7 research outputs found

    Forskningsdata Down Under - og måske right here?

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    ANDS er den australske satsning i håndtering og formidling af forskningsdata. De har midlerne – masser af dem – men spørgsmålet er, hvad de kan bidrage med af visioner og ideer til de danske forskningsbiblioteker

    The Library as a mediator for e-publishing: A case on how a library can become a significant factor in facilitating digital scholarly communication and open access publishing for less Web-savvy journals

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    Denmark is a small country but with a large and diverse scholarly publishing environment. There are many small journals, mostly in English. A majority of these see the potential in online publishing but do not have the resources and capabilities to do so. Furthermore they have a conservative business model (i.e. finances!) that doesn't encourage an open access publishing strategy. The Copenhagen Business School (CBS) Library provides a low risk environment for small journals related to the business school to make a gradual transition to e-publishing/e-archiving. Whether they at a later stage take the full step towards open access publishing remains to be seen. It is our firm belief that this gradual transition is essential for these smaller journals to eventually arrive online at all

    Gode og dårlige nyheder

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    Ny undersøgelse viser, at forskerne ikke tror at forskningsbibliotekerne er en relevant sparringspartner, når de skal publicere. Den gode nyhed er, at alle forskere i princippet efterspørger hjælp. Men skal bibliotekerne spille en rolle fremover, så handler det blandt andet om personaliserede tjenester

    National Coordination of Data Steward Education in Denmark:Final report to the National Forum for Research Data Management (DM Forum)

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    This report provides an analysis of current educations in data stewardship and an evaluation of the needs and expectations to the role of a Data Steward (DS) across the private and public sector. The aim is to inform future data stewardship educations in Denmark. Methods of analysis included a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods such as literature review, text mining, questionnaires, correlation analyses and interviews. All supporting materials produced throughout the report are found and freely available in the project community site.The project has been financially supported by the National Forum for Research Data Management (DM Forum) as part of DeIC (Danish E-Infrastructure Cooperation)