144 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Masalah Disiplin Di Kalangan Pelajar Di Sekolah Menengah Dalam Daerah Kubang Pasu

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    This study analyzes factors that cause discipline problems among secondary-school students in selected schools in the district of Kubang Pasu, Kedah. It also seek to determine the most dominant factor that affects secondary-school student discipline. The subjects of the research consist of 322 Form Four students selected from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Changlun, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bukit Kayu Hitam, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Air Hitam, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Bendahara. The sample was made up of 60.7 percent male and 39.3 percent female, of which 77 percent were 16 years of age, 21.1 prcent were above the age of 16 while the remaining percentage of respondents were 15 years of age. Date were collected using questionnaires that comprise three sections : a) respondents' demographic information, b) information regarding the prevalent types of discipline problems and c) information regarding the factors that cause discipline problems. The dependent variable under study is the discipline problems among secondary-school student while the independent variables are the cause factors that originate from the student themselves, families, peers and teachers. The data analysis is conducted into four section : a) descriptive analysis which provides demographic information about the respondent, b) frequency counts that show the frequency of respondent involvement in discipline problem in the period of one month, c) Cronbach's Alpha reliability test to identify cause factors among respondents and d) person correlation in used to determine the exixtance and strength of correlation between the dependent variables and the independent variables. Findings indicate that there are three independent variables that affect discipline problems, the most dominant of which is the respondents' peers. Family factor is shown not to have a statistically significant relationship with discipline problems among secondary-school students in the district of Kubang Pasu

    Investigating Malay language writing proficiency level among upper secondary school students

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    This paper aims to present the findings of a research on writing proficiency in Malay language of upper secondary schools students in Malaysia. The research is designed to compare writing patterns of urban and rural students from four different zones. The focus of analysis is divided into three aspects, namely, language used, discourse and idea conceptualization. In language used, the focus is on sentence structure, dialect usage and punctuation while discourse looks at interesting phrases. The ideas in the writings are evaluated holistically by looking at the clarity, maturity and relevance of ideas presented. The respondents of this research are selected from five different zones; Kedah (northern zone), Kelantan (eastern zone), Negeri Sembilan (central zone), Sabah and Sarawak (East Malaysia). The total number of respondents is 1524 students. Generally, the findings of the research show that the writing proficiency of the students is at satisfactory level. However, there are differences in the students’ writing performance within the zones

    Soft Skills Integration in Teaching Professional Training: Novice Teachers’ Perspectives

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    AbstractThis paper is part of a bigger research project and focuses on issues related to soft skills and teaching professional training. The research project is on developing an integrated soft skills training module for teacher education program in Malaysian Public Universities. The purpose of this paper is to explore the extent of soft skills that has been integrated in teaching professional training from the novice teachers’ perspectives. The issues of unemployment and lack of quality among teachers are associated with the notion that teachers have not adequately acquired employability skills and soft skills during their training in universities. At the preliminary stage, 15 novice teachers who have graduated from five identified public universities for not more than three years were interviewed. There are a total of three focus group interview cycles. The interview protocol consists of seven soft skills are: communication, critical and problem solving, team work, life-long learning and management of information, entrepreneurship, ethics, moral and professional, and leadership. The findings showed that six out of seven soft skills were perceived as important and relevant to their teaching tasks except entrepreneurship skill. However, these novice teachers were concerned about the insufficient soft skills acquired from teaching training in order to support them in their work place. Since soft skills are important prerequisite in shaping an individual's personality, therefore it is recommended that teacher educators should utilize the integrated soft skills training module during teaching professional training

    Morphological differences between Bahasa Melayu and English: Constraints in students’ understanding

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    Teaching English language is a big challenge in Malaysia. Students are still unable to master or even comprehend the language even after eleven years learning the language at the primary and secondary levels. A study conducted on three hundred and fifteen Form Two students show that one of the most obvious weaknesses of the students lies in the morphological aspect of the language. Affixes, adverbs, adjectives, plural forms are some of the categories that students find problem with. Findings of the study show that over 60% of the mistakes detected can be categorized as morphological. This can be attributed to the different morphological structures between Bahasa Melayu and English, for example the -ly suffix for adverbs, superlative form for adjectives, -s, -es markers for plurality and reflexive pronoun, and these are some of the constraints the students face in learning the English language. This paper will present a comparative linguistic analysis on the morphological structures of the two languages

    First language influence on second language performance: A study of common English grammatical errors among rural secondary school students

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    As a second language in Malaysia, English is taught to all from the pre-school level until the fifth form of the secondary school. Even though the teaching and learning of English is carried out for several years, many students still fail to acquire the language successfully at the end of their schooling, which in turn jeopardizes their chances of future employment. After being exposed to the language for eleven years, students, particularly those from the rural areas, are found to be linguistically incompetent and unable to communicate successfully in the target language. The question now is why has this issue arisen. This paper attempts to share some insights into the issue of incompetency in English among rural secondary school students in Kulai, Johor. It reports an analysis of common errors made by three hundred second language learners in the acquisition of Subject-Verb Agreement, Tenses and Relative Pronouns. Using a combination of Norrish’s approach to conducting Error analysis and Contrastive Analysis, initial analysis of the common errors revealed syntactical intra-lingual interference from the first language. This paper will present a comparative linguistic analysis of the syntactical structures of the two languages in our attempt to explain and offer insights into learners’ difficulties in acquiring the target language

    Konsep ruang dalam Anggun Cik Tunggal: analisis semantik inkuisitif

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    Tamadun persuratan Melayu yang terbina seawal abad ke-16 mengetengahkan tradisi lisan dan tulisan melalui karya-karya bermutu tinggi. Karya yang banyak mengandungi maksud tersirat bertujuan bukan sahaja sebagai hiburan tetapi mengandungi kata nasihat dan falsafah untuk diamati oleh pembaca. Salah satu aspek yang menarik adalah berkaitan dengan ruang. Ruang adalah unsur penting yang boleh menjadi manifestasi kepada hubungan sosial, masa, dan pemikiran. Ketersiratannya tergambar apabila penutur menggunakan leksikal tertentu tetapi pada waktu yang sama dapat menjelaskan konsep ruang kepada pendengar. Selain itu, ruang dalam masyarakat Melayu bukan hanya tertumpu kepada ruang fizikal semata-mata, malah melangkaui ruang sosial dan ruang masa. Kadang kala, konsep ruang ini sering berkongsi fungsi antara dua domain yang berbeza. Contohnya, konsep ruang fizikal yang turut menjelaskan ruang masa. Artikel ini akan meneliti dan menganalisis ungkapan tersirat dalam Cerita Anggun Cik Tunggal yang menyingkap konsep ruang khususnya ruang fizikal dalam cerita lipur lara Melayu. Kupasan dan makna ungkapan tersirat ini akan dihurai menggunakan pendekatan semantik inkuisitif. Analisis menggunakan pendekatan inkuisitif yang menggabungkan data, teori, kognitif dan falsafah bukan hanya menyingkap kebijaksanaan Melayu tetapi juga menyerlahkan akal budi Melayu yang menjadi budaya dalam masyarakat Melayu. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pemilihan ujaran implisit yang wujud dalam Cerita Anggun Cik Tunggal mengaitkan ruang dengan kekuasaan, saiz fizikal, kekuatan dan jarak secara mengufuk dan menegak. Penggunaan dan pemilihan leksikal-leksikal ini juga menunjukkan kepekaan orang Melayu terhadap alam sekeliling mereka. Menariknya, ruang fizikal dicerap secara halus dan seterusnya menjadi cerminan pemikiran Melayu

    Thinking through content instruction: microteaching unveils

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    This paper investigates the extent of critical skills being incorporated in the undergraduates’ lesson as shown in their microteaching sessions. The researcher seeks to find evidence of critical thinking skills in the undergraduates’ content instruction of their respective lessons. She investigates the integration of critical thinking skills via the undergraduates’ lesson plans and the lesson’s implementation. She seeks for inclusion of these skills by viewing the taped lessons. Recommendations to UPSI are also presented in an effort to inspire awareness on the compelling need for thinkers amongst undergraduates and future teachers

    Kepelbagaian varian leksikal dialek di Perak: pendekatan Geographical Information System

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    Perkembangan teknologi telah membawa dimensi baharu dalam kajian dialek. Kini Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) telah diguna pakai oleh kebanyakan pengkaji luar untuk menghasilkan peta penyebaran dialek bagi menggantikan kajian dialek yang terdahulu. Oleh itu, kajian ini meneliti kepelbagaian dialek yang ada di Perak berdasarkan data leksikal ‘air’, ‘bantal’ dan ‘saya’. Pengumpulan data dibuat menerusi kajian lapangan di 102 buah kampung iaitu meliputi seluruh negeri Perak. Data yang diperolehi kemudiannya disaring, ditranskripsi dan seterusnya dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan GIS. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan bahawa sebanyak tujuh varian yang ditemui bagi merujuk kepada leksikal ‘air’, enam varian bagi leksikal ‘bantal’. Manakala, terdapat 15 varian bagi leksikal ‘saya’ ditemui dalam kalangan penutur dialek di Perak. Kepelbagaian varian ini terjadi kerana wujudnya perbezaan penggunaan varian di antara dua peringkat umur iaitu generasi tua dan generasi muda. Namun, taraf pendidikan, pekerjaan dan juga perkahwinan turut mengukuhkan lagi dapatan kajian ini. Buktinya, dapatan analisis menunjukkan bahawa generasi tua yang tidak berpendidikan dan bekerja kampung ataupun suri rumah didapati lebih mengekalkan penggunaan varian asli dialek Perak berbanding dengan generasi mudanya. Hal ini kerana, kebanyakan generasi muda yang ditemui telah mengalami peralihan dialek dalam menggunakan varian-varian leksikal. Generasi muda lebih cenderung menggunakan bentuk standard dalam pertuturan mereka. Keadaan ini disebabkan oleh pengaruh media massa, taraf pendidikan dan bidang pekerjaan yang menyumbang kepada kepelbagaian dialek bagi generasi ini di Perak. Malahan, pengaplikasian GIS telah membantu menghasilkan peta taburan bagi ketiga-tiga leksikal di Perak secara jelas dan saintifik

    Dialek Melayu di Perak: analisis geolinguistik

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    Dialek Melayu telah lama dikaji namun kebelakangan ini agak kurang aktif. Baru-baru ini kajian dialek dirancakkan semula dengan menggunakan pendekatan multidisiplin. Dialek telah digandingkan dengan maklumat geografi yang dikenali sebagai geolinguistik. Selain maklumat topografi, kajian geolinguistik juga mengambil kira faktor bukan linguistik lain seperti migrasi, sejarah dan sosiobudaya dalam menjelaskan taburan dialek. Kajian telah mengaplikasikan perisian Geographic Information System (GIS) dalam melakarkan taburan dialek dan isoglos dengan tepat dan sistematik. Seramai 1500 responden terlibat dari seluruh negeri Perak dengan mengambil golongan tua, dewasa dan remaja sebagai responden. Hasil kajian mendapati wujud pelbagai varian sebutan bagi leksikal kata ganti nama, air dan bantal. Selain daripada varian dialek Perak sendiri, kita temui varian dialek Melayu Patani dan dialek Kedah dituturkan di Perak. Kesan daripada faktor sejarah dan migrasi, kita temui juga bahasa Banjar, Jawa dan Minang yang memperkayakan bahasa di Perak. Dapatan kedua membuktikan walaupun Kuala Kangsar dan Perak Tengah adalah pusat bagi dialek Perak asli, namun penggunaan dialek di Perak mula menampakkan unsur-unsur kepudaran dalam kalangan generasi muda. Ini telah pun berlaku pada bahasa Banjar, Minang dan Jawa. Pengaruh daripada media massa, pendidikan, dan proses asimilasi telah menjadi faktor penyumbang kepada kehilangan bahasa dan dialek ini di Perak