5,604 research outputs found

    Ordenha higiênica de leite de cabra.

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    Passos para ordenha higiênica; Limpeza da sala de ordenha e dos vasilhames.bitstream/item/132809/1/ID-38686.pd

    Observing Grasping Actions Directed to Emotion-Laden Objects: Effects upon Corticospinal Excitability

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    The motor system is recruited whenever one executes an action as well as when one observes the same action being executed by others. Although it is well established that emotion modulates the motor system, the effect of observing other individuals acting in an emotional context is particularly elusive. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effect induced by the observation of grasping directed to emotion-laden objects upon corticospinal excitability (CSE). Participants classified video-clips depicting the right-hand of an actor grasping emotion-laden objects. Twenty video-clips differing in terms of valence but balanced in arousal level were selected. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were then recorded from the first dorsal interosseous using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) while the participants observed the selected emotional video-clips. During the video-clip presentation, TMS pulses were randomly applied at one of two different time points of grasping: (1) maximum grip aperture, and (2) object contact time. CSE was higher during the observation of grasping directed to unpleasant objects compared to pleasant ones. These results indicate that when someone observes an action of grasping directed to emotion-laden objects, the effect of the object valence promotes a specific modulation over the motor system.Fil: Nogueira Campos, Anaelli A.. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: Saunier, Ghislain. Universidade Federal do Pará; BrasilFil: Della Maggiore, Valeria Monica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay; ArgentinaFil: De Oliveira, Laura A. S.. Centro Universitário Augusto Motta; BrasilFil: Rodrigues, Erika C.. Centro Universitário Augusto Motta; BrasilFil: Vargas, Claudia D.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasi

    Critical dynamics, duality, and the exact dynamic exponent in extreme type II superconductors

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    The critical dynamics of superconductors is studied using renormalization group and duality arguments. We show that in extreme type II superconductors the dynamic critical exponent is given exactly by z=3/2z=3/2. This result does not rely on the widely used models of critical dynamics. Instead, it is shown that z=3/2z=3/2 follows from the duality between the extreme type II superconductor and a model with a critically fluctuating gauge field. Our result is in agreement with Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; version accepted for publication in PR

    Results for capelin from the surveys conducted by Spain in the NAFO Regulatory Area of Div. 3NO, 1995-2015

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    Since 1995, a stratified random spring bottom trawl survey in the NAFO Regulatory Area of Div. 3NO has been conducted by Spain every year. In 2001, the trawl vessel was replaced in the realization of the survey; a comparative survey between both vessels was made to transform the historical time-series into the new vessel index. The transformed entire series of mean catches and biomass distribution for capelin (Mallotus villosus) are presented for the period 1995-2000, and the no-transformed data for the years 2002-2015. In 2001, there are data from both vessels. The standard deviation is shown for biomass. Biomass fluctuated during all the period, and peaked in 2012.Postprint0,000

    Does the Brazilian soybean production increase pose a threat on the Amazon rainforest?

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    An approach to comfort in 3D printed clothing

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    A prototipagem rápida (3D) tem se apresentado como uma promissora técnica de produção. Diante do fato, diversas questões surgem com relação a mudança nos processos de produção, nomeadamente a percepção do conforto nos produtos obtidos por esta tecnologia. O presente artigo faz uma revisão acerca do conforto, das técnicas de impressão 3D e apresenta uma breve reflexão entre o conforto e os produtos vestíveis.The rapid prototyping (3D) has become a promise of production techniques. Faced with the fact, several questions arise regarding the change in the production process, namely the perception of comfort in the products obtained by this technology. This paper reviews the background of 3D printing techniques and presents a brief reflection between comfort and wearable products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simple Exactly Solvable Models of non-Fermi Liquids

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    We generalize the model of Hatsugai and Kohmoto [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 61, 2056 (1992)] and find ground states which do not show the properties of Fermi liquids. We work in two space dimensions, but it is straightforward to generalize to higher dimensions. The ground state is highly degenerate and there is no discontinuity in the momentum distribution; i.e., there is no Fermi surface. The Green's function generically has a branch cut.Comment: Revte

    Interference and complementarity for two-photon hybrid entangled states

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    In this work we generate two-photon hybrid entangled states (HES), where the polarization of one photon is entangled with the transverse spatial degree of freedom of the second photon. The photon pair is created by parametric down-conversion in a polarization-entangled state. A birefringent double-slit couples the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of these photons and finally, suitable spatial and polarization projections generate the HES. We investigate some interesting aspects of the two-photon hybrid interference, and present this study in the context of the complementarity relation that exists between the visibilities of the one- and two-photon interference patterns.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in Physical Review