25 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Potensi Wilayah untuk Pengembangan Ekonomi Masyarakat Sekitar Kawasan Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (Tnks): Studi Kasus Kecamatan Rimbo Pengadang Kabupaten Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu

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    This research aimed to analyze 1) the potential area in Rimbo Pengadang Sub-district Lebong District and 2) which potential area can be developed become the alternatives of economic activities to the sub-district communities. The benefit expected was the community of Rimbo Pengadang Sub-district may do economic activities on those potential areas and the infringement of The Kerinci Seblat National Park may be decreased. The secondary data were used and analiyzed by Flow Model qualitative method. There were four steps in Flow Model such as Data Collection, Data Reduction, Data Display and Conclusion. The research gave these results 1) the potential areas in Rimbo Pengadang Sub-district Lebong District were Community Forest and Natural Pasture, and 2) those potential areas could be developed become the business activities for the communities because of the supporting factors more than the inhibiting factors

    Obstacles To Development Of Gayo Arabica Coffee Commodity In Bener Meriah Regency

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    Coffee has great potential to be developed in Indonesia because of its large role in increasing the country's foreign exchange through export activities. Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh Province, is one of the main producing areas of Arabica coffee. The development of Arabica coffee commodities in Bener Meriah is still not optimal due to the findings of various problems such as post-harvest handling cultivation systems, technology, to marketing conditions that continue to change according to global conditions. This problem causes Bener Meriah Arabica coffee to not be optimal in contributing to regional income, employment and contributing to coffee farmers' household income. In the previous research, only one aspect highlighted, so the findings to overcome these problems have not been optimal. Through the analysis of Urgency, Seriousness, Growth (USG), this research will find a solution formed in stages of solving the problems experienced by Arabica coffee farmers, starting from the upstream to the downstream process. The results of the study show that the constraints on trade conditions that have changed after the Pandemic are the main problems that must be resolved first in Bener Meriah Regency. The second problem that must be resolved is extreme climate change. The third is post-harvest handling and the fourth is the high cost of transportation


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    Pandemi covid-19 menyebabkan aktivitas ekonomi Negara terganggu, sehingga memaksa rumah tangga untuk lebih kreatif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan. Kreatifitas seseorang banyak tumbuh berdasarkan keadaan mendesak dan berkembang melalui kegiatan pelatihan. Sayur bayam merupakan salah satu jenis sayuran yang memiliki dampak baik bagi kesehatan dan sangat mudah untuk diperoleh di Bengkulu. Kuantitas yang berlimpah dan harga yang relatif terjangkau menjadikan industri pengolahan sayur bayam sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan pada kalangan mikro. Metode yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini yakni metode edukasi pemanfaatan bayam dan praktek langsung pembuatan keripik bayam. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap manfaat sayur bayam dan peningkatan kemampuan masyarakat terhadap pengolahan keripik bayam.  TRAINING IN MAKING SPINNING CHIPS AS AN ALTERNATIVE HOUSEHOLDS BUSINESS. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the country's economic activities, thus forcing households to be more creative in meeting their needs. A person's creativity grows a lot based on urgency and develops through training activities. Spinach is one type of vegetable that has a good impact on health and is very easy to obtain in Bengkulu. Abundant quantity and relatively affordable prices make the spinach vegetable processing industry very potential to be developed in the micro community. The method applied in this activity is the educational method of using spinach and direct practice of making spinach chips. The results of the activity showed an increase in public understanding of the benefits of spinach and an increase in the community's ability to process spinach chips


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    Dried fish business is a household business of processing fresh fish which is often found in the coastal areas of Bengkulu City, including in Sumber Jaya Village. This effort has been done for years by local residents. In the initial survey of the research, it was found that the makers of dried fish in that location only produce without any planning. Sales and expenses are allowed to flow as they are without proper calculations and records. To overcome this business strategic planning, it can be done by calculating the break even point (BEP). The break-even point is the point at which the total costs and revenues are the same, meaning that the business neither loses nor gains. The purpose of this study was to determine the break-even point of dried fish business in Bengkulu City. This research was carried out for approximately 1 month by taking 47 dried fish makers. This sampling process is conducted by simple random sampling. The results showed that the dried fish business in Bengkulu City had already exceeded its break-even point and was feasible to operate or run. The value of the break-even point of dry fish production is 2.45 kg, equivalent to fresh half dried fish beledang in one processing, the break-even point of revenue is Rp 104,022.08, and the break-even point price is Rp 30,508.96 per kg.Usaha pembuatan ikan kering adalah usaha rumah tangga pengolahan ikan segar yang banyak dijumpai di wilayah pesisir Kota Bengkulu, termasuk di Kelurahan Sumber Jaya. Usaha ini sudah dilakukan bertahun-tahun lamanya oleh penduduk sekitar. Dalam survei awal penelitian, diketahui bahwa para pembuat ikan kering di lokasi tersebut hanya berproduksi saja tanpa adanya perencanaan yang dilakukan. Penjualan dan pengeluaran biaya dibiarkan mengalir seadanya tanpa ada perhitungan dan pencatatan yang layak. Untuk mengatasi perencanaan starategi usaha tersebut, dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan perhitungan nilai titik impas atau break even point (BEP). Titik impas adalah titik di mana total biaya dan penerimaan sama, artinya usaha tidak mengalami kerugian atau keuntungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya titik impas usaha pembuatan ikan kering di Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan kurang lebih selama 1 bulan dengan jumlah sampel 47 pembuat ikan kering. Proses pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha pembuatan ikan kering di Kota Bengkulu sudah melampaui titik impasnya dan layak untuk diusahakan atau dijalankan. Adapun nilai titik impas produksi usaha pembuatan ikan kering yaitu 2,45 Kg setara ikan kering beledang tawar belah per proses produksi, titik impas penerimaan yaitu Rp 104.022,08, dan titik impas harga Rp 30.508,96 per Kg


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    Dried fish business is a household business of processing fresh fish which is often found in the coastal areas of Bengkulu City, including in Sumber Jaya Village. This effort has been done for years by local residents. In the initial survey of the research, it was found that the makers of dried fish in that location only produce without any planning. Sales and expenses are allowed to flow as they are without proper calculations and records. To overcome this business strategic planning, it can be done by calculating the break even point (BEP). The break-even point is the point at which the total costs and revenues are the same, meaning that the business neither loses nor gains. The purpose of this study was to determine the break-even point of dried fish business in Bengkulu City. This research was carried out for approximately 1 month by taking 47 dried fish makers. This sampling process is conducted by simple random sampling. The results showed that the dried fish business in Bengkulu City had already exceeded its break-even point and was feasible to operate or run. The value of the break-even point of dry fish production is 2.45 kg, equivalent to fresh half dried fish beledang in one processing, the break-even point of revenue is Rp 104,022.08, and the break-even point price is Rp 30,508.96 per kg.Usaha pembuatan ikan kering adalah usaha rumah tangga pengolahan ikan segar yang banyak dijumpai di wilayah pesisir Kota Bengkulu, termasuk di Kelurahan Sumber Jaya. Usaha ini sudah dilakukan bertahun-tahun lamanya oleh penduduk sekitar. Dalam survei awal penelitian, diketahui bahwa para pembuat ikan kering di lokasi tersebut hanya berproduksi saja tanpa adanya perencanaan yang dilakukan. Penjualan dan pengeluaran biaya dibiarkan mengalir seadanya tanpa ada perhitungan dan pencatatan yang layak. Untuk mengatasi perencanaan starategi usaha tersebut, dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan perhitungan nilai titik impas atau break even point (BEP). Titik impas adalah titik di mana total biaya dan penerimaan sama, artinya usaha tidak mengalami kerugian atau keuntungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya titik impas usaha pembuatan ikan kering di Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan kurang lebih selama 1 bulan dengan jumlah sampel 47 pembuat ikan kering. Proses pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha pembuatan ikan kering di Kota Bengkulu sudah melampaui titik impasnya dan layak untuk diusahakan atau dijalankan. Adapun nilai titik impas produksi usaha pembuatan ikan kering yaitu 2,45 Kg setara ikan kering beledang tawar belah per proses produksi, titik impas penerimaan yaitu Rp 104.022,08, dan titik impas harga Rp 30.508,96 per Kg


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    Abstrak: Masa pandemi yang diakibatkan oleh keberadaan virus Covid-19 memberikan dampak ekonomi yang cukup signifikan terutama dibidang perdagangan. Wilayah Kota Bengkulu menjadi salah satu sasaran utama penerima dampak dikarenakan sebagian besar masyarakat menggantungkan hidupanya dalam dunia perdagangan. Penurunan pendapatan rumah tangga dari kegiatan berdagang mengakibatkan adanya penurunan angka belanja, sehingga sulit untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Program pangan mandiri berupa pengadaan kebutuhan pangan keluarga melalui kegiatan menanam menjadi salah satu solusi dalam mengatasi keterbatasan memenuhi kebutuhan utama rumah tangga. Namun, minimnya lahan untuk kegiatan tanam menjadi alasan masyarakat Kota Bengkulu untuk tidak bisa menciptakan pangan mandiri. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan edukasi dan pelatihan penanaman melalui media piramida tumbuh menjadi solusi dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut. Tanaman sayuran dan TOGA dipilih menjadi tanaman yang akan dibudidayakan pada media piramida tumbuh karena sebagai salah satu upaya pengadaan salah satu pangan (sayuran) yang dibutuhkan dan meningkatkan imunitas tubuh dengan mengkonsumsi TOGA untuk mencegah terjangkit Virus Covid-19. Metode kegiatan diawali dengan sosialisasi terkait manfaat program pangan mandiri dan media piramida tumbuh melalui poster. Selanjutnya, pembagian alat dan bahan untuk kegiatan penanaman di media piramida. Tahapan terakhir berupa kontroling secara virtual yang dilakukan selama proses perawatan hingga panen. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di lokasi rumah masing-masing mitra, dengan alasan menghindari kerumunan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini, mitra dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sayuran keluarga melalui hasil panen sayur dan TOGA, serta mitra mendapat tambahan pendapatan melalui kegiatan penjualan hasil panen yang tidak dikonsumsi. Kesimpulannya, kegiatan pengabdian ini mampu memberikan solusi kepada masyarakat Kota Bengkulu dalam mengatasi masalah berupa penurunan pendapatan yang berdampak pada kemampuan memenuhi kebutuhan utama rumah tangga. Selain itu, adanya kegiatan penanaman ulang oleh mitra setelah panen menjadi bukti adanya dampak positif yang diberikan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini.Abstract:  The pandemic period caused by the presence of the Covid-19 virus had significant economic impact, especially in the trade sector. City of Bengkulu is one of the main targets for impact recipients because most people depend on trade sector. The decline in household income from trading activities resulted in a decrease in spending, , making it difficult to meet their daily needs. The independent food program in the form of supplying family food needs through planting activities is one of the solutions in overcoming the limitations of meeting the main needs of the household. However, the lack of land for planting activities is the reason for the people of Bengkulu City not to be able to create independent food. Therefore, planting education and training activities through growing pyramid media are a solution in overcoming this problem. Vegetable plants and TOGA were chosen as plants to be cultivated on growing pyramid media because as an effort to procure one of the foods (vegetables) needed and increase body immunity by consuming TOGA to prevent contracting the Covid-19 Virus. The activity method begins with socialization related to the benefits of the independent food program and growing pyramid media through posters. Next, the distribution of tools and materials for planting activities in pyramid media. The final stage is in the form of virtual control, which is carried out during the treatment process until harvesting. This activity was carried out at the location of each partner's house, with the excuse of avoiding crowds. As a result of this activity, partners can meet the family's vegetable needs through vegetable crops and TOGA, and partners can get additional income through selling un-consumed crops. In conclusion, this service activity is able to provide solutions to the people of Bengkulu City in overcoming problems in the form of decreased income which has an impact on the ability to meet the main needs of the household. In addition, the existence of replanting activities by partners after harvest is evidence of the positive impact of this service activity


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    Coffee is Indonesia's mainstay export commodity in the plantation sector which has provided a lot of income for Indonesia. Over time, Indonesia's coffee exports have fluctuated due to the impact of globalization and other external factors such as world coffee prices, Indonesian coffee production, the US Dollar exchange rate, Brazilian coffee exports and Colombian coffee exports. Based on this, this study aims to analyze the performance of Indonesian coffee exports to the Global Market using time series data over a period of 29 years using the Vector Autoregression (VAR) approach. The results showed that there were variables that had a short-term and unidirectional relationship with Indonesian coffee exports, namely the US Dollar exchange rate variable, Indonesian coffee production and Brazilian coffee exports


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    Bengkulu Province has rice productivity that is able to keep up with Lampung and West Sumatra (Top Five in production and on top three in land ownership throughout Sumatra), although rice farmland ownership is relatively low (less than 0.8 hectares) ). The climate change issue in the last two decades has impacted a significant decrease in rice production in Bengkulu Province. The government offers the Cropping Calendar (Katam) program, a technology that is able to provide a various information related to the croping such as the prediction of the beginning of the rainy season, the beginning of the cropping season, cropping patterns, potential cropping area and others to overcome these problems and the City of Bengkulu has begun to implement the program. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of application of integrated Cropping calendar by lowland rice farmers in Bengkulu City and analyze the correlation between internal and external factors of farmers with the level of Cropping calendar application. The basic method of this research is explanatory with a combined approach (quantitative and qualitative). The results showed that the level of application of integrated cropping calendar innovations in rice farmers was low. Farming experience, knowledge about cropping calendar, communication behavior, and social strengthening are significantly related to the level of application of cropping calendar innovation in rice farmers


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    This research aimed to analyze 1) the potential area in Rimbo Pengadang Sub-district Lebong District and 2) which potential area can be developed become the alternatives of economic activities to the sub-district communities. The benefit expected was the community of Rimbo Pengadang Sub-district may do economic activities on those potential areas and the infringement of The Kerinci Seblat National Park may be decreased. The secondary data were used and analiyzed by Flow Model qualitative method. There were four steps in Flow Model such as Data Collection, Data Reduction, Data Display and Conclusion. The research gave these results 1) the potential areas in Rimbo Pengadang Sub-district Lebong District were Community Forest and Natural Pasture, and 2) those potential areas could be developed become the business activities for the communities because of the supporting factors more than the inhibiting factors.Keywords: potential identification, potential area, forest community, natural pastur