42 research outputs found

    CDDIS 2001 Global Data Center Report

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    The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) has supported the International GPS Service (IGS) as a global data center since 1992. The CDDIS activities within the IGS during 2001 are summarized below; this report also includes any changes or enhancements made to the CDDIS during the past year. General CDDIS background and system information can be found in the CDDIS data center summary included in the IGS 1994 Annual Report (Noll, 1995) as well as the subsequent updates (Noll, 1996, Noll, 1997, Noll, 1998, Noll, 1999, and Noll, 2001)

    The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System: A Resource to Support Scientific Analysis Using Space Geodesy

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    Since 1982. the Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) has supported the archive and distribution of geodetic data products acquired by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as well as national and international programs. The CDDIS provides easy, timely, and reliable access to a variety of data sets, products, and information about these data. These measurements. obtained from a global network of nearly 650 instruments at more than 400 distinct sites, include DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite), GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), SLR and LLR (Satellite and Lunar Laser Ranging), and VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry). The CDDIS data system and its archive have become increasingly important to many national and international science communities, particularly several of the operational services within the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and its observing system the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), including the International DORIS Service (IDS), the International GNSS Service (IGS). the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS), the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS). and the International Earth rotation and Reference frame Service (IERS), Investigations resulting from the data and products available through the CDDIS support research in many aspects of Earth system science and global change. Each month, the CDDIS archives more than one million data and derived product files totaling over 90 Gbytes in volume. In turn. the global user community downloads nearly 1.2 TBytes (over 10.5 million files) of data and products from the CDDIS each month. The requirements of analysts have evolved since the start of the CDDIS; the specialized nature of the system accommodates the enhancements required to support diverse data sets and user needs. This paper discusses the CDDIS. including background information about the system and its. user communities. archive contents. available metadata, and future plans

    CDDIS 2002 Global Data Center Report

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    The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) has supported the International GPS Service (IGS) as a global data center since 1992. The CDDIS activities within the IGS during 2002 are summarized below; this report also includes any changes or enhancements made to the CDDIS during the past year. General CDDIS background and system information can be found in the CDDIS data center summary included in the IGS 1994 Annual Report (Noll, 1995) as well as the subsequent updates (Noll, 1996, Noll, 1997, Noll, 1998, Noll, 1999, and Noll, 2001)

    Crustal Dynamics Project: Catalogue of site information

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    This document represents a catalog of site information for the Crustal Dynamics Project. It contains information on and descriptions of those sites used by the Project as observing stations for making the precise geodetic measurements necessary for studies of the Earth's crustal movements and deformation

    Quick-look guide to the crustal dynamics project's data information system

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    Described are the contents of the Crustal Dynamics Project Data Information System (DIS) and instructions on the use of this facility. The main purpose of the DIS is to store all geodetic data products acquired by the Project in a central data bank and to maintain information about the archive of all Project-related data. Access and use of the DIS menu-driven system is described as well as procedures for contacting DIS staff and submitting data requests

    International Laser Ranging Service: Supporting Geodetic and Geophysical Research and Applications Through Satellite Laser Ranging

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    The International Laser Ranging Service: Supporting geodetic and geophysical research and applications through Satellite Laser Ranging

    Important Changes to User Access at the NASA CDDIS

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    The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) supports data archiving and distribution activities for the space geodesy and geodynamics community. The main objectives of the system are to make space geodesy and geodynamics related data and derived products available in a central archive, to maintain information about the archival of these data, to disseminate these data and information in a timely manner to a global scientific research community, and to provide user based tools for the exploration and use of the archive. Since its inception, the user community has utilized anonymous ftp for accessing and downloading files from the CDDIS archive. Although this protocol allows users to easily automate file downloads, many organizations, data systems, and users have already migrated from ftp or are actively pursuing a move away from the protocol due to problems from a system and security standpoint. Furthermore, U.S. Government agencies have become increasingly concerned about this legacy protocol and ensuring data integrity for the user community have begun recently to disallow the use of the ftp protocol. The CDDIS, operated by NASA GSFC, must therefore address these concerns and provide alternative methods for access to its archive for continued easy and automated download of its contents. This poster will discuss the upcoming changes at CDDIS and provide examples on transitioning from anonymous ftp

    ILRS Website Update

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    The ILRS website, http://ilrs.gsfc.nasa.gov, is the central source of information for all aspects of the service. The website provides information on the organization and operation of the ILRS and descriptions of ILRS components data, and products. Furthermore, the website provides an entry point to the archive of these data products available through the data centers. Links are provided to extensive information on the ILRS network stations including performance assesments and data quality evaluations. Descriptions of suported satellite missions (current, future, and past) are provided to aid in station acquisition and data analysis. The website was reently redesigned. Content was reviewed during the update process, ensuring information is current and useful. This poster will provide specific examples of key sections, applicaitons, and webpages

    Aeroservoelastic wind-tunnel investigations using the Active Flexible Wing Model: Status and recent accomplishments

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    The status of the joint NASA/Rockwell Active Flexible Wing Wind-Tunnel Test Program is described. The objectives are to develop and validate the analysis, design, and test methodologies required to apply multifunction active control technology for improving aircraft performance and stability. Major tasks include designing digital multi-input/multi-output flutter-suppression and rolling-maneuver-load alleviation concepts for a flexible full-span wind-tunnel model, obtaining an experimental data base for the basic model and each control concept and providing comparisons between experimental and analytical results to validate the methodologies. The opportunity is provided to improve real-time simulation techniques and to gain practical experience with digital control law implementation procedures

    Scratching the scale labyrinth

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    In this paper, we introduce a new approach to computer-aided microtonal improvisation by combining methods for (1) interactive scale navigation, (2) real-time manipulation of musical patterns and (3) dynamical timbre adaption in solidarity with the respective scales. On the basis of the theory of well-formed scales we offer a visualization of the underlying combinatorial ramifications in terms of a scale labyrinth. This involves the selection of generic well-formed scales on a binary tree (based on the Stern-Brocot tree) as well as the choice of specific tunings through the specification of the sizes of a period (pseudo-octave) and a generator (pseudo-fifth), whose limits are constrained by the actual position on the tree. We also introduce a method to enable transformations among the modes of a chosen scale (generalized and refined “diatonic” and “chromatic” transpositions). To actually explore the scales and modes through the shaping and transformation of rhythmically and melodically interesting tone patterns, we propose a playing technique called Fourier Scratching. It is based on the manipulation of the “spectra” (DFT) of playing gestures on a sphere. The coordinates of these gestures affect score and performance parameters such as scale degree, loudness, and timbre. Finally, we discuss a technique to dynamically match the timbre to the selected scale tuning