13 research outputs found

    Edible Film Based on Whey-Chia Seed: Physical Characterization with Addition of Different Plasticizers

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    Edible film is a biodegradable packaging that can be an alternative as a food packaging material so as to reduce environmental damage and still have the function of maintaining the shelf life, quality and safety of food products. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of using different percentage of whey-chia seed and plasticizer type on the characteristics of films. This research used a completely randomized factorial design consisting of Factor A: percentage of whey-chia seed (A1= 1:0.5; A2= 1:0.75 and A3= 1:1) and Factor B: type of plasticizer (B1= sorbitol; B2= glycerol and B3= PEG). The interaction between of whey-chia seed and different types of plasticizer did not show a significant effect (p>0.05) on the characteristics of films, but the factor of whey-chia seed gave an effect on the thickness and gelation time of the films and the factor of different types of plasticizer too gave a significant effect (p<0.01) on the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) value. The findings suggest that the incorporation of chia seed concentration with distinct plasticizers could enhance the physical properties of whey-based edible film. The use of percentage of whey-chia seed 1:1 with glycerol is the best treatment.Edible film merupakan kemasan biodegradable yang dapat menjadi alternatif sebagai bahan kemasan pangan sehingga dapat mengurangi kerusakan lingkungan dan masih tetap memiliki fungsi mempertahankan masa simpan, kualitas dan keamanan produk pangan yang dilapisinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan persentase whey-chia seed dan jenis plasticizer yang berbeda terhadap karakteristik film whey-chia seed. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acap Lengkap pola Faktorial yang terdiri dari Faktor A: persentase whey-chia seed (A1= 1:0.5; A2= 1:0.75 dan A3= 1:1) serta Faktor B: jenis plasticizer (B1= sorbitol; B2= gliserol dan B3= PEG). Interaksi antara persentase whey-chhia seed dan jenis plasticizer yang berbeda tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan (p>0.05) terhadap karakteristik film yang dihasilkan, namun untuk penggunaan persentase whey-chia seed memberikan pengaruh terhadap ketebalan dan lama gelasi film serta penggunaan jenis plasticizer yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh yang sognifikan (p<0.01) terhadap nilai water vapor transmission rate (WVTR). Persentase whey chia seed 1:1 dengan penggunaan plasticizer gliserol merupakan perlakuan terbaik dengan menghasilkan nilai ketebalan 0.0309 mm, lama gelasi 560.12 detik dan WVTR 6.64 g/mm2/hari, selain itu juga menghasilkan mikrostruktur yang rata dan kompa

    Organoleptic Quality and pH of Silage of Young Corn and Sorghum

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    Effective processing of young corn and sorghum silage can be evaluated based on physical attributes like fragrance, colour, texture, and the properties and transformations that happen in the feed during the ensiling process. These attributes can be employed to assess and establish the quality of the feed. The purpose of this research is to determine the characteristics of young corn and sorghum silage by conducting pH testing and organoleptic analysis. The study used three types of silage: P1 - young corn, P2 - sorghum, and P3 - a mix of young corn and sorghum. The variables examined included colour, aroma, texture, presence of fungi, and pH. The data indicates that the silage produced from young corn and sorghum plants was of high quality. The feed before the silage production process was the same shade, and the end product had a sour scent. Texture-wise, the majority of the silage was slightly rough and not slimy, with no signs of fungal contamination. The pH ranged from 3.63-3.92, confirming the silage's acidic nature. Silage made from young corn and sorghum plants exhibits organoleptic qualities such as a brownish-green hue, mildly fragrant aroma, slightly mushy consistency, and no detected presence of fungus. Moreover, due to its acidic properties resulting from the pH value, it is highly conducive for the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria

    Evaluation of Feed Nutritional Content on The Laying Hens Productivity In East Lombok Regency

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    The performance of laying hens is affected by feed quality and can be seen from feed consumption, egg weight and hen day production (HDP). The aim of this study was to determine the quality of feed on the performance of laying hens. Sampling was carried out via interview on farmers in East Lombok representing each sub-district with a minimum population of 500 laying hens. Sampling of feed ingredients and 20 eggs was carried out on each farm for analysis in the laboratory. The descriptive analysis was performed on acquired data. The results showed that farmers in East Lombok used different percentages of corn, concentrate and mineral feed ingredients. The nutritional content of feed given consist of crude protein (14,17-16,90%), crude fat (3,17-3,36%), crude fiber (6,13-7,06%), calcium (1, 03-1,29), phosphorus (0,26-1,33%) and metabolic energy (2751,96-2925,79 Kcal/kg). The conclusion is some farmers in East Lombok Regency provide feed that does not suitable to the nutritional needs required by laying hens, namely the content of crude protein, calcium and phosphorus according to SNI standards which has an impact on reducing egg weight and HDP

    Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Cobalt in Ammoniated Oil Palm Trunk to In-Vitro Digestibility of Dry Matter, Organic Matter and Crude Protein

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    Amoniated oil palm trunk has potency as feed of ruminant but have to combined with technology to increase its digestibility by supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Cobalt (Co) minerals. The purpose of this study was to know the effect from S. cerevisiae and Co supplementation in ammoniated oil palm trunk to in-vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDM), organic matter (IVOM) and crude protein (IVCP). This research used a 3 x 3 factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 factors and 3 replications where factor A was the level of S. cerevisae (A1: 0%, A2: 0.5%, A3: 1%) and factor B was the level of Co (B1: 0 ppm, B2: 0.1 ppm, B3: 0.2 ppm). The results showed that supplementation of them was increased digestibility as a single factor but did not show any interaction between them. The best treatment was 0.5% S. cerevisiae and 0.1 ppm mineral Co with the highest increasion was 63.72% IVDM; 64.08% IVOM and 72.58% IVCP respectively

    Urea’s Effect on Dry Matter, Organic Matter, and Crude Protein Content of Ammoniated Corn Straw

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    Feed is an absolute necessity that must be guaranteed in the maintenance of ruminants but its availability is always a problem during the dry season so that a fresh forage is difficult to obtain and only agricultural waste in the form of straw is available. One of widely used by farmers, especially in Lombok region, is corn straw. This research aims to evaluate the nutritional content of corn straw that has been ammoniated using urea. This study used corn straw and urea for the ammoniation process with a complete randomized design (CRD) design consisting of 4 treatments and 4 replications, namely T1= corn straw without ammoniation (control), T2= corn straw ammoniated with a dose of 2% urea, T3= corn straw ammoniated with a dose of 4% urea and T4= corn straw ammoniated with a dose of 6% urea. The variables measured were dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and crude protein (CP). The results showed that urea used in the ammoniation process of corn straw showed a significant effect (P<0.05) on increasing the content of DM, OM and CP with results ranging from 21.02% - 23.98% for DM content, 88.13% - 91.07% for OM content and 13.53% - 23.81% for CP content. It was concluded that the best dose of urea for ammoniation of corn straw was treatment T4 with a dose of 6% urea with the results of the content of 23.98% DM; 89.94% OM and 23.81% CP, respectively

    The effect of urea levels on in-vitro digestibility and rumen fermentation characteristic of ammoniated oil palm trunk

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    The purpose of this research to evaluate the effect of urea levels for ammoniated of oil palm trunk on in vitro digestibility and rumen fermentation characteristics. The treatment was A0 = Oil palm trunk without treated (control), A1: ammoniated oil palm trunk using 2% urea; A2: ammoniated oil palm trunk using 4% urea; A3: ammoniated oil palm trunk using 6% urea; A4: ammoniated oil palm trunk using 8% urea; A5: ammoniated oil palm trunk using 10% urea. The variables measured were in vitro digestibility such as dry matter, organic matter, crude protein and fiber fractions (NDF, ADF, cellulose and hemicellulose), concentration of NH3 and total of volatile fatty acid (VFA) and pH value. Data was analyzed using SAS program with analysis of variance test (ANOVA) and Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT). The results obtained showed that the using of urea with various levels of oil palm trunk ammoniation was significant (P<0.01) increased in vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDM), organic matter (IVOM), crude protein (IVCP) and fiber fraction digestibility, pH value, NH3 and total of VFA concentration compared to control (A0). It can be concluded that the using of level 6% urea gave the best result for ammoniation of oil palm trunk such as IVDM: 45.91%, IVOM: 46.33%, IVCP: 61.51% and in vitro digestibility of NDF: 43.34%, ADF: 38.20%, cellulose: 44.28%, hemicellulose: 63.25% whereas pH: 7.02, NH3: 9.02 mg/100 ml and total VFA: 99.57 mM respectively. © 2020, Insight Society

    Inovasi Pembuatan Opak-Opak Berbasis Singkong di Desa Sigar Penjalin Kecamatan Tanjung Kabupaten Lombok Utara

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    Opak-opak singkong adalah olahan krupuk yang berbahan dasar singkong. Pada proses pengolahan singkong menjadi opak-opak masih menerapkan bentuk kegiatan produksi yang&nbsp; sederhana dan belum melakukan inovasi dalam produksi. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk untuk memberikan inovasi dalam pembuatan opak-opak dengan berbagai varian rasa dan melatih masyarakat untuk lebih mandiri dalam memanfaatkan singkong sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan opak-opak. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sigar Penjalin, Kecamatan Tanjung, Kabupaten Lombok Utara. Waktu pelaksanaan pengabdian ini di bulan Desember 2021 sampai Februari 2022. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini yaitu metode ceramah dan diskusi yang dilanjutkan dengan praktik langsung untuk membuat opak-opak yang berbahan dasar singkong serta dilakukan evaluasi terhadap produk yang dihasilkan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan masyarakat mengenai pengembangan produk pangan serta dapat melanjutkan dan mengembangkan secara mandiri usaha inovasi opak-opak ini karena memiliki peluang pasar dengan nilai jual yang tinggi. &nbsp

    Effect of Glutamate Supplementation in Broiler Chicken Feed to The Quality of Carcass

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    : Glutamate is an alternative feed additive that is safe and environmentally friendly in improving the quality of broiler chicken carcass. This study aims to determine the effect of glutamate produced by Lactobacilus plantarum MV on the quality of broiler chicken carcass. The aim of this research was to get the optimum doses of glutamate in feed broiler for increasing the quality of carcass. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with 6 treatments and 4 replications. This study used 240 broiler chicken strain MB 202 from PT Charoen Phokphand Indonesia, 1 day old and the treatment started at 7 days of age with 5 weeks of treatment. Each experimental unit consisted of 10 chickens. The Glutamate doses in groups were, A (0.4% commercial glutamate; B (0% glutamate); C (0.2% glutamate); D (0.4% glutamate); E (0.6% glutamate); F (0.8% glutamate). The results indicated that glutamate up to 0.8% had significant effects on carcass quality, consisting of reducing abdominal fat (0,64%) and cholesterol (0,64%), as well as increasing meat protein (73,09%) and cooking losses (26.69%). It can be concluded that 0,8% glutamate in broiler feed was increasing the quality of carcass

    The Effects of Plasticizer Types on Properties of Whey-Gelatin Films

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    Edible film is an alternative packaging that can be applied to food because it has biodegradable properties. The use of plasticizers can be used in the manufacture of edible films to increase the flexibility and densibility of the film. This study aims to determine the effect of plasticizer type on the thickness, WVTR, and moisture content of whey-gelatin film blends. The research was conducted in a Completely Randomized Design with three treatments, treatments that make a difference are tested with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The treatment used different plasticizer (P1G: Glycerol; P1S: Sorbitol; and P1P: polyethylene glycol (PEG) 400). The properties of whey-gelatin films showed that thickness was at 0.0350-0.0352 mm; the WVTR was at 4.87-6.22 g/m2/day; the water content was at 12.55-15.69%. The use of glycerol as plasticizer produced the best edible film characteristics compared to sorbitol and PEG 400 with a thickness value of 0.0350 mm; WVTR of 6.22 g/mm2/day and moisture content of 12.55%

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Permen Jilat Sapi Sebagai Pakan Suplemen Pada Kelompok Pemuda Tani Ternak Maju Bersama Di Desa Penyaring Kecamatan Moyo Kabupaten Sumbawa

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    The partner involved in community service activities is the Maju Bersama Livestock Farmer Youth Group in Desa Penyaring Kecamatan Moyo Utara Kabupaten Sumbawa. The problems faced are that farmers are very dependent on the availability of forage feed but its availability is limited during the dry season and the lack of knowledge of farmers regarding the adequacy of feed nutrition to the needs of livestock and the lack of innovation of farmers to utilize or process local feed ingredients and agricultural waste that can be made as alternative feed and feed supplements. The purpose of this activity is to help farmers to increase cattle productivity by utilizing local feed ingredients from available agricultural waste and processed in the form of supplementary feed is "Permen Jilat Sapi". The activity method includes counseling on making cow lick candy and direct training for farmers. The results of the activity were that the cow lick candy produced was classified as good with a firm texture and not soft and fragrant with the distinctive smell of molasses and corn. It was concluded that overall, the farmers' understanding of Permen Jilat Sapi after the training ranged from 80%-90%. This can be used as an indication that the activity has been successful and received a good response from farmers and as many as 75% of participants are willing to apply this feed supplement for their livestock.Mitra yang dilibatkan pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah Kelompok Pemuda Tani Ternak Maju Bersama di Desa Penyaring Kecamatan Moyo Utara Kabupaten Sumbawa. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah peternak sangat tergantung dengan ketersediaan pakan hijauan namun ketersediaannya terbatas saat musim kemarau dan kurangnya pengetahuan peternak mengenai kecukupan nutrisi pakan terhadap kebutuhan ternak serta kurangnya inovasi peternak untuk memanfaatkan atau mengolah bahan-bahan pakan lokal dan limbah pertanian yang dapat dibuat sebagai pakan alternatif maupun pakan suplemen. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah membantu peternak untuk meningkatkan produktivitas sapi dengan memanfaatkan bahan–bahan pakan lokal asal limbah pertanian yang tersedia dan diolah dalam bentuk pakan suplemen berupa “Permen Jilat Sapi”. Metode kegiatan meliputi penyuluhan tentang pembuatan permen jilat sapi dan pelatihan langsung pembuatan kepada peternak. Hasil kegiatan adalah permen jilat sapi yang dihasilkan tergolong bagus dengan tekstur keras dan tidak lunak serta beraroma wangi dengan bau khas molasses dan jagung. Disimpulkan bahwa secara keseluruhan, pemahaman peternak terhadap Permen Jilat Sapi setelah dilaksanakan pelatihan bekisar 80%-90%. Hal ini dapat digunakan sebagai indikasi bahwa kegiatan telah berhasil dan mendapat respon yang baik dari peternak dan sebanyak 70% peserta bersedia menerapkan pakan suplemen ini untuk ternaknya