14 research outputs found

    Stable cerebrospinal fluid neurogranin and β-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 levels differentiate predementia Alzheimer's disease patients

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    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) β-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1), neurogranin and the neurogranin/BACE1 ratio are proposed markers for Alzheimer’s disease. BACE1 is also a drug target. However, CSF levels may differ between early-stage amyloid plaque formation (A) and later stage downstream tau-tangle pathology (T) and neurodegeneration (N) and may be expressed as an A/T/N stage (e.g. A+/T−/N or A+/T+/N+). Whether BACE1 and neurogranin levels are persistent traits or change with disease progression is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate whether CSF neurogranin and BACE1 concentrations differ between A/T/N stages, whether these change over time and correlate with memory decline. This may have implications for patient selection in future trials. We used CSF markers to determine A/T/N stage using amyloid beta42/40 ratio, p-tau181 and total-tau respectively in predementia Alzheimer’s disease cases (n = 176) [including cases that progressed to dementia (n = 10)] and controls (n = 74) from the Norwegian Dementia Disease Initiation cohort. We selected cases at the presumed early (A+/T−/N−, n = 86) and late stages (A+/T+/N+, n = 90) of the Alzheimer’s disease continuum and controlled with normal markers (A−/T−/N−, n = 74). A subset of subjects in all A/T/N groups underwent repeat CSF sampling at approximately 2-year intervals up to 6 years from baseline. Using linear mixed models, longitudinal measurements of CSF BACE1 and neurogranin levels in A+/T−/N− and A+/T+/N+ as compared to A−/T−/N− healthy controls were performed. Next, we measured changes in CSF BACE1 and neurogranin levels in cases that progressed from A−/T−/N− to A+/T−/N− (n = 12), from A+/T−/N− to A+/T or N+ (n = 12), remained stable A+/T−/N− (n = 26), remained stable A+/T+/N+ (n = 28) compared with controls remaining stable A−/T−/N− (n = 33). Lastly, associations between these markers and memory decline were assessed. Compared with A−/T−/N− healthy controls, neurogranin was unaltered in A+/T−/N− (n.s.) but higher in A+/T+/N+ (P < 0.0001). In contrast, BACE1 was lower in A+/T−/N− (P < 0.05) and higher in A+/T+/N+ (P < 0.0001). The neurogranin/BACE1 ratio was increased in both A+/T−/N− (P < 0.05) and A+/T+/N+ (P < 0.0001) groups as compared to A-/T-/N- healthy controls and was more strongly associated with memory decline (b = −0.29, P = 0.0006) than neurogranin (b = −0.20, P = 0.002) and BACE1 (b = −0.13, P = 0.046). Neurogranin and BACE1 level differences remained stable over time not only within A/T/N groups but also in patients progressing to more pathological A/T/N stages (e.g. progressing from A+/T−/N− to A + T or N+) and in cases progressing to dementia. Our results suggest that neurogranin and BACE1 levels may differentiate pathomechanistic Alzheimer’s disease subgroups, putatively with different options for treatment

    Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy in Predementia Alzheimer's Disease: A Longitudinal Multi-Site Study Comparing Staging and A/T/N in a Clinical Research Cohort

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    Background: Atrophy of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) is a biological characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and can be measured by segmentation of magnetic resonance images (MRI). Objective: To assess the clinical utility of automated volumetry in a cognitively well-defined and biomarker-classified multi-center longitudinal predementia cohort. Methods: We used Automatic Segmentation of Hippocampal Subfields (ASHS) to determine MTL morphometry from MRI. We harmonized scanner effects using the recently developed longitudinal ComBat. Subjects were classified according to the A/T/N system, and as normal controls (NC), subjective cognitive decline (SCD), or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Positive or negative values of A, T, and N were determined by cerebrospinal fluid measurements of the Aβ42/40 ratio, phosphorylated and total tau. From 406 included subjects, longitudinal data was available for 206 subjects by stage, and 212 subjects by A/T/N. Results: Compared to A–/T–/N– at baseline, the entorhinal cortex, anterior and posterior hippocampus were smaller in A+/T+orN+. Compared to NC A– at baseline, these subregions were also smaller in MCI A+. Longitudinally, SCD A+ and MCI A+, and A+/T–/N– and A+/T+orN+, had significantly greater atrophy compared to controls in both anterior and posterior hippocampus. In the entorhinal and parahippocampal cortices, longitudinal atrophy was observed only in MCI A+ compared to NC A–, and in A+/T–/N– and A+/T+orN+ compared to A–/T–/N–. Conclusion: We found MTL neurodegeneration largely consistent with existing models, suggesting that harmonized MRI volumetry may be used under conditions that are common in clinical multi-center cohorts

    <i>N</i>-Acetyl-Aspartyl-Glutamate in Brain Health and Disease

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    N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAAG) is the most abundant dipeptide in the brain, where it acts as a neuromodulator of glutamatergic synapses by activating presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (mGluR3). Recent data suggest that NAAG is selectively localized to postsynaptic dendrites in glutamatergic synapses and that it works as a retrograde neurotransmitter. NAAG is released in response to glutamate and provides the postsynaptic neuron with a feedback mechanisms to inhibit excessive glutamate signaling. A key regulator of synaptically available NAAG is rapid degradation by the extracellular enzyme glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII). Increasing endogenous NAAG—for instance by inhibiting GCPII—is a promising treatment option for many brain disorders where glutamatergic excitotoxicity plays a role. The main effect of NAAG occurs through increased mGluR3 activation and thereby reduced glutamate release. In the present review, we summarize the transmitter role of NAAG and discuss the involvement of NAAG in normal brain physiology. We further present the suggested roles of NAAG in various neurological and psychiatric diseases and discuss the therapeutic potential of strategies aiming to enhance NAAG levels

    Dendritic localization and exocytosis of NAAG in the rat hippocampus

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    While a lot is known about classical, anterograde neurotransmission, less is known about the mechanisms and molecules involved in retrograde neurotransmission. Our hypothesis is that N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG), the most abundant dipeptide in the brain, may act as a retrograde transmitter in the brain. NAAG was predominantly localized in dendritic compartments of glutamatergic synapses in the intact hippocampus, where it was present in close proximity to synaptic-like vesicles. In acute hippocampal slices, NAAG was depleted from postsynaptic dendritic elements during neuronal stimulation induced by depolarizing concentrations of potassium or by exposure to glutamate receptor (GluR) agonists. The depletion was completely blocked by botulinum toxin B and strictly dependent on extracellular calcium, indicating exocytotic release. In contrast, there were low levels of NAAG and no effect by depolarization or GluR agonists in presynaptic glutamatergic terminals or GABAergic pre- and postsynaptic elements. Together these data suggest a possible role for NAAG as a retrograde signaling molecule at glutamatergic synapses via exocytotic release

    Mindre gass, færre eksplosjoner : Implementering av CO2-insufflasjon ved koloskopi ved gastroenterologisk avdeling på Arendal sykehus

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    Problemstilling Det gjennomføres omtrent 50 000 koloskopier i Norge årlig. Tradisjonelt har man brukt romluft til å utvide tarmlumen, men de siste årene har det vist seg at insufflering med kun CO2 gir færre pasientplager. Likevel utføres fortsatt koloskopiene ved mange norske sykehus med romluft. Vi kommer i denne oppgaven med et forslag til hvordan implementering av CO2-insufflering kan gjennomføres ved Arendal sykehus. Kunnskapsgrunnlag Når koloskopiene utføres med CO2-insufflering, opplever pasientene mindre smerter både under og etter undersøkelsen, og er mindre plaget av flatus, enn når det benyttes romluft. Det er ikke vist noen signifikant forskjell i komplikasjoner. I 2012 ble det publisert EU-retningslinjer der bruk av CO2 anbefales som førstevalg ved koloskopi. Dagens praksis og utfordringer Over halvparten av koloskopiene i Norge utføres med romluft, og ikke CO2. I Norge brukes det i tillegg mindre sedasjon og smertestillende under koloskopi enn i mange andre land. Det skulle tilsi at behovet for å bruke den minst smertefulle undersøkelsesmetoden er enda større her i landet. Ved Arendal sykehus er det innført CO2-insufflering utelukkende ved det endoskopilaboratoriet som brukes i et screeningsprosjekt for cancer coli, mens de tre ordinære skopilaboratoriene benytter romluft. Utfordringene til implementering av CO2 er å overbevise de budsjettansvarlige om at det er nødvendig å bevilge midler til innkjøp av utstyr, og å lære opp de ansatte om fordelene til CO2-insufflering, slik at de følger nødvendige rutinene for at CO2 skal bli benyttet ved så mange koloskopier som mulig. Prosess, ledelse og organisering Dette er et tofaset kvalitetsforbedringsprosjekt, der fase 1 er innføring av CO2-insufflering, og fase 2 er sikring av korrekt og hyppig bruk av de nye insufflatorene. Som utgangspunkt for gjennomføring av prosjektet, har vi brukt Langley og Nolans metode for kvalitetsforbedring med individuelle PUKK-sirkler for hver fase. Diskusjon og konklusjon Vi tror at en hovedutfordring ligger i å få frem behovet for en slik kvalitetsforbedring blant de ansatte, både ved laboratoriene og blant dem som har ansvar for bevilgning av midler. Det blir viktig å få frem at plager under og etter koloskopi er et problem, selv om helsepersonellet ikke legger så mye merke til det, og at disse plagene enkelt kan reduseres. Vi konkluderer med at dette prosjektet bør gjennomføres for å sikre norske pasienter et best mulig helsetilbud. Totalkostnaden er ikke større enn at fordelene med CO2-insufflering bør veie tyngre enn det økonomiske aspektet

    Slc38a1 Conveys Astroglia-Derived Glutamine into GABAergic Interneurons for Neurotransmitter GABA Synthesis

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    GABA signaling is involved in a wide range of neuronal functions, such as synchronization of action potential firing, synaptic plasticity and neuronal development. Sustained GABA signaling requires efficient mechanisms for the replenishment of the neurotransmitter pool of GABA. The prevailing theory is that exocytotically released GABA may be transported into perisynaptic astroglia and converted to glutamine, which is then shuttled back to the neurons for resynthesis of GABA—i.e., the glutamate/GABA-glutamine (GGG) cycle. However, an unequivocal demonstration of astroglia-to-nerve terminal transport of glutamine and the contribution of astroglia-derived glutamine to neurotransmitter GABA synthesis is lacking. By genetic inactivation of the amino acid transporter Solute carrier 38 member a1 (Slc38a1)—which is enriched on parvalbumin+ GABAergic neurons—and by intraperitoneal injection of radiolabeled acetate (which is metabolized to glutamine in astroglial cells), we show that Slc38a1 mediates import of astroglia-derived glutamine into GABAergic neurons for synthesis of GABA. In brain slices, we demonstrate the role of Slc38a1 for the uptake of glutamine specifically into GABAergic nerve terminals for the synthesis of GABA depending on demand and glutamine supply. Thus, while leaving room for other pathways, our study demonstrates a key role of Slc38a1 for newly formed GABA, in harmony with the existence of a GGG cycle

    Cerebrospinal fluid neurogranin/β-site APP-cleaving enzyme 1 predicts cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease

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    Introduction: The cerebrospinal fluid neurogranin (Ng)/β-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) ratio may reflect synaptic affection resulting from reduced beta-amyloid (Aβ) clearance. We hypothesize that increased Ng/BACE1 ratio predicts the earliest cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease. Methods: We compared Ng/BACE1 levels between cases with subjective cognitive decline (n = 18) and mild cognitive impairment (n 5 20) both with amyloid plaques and healthy controls (APOE-ε4+, n 5 16; APOE-ε4-, n 5 20). We performed regression analyses between cerebrospinal fluid levels, baseline hippocampal and amygdala volumes, and pertinent cognitive measures (memory, attention, Mini Mental State Examination [MMSE]) at baseline and after 2 years. Results: Ng/BACE1 levels were elevated in both subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment compared to healthy controls. Higher Ng/BACE1 ratio was associated with lower hippocampal and amygdala volumes; lower baseline memory functions, attention, and MMSE; and significant decline in MMSE and memory function at 2-year follow-up. Discussion: High Ng/BACE1 ratio predicts cognitive decline also in preclinical cases with amyloid plaques.<p

    Glial activation and inflammation along the Alzheimer's disease continuum

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    Background Neuronal and glial cell interaction is essential for synaptic homeostasis and may be affected in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We measured cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neuronal and glia markers along the AD continuum, to reveal putative protective or harmful stage-dependent patterns of activation. Methods We included healthy controls (n = 36) and Aβ-positive (Aβ+) cases (as defined by pathological CSF amyloid beta 1-42 (Aβ42)) with either subjective cognitive decline (SCD, n = 19), mild cognitive impairment (MCI, n = 39), or AD dementia (n = 27). The following CSF markers were measured: a microglial activation marker—soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (sTREM2), a marker of microglial inflammatory reaction—monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), two astroglial activation markers—chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40) and clusterin, a neuron-microglia communication marker—fractalkine, and the CSF AD biomarkers (Aβ42, phosphorylated tau (P-tau), total tau (T-tau)). Using ANOVA with planned comparisons, or Kruskal-Wallis tests with Dunn’s pairwise comparisons, CSF levels were compared between clinical groups and between stages of biomarker severity using CSF biomarkers for classification based on amyloid pathology (A), tau pathology (T), and neurodegeneration (N) giving rise to the A/T/N score. Results Compared to healthy controls, sTREM2 was increased in SCD (p < .01), MCI (p < .05), and AD dementia cases (p < .001) and increased in AD dementia compared to MCI cases (p < .05). MCP-1 was increased in MCI (p < .05) and AD dementia compared to both healthy controls (p < .001) and SCD cases (p < .01). YKL-40 was increased in dementia compared to healthy controls (p < .01) and MCI (p < .05). All of the CSF activation markers were increased in subjects with pathological CSF T-tau (A+T−N+ and A+T+N+), compared to subjects without neurodegeneration (A−T−N− and A+T−N−). Discussion Microglial activation as indicated by increased sTREM2 is present already at the preclinical SCD stage; increased MCP-1 and astroglial activation markers (YKL-40 and clusterin) were noted only at the MCI and AD dementia stages, respectively, and in Aβ+ cases (A+) with pathological T-tau (N+). Possible different effects of early and later glial activation need to be explored

    Glial activation and inflammation along the Alzheimer’s disease continuum

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    Background Neuronal and glial cell interaction is essential for synaptic homeostasis and may be affected in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We measured cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neuronal and glia markers along the AD continuum, to reveal putative protective or harmful stage-dependent patterns of activation. Methods We included healthy controls (n = 36) and Aβ-positive (Aβ+) cases (as defined by pathological CSF amyloid beta 1-42 (Aβ42)) with either subjective cognitive decline (SCD, n = 19), mild cognitive impairment (MCI, n = 39), or AD dementia (n = 27). The following CSF markers were measured: a microglial activation marker—soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (sTREM2), a marker of microglial inflammatory reaction—monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), two astroglial activation markers—chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40) and clusterin, a neuron-microglia communication marker—fractalkine, and the CSF AD biomarkers (Aβ42, phosphorylated tau (P-tau), total tau (T-tau)). Using ANOVA with planned comparisons, or Kruskal-Wallis tests with Dunn’s pairwise comparisons, CSF levels were compared between clinical groups and between stages of biomarker severity using CSF biomarkers for classification based on amyloid pathology (A), tau pathology (T), and neurodegeneration (N) giving rise to the A/T/N score. Results Compared to healthy controls, sTREM2 was increased in SCD (p < .01), MCI (p < .05), and AD dementia cases (p < .001) and increased in AD dementia compared to MCI cases (p < .05). MCP-1 was increased in MCI (p < .05) and AD dementia compared to both healthy controls (p < .001) and SCD cases (p < .01). YKL-40 was increased in dementia compared to healthy controls (p < .01) and MCI (p < .05). All of the CSF activation markers were increased in subjects with pathological CSF T-tau (A+T−N+ and A+T+N+), compared to subjects without neurodegeneration (A−T−N− and A+T−N−). Discussion Microglial activation as indicated by increased sTREM2 is present already at the preclinical SCD stage; increased MCP-1 and astroglial activation markers (YKL-40 and clusterin) were noted only at the MCI and AD dementia stages, respectively, and in Aβ+ cases (A+) with pathological T-tau (N+). Possible different effects of early and later glial activation need to be explored

    Age-adjusted CSF t-tau and NfL do not improve diagnostic accuracy for prodromal Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Cerebrospinal fluid total-tau (t-tau) and neurofilament light chain (NfL) are biomarkers of neurodegeneration and are increased in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In order to adjust for age-related increases in t-tau and NfL, cross-sectional age-adjusted norms were developed based on amyloid negative cognitively normal (CN) adults aged 41–78 years (CN, n = 137). The age-adjusted norms for t-tau and NfL did not improve receiver operating curve based diagnostic accuracies in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to AD (AD-MCI, n = 144). Furthermore, while NfL was correlated with higher age in AD-MCI, no significant correlation was found for t-tau. The cox proportional hazard models, applied in 429 participants with baseline t-tau and NfL, showed higher hazard ratio of progression to MCI or dementia without age-adjustments (HR = 3.39 for t-tau and HR = 3.17 for NfL), as compared to using our norms (HR = 2.29 for t-tau and HR = 1.89 for NfL). Our results indicate that utilizing normative reference data could obscure significant age-related increases in these markers associated with neurodegeneration and AD leading to a potential loss of overall diagnostic accuracy