28 research outputs found

    An Efficient Ranking Analysis In Multi-Criteria Decision Making

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    This study is conducted with the aims to develop a new ranking method for multi-criteria decision making problem with conflicting criteria. Such a problem has a set of Pareto solutions, where the act of improving a value of one solution will result in depreciating some of the others. Thus, in this type of problem, there is no unique solution. However, out of many available options, the Decision Maker eventually has to choose only one solution. With this problem as the motivation, the current study develops a compromise ranking algorithm, namely a trade-off ranking method. The trade-off ranking method able to give a trade-off solution with the least compromise compared to other choices as the best solution. The properties of the algorithm are studied in the thesis on several test cases. The proposed method is compared against several multi-criteria decision making methods with ranking based on the distance measure, which are the TOPSIS, relative distance and VIKOR. The sensitivity analysis and uncertainty test are carried out to examine the methods robustness. A critical criteria analysis is also done to test for the most critical criterion in a multi-criteria problem. The decision making method is considered further in a fuzzy environment problem where the fuzzy trade-off ranking is developed and compared against existing fuzzy decision making methods

    Decision-making support in vehicle routing problems : A review of recent literature

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    The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) involves a set of customers with known locations, each having a certain demand for goods or services. There is also a fleet of vehicles available, each with limited capacity and often a fixed starting point. With the aid of mathematical programming tools, this paper offers an overview of the most recent VRP research. This study also examines the algorithms for solving VRP models and categorizes them in terms of their application areas. For these reasons, related publications that appeared in the international journal have been compiled and studied. According to the literature review, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques have yet to constitute the most mathematical programming methods used to solve the VRP problem

    A review on path planning and obstacle avoidance algorithms for autonomous mobile robots

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    Mobile robots have been widely used in various sectors in the last decade. A mobile robot could autonomously navigate in any environment, both static and dynamic. As a result, researchers in the robotics field have offered a variety of techniques. This paper reviews the mobile robot navigation approaches and obstacle avoidance used so far in various environmental conditions to recognize the improvement of path planning strategists. Taking into consideration commonly used classical approaches such as Dijkstra algorithm (DA), artificial potential field (APF), probabilistic road map (PRM), cell decomposition (CD), and meta-heuristic techniques such as fuzzy logic (FL), neutral network (NN), particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA), cuckoo search algorithm (CSO), and artificial bee colony (ABC). Classical approaches have limitations of trapping in local minima, failure to handle uncertainty, and many more. On the other hand, it is observed that heuristic approaches can solve most real-world problems and perform well after some modification and hybridization with classical techniques. As a result, many methods have been established worldwide for the path planning strategy for mobile robots. The most often utilized approaches, on the other hand, are offered below for further study

    A review: On path planning optimization criteria and mobile robot navigation

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    Mobile robots are growing more significant from time to time and have been applied to many fields such as agriculture, space, and even human life. It could improve mobile robot navigation efficiency, ensure path planning safety and smoothness, minimize time execution, etc. The main focus of mobile robots is to have the most optimal functions. An intelligent mobile robot is required to travel autonomously in various environments, static and dynamic. This paper article presents the optimization criteria for mobile robot path planning to figure out the most optimal mobile robot criteria to fulfill, including modeling analysis, path planning and implementation. Path length and path smoothness are the most parameters used in optimization in mobile robot path planning. Based on path planning, the mobile robot navigation is divided into three categories: global navigation, local navigation and personal navigation. Then, we review each category and finally summarize the categories in a map and discuss the future research strategies

    A Trade-off Ranking Method: Case of Extreme Solutions Redundancy

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    In the trade-off ranking (TOR) method, the determination of the extreme solution (ES) is the main step before ranking the alternatives. ES reflects the best value of one criterion in a conflicting multi-criteria problem. However, the redundancy in selecting the ESs occurs because of the redundancy in some of the criteria values. Based on the stated problem, an improved TOR method is introduced in this paper to cater the redundant ES problem. An example is used from the literature to test the improvisation. The result indicates the implementation of the TOR method provides a better solution since it satisfies two conditions which are the highest value for different weights and the least compromise values in average weights. This verifies the reasonableness and effectiveness of the TOR method

    A review of game theory and multi-criteria decision-making methods with 10 application to the oil production and price

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    The oil production and price issues have been discovered a long time ago, and always be a continuous problem to the globe especially during the current global threats of the coronavirus pandemic. This paper provides a literature review that involves game theory and multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods with its applications to oil production and price problems. This paper identifies and analyses the use of the game theory and MCDM methods on oil production and price to compare the situation studied, to determine the model that has been used, the trend of past literature and also the details of the basic elements for the game theory framework. Therefore, the oil production and price problem using the game theory and MCDM methods are reviewed and numerous applications studied from the past works of literature are highlighted. The trend of oil production and price which used the game theory and MCDM methods based on the year 2001 till 2021 is still lacking sources from the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The main contribution of the recent study is the employment of the game theory and MCDM methods to the oil production and price problem

    A comprehensive review of hybrid game theory techniques and multi-criteria decision-making methods

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    More studies trend to hybrid the game theory technique with the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method to aid real-life problems. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the hybrid game theory technique and MCDM method. The fundamentals of game theory concepts and models are explained to make game theory principles clear to the readers. Moreover, the definitions and models are elaborated and classified to the static game, dynamic game, cooperative game and evolutionary game. Therefore, the hybrid game theory technique and MCDM method are reviewed and numerous applications studied from the past works of literature are highlighted. The result of the previous studies shows that the fundamental elements for both frameworks were studied in various ways with most of the past studies tend to integrate the static game with AHP and TOPSIS methods. Also, the integration of game theory techniques and MCDM methods was studied in various applications such as politics, economy, supply chain, engineering, water management problem, allocation problem and telecommunication network selection. The main contribution of the recent studies of employment between game theory technique and MCDM method are analyzed and discussed in detail which includes static and dynamic games in the non-cooperative game, cooperative game, both non-cooperative and cooperative games and evolutionary gam

    A shapley trade-off ranking method for multi-criteria decision-making with defuzzification characteristic function

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    More studies tend to hybrid the game theory technique with the MCDM method to cater to real-situation problems. This paper provides a novel hybrid Shapley value solution concept in the cooperative game with the trade-off ranking method in MCDM. The fundamental methodology of the Shapley value solution concept and trade-off ranking method are explained to make the methodology clear to the readers. A Shapley trade-off ranking (S-TOR) method has been proposed to obtain the best solution to the fuzzy conflicting MCDM in the personnel selection problem. Thus, the triangular fuzzy number is used to represent the DMs evaluation. Then, the fuzzy number be transformed into crisp values using the defuzzification process. The future suggestions are the fuzzy system may be changed to real data for more practical problems, attempt to incorporate a comprehensive method to increase sharing-profit and decrease sharing-loss in the economy or financial problems, and other types of fuzzy numbers may be used to represent an evaluation of the DMs

    A study of vehicle routing problem via trade-off ranking method

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    Vehicle routing defines selecting the minimum cost, distance, and/or time path from a depot to several alternatives for a goods or service to reach its destination. The objective of most routing problem is to minimize the total cost of providing the service. But other objectives also may come into play, particularly in the public sector. For emergency services, such as ambulance, police, and fire engine, minimizing the response time to an incident is of primary importance. A few routing algorithms do not use a deterministic algorithm to find the "best" route for a goods to get from its original source to its destination. Instead, to avoid congestion, a few algorithms use a randomized algorithm that routes a path to a randomly picked intermediate destination, and from there to its true destination. In this paper, the trade-off ranking method is used to solve for the vehicle routing treated as a conflicting multi-criteria problem. The integration of the trade-off ranking method into the vehicle routing problem gives another perspective on how to solve the problem, hence broadened the decision support system for the vehicle routing problem

    Nash equilibrium selection using a hybrid two-player static game with trade-off ranking method

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    In the context of the game theory solution idea, the study seeks to suggest the ranking of an optimal solution when there are several Nash equilibria. The integration of the MCDM approach and game theory is a common strategy for addressing real-world challenges. This study introduces a novel hybrid method, combining a non-cooperative static game from game theory with the trade-off ranking (TOR) method from MCDM. The proposed hybrid method is used to rank multiple Nash equilibria concerning some criteria. The methodology for both static game and TOR method are explained in the paper. The game theory model used is a two-player non-constant-sum static game. The proposed methodology is tested using international cooperation in Iran. The result suggests the ranking of the combined strategies using the proposed method