3,736 research outputs found

    Sensitivity analysis for large-scale problems

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    The development of efficient techniques for calculating sensitivity derivatives is studied. The objective is to present a computational procedure for calculating sensitivity derivatives as part of performing structural reanalysis for large-scale problems. The scope is limited to framed type structures. Both linear static analysis and free-vibration eigenvalue problems are considered

    Interferensi Logat Bahasa Jawa Terhadap Pelafalan Bahasa Jepang Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Angkatan 2013 Universitas Brawijaya

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    Kata Kunci : Bahasa Ibu (B1), Logat, Interferensi, Fonologi, Interferensi FonologiIndonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki banyak daerah. Pada setiap daerah memiliki bahasa dan logat yang berbeda-beda. Bahasa dan logat daerah tersebut mempengaruhi ketika penutur belajar bahasa asing, khususnya penutur yang berasal dari Jawa dan belajar bahasa Jepang. Seringkali terjadi interferensi dalam proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui interferensi logat bahasa Jawa terhadap pelafalan bahasa Jepang mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang angkatan 2013 Universitas Brawijaya, dan 2) mengetahui penyebab interferensi logat bahasa Jawa dalam pelafalan.Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dan dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk memberi gambaran yang sistematis dan terperinci. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah rekaman suara tes fonetik dan hasil wawancara mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang semester 4 Universitas Brawijaya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interferensi yang terjadi terdapat pada 9 kesalahan yang terbagi dalam 3 bagian, yaitu kesalahan pada pelafalan /ɯ/, penambahan aspiran /h/ pada konsonan bersuara /w/, /d/, /j/, /b/, dan /g/, serta adanya perbedaan huruf pada bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Jawa, yaitu huruf /ʣ/, /ʃ/,dan /ʦ/. Kemudian ditemukan 5 faktor yang menjadi penyebabnya, yaitu kedwibahasaan responden, responden tidak diajari pelafalan (hatsuon) huruf-huruf bahasa Jepang, responden merupakan penutur pasif, sedikit waktu yang digunakan untuk berbicara bahasa Jepang, dan terbiasa berbicara menggunakan bahasa Jawa.Setelah melakukan penelitian ada beberapa saran yang dapat diberikan, yaitu bagi pemelajar dapat belajar melalui drama, anime, atau pun lagu berbahasa Jepang, bagi pengajar dapat mengajari cara pelafalan (hatsuon) huruf bahasa Jepang, dan bagi peneliti selanjutnya dapat meneliti perbedaan antara bahasa Jawa dan bahasa Jepang pada bidang sintaksis atau morfologis

    Perancangan Ornamen "Harini" melalui Kajian Visual Relief Latitavistara pada Candi Borobudur

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    Indonesia has many ornaments given that various cultures born in this archipelago. Variety of ornaments that characterizes a region refers to such cultural relics from the past. Excavation of the ornaments through the relics of the past with a rich in visual such as Borobudur may lead to the birth of the spirit of love of local product which is based on culture and tradition. Latitavistara relief which is part of the past Buddhist fragment became the main object in extracting visual object to bear a new visual language in the form of ornaments. The design of the ornament with a new visual appearance only used the visual elements of the flora in Latitavistara relief classified according to its clump type. The method used in this visual design referred to the simplification of the form leading to the symbolization inherent to the religious philosophy of Borobudur. Division levels in the pursuit of perfection contained in Borobudur were basis for determining the variations of ornament design generated. The results of this ornament design are expected to be applied into other visual disciplines which is not always be just a mere craft product. The spirit of recycling cultural heritage and traditions of the past to be a creative product with modern innovation becomes inseparable part of this design

    Perancangan Buku Cerita Bergambar Untuk Mengenalkan Nilai Tarian Bondan Pada Anak Usia 6-7 Tahun di Surakarta

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    PERANCANGAN BUKU CERITA BERGAMBAR UNTUK MENGENALKAN NILAI TARIAN BONDAN PADA ANAK USIA 6-7 TAHUN DI SURAKARTA Noor Rokhmah Agustin L1 Andreas S. Widodo, S.Sn., M.Hum.2, Ercilia Rini Octavia, S.Sn., M.Sn.3 ABSTRAK Noor Rokhmah Agustin L, 2015. Pengantar Tugas Akhir ini berjudul Perancangan Buku Cerita Bergambar untuk Mengenalkan Nilai Tarian Bondan Pada Usia 6-7 Tahun di Surakarta. Adapun permasalahan yang dikaji adalah (1) Bagaimana merancang visualisasi buku cerita bergambar yang menarik untuk mengenalkan nilai Tarian Bondan pada anak usia 6-7 tahun di Surakarta? (2) Bagaimana memilih material promosi yang tepat untuk mempromosikan buku cerita bergambar untuk mengenalkan nilai Tarian Bondan pada anak usia 6-7 tahun agar daya beli masyarakat di Surakarta meningkat?Tujuan perancangan ini adalah merancang cergam Tari Bondan untuk Ibunda Tersayang yang mudah dimengerti untuk anak-anak sehingga anak-anak mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang salah satu tari tradisional yaitu Tari Bondan, mulai dari bentuk gerakannya hingga nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya.Media tersebut tidak hanya harus sesuai dengan anak-anak, tapi juga harus memiliki nilai artistik agar menarik minat targetnya. Diharapkan melalui media buku cerita bergambar tersebut mampu menarik anak-anak usia 6-7 untuk mengenal dan suka pada Tari Bondan serta diharapkan berkeinginan untuk belajar menarikannya. _______________________ 1 Mahasiswa Jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual dengan NIM C0709053 2 Dosen Pembimbing I 3 Dosen Pembimbing I

    Coordination of Foliar and Wood Anatomical Traits Contributes to Tropical Tree Distributions and Productivity along the Malay-Thai Peninsula

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    Drought is a critical factor in plant species distributions. Much research points to its relevance even in moist tropical regions. Recent studies have begun to elucidate mechanisms underlying the distributions of tropical tree species with respect to drought; however, how such desiccation tolerance mechanisms correspond with the coordination of hydraulic and photosynthetic traits in determining species distributions with respect to rainfall seasonality deserves attention. In the present study, we used a common garden approach to quantify inherent differences in wood anatomical and foliar physiological traits in 21 tropical tree species with either widespread (occupying both seasonal and aseasonal climates) or southern (restricted to aseasonal forests) distributions with respect to rainfall seasonality. Use of congeneric species pairs and phylogenetically independent contrast analyses allowed examination of this question in a phylogenetic framework. Widespread species opted for wood traits that provide biomechanical support and prevent xylem cavitation and showed associated reductions in canopy productivity and consequently growth rates compared with southern species. These data support the hypothesis that species having broader distributions with respect to climatic variability will be characterized by traits conducive to abiotic stress tolerance. This study highlights the importance of the well-established performance vs. stress tolerance trade-off as a contributor to species distributions at larger scales

    Entrepreneurs - Turns Massive Challenges (Covid 19) In To Meaningful Change

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    An entrepreneur is a person who undertakes risk to make profit from an opportunity, than working as an ordinary employee. As we are experiencing the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, Entrepreneurs have to face a new challenge: that it is not only a huge sanitary and health crisis affecting people in all over the world. Though the world is changing rapidly in to the different scenario and reality are not the same depending on where you are running your business today. This is also an unprecedented downturn on the global economy. This paper presents how an Entrepreneur turns massive complexity into meaningful change. Entrepreneurs must initiate the financial and operational challenges of COVID - 19 while rapidly addressing the needs of their people, customers and suppliers

    Studi Komparasi Tingkat Efisiensi Antara Bank Asing Dan Bank Swasta Nasional Di Indonesia

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    The aim of this research is to measure efficiency between foreign banks and private national banks in Indonesia during the period 2008-2012. The data which is used is a secondary data, collected from financial statements issued by Bank Indonesia.The sampling technique is used in this research is purposive sampling with taking foreign 2 samples of foreign and 2 samples of private national banks. Efficiency measurements in this research using the method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with the intermediation approach. Input variables used in the study are deposits, assets, and labor costs, while the output variables are loans or finance and revenue.The results of this research showed that the bank reached a level of efficiency of 100 percent during the period 2008-2012 are Citibank,NA, and Bank Danamon with the average achievement level of efficiency between foreign banks and private national banks was 92.4% and 98%

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Luas Pengungkapan Sukarela dalam Annual Report

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the wider voluntary disclosure. Voluntary disclosure is needed by investors and other users in making better decisions because it is considered mandatory disclosure is not sufficient in providing information to investors. The factors examined in this study are firm size, leverage, profitability, firm age, size of the firm, and the proportion of independent board. The sample of this study are secondary data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the form of annual reports companies listed in 2010-2012. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling method with judgment sampling technique. The total sample in this study was 49 companies. This study uses multiple regression analysis. This is because the variables are tested more than one independent variable. The results show that profitability, size of the firm, and the proportion of independent board broad positive effect on voluntary disclosure, while negatively affects leverage extensive voluntary disclosure. Meanwhile, firm size and firm age has no effect on the wider voluntary disclosure

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Luas Pengungkapan Sukarela dalam Annual Report

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the wider voluntary disclosure. Voluntary disclosure is needed by investors and other users in making better decisions because it is considered mandatory disclosure is not sufficient in providing information to investors. The factors examined in this study are firm size, leverage, profitability, firm age, size of the firm, and the proportion of independent board. The sample of this study are secondary data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the form of annual reports companies listed in 2010-2012. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling method with judgment sampling technique. The total sample in this study was 49 companies. This study uses multiple regression analysis. This is because the variables are tested more than one independent variable. The results show that profitability, size of the firm, and the proportion of independent board broad positive effect on voluntary disclosure, while negatively affects leverage extensive voluntary disclosure. Meanwhile, firm size and firm age has no effect on the wider voluntary disclosure