190 research outputs found

    Alteration of As-bearing phases in a small watershed located on a high grade arsenic-geochemical anomaly (French Massif Central)

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    International audienceAt a watershed scale, sediments and soil weathering exerts a control on solid and dissolved transport of trace elements in surface waters and it can be considered as a source of pollution. The studied subwatershed (1.5 km2) was located on an As geochemical anomaly. The studied soil profile showed a significant decrease of As content from 1500 mg.kg-1 in the 135-165 cm deepest soil layer to 385 mg.kg-1 in the upper 0-5 cm soil layer. Directly in the stream, suspended matter and the <63 μm fraction of bed sediments had As concentrations greater than 400 mg.kg-1. In all these solid fractions, the main representative As-bearing phases were determined at two different observation scales: bulk analyses using X-ray absorption structure spectroscopy (XAS) and microanalyses using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and associated electron probe microanalyses (EPMA), as well as micro-Raman spectroscopy and synchrotron-based micro-scanning X-ray diffraction (μSXRD) characterization. Three main As-bearing phases were identified: (i) arsenates (mostly pharmacosiderite), the most concentrated phases As in both the coherent weathered bedrock and the 135-165 cm soil layer but not observed in the river solid fraction, (ii) Fe-oxyhydroxides with in situ As content up to 15.4 wt.% in the deepest soil layer, and (iii) aluminosilicates, the least concentrated As carriers. The mineralogical evolution of As-bearing phases in the soil profile, coupled with the decrease of bulk As content, may be related to pedogenesis processes, suggesting an evolution of arsenates into As-rich Fe-oxyhydroxides. Therefore, weathering and mineralogical evolution of these As-rich phases may release As to surface waters

    The late MIS 5 Mediterranean tephra markers: A reappraisal from peninsular Italy terrestrial records

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    We present new tephrostratigraphic records from the late MIS 5 (ca 110e80 ka) terrestrial sediments from southern and central Italy. On the one hand, the central Italy record consists of an outcropping lacustrine sequence from the Sulmona intermountain basin that contains four trachyticephonolitic tephra layers (POP3, POP2a, POP2b, POP1), all of which show a K-alkaline affinity that is typical for the Roman co-magmatic Province. The POP3 and POP1 layers were dated by 40Ar/39Ar method at 106.2 1.3 ka (2s) and 92.4 4.6 ka (2s), respectively. The sequence in southern Italy, on the other hand, is represented by post-Tyrrhenian coastal deposits of the Cilento area, Campania, which contain two trachytic layers (CIL2, CIL1) that show the same K-alkaline affinity. Based on their chemical compositions and radiometric ages, POP3 and POP1 are firmly correlated with the marine tephra layers X-5 (105 2 ka) and C-22 (ca 90 ka), which, in turn, match tephras TM-25 and TM-23-11, respectively, in the lacustrine sequence of Lago Grande di Monticchio (southern Italy). Of note, the POP1 layer also matches the Adriatic Sea tephra PRAD 2517 that was previously correlated with the older X-5 layer. The tephra couplet POP2a and POP2b (ca 103 and 103.5 ka, extrapolated ages) are compatible with the TM- 24b and TM-24-3 tephras in Monticchio, which match both the stratigraphic positions and the chemical compositions. In the Cilento area, as well as the already described X-6 layer (ca 108 ka) (CIL2), we recognise a new stratigraphic superimposed layer (CIL1) that matches the POP3/TM-25/C-27/X-5 Mediterranean marker(s). In summary, the data presented here provide new chemical and 40Ar/39Ar chronological constraints towards a robust late MIS 5 tephrostratigraphy of the central Mediterranean, although at the same time, they also reveal how the tephrostratigraphy itself might be flawed when dealing with tephra markers that are not adequately constrained and characterised.Published31-451V. Storia eruttivaJCR Journa

    Climate variability during MIS 20–18 as recorded by alkenone-SST and calcareous plankton in the Ionian Basin (central Mediterranean)

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    This study shows the first Mediterranean high-resolution record of alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) in the marine sediments outcropping at the Ideale section (IS) (southern Italy, central Mediterranean) from late marine isotope stage (MIS) 20 - through early MIS 18. The SST pattern evidences glacial-interglacial up to submillennial-scale temperature variation, with lower values (~13 °C) in late MIS 20 and substage 19b, and higher values (up to 21 °C) in MIS 19c and in the interstadials of MIS 19a. The SST data are combined with the new calcareous plankton analysis and the available, chronologically well-constrained carbon and oxygen isotope records in the IS. The multi-proxy approach, together with the location of the IS near the Italian coasts, the lower circalittoral-upper bathyal depositional setting, and high sedimentation rate allow to document long-and short-term paleoenvironmental modifications (sea level, rainfall, inorganic/organic/fresh water input to the basin), as a response to regional and global climate changes. The combined proxies reveal the occurrence of a terminal stadial event in late MIS 20 (here Med-HTIX), and warm-cold episodes (here Med-BATIX and Med-YDTIX) during Termination IX (TIX), which recall those that occurred through the last termination (TI). During these periods and the following ghost sapropel layer (insolation cycle 74, 784 ka) in the early MIS 19, high frequency internal changes are synchronously recorded by all proxies. The substage MIS 19c is warm but quite unstable, with several episodes of paleoenvironmental changes, associated with fluctuating tropical-subtropical water inflow through the Gibraltar Strait, variations of the cyclonic regime in the Ionian basin, and the southward shift of westerly winds and winter precipitation over southern Europe and Mediterranean basin. Three high-amplitude millennial-scale oscillations in the patterns of SST and calcareous plankton key taxa during MIS 19a are interpreted as linked to changes in temperature as well as in salinity due to periodical water column stratification and mixing. The main processes involved in the climate variability include changes in oceanographic exchanges through the Gibraltar Strait during modulations of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and/or variations in atmospheric dynamics related to the influence of westerly and polar winds acting in the paleo-Ionian basin. A strong climate teleconnection between the North Atlantic and Mediterranean is discussed, and a prominent role of atmospheric processes in the central Mediterranean is evidenced by comparing data sets at the IS with Italian and extra-Mediterranean marine and terrestrial records

    Central Mediterranean tephrochronology between 313 and 366 ka. New insights from the Fucino paleolake sediment succession

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    Thirty-two tephra layers were identified in the time-interval 313–366 ka (Marine Isotope Stages 9–10) of the Quaternary lacustrine succession of the Fucino Basin, central Italy. Twenty-seven of these tephra layers yielded suitable geochemical material to explore their volcanic origins. Investigations also included the acquisition of geochemical data of some relevant, chronologically compatible proximal units from Italian volcanoes. The record contains tephra from some well known eruptions and eruptive sequences of Roman and Roccamonfina volcanoes, such as the Magliano Romano Plinian Fall, the Orvieto–Bagnoregio Ignimbrite, the Lower White Trachytic Tuff and the Brown Leucitic Tuff. In addition, the record documents eruptions currently undescribed in proximal (i.e. near-vent) sections, suggesting a more complex history of the major eruptions of the Colli Albani, Sabatini, Vulsini and Roccamonfinavolcanoes between 313 and 366 ka. Six of the investigated tephra layers were directly dated by single-crystal-fusion 40Ar/39Ar dating, providing the basis for a Bayesian age–depth model and a reassessment of the chronologies for both already known and dated eruptive units and for so far undated eruptions. The results provide a significant contribution for improving knowledge on the peri-Tyrrhenian explosive activity as well as for extending the Mediterranean tephrostratigraphical framework, which was previously based on limited proximal and distal archives for that time interval

    The Volsci Volcanic Field (central Italy). Eruptive history, magma system and implications on continental subduction processes.

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    Here, we report on the Quaternary Volsci Volcanic Field (VVF, central Italy). In light of new 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data and compositional characterization of juvenile eruptive products, we refine the history of VVF activity, and outline the implications on the pre-eruptive magma system and the continental subduction processes involved. Different from the nearby volcanic districts of the Roman and Campanian Provinces, the VVF was characterized by small-volume (0.01–0.1 km3) eruptions from a network of monogenetic centers (mostly tuff rings and scoria cones, with subordinate lava occurrences), clustered along high-angle faults of lithospheric depth. Leucite-bearing, high-K (HKS) magmas (for which we report for the first time the phlogopite phenocryst compositions) mostly fed the early phase of activity (∼761–539 ka), then primitive, plagioclase-bearing (KS) magmas appeared during the climactic phase (∼424–349 ka), partially overlapping with HKS ones, and then prevailed during the late phase of activity (∼300–231 ka). The fast ascent of primitive magma batches is typical of a tectonically controlled volcanic field, where the very low magma flux is a passive byproduct of regional tectonic strain. We suggest that the dominant compressive stress field acting at depth was accompanied by an extensional regime in the upper crust, associated with the gravity spreading of the Apennine chain, allowing the fast ascent of magma from the mantle source with limited stationing in shallow reservoirs

    Extending the tephra and palaeoenvironmental record of the Central Mediterranean back to 430 ka: A new core from Fucino Basin, central Italy

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    Here we present the first tephrostratigraphic, palaeomagnetic, and multiproxy data from a new ∼98 m-deep sediment core retrieved from the Fucino Basin, central Italy, spanning the last ∼430 kyr. Palaeoenvironmental proxy data (Ca-XRF, gamma ray and magnetic susceptibility) show a cyclical variability related to interglacial-glacial cycles since the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12-MIS 11 transition. More than 130 tephra layers are visible to the naked eye, 11 of which were analysed (glass-WDS) and successfully correlated to known eruptions and/or other equivalent tephra. In addition to tephra already recognised in the previously investigated cores spanning the last 190 kyr, we identified for the first time tephra from the eruptions of: Tufo Giallo di Sacrofano, Sabatini (288.0 ± 2.0 ka); Villa Senni, Colli Albani (367.5 ± 1.6 ka); Pozzolane Nere and its precursor, Colli Albani (405.0 ± 2.0 ka, and 407.1 ± 4.2 ka, respectively) and Castel Broco, Vulsini (419–490 ka). The latter occurs at the bottom of the core and has been 40Ar/39Ar dated at 424.3 ± 3.2 ka, thus providing a robust chronological constrain for both the eruption itself and the base of the investigated succession. Direct 40Ar/39Ar dating and tephra geochemical fingerprinting provide a preliminary radioisotopic-based chronological framework for the MIS 11-MIS 7 interval, which represent a foundation for the forthcoming multiproxy studies and for investigating the remaining ∼110 tephra layers that are recorded within this interval. Such future developments will contribute towards an improved MIS 11-MIS 7 Mediterranean tephrostratigraphy, which is still poorly explored and exploited

    Pleistocene tephrostratigraphy and palaeoclimatology in the central Mediterranean region: ongoing research in Fucino Basin (central Apennines, Italy)

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    Palaeoclimatic records spanning beyond the radiocarbon range generally derive their chronologies from orbital tuning strategies. These chronologies can introduce a priori assumptions that are difficult to test and, possibly, circular arguments in palaeoclimatic reconstructions. We elaborate two high-resolution, multi-proxy and tephrochronologically-constrained records (F1-F3 and F4-F5) of past environmental and climatic changes in the central Mediterranean region. We perform geochemical (X-ray fluorescence scanning, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur elemental analysis through combustion), isotopic (C and O stable isotope mass spectrometry on bulk carbonates and organic matter), mineralogical (X-ray powder diffraction) and grain-size analyses on lacustrine marls recovered from palaeolake Fucino (Abruzzo, central Italy). Lacustrine sediments were acquired during two scientific drilling campaigns (F1-F3 and F4-F5) interesting the first ca. 85 m of the 1 km-thick and 2 Ma-old Fucino sedimentary succession. We make use of detailed tephrostratigraphic and tephrochronological frameworks to produce robust and independent chronologies based on new and published 40Ar/39Ar and 14C dating of tephra layers. On the basis of our chronologies, the F1-F3 and F4-F5 records continuously span over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles and over the last five glacial-interglacial cycles, respectively. We combine our geological data into proxies for catchment- and regional-scale environmental processes. Our proxy time-series depict prominent orbital and sub-orbital environmental changes that can be tracked in other lacustrine, marine and speleothem records across the Mediterranean and North Atlantic regions. Thanks to tephrostratigraphic correlations and chronological matching, we produce spatially coherent palaeoclimatic reconstructions recognising a complex interplay between regional environmental processes and broad-scale climatic events. We highlight strong orbital forcing for past climate changes
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