1,254 research outputs found

    Adorno on Mimetic Rationality: Three Puzzles

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    In this paper, I examine Adorno’s controversial claim that human rationality is inherently mimetic. To do so, I break this claim down into three puzzles (the natural historical puzzle, the metaphysical puzzle, and the epistemic puzzle) and consider each in turn. The first puzzle originates in Adorno’s assertion that in the course of human history the mimetic moment of human thought “is melted together with the rational moment”. So whereas, on his narrative, mimesis has become an intrinsic component of human rationality, it appears that we are oblivious to this state of affair and unable to recognize the workings of mimesis in what we otherwise refer to as rationality. The second puzzle concerns the traditional metaphysical question regarding the possibility of knowledge. Adorno holds that the key to this question lies in the “mimetic moment of knowledge”, which he characterizes as the “moment of the elective affinity between the knower and the known.” The third puzzle concerns his views on how the mimetic moment of thought plays out in our epistemic practices. As he puts it, “consciousness knows of its other as much as it resembles that other,” which seems to entail that our very efforts to conceptualize objects somehow rely on imitative processes. I work out what I take to be the basics of Adorno’s understanding of mimesis and use them to make sense of each puzzle. I argue that Adorno’s insistence on the mimetic component of human rationality isn’t meant to promote more mimetic modes of comportment, but a reflexive awareness of the extent to which our rational activities already rely on imitative (or immersive) processes, even those we view as embodying the strongest claims to the contrary

    An extensible benchmark and tooling for comparing reverse engineering approaches

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    Various tools exist to reverse engineer software source code and generate design information, such as UML projections. Each has specific strengths and weaknesses, however no standardised benchmark exists that can be used to evaluate and compare their performance and effectiveness in a systematic manner. To facilitate such comparison in this paper we introduce the Reverse Engineering to Design Benchmark (RED-BM), which consists of a comprehensive set of Java-based targets for reverse engineering and a formal set of performance measures with which tools and approaches can be analysed and ranked. When used to evaluate 12 industry standard tools performance figures range from 8.82\% to 100\% demonstrating the ability of the benchmark to differentiate between tools. To aid the comparison, analysis and further use of reverse engineering XMI output we have developed a parser which can interpret the XMI output format of the most commonly used reverse engineering applications, and is used in a number of tools

    A Case Study in Optimization of Resource Distribution to Cope with Unanticipated Changes in Requirements

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    It is a known fact that requirements change continuously, and as a consequence, it may be necessary to reschedule development activities so that the new requirements can be addressed in a costeffective manner. Unfortunately, changes in requirements cannot be specified precisely. Moreover, current software development methods do not provide explicit means to adapt development processes with respect to unanticipated changes in requirements. This article first proposes a method based on Markov Decision Theory, which determines the estimated optimal development schedule with respect to probabilistic product demands and resource constraints. Second, a tool is described that is built to support the method. Finally, some experimental results are presented on the applicability of the proposed method

    Approximate Reasoning with Fuzzy Booleans

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    This paper introduces, in analogy to the concept of fuzzy numbers, the concept of fuzzy booleans, and examines approximate reasoning with the compositional rule of inference using fuzzy booleans. It is shown that each set of fuzzy rules is equivalent to a set of fuzzy rules with singleton crisp antecedents; in case of fuzzy booleans this set contains only two rules. It is shown that Zadeh's extension principle is equivalent to the compositional rule of inference using a complete set of fuzzy rules with singleton crisp antecedents. The results are applied to describe the use of approximate reasoning with fuzzy booleans to object-oriented design methods

    Fuzzy Weighted Average: Analytical Solution

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    An algorithm is presented for the computation of analytical expressions for the extremal values of the α-cuts of the fuzzy weighted average, for triangular or trapeizoidal weights and attributes. Also, an algorithm for the computation of the inverses of these expressions is given, providing exact membership functions of the fuzzy weighted average. Up to now, only algorithms exist for the computation of the extremal values of the α-cuts for a fixed value of α. To illustrate the power of our algorithms, they are applied to several examples from the literature, providing exact membership functions in each case

    Management Challenges for DevOps Adoption within UK SMEs

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    The DevOps phenomenon is gathering pace as more UK organisations seek to leverage the benefits it can potentially bring to software engineering functions. However substantial organisational change is inherent to adopting DevOps, especially where there are prior and established methods. As part of a wider piece of doctoral research investigating the management challenges of DevOps adoption, we present early findings of a six month qualitative diary study following the adoption of DevOps within a UK based SME with over 200 employees. We find that within our case study organisation, the DevOps approach is being adopted for the development of a new system used both internally and by customers. DevOps, conceptually, appears to be generally well regarded, but in reality is proving difficult to fully adopt. This difficulty is down to a combination of necessity in maintaining a legacy system, lack of senior management buy-in, managerial structure and resistance. Additionally, we are finding evidence of job crafting, especially with the software developers. Taken together, we put forward the argument that DevOps is an interdisciplinary topic which would greatly benefit from further management and potentially psychology oriented research attention

    A Model for Quality Optimization in Software Design Processes

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    The main objective of software engineers is to design and implement systems that implement all functional and non-functional requirements. Unfortunately, it is very difficult or even generally impossible to deliver a software system that satisfies all the requirements. Even more seriously, failures in fulfilling requirements are generally detected after the realization of software systems. This is because design decisions are mostly taken based on estimations, which can turn out to be wrong at a later stage in the design process. Switching to different design alternatives at a later stage can be very difficult since this may demand drastic changes in design and also may increase project time and costs. In this paper a model is proposed for modeling and tracing design processes with respect to the selected design alternatives. Based on the model, two algorithmic definitions of design strategies are given, which enable software engineers to optimize design decisions with respect to quality and resource constraints

    L’église Sainte-Marie, monument du métissage de modèles bretons et des savoir-faire acadiens

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    L’arrivée massive de religieux français au Canada, autour de 1900, a eu un impact considérable sur le paysage construit : églises, chapelles, couvents, collèges, noviciats et autres bâtiments utiles à leur installation et à leurs oeuvres se sont multipliés. Au-delà de l’effet du nombre, la Séparation a aussi imposé au Québec un retour à une architecture « à la française », une fois consacré le statut du Canada français comme terre promise de la catholicité francophone. Parmi ces religieux migrants, les eudistes, en particulier, ont beaucoup construit, au Québec et en Nouvelle-Écosse. L’un d’eux a laissé en sol canadien un monument imposant, l’église Sainte-Marie de la Pointe-de-l’Église, en Nouvelle-Écosse. Cet article se propose d’en établir la sémiogenèse en vue d’accroître sa notoriété, notamment pour en assurer la conservation et la mise en valeur comme monument historique national

    Dealing with Fuzzy Information in Software Design Methods

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    Software design methods incorporate a large set of heuristic rules that should result in stable software architecture of high quality. In general, clearly defined inputs are required to deliver the desired results. Unfortunately, especially in the early phases of software development, it is very difficult or even impossible to provide precisely defined information. Since methods cannot deal with imprecision, the designers need to make approximations which are generally not justifiable. In this paper, we will advocate an approach where the inputs for software design methods are modeled by using fuzzy sets. This approach renders the need for introduction of extra information for removal of inexactness obsolete
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