22 research outputs found

    Utilization capability of sucrose, raffinose and inulin and its less-sensitiveness to glucose repression in thermotolerant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus DMKU 3-1042

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    Kluyveromyces marxianus possesses a useful potential to assimilate a wide variety of substrates at a high temperature, but the negative effect by coexisting glucose is critical for utilization of biomass containing various sugars. Such a negative effect on the activity of inulinase, which is the sole enzyme to hydrolyze sucrose, raffinose and inulin, has been demonstrated in K. marxianus without analysis at the gene level. To clarify the utilization capability of sucrose, raffinose and inulin and the glucose effect on inulinase in K. marxianus DMKU 3-1042, its growth and metabolite profiles on these sugars were examined with or without glucose under a static condition, in which glucose repression evidently occurs. Consumption of sucrose was not influenced by glucose or 2-deoxyglucose. On the other hand, raffinose and inulin consumption was hampered by glucose at 30°C but hardly hampered at 45°C. Unlike Saccharomyces cerevisiae, increase in glucose concentration had no effect on sucrose utilization. These sugar-specific glucose effects were consistent with the level of inulinase activity but not with that of the KmINU1 transcript, which was repressed in the presence of glucose via KmMig1p. This inconsistency may be due to sufficient activity of inulinase even when glucose is present. Our results encourage us to apply K. marxianus DMKU 3-1042 to high-temperature ethanol fermentation with biomass containing these sugars with glucose

    A Kluyveromyces marxianus 2-deoxyglucose-resistant mutant with enhanced activity of xylose utilization

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    Thermotolerant ethanologenic yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus is capable of fermenting various sugars including xylose but glucose represses to hamper the utilization of other sugars. To acquire glucose repression-defective strains, 33 isolates as 2-deoxyglucose (2-DOG)-resistant mutants were acquired from about 100 colonies grown on plates containing 2-DOG, which were derived from an efficient strain DMKU 3-1042. According to the characteristics of sugar consumption abilities and cell growth and ethanol accumulation along with cultivation time, they were classified into three groups. The first group (3 isolates) utilized glucose and xylose in similar patterns along with cultivation to those of the parental strain, presumably due to reduction of the uptake of 2-DOG or enhancement of its export. The second group (29 isolates) showed greatly delayed utilization of glucose, presumably by reduction of the uptake or initial catabolism of glucose. The last group, only one isolate, showed enhanced utilization ability of xylose in the presence of glucose. Further analysis revealed that the isolate had a single nucleotide mutation to cause amino acid substitution (G270S) in RAG5 encoding hexokinase and exhibited very low activity of the enzyme. The possible mechanism of defectiveness of glucose repression in the mutant is discussed in this paper. [Int Microbiol 18(4):235-244 (2015)]Keywords: Kluyveromyces marxianus · glucose repression · 2-deoxyglucose-resistant mutants · ethanol fermentation on xylose · thermotolerant yeas

    Potential of Thermotolerant Ethanologenic Yeasts Isolated from ASEAN Countries and Their Application in High- Temperature Fermentation

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    Thermotolerant ethanologenic yeasts receive attention as alternative bio-ethanol producers to traditionally used yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Their utilization is expected to provide several benefits for bio-ethanol production due to their characteristics and robustness. They have been isolated from a wide variety of environments in a number of ASEAN countries: Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Indonesia. One of these yeasts, Kluyveromyces marxianus has been investigated regarding characteristics. Some strains efficiently utilize xylose, which is a main component of the 2nd generation biomass. In addition, the genetic basis of K. marxianus has been revealed by genomic sequencing and is exploited for further improvement of the strains by thermal adaptation or gene engineering techniques. Moreover, the glucose repression of K. marxianus and its mechanisms has been investigated. Results suggest that K. marxianus is an alternative to S. cerevisiae in next-generation bio-ethanol production industry. Indeed, we have succeeded to apply K. marxianus for bio-ethanol production in a newly developed process, which combines high-temperature fermentation with simultaneous fermentation and distillation under low pressure. This chapter aims to provide valuable information on thermotolerant ethanologenic yeasts and their application, which may direct the economic bioproduction of ethanol and other useful materials in the future

    Isolation and characterization of thermotolerant ethanol-fermenting yeasts from Laos and application of whole-cell matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) analysis for their quick identification

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    Thermotolerant yeasts, which are expected to be applicable for high-temperature fermentation as an economical process, were isolated from four provinces in Laos. Of these yeasts, five isolates exhibited stronger fermentation abilities in a 16% sugars-containing medium of glucose, sucrose, sugarcane or molasses at 40°C than that of Kluyveromyces marxianus DMKU 3-1042, one of the most thermotolerant and efficient yeasts isolated previously in Thailand. One of the five strains, BUNL-17, exhibited the highest ethanol fermentation performance at 45°C. Yeast identification was achieved by whole-cell matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) analysis as well as by nucleotide sequencing of the D1/D2 domain of the large subunit rRNA gene, revealing that the isolated strains can be categorized into Pichia kudriavzevii, Cyberlindnera rhodanensis and K. marxianus and that all of the five strains are K. marxianus. The results of this study showed that the former analysis is much faster than the latter and reliable and equivalent to the latter.Key words: Ethanol fermentation, thermotolerant yeast, Kluyveromyces marxianus