resten av de analyserade krusbĂ€rsbuskarna. Resultaten frĂ„n denna studie kan ligga till grund för utvĂ€rdering av samlingen av inventeringsfynd, borttagning av duplikat och eventuell addering av accessioner till den nuvarande samlingen av mandatsorter

    A pyrazine amide – 4-aminoquinoline hybrid and its rhodium and iridium pentamethylcyclopentadienyl complexes; evaluation of anti-mycobacterial and anti-plasmodial activities

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    The synthesis and characterization of N-(2-((7-chloroquinolin-4-yl)amino)ethyl)pyrazine-2-carboxamide (L), an aminoquinoline – pyrazinamide hybrid, and the complexes (N-(2-((7-chloroquinolin-4-yl)amino)ethyl)pyrazine-2-carboxamide)(cyclopentadienyl) chlorido-rhodium or iridium hexafluorophosphate ([M(L)(Cp*)Cl] PF6; M = Rh, Ir) and the corresponding chlorido salts ([M(L)(Cp*) Cl]Cl; M = Rh, Ir) are described. The ligand and the hexafluorophosphate salts of the metal complexes have been evaluated for anti-plasmodial and anti-mycobacterial activity. The rhodium and the iridium complexes were significantly more active against M. tuberculosis than the free ligand. The crystallographically determined molecular structures of complexes (N-(2-((7-chloroquinolin-4-yl)amino)ethyl)pyrazine-2-carboxamide)(cyclopentadienyl)chlororhodium hexafluoro-phosphate and (N-(2-((7-chloroquinolin-4-yl)amino)ethyl)pyrazine-2-carboxamide)(cyclopentadienyl)chloro-iridium chloride are presented

    Genetic diversity in gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa), as estimated with SSR markers

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    European gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa L.) is a popular berry crop in many European countries, including Sweden, Denmark and Ukraine. There is no active gooseberry breeding programme in either Sweden or Denmark, but a successful programme is operating in Ukraine. In Sweden and Denmark, research on gooseberries is primarily focused on collection and phenotypic evaluation of genetic resources. As part of these activities, a large number of inventory finds have been collected but have not yet been characterised morphologically or molecularly. The goal of this study was thus to characterise gooseberry germplasm with 15 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. From 242 accessions analysed, 153 unique genotypes were identified. Cultivars that have been in widespread cultivation in Sweden, such as the Finnish cultivars 'Hinnonma & BULL;en Keltainen' and 'Hinnonma & BULL;en Punainen', had relatively large numbers of synonymous samples. While many inventory finds were identifiable as synonyms of known cultivars, several were found to constitute unique genotypes within the germplasm studied. The studied genotypes clustered relatively well in three posterior groups, consisting of cultivars originating before and after the American gooseberry mildew (Sphaerotheca mors-uvae) outbreak around 1900 and cultivars originating from the territory of the former Soviet Union. A fourth genetic cluster consisting mainly of inventory finds from central and northern Sweden was also identified. In addition, it was possible to verify recorded and stipulated parentages for some of the cultivars studied and to identify three likely parent-parent-child trios. Thus, inventories of local gooseberry germplasm and a subsequent genotyping proved successful in finding unique local genotypes, with potential local adaptation. The data obtained provide a foundation for future studies of gooseberry genetic re-sources, while also illustrating the importance of a well-curated and phenotypically characterised set of reference cultivars for future studies