28 research outputs found

    Reflecting students

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    Internationalising the school - critical perspectives on the «globalisation»- process of the Nordic school

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    Notatet inneholder tre artikler som er forberedt som faglige innlegg til seminarer og konferanser. Det første handler om utviklingen av norsk skole som enhetsskole og omsorgsskole og hvordan reformene på -90-tallet tematiserer eller truer de verdiene som ligger til grunn for skolen slik vi har kjent den og ble lagt fram som et foredrag med en ganske muntlig form. Det neste bidraget utdyper kjennetegnene for den norske skolen som kontrast til skolen i Sverige og Danmark og diskuterer særskilt hvordan læreplanene tar opp «internasjonalisering» som trend og tema. Det siste bidraget diskuterer problemer rundt den faglige identiteten til et tema som «internasjonalisering» og «globalisering» anvendt på skolen. This report consists of three independent papers prepared for seminars and conferences. The first deals with the recent development of the Norwegian educational system and raises questions whether this endangeres valuable traditions of the system. The paper was presented as a talk to an audience of students and colleagues in Frankfurt aM, Germany, and I have kepi the initial colloquial form of the paper. The second expands on the communalities of the Nordic educational systems, and criticises the development regarding the topic of «internationalisation» in the curriculum. The last paper focuses on particular curriculum problems as to how and why «global education» needs to develop to gain stronger impetus on the curriculum in the age of «globalisation

    Høgskoledidaktiske riss : momenter til en historie om undervisningsdialogen i høyere utdanning fram til 1900-tallet

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    I dette arbeidsnotatet prøves det å trekke noen grove linjer for hvordan man har oppfattet og foreskrevet undervisning i høyere utdanning i løpet av utviklingen av den høyere utdanning, spesielt knyttet til universitetene i Nord-Europa. Forelesningens utvikling, læreboken og seminarets utvikling er skissert for å gi en smule bakgrunn for å forstå de endringer dagens høyere utdanning er utsatt for, særlig med hensyn til hvilken rolle forelesningen og studentenes egen aktivitet skal h

    On the expression of hegemony in the field of educational technology - a case study of editorials in a Norwegian academic journal

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    This article has emerged from a project aiming at gaining an overview of actors and key figures, their perspectives and results after more than 30 years of ambitious governmental efforts to introduce computer technology in school. The main focus of the article is on what we consider to be dominant arguments, discourses and issues related to the hegemonization of meaning formation. Our line of reasoning is based primarily on a case study of the leading journal in the field of educational technology in Norway over the last fifteen years, the Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. This is a mainstream research journal, which publishes peer-reviewed articles. However, being subject to the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, it represents a rather interesting case for interrogating the issue of hegemony. Placing the journal’s policy at the forefront, the focus of our analysis will be on the editorials. The main findings, based on issues of the journal over the first ten years are that the editorials are in keeping with what can be regarded as the political priorities and the prevailing political discourses in the field. They contain relatively few, if any, critical perspectives and scant reference is made to the research articles and research area it claims to serve. The method used is document analysis, inspired by discourseanalytic approaches.publishedVersio

    Online dating and education

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    Taking its inspiration from Luhmann’s communication theory, this article looks at online dating from the perspective of teaching and education. While Eros obviously plays an important role in regenerating the desire to communicate, this ardour is often absent from the domain of net-based teaching. The article explores those features of online dating characteristic of distance dialogue, and discusses the extent to which these can be transferred to communication in the teaching context. We further argue that participation in online dating increases communicators’ competence and self-reflection

    Om høgskolepedagogikken som samarbeid mellom de tre Innlandshøgskolene: Gjøvik, Hedmark og Lillehammer

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    Dette notatet handler om grunnlaget for å etablere et fastere samarbeid om høgskolepedagogisk utdanning og utviklingsarbeid mellom de tre høgskolen i Innlandet: Gjøvik, Hedmark og Lillehammer. Rapporten tar fram personalpolitiske og universitets- og høgskolepedagogiske forutsetninger for et slikt samarbeid, samt bringer noen tanker om hvordan dette kan utvikles videre

    Praksisnær undervisning med simulering og rollespill

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    Simulation in education involves creating situations that are similar to events, rituals and routines performed in the workplace – or in therapy, consultation, conflicts or similar situations. One recreates as many conditions as are necessary for the students to ‘live’ within what one imitates. Teachers instruct students and run the procedures as if they were ‘reality’. Some simulations, such as in nursing education, require expensive equipment and sophisticated use of ICT. Others can be set up as role-playing games with what one has at their disposal in terms of facilities. The article compares three cases of simulation that were closely examined in connection with a research project. The purpose was to find out if the students experienced this as good quality. The students’ ability to immerse themselves in the situation is of great importance for the benefit of the simulation. Most students find that the situations closely resemble real life and keep them engaged and alert. Teaching that explicitly tries to resemble reality is perceived as very educational.publishedVersio

    Praksisnær undervisning med simulering og rollespill

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    Source at https://www.cappelendammundervisning.no/_praksisnar-undervisning--i-praksis-og-teori-9788202632588. Simulation in education involves creating situations that are similar to events, rituals and routines performed in the workplace – or in therapy, consultation, conflicts or similar situations. One recreates as many conditions as are necessary for the students to ‘live’ within what one imitates. Teachers instruct students and run the procedures as if they were ‘reality’. Some simulations, such as in nursing education, require expensive equipment and sophisticated use of ICT. Others can be set up as role-playing games with what one has at their disposal in terms of facilities. The article compares three cases of simulation that were closely examined in connection with a research project. The purpose was to find out if the students experienced this as good quality. The students’ ability to immerse themselves in the situation is of great importance for the benefit of the simulation. Most students find that the situations closely resemble real life and keep them engaged and alert. Teaching that explicitly tries to resemble reality is perceived as very educational

    Forskningstid og undervisningstid – pliktarbeid og forskningsfri

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    Digital politikk og analog fornuft

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    Ivar Frønes Digitale skiller. Utfordringer og strategier. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 200