945 research outputs found

    Sounds of silence: data for analysing muted safety voice in speech

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    Transcribed text from simulated hazards contains important content relevant for preventing harm. By capturing and analysing the content of speech when people raise (safety voice) or withhold safety concerns (safety silence), communication patterns may be identified for when individuals perceive risk, and safety management may be improved through identifying potential antecedents. This dataset contains transcribed speech from 404 participants (n students = 377; n female = 277, Age M (sd) = 22.897 (5.386)) engaged in a simulated hazardous scenario (walking across an unsafe plank), capturing 18,078 English words (M (sd) = 46.117 (37.559)). The data was collected through the Walking the plank paradigm (Noort et al, 2019), which provides a validated laboratory experiment designed for the direct observation of communication in response to hazardous scenarios that elicit safety concerns. Three manipulations were included in the design: hazard salience (salient vs not salient), responsibilities (clear vs diffuse) and encouragements (encouraged vs discouraged). Speech between two set timepoints in the hazardous scenario was transcribed based on video recordings and coded in terms of the extent to which speech involved safety voice or safety silence. Files contain i) a.csv containing the raw data, ii) a.csv providing variable description, iii) a Jupyter notebook (v. 3.7) providing the statistical code for the accompanying research article, iv) a.html version of the Jupyter notebook, v) a.html file providing the graph for the.html Jupyter notebook, vi) speech dictionaries, and vii) a copy of the electronic questionnaire. The data and supplemental files enable future research through providing a dataset in which participants can be distinguished in terms of the extent to which they are concerned and raise or withhold this. It enables speech and conversation analyses and the Jupyter notebook may be adapted to enable the parsing and coding of text using provided, existing and custom dictionaries. This may lead to the identification of communication patterns and potential interventions for unmuting safety voice. This data-in-brief is published alongside the research article: M. C. Noort, T.W. Reader, A. Gillespie. (2021). The sounds of safety silence: Interventions and temporal patterns unmute unique safety voice content in speech. Safety Science

    The sounds of safety silence: interventions and temporal patterns unmute unique safety voice content in speech

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    Research shows that withholding safety concerns on encountering hazards – safety silence – is a critical contributor to accidents. Studies therefore aim to prevent accidental harm through interventions for reducing safety silence. Yet, the behaviour remains poorly understood, obstructing effective safety management: it is unclear to what extent safety silence involves muted safety voice (the partial withholding of safety concerns), and how muted safety voice can be recognised in speech, may be measured based on the degrees and types of safety voice (speaking up about safety), progresses over time, and may be optimally reduced. To improve safety management, this study proposes a conceptual model for the manifestation of safety silence and muted safety voice using a laboratory experiment (N = 404) to evaluate the implications for the effectiveness of three interventions (salient hazards, clear responsibilities, encouragements) across stages of a hazard. Results indicated that safety silence and muted safety voice are measurable in terms of the degree to which concerned people engage in five types of safety voice at different points in time, and we revealed this is important for safety management: interventions only unmute safety voice at unique hazard stages and for knowledge-based speech when people are concerned. This indicates that safety silence and muted safety voice are situated and can be recognised in nuanced speech, with interventions being most effective when timed appropriately and people have safety concerns to speak up about


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    Boven het 'zelfportret' van Arjen Boin in Bestuurskundige Berichten van april 1998 stond het woord 'Toeval' en dat predikaat is ook op mijn 'wetenschappelijke loopbaan' van toepassing. Bij toeval heb ik in 1975 gekozen voor de studie sociologie; eigenlijk had ik liever economie of politicologie gestudeerd, maar dan kon toen in Leiden niet. (Er was in die tijd evenmin een opleiding bestuurskunde, maar ik zou er in 1975 als 'socialistisch student' niet over gepiekerd hebben om daarvoor te kiezen.

    Safety sans frontières: an international safety culture model

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    The management of safety culture in international and culturally diverse organisations is a concern for many high-risk industries. Yet, research has primarily developed models of safety culture within Western countries, and there is a need to extend investigations of safety culture to global environments. We examined i) whether safety culture can be reliably measured within a single industry operating across different cultural environments, and ii) if there is an association between safety culture and national culture. The psychometric properties of a safety culture model developed for the air traffic management industry (ATM) were examined in 17 European countries from four culturally distinct regions of Europe (North, East, South, West). Participants were ATM operational staff (n = 5176) and management staff (n = 1230). Through employing multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, good psychometric properties of the model were established. This demonstrates, for the first time, that when safety culture models are tailored to a specific industry, they can operate consistently across national boundaries and occupational groups. Additionally, safety culture scores at both regional and national levels were associated with country-level data on Hofstede’s five national culture dimensions (collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance). MANOVAs indicated safety culture to be most positive in Northern Europe, less so in Western and Eastern Europe, and least positive in Southern Europe. This indicates that national cultural traits may influence the development of organisational safety culture, with significant implications for safety culture theory and practice

    The relationship between national culture and safety culture: implications for international safety culture assessments

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    In this article we examine the relationship between safety culture and national culture, and the implications of this relationship for international safety culture assessments. Focussing on Hofstede’s uncertainty avoidance (UA) index, a survey study of 13,616 Air Traffic Management (ATM) employees in 21 European countries found a negative association between safety culture and national norm data for uncertainty avoidance. This is theorized to reflect the influence of national tendencies for uncertainty avoidance upon attitudes and practices for managing safety (e.g., anxiety on risk; reliance on protocols; concerns over reporting incidents; openness to different perspectives). The relationship between uncertainty avoidance and safety culture is likely to have implications for international safety culture assessments. Specifically, benchmarking exercises will consistently indicate safety management within organizations in high UA countries to be poorer than low UA countries due to the influence of national culture upon safety practices, which may limit opportunities for identifying and sharing best practice. We propose the use of safety culture against international group norms (SIGN) scores to statistically adjust for the influence of uncertainty avoidance upon safety culture data, and to support the identification of safety practices effective and particular to low or high UA cultures

    Transferrin microheterogeneity as a probe in normal and disease states

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    Isoelectric focusing of iron saturated serum has been established as a convenient method for showing transferrin glycan microheterogeneity. In a clinical setting, the method is used in the detection of cerebrospinal fluid leakage, the screening for surreptitious alcohol abuse and in the diagnosis of the carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome. In normal physiological states it can also be used as a tool to probe for changes in N-glycosylation
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