416 research outputs found

    ”Motives and Meaning for Long-Term Indoor Exercise"

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    English abstract: This qualitative study was designed to explore the motives and what gives meaning (is pleasure something meaningful) to Norwegian people who maintain for a long time regular indoor exercise regime. There are few studies on this phenomenon in Norway. The theory of hedonism in exercise informed this study. Six long-term adhering exercisers (three men and three women) were interviewed about their exercise experiences and feelings of pleasure and displeasure when exercising indoor. A phenomenological approach was used for designing and implementing the study and a thematic analysis was performed to analyze the information gathered. Several elements about a regular exerciser’s motives and meaning were identified and organized within five themes: one’s exercise habits, ways to overcome barriers, choosing own exercise, the exercise environment, and the exercise induced affect. All participants had a goal that helped them exercise on a regular basis; with health and fitness level goal or high performance goal, yet the goal was there. All participants also had developed a high level of self-awareness regarding their bodies and of knowledge regarding exercise types and intensities. Concerning the meaning of the experience and the role of pleasure in it, five of the six participants in this study highlighted the important of pleasure during exercise. To experience the desired pleasure the exercisers select on their own the exercise intensity considering their mental and physical state for the day and time being. Earlier exercise experiences appear to play a positive role for the adherence the exercisers experience today. Last but not least, the participant shared that while they feel pleasure in the exercise environment, sometimes social pressure pushed them to do things differently like increase their exercise intensity in the presence of others. These findings are discussed in relation to the recommendations for physical activity levels provided by the Norwegian government, which are clear and suggest that people need to get more physically active. While this is a qualitative study and its findings should be generalized, as people come into the fitness centers with different experiences and goals, some suggestions are offered for the fitness practitioner who ought to help clients find pleasure in the act of exercise in order to achieve exercise adherence

    The blunted effect of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide in subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue in obese subjects is partly reversed by weight loss

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    BACKGROUND: Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) appears to have impaired effect on subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue metabolism in obese subjects. The aim of the present study was to examine whether weight loss may reverse the impaired effect of GIP on subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue in obese subjects. METHODS: Five obese males participated in a 12-week weight loss program, which consisted of caloric restriction (800 Cal day(−)(1)) followed by 4 weeks of weight-maintenance diet. Before and after weight loss, subcutaneous adipose tissue lipid metabolism was studied by conducting regional measurements of arterio-venous plasma concentrations of metabolites and blood flow (adipose tissue blood flow, ATBF) across a segment of the abdominal adipose tissue in the fasting state and during GIP infusion (1.5 pmol kg(−)(1 )min(−)(1)) in combination with a hyperinsulinemic–hyperglycemic clamp. RESULTS: After weight loss (7.5±0.8 kg), glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity increased significantly as expected. No significant differences were seen in basal ATBF before (1.3±0.4 ml min(−1) 100 g tissue(−1)) and after weight loss (2.1±0.4 ml min(−1) 100 g tissue)(−1); however, a tendency to increase was seen. After weight loss, GIP infusion increased ATBF significantly (3.2±0.1 ml min(−1) 100 g tissue(−1)) whereas there was no increase before weight loss. Triacylglycerol (TAG) uptake did not change after weight loss. Baseline free fatty acid (FFA) and glycerol output increased significantly after weight loss, P<0.001. During the clamp period, FFA and glycerol output declined significantly, P<0.05, with no differences before and after weight loss. Weight loss increased glucose uptake and decreased FFA/glycerol ratio during the clamp period, P<0.05. CONCLUSIONS: In obese subjects, weight loss, induced by calorie restriction, improves the blunted effect of GIP on subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue metabolism

    Disease-specific outcomes of Radical Prostatectomies in Northern Norway; A case for the impact of perineural infiltration and postoperative PSA-doubling time

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    Background Prostate cancer is the most common male malignancy and a mayor cause of mortality in the western world. The impact of clinicopathological variables on disease related outcomes have mainly been reported from a few large US series, most of them not reporting on perineural infiltration. We therefore wanted to investigate relevant cancer outcomes in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy in two Norwegian health regions with an emphasis on the impact of perineural infiltration (PNI) and prostate specific antigen- doubling time (PSA-DT). Methods We conducted a retrospective analysis of 535 prostatectomy patients at three hospitals between 1995 and 2005 estimating biochemical failure- (BFFS), clinical failure- (CFFS) and prostate cancer death-free survival (PCDFS) with the Kaplan-Meier method. We investigated clinicopathological factors influencing risk of events using cox proportional hazard regression. Results After a median follow-up of 89 months, 170 patients (32%) experienced biochemical failure (BF), 36 (7%) experienced clinical failure and 15 (3%) had died of prostate cancer. pT-Stage (p = 0.001), preoperative PSA (p = 0.047), Gleason Score (p = 0.032), non-apical positive surgical margins (PSM) (p = 0.003) and apical PSM (p = 0.031) were all independently associated to BFFS. Gleason score (p = 0.019), PNI (p = 0.012) and non-apical PSM (p = 0.002) were all independently associated to CFFS while only PNI (P = 0.047) and subgroups of Gleason score were independently associated to PCDFS. After BF, patients with a shorter PSA-DT had independent and significant worse event-free survivals than patients with PSA-DT > 15 months (PSA-DT = 3-9 months, CFFS HR = 6.44, p < 0.001, PCDFS HR = 13.7, p = 0.020; PSA-DT < 3 months, CFFS HR = 11.2, p < 0.001, PCDFS HR = 27.5, p = 0.006). Conclusions After prostatectomy, CFFS and PCDFS are variable, but both are strongly associated to Gleason score and PNI. In patients with BF, PSA-DT was most strongly associated to CF and PCD. Our study adds weight to the importance of PSA-DT and re-launches PNI as a strong prognosticator for clinically relevant endpoints

    Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE)

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    Blood Press. 1999;8(3):177-83. Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE). Hansson L, Lithell H, Skoog I, Baro F, Bánki CM, Breteler M, Carbonin PU, Castaigne A, Correia M, Degaute JP, Elmfeldt D, Engedal K, Farsang C, Ferro J, Hachinski V, Hofman A, James OF, Krisin E, Leeman M, de Leeuw PW, Leys D, Lobo A, Nordby G, Olofsson B, Zanchetti A, et al. University of Uppsala, Department of Public Health, Sweden. Abstract The Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE) is a multicentre, prospective, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study designed to compare the effects of candesartan cilexetil and placebo in elderly patients with mild hypertension. The primary objective of the study is to assess the effect of candesartan cilexetil on major cardiovascular events. The secondary objectives of the study are to assess the effect of candesartan cilexetil on cognitive function and on total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, myocardial infarction, stroke, renal function, hospitalization, quality of life and health economics. Male and female patients aged between 70 and 89 years, with a sitting systolic blood pressure (SBP) of 160-179 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 90-99 mmHg, and a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score of 24 or above, are eligible for the study. The overall target study population is 4000 patients, at least 1000 of whom are also to be assessed for quality of life and health economics data. After an open run-in period lasting 1-3 months, during which patients are assessed for eligibility and those who are already on antihypertensive therapy at enrolment are switched to hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg o.d., patients are randomized to receive either candesartan cilexetil 8 mg once daily (o.d.) or matching placebo o.d. At subsequent study visits, if SBP remains >160 mmHg, or has decreased by 85 mmHg, study treatment is doubled to candesartan cilexetil 16 mg o.d. or two placebo tablets o.d. Recruitment was completed in January 1999. At that time 4964 patients had been randomized. All randomized patients will be followed for an additional 2 years. If the event rate is lower than anticipated, the follow-up will be prolonged. PMID: 10595696 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE): baseline characteristics

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    Blood Press. 2000;9(2-3):146-51. Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE): baseline characteristics. Hansson L, Lithell H, Skoog I, Baro F, Bánki CM, Breteler M, Castaigne A, Correia M, Degaute JP, Elmfeldt D, Engedal K, Farsang C, Ferro J, Hachinski V, Hofman A, James OF, Krisin E, Leeman M, de Leeuw PW, Leys D, Lobo A, Nordby G, Olofsson B, Opolski G, Prince M, Reischies FM. University of Uppsala, Department of Public Health, Clinical Hypertension Research, Sweden. Abstract The Study on COgnition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE) is a multi-centre, prospective, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study. The primary objective of SCOPE is to assess the effect of the angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor blocker, candesartan cilexetil 8-16 mg once daily, on major cardiovascular events in elderly patients (70-89 years of age) with mild hypertension (DBP 90-99 and/or SBP 160-179 mmHg). The secondary objectives of the study are to test the hypothesis that antihypertensive therapy can prevent cognitive decline (as measured by the Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE) and dementia, and to assess the effect of therapy on total mortality, myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, renal function, and hospitalization. A total of 4964 patients from 15 participating countries were recruited during the randomization phase of SCOPE, exceeding the target population of 4000. The mean age of the patients at enrolment was 76 years, the ratio of male to female patients was approximately 1:2, and 52% of patients were already being treated with an antihypertensive agent at enrolment. The majority of patients (88%) were educated to at least primary school level. At randomization, mean sitting blood pressure values were SBP 166 mmHg and DBP 90 mmHg, and the mean MMSE score was 28. Previous cardiovascular disease in the study population included myocardial infarction (4%), stroke (4%) and atrial fibrillation (4%). Men, more often than women, had a history of previous MI, stroke and atrial fibrillation. A greater percentage of men were smokers (13% vs 6% in women) and had attended university (11% vs 3% of women). Of the randomized patients, 21% were 80 years of age. In this age group smoking was less common (4% vs 10% for 70-79-year-olds) and fewer had attended university (4% vs 7% for 70-79-year-olds). The incidence of MI was similar in both age groups. However, stroke and atrial fibrillation had occurred approximately twice as frequently in the older patients. The patients' mean age at baseline was similar in the participating countries, and most countries showed the approximate 1:2 ratio for male to female patients. There was also little inter-country variation in terms of mean SBP, DBP or MMSE score. However, there was considerable regional variation in the percentage of patients on therapy prior to enrolment. PMID: 10855739 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Meeting the Challenge of Providing Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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    Contributions came from Lindsay Drier MS, RDN, LDN; Kathleen Ascanio MS, RDN, LDN; Robin Tant MPA, RDN, LDN; Ashley Strickland RDN, LDN, CNSC; Laura Matarese PhD, RDN, LDN, CNSC, FADA, FASPEN, FAND; Jill Jennings MS, RDN, LDN and Julia Johnstone MS, RDN, LDNExamples of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) who used their abilities to innovate and adapt to ensure the public, their patients and clients received continuous nutrition services, weight management services, diabetes prevention programs and Medical Nutrition Therapy during the lock-down of many "non essential" medical services during COVID 19. Strategies used in outpatient practices, Cooperative Extension Service and public health agencies are described.non