270 research outputs found

    Effective hygromycin concentration for selection of Agrobacterium-mediated transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The floral-dip transformation method for Arabidopsis thaliana has long been established. Following transformation, an important step is involving the selection for transgenic plants through antibiotics or herbicides. Hygromycin has been widely applied for transgenic plants selection. However, the concentrations used were varied between laboratories mostly in a range of 10 mg/L up to 200 mg/L. In the present study, the hygromycin sensitivity test was performed on wild-type seeds to obtain the most effective hygromycin concentration for selection of the transgenic. A standard curve on average mean of hypocotyls lengths against hygromycin concentrations was constructed. Based on hypocotyls length and leaf colour, the most effective concentration of hygromycin was determined in the range of 20 to 30 mg/L. For screening the transformed seeds, hygromycin concentration at 25 mg/L was used. Non-transgenic plants demonstrated a clear decrease in hypocotyls lengths and no root elongation, as compared to transgenic plants. The identified transgenic seedlings were further verified through polymerase chain reaction (PCR), giving fragment with an expected size of 365 bp

    External attacks on automotive system through wireless communication channels

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    The reliance of today’s automotive system on electronics control system is expected to make the cars to be state-of-the-art vehicle. However, this technology dependency results in the cars to be exposed to attacks by the hacker through the manipulation of electronics system. Previously, for the attacker to compromise car’s system, he/she must access the car directly and internally. However, with the incorporation of wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and cellular into automotive system for example in its telematic units, the attacks are evolved from internal attacks into remote attack where the adversary does not have to internally access the car’s system. This paper analyses the vulnerabilities of the automotive system by the remote attacks performed through Bluetooth and cellular. Once the vulnerabilities were analyzed, the threats imposed by these vulnerabilities are accessed. Two scenarios namely theft and surveillance are used to exemplify the threats that are carried by the vulnerability of the automotive system to the remote attacks. From the vulnerability analysis and threat assessment, it can be deduced that the automotive system is vulnerable to attacks and proper countermeasure must be taken to curb the implication from the attacks.Keywords: Hardware Trojan, Insertion, Third-part IP, Trus

    A hybrid analysis of critical discourse analysis and systemic functional language to unmask ideological stance inside President Joko Widodo’s political speech text

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    President Joko Widodo is a phenomenon president because he is the one and only president who comes from a lower level class as compared to the other presidents who comes from Indonesia’s elite, especially the Javanese elite. Of the importance of the Indonesian people, every Indonesian President is concerned with the people’s interests to gain the people’s sympathy. Hence, this study unentangles how Jokowi disseminated his ideology to influence the Indonesian people through his political speech text. Accordingly, this study aims to investigate Jokowi’s ideological stance inside his political speech text. This study also identifies why Jokowi prioritizes Indonesia’s people as the main concern in his program. This study integrated interpretivism as the underlying paradigm. Meanwhile, case study research design was applied as this study centered on Jokowi’s speeches as Indonesian President. Data were collected from the first official speech text of President Jokowi delivered on August 16, 2015. This paper combined Critical Discourse Analysis and Systemic Functional Linguistics, particularly the Appraisal System’s judgmental analysis. The paper formed Judgement as a sub-type of the attitudinal classification rather than the other two, Affect and Appreciation. The Judgmental categories dominated by the sub-type of Capacity have exceeded other judgmental subtypes. Jokowi mostly evaluated Indonesia’s people using the positive Capacity to show that the People of Indonesia the capable people to overcome their problems. The reason behind Indonesia’s people’s political inclination is that Jokowi is supported by the people-based political party, Struggle-Indonesian Democratic Party (PDIP). The analysis of this study illustrates the importance of a leader’s ideological stance in facing and communicating with the people. This is because the stance allows Jokowi to inspire and empower the Indonesian people with his speeche

    Droplet-like bent multimode fiber sensor for temperature and refractive index measurement

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    This work proposes and demonstrates a bent multimode interference (MMI) sensor for refractive index and temperature measurement. The MMI structure was fabricated by successive splicing between single-mode-multimodesingle- mode (SMS) fibers. A droplet-like bent was introduced in the multimode fiber section for excitation of modes into the acrylate coating. The excitation of higher modes into the acrylate coating is particularly interesting due high thermooptic coefficient of acrylate which could improve temperature sensitivity, while evanescent field interaction of modes at the acrylate surface with surrounding material could be used for refractive index sensing. These modes experienced phase changes due to temperature and/or refractive index changes, consequently shift the spectra of the sensor. The sensor structure was simulated using BeamProp software to determine the required bending to excite light into acrylate coating for sensing. In experiment, a 3.5 mm bent sensor demonstrated refractive index sensitivity of 42.41 nm/RIU tested with refractive index between 1.30-1.395. Meanwhile, temperature sensitivity of 1.317nm/°C was attained using 5 mm bent sensor between 25 °C to 35 °C. The low cost and simple sensor structure is desirable in many applications including for detection, diagnosis, and determine of health, safety, environmental, liquid food, and water quality control

    Hollow-core photonic crystal fiber refractive index sensor based on modal interference

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    A refractive index sensor based modal interference in hollow core photonic crystal fiber (HCPCF) is proposed and demonstrated. The sensor is realized by splicing both ends of a HCPCF section to single mode fiber (SMF). At both splicing points, the HCPCF air holes are fully collapsed by the arc discharge. The collapsed regions excite and recombine core and cladding modes which formed modal interference for sensing purpose. The HCPCF sensor is tested in sugar solution and the response is measured from the wavelength shift in the interference spectra. The achieved sensitivity and resolution are 36.184 nm/RIU and 5.53-10-4 RIU, respectively, in refractive index range between 1.3330 and 1.3775. Result also shows that the sensor has a small temperature sensitivity of 19 pm/°C in the range of 35.5°C to 60.5 °C. The propos sensor potentially can be applied in biomedical, biological and chemical applications

    Refractive index sensor based on lateral-offset of coreless silica interferometer

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    A compact, cost-effective and high sensitivity fiber interferometer refractive index (RI) sensor based on symmetrical offset coreless silica fiber (CSF) configuration is proposed, optimized and demonstrated. The sensor is formed by splicing a section of CSF between two CSF sections in an offset manner. Thus, two distinct optical paths are created with large index difference, the first path through the connecting CSF sections and the second path is outside the CSF through the surrounding media. RI sensing is established from direct interaction of light with surrounding media, hence high sensitivity can be achieved with a relatively compact sensor length. In the experimental work, a 1.5 mm sensor demonstrates RI sensitivity of 750 nm/RIU for RI range between 1.33 and 1.345. With the main attributes of high sensitivity and compact size, the proposed sensor can be further developed for related applications including blood diagnosis, water quality control and food industries

    Profil Kesehatan Sapi Indukan Belgian Blue di Indonesia terhadap Penyakit Hewan Menular

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    Peningkatan efisiensi reproduksi dan genetik ternak melalui pengembangan sapi Belgian Blue (BB) melalui transfer embrio (TE) dan inseminasi buatan (IB) telah dilakukan di Indonesia sejak tahun 2017. Untuk menghasilkan anak sapi BB yang sehat diperlukan indukan sapi yang sehat dan bebas terhadap penyakit hewan menular. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengujian penyakit menular brucellosis, leptospirosis, campylobacteriosis, paratuberculosis, septicemic epizootica (SE), bovine viral diare (BVD), infectious bovine rhinothraceitis (IBR), enzootic bovine leucosis (EBL), trichomoniasis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, theleriasis, surra dan parasit cacing (strongyle, parampistomum, cestoda, fasciola) sapi calon indukan BB di pusat pengembangan sapi BB di Indonesia. Sebanyak 291 indukan sapi dikoleksi sampel serum, darah, swab vagina dan feses diuji di laboratorium BBLitvet. Hasil pengujian terhadap 291 sampel yang dikoleksi menunjukkan tidak terdeteksi brucellosis, EBL, trichomoniasis dan surra, namun terdeteksi antibodi terhadap IBR 40,89% (119/291), BVD 70,79% (206/291), SE 56,36% (164/291), leptospirosis 41,24% (120/291) dan paratuberculosis 0,69% (2/291). Pengujian terhadap parasit darah terdeteksi anaplasmosis 41,92% (122/291), babesiosis 28,18% (82/291) dan theleriasis 30,24% (88/291)

    Pulse compression in Q-switched fiber laser by using platinum as saturable absorber

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    This paper reported a successful demonstration on pulse compression in Q-switched fiber laser by using platinum, Pt as saturable absorber (SA). The Pt-SA is deposited through sputter deposition method. The modulation depth of Pt-SA is 46.5% with a saturation intensity of 1.4 MW cm⁻². The Pt-SA is integrated into the laser cavity to compress the pulse width in Q-switching operation. At the maximum pump power, only a small repetition rate of 29.2 kHz is needed to compress the pulse width to 1.8 μs. Meanwhile, the optical signal-to-noise ratio is about 43.0 dB. The Q-switched pulses have the maximum pulse energy of 6.5 nJ. Based on the findings, Pt has the ability to become an effective SA in generating Q-switched and pulse compression which may lead to further development of pulsed fiber laser

    Effect of pipe size on acetylene flame propagation in a closed straight pipe

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    The understanding of flame propagation mechanism in a tube or pipe as a function of scale is needed to describe explosion severity. Acetylene is an explosively unstable gas and will lead to a violent explosion when ignited. To achieve the goal, an experimental study of premixed acetylene/air mixture at stoichiometry concentration was carried out in a closed straight pipe with different sizes of L/D (ratio of length to diameter) to examine the flame propagation mechanism. Pipes with L/D=40 and 51 were used. From the results, it was found that the smaller pipe with L/D=40 enhanced the explosion severity by a factor of 1.4 as compared to that of the bigger pipe with L/D=51. The compression effect at the end of the pipe plays an important role to attenuate the burning rate, leading to higher flame speeds and hence, increases the overpressure. In the case of L/D=40, the compression effect is more severe due to the larger expansion ratio, and this phenomenon would decrease the quenching effect and subsequently promote flame acceleration. Fast flame speeds of up to 600 m/s were measured in the smaller pipe during explosion development. From the results, it can be seen that the compression effect plays a major role in contributing to the higher burning rate and affects the overall explosion and flame speed development. Furthermore, the compression effect is more severe in the smaller pipe that leads to the detonation-like event. This mechanism and data are useful to design a safety device to minimise explosion severity