83 research outputs found


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    AbstractThe validity of marriage based on article 2 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of marriage law, marriage is legal if it is carried out according to the laws of each religion and its beliefs and is recorded according to the applicable laws and regulations. Article 2 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of marriage law. But in the case of recording, there are still married couples whose marriages are not recorded in the registry office. The method of research conducted by the author is empirical juried. Data collection is done by the Longgang Amer area, Longgang Bigung District, and at the Presidium Office of the West Kutai regency customary council. The first conclusion, that the implementation of the traditional Tunjung Dayak Tribe marriage is lawful according to state law has fulfilled the provisions contained in law number 1 of 1974 article 2 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2). In the case of marriage registration, there is a spouse the wife whose marriage was not recorded in the registry office. This unregistered marriage caused the husband and wife and children born to not get legal protection. Second, the role and responsibility of the customary chief are to carry out a whole series of arrangements for the approval of prospective brides and grooms, and the three factors driving the occurrence of customary marriage in the Longgang Amer region are indigenous and customary laws are adhered to as invite for the Tunjung Dayak Tribe community


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    Abstract The Governor of Central Java Province initiated the Kartu Tani Program to realize the distribution, control, and supervision of subsidized fertilizers for farmers. However, there are still problems with implementing this program from the farmers, KPL (Complete Fertilizer Kiosk) and distributors, related agencies, and third parties, BRI Bank. The problems include the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers, delays in fertilizer distribution, inaccuracy targeting, and overpriced provision. So, this article proposes to discuss the Kartu Tani Program evaluation in Banyumas Regency. Using the Quasi Qualitative Design (QQD), the data was obtained from various documents, observations, and interviews. This article also used Manual Data Analysis Procedure (MDAP). Based on the evaluation, after the existence of the Kartu Tani, farmers experienced many conveniences, including the relatively low price of fertilizer, the fertilizer quota, and the specific location of the fertilizer seller based on residents and farmer groups. Not only farmers, fertilizer sellers, and distributors also benefit from the Kartu Tani to make subsidized fertilizer reports from sales to distributors. On the other side, we show that many complaints regarding the Kartu Tani are still entered into the Banyumas Regency complaint hotline, but most of these complaints can be resolved. The Department of Agriculture and Food Security of Banyumas Regency commits to optimally implementing the Kartu Tani Program as the right solution for subsidized fertilizers distribution to farmers in the Banyumas Regency.   Keywords: Fertilizer distribution, Kartu Tani, policy evaluation, subsidized fertilizers.Abstrak Gubernur Provinsi Jawa Tengah menginisiasi Program Kartu Tani untuk mewujudkan penyaluran, pengendalian, dan pengawasan pupuk bersubsidi bagi petani. Namun, masih terdapat kendala dalam pelaksanaan program ini baik dari petani, KPL (Kios Pupuk Lengkap), distributor, instansi terkait, maupun pihak ketiga, yaitu Bank BRI. Permasalahan tersebut antara lain terjadinya kelangkaan pupuk bersubsidi, keterlambatan distribusi pupuk, target penyaluran yang tidak tepat dan harga pupuk yang tidak sesuai. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas evaluasi program Kartu Tani di Kabupaten Banyumas. Dengan menggunakan Quasi Qualitative Design (QQD), data diperoleh dari berbagai dokumen, observasi, dan wawancara.  Artikel ini juga menggunakan analisis data berupa Manual Data Analysis Procedure (MDAP). Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, setelah adanya Kartu Tani, petani mengalami banyak kemudahan, diantaranya harga pupuk yang relatif murah, kuota pupuk, dan penjual pupuk berlokasi dekat dengan warga dan kelompok tani. Tidak hanya petani, penjual pupuk, dan distributor juga diuntungkan dengan Kartu Tani dalam membuat laporan pupuk bersubsidi dari penjualan ke distributor. Di sisi lain, menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak pengaduan mengenai Kartu Tani yang masuk ke hotline pengaduan Kabupaten Banyumas, namun sebagian besar pengaduan tersebut dapat diselesaikan. Dinas Pertanian dan Ketahanan Pangan Kabupaten Banyumas berkomitmen untuk melaksanakan Program Kartu Tani secara optimal sebagai solusi yang tepat dalam penyaluran pupuk bersubsidi kepada petani di wilayah Kabupaten Banyumas.   Kata kunci: Distribusi pupuk, Kartu Tani, evaluasi kebijakan, pupuk bersubsidi

    Optimalisasi Strategi Pembelajaran Siklus Untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian Dan Prestasi Belajar Matematika (PTK Pembelajaran Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII C SMP N 3 Colomadu )

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemandirian dan prestasi belajar matematika dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran siklus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Subjek penerima tindakan adalah siswa kelas VIIIC SMP Negeri 3 Colomadu yang berjumlah 31 siswa dan subjek pemberi tindakan adalah peneliti yang berkolaborasi dengan guru matematika. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, tes, catatan lapangan, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang dilakukan terdiri dari tiga alur, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemandirian siswa dan prestasi belajar matematika melalui strategi pembelajaran siklus. Hal ini dapat dilihat indikator – indikator, seperti : 1) Memiliki rasa tanggung jawab sebelum dilakukan tindakan sebesar 32,3% dan setelah tindakan mencapai 74,1%, 2) Tidak tergantung pada orang lain sebelum dilakukan tindakan sebesar 22,6% dan setelah tindakan mencapai 87,09%, 3) Memilki rasa ingin tahu yang besar sebelum dilakukan tindakan sebesar 29,1% dan setelah tindakan mencapai 80,6%, 4) Percaya diri sebelum dilakukan tindakan sebesar 25,8 dan setelah tindakan mencapai 61,29%. Selain itu, prestasi belajar matematika sebelum dilakukan tindakan sebesar 41,9% dan setelah tindakan mencapai 83,87%. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan strategi pembelajaran siklus dapat meningkatkan kemandirian dan prestasi belajar matematika

    The understanding of the urban pattern of the financial district with the introduction of new technological improvements in the process of conducting business

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 89-90).This thesis poses a question for the future of financial districts. Attempting to understand the future evolution of financial districts. It begins by tracing the history of financial speculation and its expressions in architecture and the city. Analysing the New York Stock Exchange and the changes as associated with it in the past 150 years. And how the financial institution has transformed with the introduction of the Electronic Communication Network. The new dispersed identity of the finance, with new diversifications in trading and the slow death of the trading floor. New positions of centrality in the system of finance. Where the Network has created an increased centrality of the system, and the possibility of dispersion also. Working with this duality of the network and analogies which can be built from the geography of the network, as posed by physicists in their current research. Parallels drawn between the nature of the creation of these networks, due to the formation of a new market structure and its new positions, in centralized global cities, edge cities and in the possibilities of locating back offices in other countries. Therefore the new nature of business allows a new understanding of how urbanism must respond to work with the new market structure and create a new interpretation of how the network can be accommodated and understood for future financial districts.by Nomita Sawhney.S.M

    A community survey of newborn care practices in rural India

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    Background: There are a high proportion of home deliveries in rural India. The present study was carried out to assess newborn care practices among home births and reasons for delivering at home.Methods: A community based cross sectional survey of recently delivered mothers (<6 months) with at least one living child was carried out in 28 districts of 14 states.Results: A total of 4274 women delivered at home and 45.9% deliveries were conducted by untrained personnel (dais 24.0%, relatives/friends/neighbors 21.9%), trained dais 48.2% and ANMs/LHVs/doctors 5.9%. New blade was used for cutting the cord by trained dai (80.7%), untrained dais (75.5%) whereas ANMs/LHVs/doctors used either new blade (64.7%) or scissors (14.7%). Use of boiled cord tie was reported among 98.8% deliveries conducted by ANMs/LHVs/doctors, 96.6% trained dais and 96.3% untrained dais. 32.5% ANMs/LHVs/doctors, 28.3% trained dais and 26.2% untrained dais left the cord dry without any application. Main reasons for delivering at home were ‘client/social/family' related (85.9%) and ‘facility/provider’ related (21.7%). Nearly 93.3% of the new borns were given their first bath within 24 hours of birth including 77.3% within 3 hours of birth. 38.2% mothers initiating breast feeding within 24 hours of birth and within one hour 6.0% mothers only.Conclusions: There is a need for improving community awareness to promote institutional deliveries and improve health system to satisfy demands of birthing women. When home birth is inevitable, families should be encouraged to engage skilled birth attendant to provide better newborn care

    Is emergency cesarean section more risky than elective cesarean section in women with previous cesarean section?

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    Background: Cesarean section is one of the most performed surgical procedures all over the world, but unfortunately cesarean sections are associated with a great deal of maternal morbidity and mortality. In the past the rate of cesarean section has increased for many avoidable and unavoidable indications both in developed and developing countries. The objective of this study was to compare maternal morbidity and mortality in elective repeat cesarean section (El-RCS) and emergency repeat cesarean section Em-RCS.Methods: Prospective data was recorded on management practices, associated complications and morbidity and mortality on 15664 consecutive cases of previous cesarean section reporting at 30 medical colleges/teaching hospitals for delivery.Results: Of the 15664 women with a previous cesarean section, 5399 (34.5%) women underwent elective repeat cesarean section, 7752 (49.5%) women who underwent emergency repeat cesarean section and 2513 (16.0%) had successful trial of labor (S-TOL). There was    failed trial of labor (F-TOL) in 1522 cases and requiring an emergency cesarean section for delivery of baby. Therefore, total no. of 7752 women had an emergency cesarean section. The overall maternal morbidity was 22.5%, 20.7% in Em-RCS and El-RCS respectively. Blood loss was more than 1000ml in 7.2% of Em-RCS where as in El-RCS it was 8.8%, blood transfusion was 7.5% in Em-RCS where as it was 6.5% in El-RCS, dehiscence of scar in Em-RCS was 4.7% as compared to 2.2% in El-RCS, uterine rupture was 1.2% in Em-RCS as compared to 0.7 % in El-RCS found statistically significant. Post-operative complication was 5.9% cases in Em-RCS where as in El-RCS was 5.8% (p=0.79 non-significant). Maternal mortality was reported in 12 (0.2%) cases of Em-RCS as compared to 5 (0.1%) cases in El-RCS (p=0.37) which was not statistically significant.  Conclusions: Maternal morbidity was found more in emergency repeat cesarean section than in elective repeat cesarean section. Complications and referral of women who are likely to undergo cesarean section should be diagnosed at an early stage so that the maternal   morbidity and mortality can be prevented.

    Trail of labor versus elective repeat cesarean section: a comparison of morbidity and mortality at tertiary care teaching hospitals in India

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    Background: As cesarean birth rates continue to rise, more women are faced with the choice of planning a vaginal delivery or a repeat cesarean section after a previous cesarean section. The objective of this prospective study was to study the morbidities and mortality of women attempting a trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) versus elective repeat cesarean section (El-RCS).Methods: Prospective data was recorded on management practices, associated complications and morbidity &amp; mortality for a period of 8 months on 15664 consecutive cases of previous cesarean section reporting at 30 medical colleges/ teaching hospitals for delivery.Results: A trial of labor was planned in 25.8% (4035) women and 34.5% (5399) women underwent elective repeat cesarean section and rest had emergency repeat cesarean section. Overall maternal morbidity due to any cause was 20.7% among El-RCS as compared to 14.2% in TOLAC which was statistically significant (OR: 1.57, CI: 1.41-1.76, P=0.00). Blood loss of more than 1000ml was around 8.0% among TOLAC where as in El-RCS it was 8.8% (OR: 0.89, CI: 0.77-1.94, p=0.14 not statistically significant). Blood transfusion was given in 3.7% in TOLAC where as in El-RCS it was given in 6.5% (OR: 0.56, CI: 0.45-0.68, p=0.00 highly significant).  Complication like dehiscence of scar was similar in both groups. Post-operative complication were seen in 2.8% cases in TOLAC where as in El-RCS it was 5.8% (OR: 0.47, CI: 0.38-0.59, p=0.00 highly significant). Uterine rupture was 0.3% in TOLAC where as in El-RCS it was 0.7% (OR: 0.43, CI: 0.21-0.87, p=0.009 statistically significant). Maternal mortality was reported in 0.2% cases of TOLAC as compared to 0.1% cases in El-RCS (p=0.17) which was not statistically significant.Conclusions: Maternal morbidity was found to be more in elective repeat cesarean section than trial of labor after cesarean section


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    Medicinal plants are generating an ever-increasing amount of interest due to the effectiveness, low cost and minimal side-effects associated with drugs derived from them. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) (Family Myrtaceae) is one of the most important herbs in traditional medicine, having a wide spectrum of biological activity. Phytoconstituents of clove comprise of various classes and groups of chemical compounds such as monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, phenolics and hydrocarbon compounds. The major phytochemicals found in clove oil is mainly eugenol (70-85%) followed by eugenyl acetate (15%) and β-caryophyllene (5–12%). Their derivatives result in biological benefits such as antibacterial, antifungal, insecticidal, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic capacities. In addition to clove oil's worldwide use as a food flavoring agent, it has also been employed for centuries as a topical analgesic in dentistry. This review presents an overview and details of the phytochemical and pharmacological investigations on the S. aromaticum