14 research outputs found

    Perbaikan Kondisi Kerja Berdasarkan Pendekatan Hazard Identification And Risk Assesment (HIRA) Untuk Mengurangi Kecelakaan Kerja Karyawan Di Unit Penggilingan Pt Madu Baru Yogyakarta

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    PT Madu Baru dalam proses produksinya menggunakan bahan yang kompleks serta peralatan dengan tingkat teknologi terbilang masih lama. Proses produksi yang menggunakan teknologi lama akan berlangsung dengan lambat karena faktor tenaga kerja manusia masih sangat dominan, tetapi disisi lain penggunaan teknologi lama dapat menimbulkan kemungkinan bahaya yang lebih besar adanya kecelakaan kerja, penyakit akibat kerja. Oleh karenanya PT Madu Baru menganggap perlindungan terhadap tenaga kerja sangat diperlukan agar perusahaan tidak kehilangan tenaga kerja yang berakibat menghambat proses produksi yang akan merugikan perusahaan akibat kecelakaan ditempat kerja. Oleh sebab itu perlu dilakukan analisis untuk mengurangi potensi bahaya yang ada di PT Madu Baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab kecelakaan kerja dan upaya untuk memperbaiki kondisi kerja yang ada di PT Madu Baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode HIRA untuk menganalisa potensi bahaya yang ada di PT Madu Baru, setelah analisa HIRA yang dilakukan ternyata faktor penyebab kecelakaan kerja yang ada di PT Madu Baru adalah kelalaian karyawan menggunakan Alat Pelindung Diri dan kondisi kerja yang kurang kondusif misalnya ruang penggilingan panas suhu diruangan mencapai 350, kebisingan yang diatas normal mencapai 85db dan ruangan terlalu gelap, potensi bahaya yang terbesar pada aktifitas pengoperasian mesin giling. Upaya untuk mengurangi resiko kecelakaan kerja diantaranya melakukan rekayasa enginering misalnya penambahan sirkulasi udara untuk mengurangi kenaikan suhu melakukan training yang sesuai dengan SOP yang diterapkan oleh manajemen PT Madu Baru, dan memakai Alat Pelindung diri

    Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Peternakan Burung Lovebird

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    Lovebird is one of the chirping birds that is much loved by various layers. This is because the sound is loud and the beauty of the colors in the lovebird itself. That is why now the lovebirds have become the prima donna among the chirping bird competitions so that they are used as the opening of the chirping bird competitions in various events because there are so many enthusiasts of these bird lovers. This condition is an opportunity to seek profit by cultivating lovebird birds. The purpose of this study is to determine market opportunities, determine the layout (layout) of lovebird farms, plan and carry out production process activities, analyze business feasibility. Meanwhile, to create a business concept using the Business Model Canvas. To analyze the financial aspects using the Net Present Value, Internal athe of Return, and Probability Index. The plus value of this lovebird farming business is that the chicks have qualities that cannot be underestimated. Meanwhile, the results of the analysis of the calculation of market aspects show that the opportunity for lovebird farming has the potential in the future. And according to the results of the analysis of financial aspects, it shows that the Net Present Value is 162,720,061, the Internal athe of Return is 35% and the Probability Index is 1.72. Thus referring to the calculated data, the lovebird breeding business can be carried out immediately considering that this business is profitabl

    Emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli causing bloodstream infections in Norway in 2002-17: a nationwide, longitudinal, microbial population genomic study

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    Background The clonal diversity underpinning trends in multidrug resistant Escherichia coli causing bloodstream infections remains uncertain. We aimed to determine the contribution of individual clones to resistance over time, using large-scale genomics-based molecular epidemiology. Methods This was a longitudinal, E coli population, genomic, cohort study that sampled isolates from 22 512 E coli bloodstream infections included in the Norwegian surveillance programme on resistant microbes (NORM) from 2002 to 2017. 15 of 22 laboratories were able to share their isolates, and the first 22·5% of isolates from each year were requested. We used whole genome sequencing to infer the population structure (PopPUNK), and we investigated the clade composition of the dominant multidrug resistant clonal complex (CC)131 using genetic markers previously reported for sequence type (ST)131, effective population size (BEAST), and presence of determinants of antimicrobial resistance (ARIBA, PointFinder, and ResFinder databases) over time. We compared these features between the 2002–10 and 2011–17 time periods. We also compared our results with those of a longitudinal study from the UK done between 2001 and 2011. Findings Of the 3500 isolates requested from the participating laboratories, 3397 (97·1%) were received, of which 3254 (95·8%) were successfully sequenced and included in the analysis. A significant increase in the number of multidrug resistant CC131 isolates from 71 (5·6%) of 1277 in 2002–10 to 207 (10·5%) of 1977 in 2011–17 (p<0·0001), was the largest clonal expansion. CC131 was the most common clone in extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-positive isolates (75 [58·6%] of 128) and fluoroquinolone non-susceptible isolates (148 [39·2%] of 378). Within CC131, clade A increased in prevalence from 2002, whereas the global multidrug resistant clade C2 was not observed until 2007. Multiple de-novo acquisitions of both blaCTX-M ESBL-encoding genes in clades A and C1 and gain of phenotypic fluoroquinolone non-susceptibility across the clade A phylogeny were observed. We estimated that exponential increases in the effective population sizes of clades A, C1, and C2 occurred in the mid-2000s, and in clade B a decade earlier. The rate of increase in the estimated effective population size of clade A (Ne=3147) was nearly ten-times that of C2 (Ne=345), with clade A over-represented in Norwegian CC131 isolates (75 [27·0%] of 278) compared with the UK study (8 [5·4%] of 147 isolates). Interpretation The early and sustained establishment of predominantly antimicrobial susceptible CC131 clade A isolates, relative to multidrug resistant clade C2 isolates, suggests that resistance is not necessary for clonal success. However, even in the low antibiotic use setting of Norway, resistance to important antimicrobial classes has rapidly been selected for in CC131 clade A isolates. This study shows the importance of genomic surveillance in uncovering the complex ecology underlying multidrug resistance dissemination and competition, which have implications for the design of strategies and interventions to control the spread of high-risk multidrug resistant clones. Funding Trond Mohn Foundation, European Research Council, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, and the Wellcome Trust


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    When the reversal process in a rotet of 360 lorry on Tippler will move on the rail hovering over it with the lock that rested on passive or stop. In other avoid unligment on lorry wheels, it needed a part that could lock the active state so the lorry remain on the track, even though behind the rail until one rotation it will not have a resistant. The objective of this study is to design a tool that can lock the lorry an in progres place study when using Tippler, so that the wheels of the lorry will not shifted on its rails. The method akont in this study are derdided in several step. First is Literature. Second observe the processing line. Third design the tool mechanisme. Fourth calculate the draft designed. Fifth redesign. With hydraulic lock on the Tippler is expected the draft plan unshift on it is wheels of the lorry, theraf one the tippler can optimally operate.finally no task delay