160 research outputs found

    Developing and validating the Japanese version of the situational Awe cale (SAS-J)

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    The experience of awe, an emotional response to vast stimuli overwhelming ones’ current mental structure, has often been measured using a questionnaire method. The purpose of the present study was to develop and validate the Japanese version of the Situational Awe Scale (SAS), which is a useful tool for measuring awe experiences from the perspective of the discriminability between positive- and threat-awe. The present study investigated the factor structure and validity of the Japanese version of the SAS (SAS-J) using awe-inducing video clips, through three online surveys (N = 1034; mean age = 38.74, SD = 10.95, range = 18–75). Results revealed that the SAS-J consisted of the same four factors as the original SAS (i.e., connection, oppression, chills, and diminished self) and had the convergent, criterion, and discriminative validity in measuring both positive- and threat-awe experiences. Additionally, results showed that the SAS-J could distinguish between positive- and threat-awe experiences. These results suggested that the SAS-J could measure both positive- and threat-awe experiences with validity. This study would make a methodological contribution to awe research

    Dynamic and Static Models of Body-Mind Approaches from Neurobiological Perspectives

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    Body-mind approaches (e.g., yoga, mindfulness meditation, Pilates method, and cognitive behavior therapy) are commonly used by the public today. However, the comprehensive neurobiological framework of effects of body-mind approaches is unknown. To begin, we discuss the dynamic and static models of each body-mind approaches from neurobiological perspectives, as well as from the standpoint of practical issues. By the dynamic components of body-mind approaches, people enhances meta-cognitive function, and it lead to decreases in avoidance behavior in social aversive context are suggested. On the other hand, it is assumed that static components of body-mind approaches enhance non-reactive monitoring function for baseline of self. Therefore, we discuss the implications of these findings for practitioners and for future research on body-mind researchers. Additionally, this chapter covers the essential ethical guidelines of body-mind approaches within the domain of medical or educational fields

    How Individual States and Traits Predict Aesthetic Appreciation of Haiku Poetry

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    The factors influencing poetry’s aesthetic appreciation are largely unknown. Some studies have reported features that affect the aesthetic appreciation of poetry. This study sought to determine which states and traits predict the aesthetic appeal of haiku poetry. We recruited 277 participants to rate 36 haiku on five characteristics: imagery vividness, stimulus valence, arousal, valence of felt emotion, and aesthetic appeal of haiku. Then, participants completed questionnaires that assessed their own traits. We found both valence of felt emotion and imagery vividness generally predicted haiku’s aesthetic appeal; additionally, the influence of imagery vividness on aesthetic appeal was partially mediated by valence of felt emotion. As mental imagery fosters emotional evocation, vivid imagery increases positive felt emotions associated with aesthetic appeal. Furthermore, the traits of visual imagery ability, awe-proneness, and nostalgia-proneness predicted haiku’s aesthetic appeal. This study advances our knowledge of how individual states and traits determine the aesthetic appeal of haiku

    Developing and validating a Japanese version of the Plymouth Sensory Imagery Questionnaire

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    Mental imagery refers to the representation of stimuli that are not physically present and has long been a subject of interest in psychology. However, most research on mental imagery has been limited to visual images, with other types of imagery, such as sound and smell, receiving little attention. A possible reason for this is the lack of appropriate scales to measure the vividness of multisensory imagery. The Plymouth Sensory Imagery Scale (Psi-Q) has been developed to address this issue and has been used in several studies to measure the vividness of seven imageries: vision, sound, smell, taste, touch, body, and feeling. In this study of 400 participants in Japan, the Psi-Q was translated into Japanese and tested for reliability and validity. The results showed good internal reliability and retest reliability and moderate to high correlations with other measures of construct validity, including mindfulness, Big Five, and life satisfaction. Additionally, there is no significant difference in total Psi-Q scores between the Japanese and British samples, although some differences are found in individual sensory imagery abilities. This study provides valuable insights into multisensory mental imagery, and it is expected that research dealing simultaneously with the responses of multisensory modalities will further accumulate

    Construction of Immersive Art Space Using Mirror Display and Its Preliminary Evaluation

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    [The 30th International Display Workshops(IDW’23)]Organizing: The Society for Information Display(SID), Date; 06-08 December 2023, Location: TOKI MESSE Niigata Convention Center[第30回ディスプレイ国際ワークショップ(IDW’23)]主催: 映像情報メディア学会(ITE), 開催日: 2023年12月06日-08日, 会場: 朱鷺メッセ 新潟コンベンションセンターWe have constructed an immersive space, that gives people a sense of being in a vast, immersive space, by using mirror displays with the functions of both a mirror and a display. In addition, we selected an artwork created by one of the authors and conducted a psychological experiment to evaluate the results of displaying the artwork in the space

    Open monitoring meditation reduces the involvement of brain regions related to memory function

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    洞察瞑想時に自伝的記憶関連脳領域間の結合性が低下することを発見 --今この瞬間に生じている経験にありのままに気づくことの神経基盤--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2018-07-05.Mindfulness meditation consists of focused attention meditation (FAM) and open monitoring meditation (OMM), both of which reduce activation of the default mode network (DMN) and mind-wandering. Although it is known that FAM requires intentional focused attention, the mechanisms of OMM remain largely unknown. To investigate this, we examined striatal functional connectivity in 17 experienced meditators (mean total practice hours = 920.6) during pre-resting, meditation, and post-resting states comparing OMM with FAM, using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Both FAM and OMM reduced functional connectivity between the striatum and posterior cingulate cortex, which is a core hub region of the DMN. Furthermore, OMM reduced functional connectivity of the ventral striatum with both the visual cortex related to intentional focused attention in the attentional network and retrosplenial cortex related to memory function in the DMN. In contrast, FAM increased functional connectivity in these regions. Our findings suggest that OMM reduces intentional focused attention and increases detachment from autobiographical memory. This detachment may play an important role in non-judgmental and non-reactive attitude during OMM. These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms underlying the contribution of OMM to well-being and happiness

    Preventive behaviors and information sources during COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study in Japan

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    BACKGROUND: individual preventive behaviors are one of the key measures needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This study sought to identify the factors associated with the adoption of COVID-19 preventive measures, focusing specifically on information sources. METHODS: we conducted a nationally representative cross-sectional survey of 30,053 Japanese adults in February 2021. The survey asked about socioeconomic, health-related, and psychological characteristics, attitudes toward immunization, and the use of information sources regarding COVID-19. We have constructed multivariable logistic regression to estimate the factors associated with the adoption of three preventive measures: 3Cs avoidance, hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene. RESULTS: socioeconomic variables, psychological variables, and the use of information sources are significantly associated with the adoption of preventive measures. The more information sources one uses, the more likely one is to adopt preventive measures. Trust in healthcare professionals is positively associated with adopting preventive measures. On the other hand, negative correlations between trust in social media and preventive behaviors were observed. CONCLUSIONS: encouraging access to multiple information sources, utilizing communication channels, and modifying messaging according to target groups are essential to promote COVID-19 preventive measures

    Pengaruh Kandungan Lemak Dan Energi Yang Berbeda Dalam Pakan Terhadap Pemanfaatan Pakan Dan Pertumbuhan Patin (Pangasius Pangasius)

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    Pakan merupakan faktor terpenting dalam menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dalam kegiatan budidaya ikan, didalam pakan harus mengandung nutrisi yang lengkap. Penggunaan lemak dalam pakan sangat penting dalam menunjang pertumbuhan, karena lemak merupakan sumber energi yang memiliki nilai cukup tinggi dibanding protein dan karbohidrat. Pengunaan lemak sebagai “Protein sparing effect” yaitu pengganti protein sebagai sumber energi, sehingga penggunaan energi yang berasal dari protein dapat digunakan untuk menunjang pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kandungan lemak dan energi yang berbeda dalam pakan terhadap pemanfaatan pakan dan pertumbuhan patin (P. pangasius).Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah perbedaan kandungan lemak dan energi antara lain pada perlakuan A (8%, 281,98 kkal); B (9%, 286,74 kkal); C (10%, 289,45 kkal); dan D (11%, 296,21 kkal). Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah patin (Pangasius pangasius) yang berasal dari Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah. Ikan uji yang digunakan dengan bobot rata-rata 6,48±0,68 g/ekor, dengan padat tebar 1 ekor/liter. Pakan diberikan 3 kali dalam sehari yaitu pada sekitar pukul 08.00 WIB, pukul 12.00 WIB, dan pukul 16.00 WIB. Pemberian pakan diberikan secara at satiation.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kandungan lemak dan energi yang berbeda dalam pakan buatan, memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap EPP, PER, dan RGR pada patin (P. pangasius), sedangkan pada variabel TKP dan SR tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata (P>0,05). Perlakuan D diperoleh hasil tertinggi dengan nilai TKP (25,27±0,06g), EPP (54,62±0,93%), PER (1,82±0,03%), RGR (0,75±0,02%/hari), dan SR (95,83%).Kandungan lemak dan energi yang berbeda dalam pakan, memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap EPP, PER, dan RGR; tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap TKP dan SR patin (P. pangasius). Feed played an important role in fish farming and therefor, it should contain complete nutrition. The use of fat in fish diet was required for energy supply and producing of growth. The fat was used to subtitute energy source from protein, so the use of protein for fish growth can be optimaled. This study was aimed to observe the influence of different fat and energy on the feed utilization and growth of P. pangasius.The experimental method used was completely randomized design, which consisted of 4 treatments and 3 replicats, that were trial diets with ratio of treatment A (8%, 281.98 kkal); B (9%, 286.74 kkal); C (10%, 289.45 kkal); dan D (11%, 296.21 kkal) respectively. The ratio of vegetable oil : animal oil was equal. The fish used was P. pangasius, which was quired from Banjarnegara, Central Java. It\u27s average body weight of 6.48±0.68 g. The fish was maintenance in 8 l-tanks for 35 days. with a stocking density of 1 fish/l. The fish were feed 3 times a day, at 08.00, 12.00, and 16.00 by appliying at satiation method.The fish fed on resulted on dietary of different fat and energy on the feed on values significantly different (P<0.05) on the EPP, PER and RGR. But for feed in TKP and SR values (P>0.05). TKP value (25.27±0.06g) EPP (54.62±0.93%) , PER (1.82±0.03%) , RGR (0.75±0.02%/day), and SR (95.83%).It was concluded that the influence of different fat and energy on the feed utilization and growth of pangasius in feed significantly effect on, EPP, PER, and RGR while for TKP and SR where not significantly different