105 research outputs found

    Agroturismo en entornos periurbanos: enseñanzas de la iniciativa holeriturismo en el Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat (Cataluña)

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    The paper undertakes an examination of peri-urban agriculture and presents a literature review of the types of tourism associated with it, namely peri-urban tourism and agri-tour­ism. Against this background, a vegetable tourism initiative launched in the Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park (Catalonia) in 2008 is studied. The possibilities presented by such an initiative in relation to the multiple tourist options of peri-urban areas are appraised.Se presenta la agricultura periurbana para luego desarrollar una revisión de las modalida­des de turismo aplicables a la misma, basada en las nociones de turismo periurbano y agro­turismo. Después de estos antecedentes, se estudia la iniciativa de holeriturismo implantada a partir de 2008 en el Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat. Se concluye a través de una discusión de las opciones del holeriturismo en el seno de las posibilidades múltiples que ofrece lo periurbano en términos turísticos

    Health and sport. Economic and social impact of active tourism

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    Concerns with health and wellness are currently a global trend. Consequently, people have increasingly been engaging in some form of regular sports practice in their adult lives. This is evidenced by the rise of markets that are related to the sports sector. One of those market trends is active tourism, which refers to the practice of physical activities in natural environments within a tourist destination. In this context, people travel to certain places, typically with friends or as couples, to engage in sports activities of greater or lesser intensities. This allows for them to disconnect with their daily routines and provides them all of the positive health-related outcomes that are associated with exercising. Therefore, health tourism is also an efficient tool against sedentariness. The present study explores which sports are currently the most popular amongst active tourists, which attributes they value the most when choosing a destination, and what is their expenditure pattern. To this end, a sample of 60 individuals who have engaged in some form of active tourism in Galicia is surveyed. The findings suggest that active tourists are particularly interested in dedicating their discretionary time to travelling and they have a higher daily expenditure within the destination than the average tourist

    From experiential economy to experiential tourism. Fiction series as inducers of experiences and destinations visit

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    Nos encontramos inmersos en la denominada economía de experiencias, de ahí que todos los sectores e industrias se vean de algún modo afectados por ello. En el caso del turismo se desarrolla de modo paralelo el turismo experiencial, en el que el turista se convierte en amante de las emociones, sensaciones y vivencias. Por otro lado, la repercusión que ciertos sectores pueden tener en otros es una realidad, no teniendo que desarrollarse de modo independiente y pudiendo cooperar en la búsqueda de objetivos beneficiosos para ambos. Es el caso del sector audiovisual y los beneficios que éste reporta al sector turístico como promotor de destinos. De ahí, que en la presente investigación se analice el papel de las series de ficción como inductoras de sensaciones (factor experiencial) a la vez que favorecen la visita a destinos turísticos visionados en las mismasWe are immersed in the so -called experience economy, hence all sectors and industries look somehow affected by it. In the case of tourism is developed in parallel experiential tourism in the tourist becomes lover of emotions, feelings and experiences. On the other hand, the impact that may have on certain sectors other is a reality, not having developed independently and can cooperate in the search for beneficial objectives for both. This is the case of the audiovisual sector and the benefits it reports to the tourism sector in promoting destinations. Hence, in this investigation the role of fiction series as inducing sensations (experiential factor) while favoring visit destinations viewings there in are analyzed

    Active tourism in A Baixa Limia (Ourense): situation and perspectives. A qualitative analysis of local stakeholders’ opinion

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    [RESUMEN]El turismo activo en A Baixa Limia (Ourense): situación y perspectivas. Un análisis cualitativo de la opinión de los agentes locales. El trinomio turismo-deporte-naturaleza está en pleno auge en la actualidad, al combinar el interés de los individuos por desplazarse fuera de su entorno habitual, por la salud y el cuerpo y, finalmente, por alejarse de núcleos urbanos y disfrutar de entornos naturales. El número de actividades implicadas es muy amplio, dependiendo de la intensidad física buscada y del medio elegido para su práctica (terrestre, acuático o aéreo). Es por ello que los destinos turísticos que cumplen los requisitos necesarios para ofertar turismo activo se planteen éste como una alternativa para incrementar o incluso focalizar su oferta turística. En el presente trabajo se analiza el caso de A Baixa Limia (Ourense), destino que presenta una dotación de recursos naturales que, a priori, lo convierten en idóneo para albergar este tipo de turismo. Por ello, tras poner de manifiesto la presencia en la comarca de los factores clave para el desarrollo del turismo activo, se presenta la evidencia obtenida mediante entrevistas en profundidad a profesionales y expertos de la zona relativa a diferentes aspectos que caracterizan el turismo activo en la comarca: oferta, demanda y repercusiones y perspectivas de futuro. De los resultados obtenidos se desprende que A Baixa Limia posee numerosos recursos para convertirse en un destino referente para la práctica de turismo activo, aunque faltan empresas que exploten este potencial; además, la cooperación público-privada todavía es insuficiente y es necesario trabajar en una oferta complementaria atractiva que permita una experiencia completa por parte del turista.[ABTRACT]Tourism-sport-nature trinomial is booming today, combining the interests of individuals traveling outside their usual environment, health and body and finally get away from urban centers and enjoy natural surroundings. The number of activities involved is very large, depending on the desired physical intensity and the means chosen to practice (land, water or air). That is why tourism destinations that meet the requirements for active tourism offer this pose as an alternative to increase or even focus their tourism. In this paper the case of A Baixa Limia (Ourense) is analyzed, destination featuring an endowment of natural resources, making it ideal for hosting this type of tourism. Therefore, after highlighting the presence in the region of the key factors for the development of active tourism, evidence obtained is presented through detailed interviews with professionals and local experts on various aspects characterizing the active tourism in the region: supply, demand and impact and future prospects. From the results it follows that A Baixa Limia has many resources to become a destination reference for practicing active tourism, although missing operators of this potential; besides, public-private cooperation is still insufficient and need to work on an attractive complementary offer to allow a complete experience by tourists

    Resilience and individual competitive productivity: the role of age in the tourism industry

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    This study evaluates the conceptual and metrical correspondence between the construct measurements of the individual Competitive Productivity model and the scale that measures individual resilience in tourism. An individual work resilience scale was adapted to the context of the tourism industry. Scale items were operationalised on an online survey (n = 425) with tourism professionals and students. The role of age as an influence variable on individual resilience levels was explored. The results point to correspondences between the scale designed to measure personal resilience and the construct that identifies the ICP components. The findings suggest that companies should prioritise diversity in their recruitment policies, which allows them to capitalise on integrative thinking to become more ambidextrous, and consequently, more resilient.This study evaluates the conceptual and metrical correspondence between the construct measurements of the individual Competitive Productivity model and the scale that measures individual resilience in tourism. An individual work resilience scale was adapted to the context of the tourism industry. Scale items were operationalised on an online survey (n = 425) with tourism professionals and students. The role of age as an influence variable on individual resilience levels was explored. The results point to correspondences between the scale designed to measure personal resilience and the construct that identifies the ICP components. The findings suggest that companies should prioritise diversity in their recruitment policies, which allows them to capitalise on integrative thinking to become more ambidextrous, and consequently, more resilient.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    The Ethical Attitudes of Generation Z in Spain Toward Animal-Based Tourism Attractions

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    Research in animal ethics and Generation Z in the field of tourism is a little-explored topic. With a focus on the development of both research fields, the aim of this study was to determine if Generation Z in Spain justifies or rejects the use of animals in tourism attractions, and to establish which specific animal attractions are acceptable for Generation Z and which are not. The results indicated that Generation Z does not justify any of the animal attractions presented in the questionnaire. Generation Z does not accept any of the possible justifications for the existence of animal-based attractions, and all conditions under which animals must be treated at those attractions are important for Generation Z respondents. Females attach greater importance than males to all animal treatment conditions and express a greater rejection of all attractions as well as all justifications presented in the questionnaire

    Disclosing homogeneity within heterogeneity: A segmentation of Spanish active tourism based on motivational pull factors

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    In the context of postmodern tourism, active tourism has acquired great importance. This type of travel fits the tastes of the new tourist, who seeks new and differentiated experiences that deliver a diverse range of sensations. The present works aims at in depth exploring the profile of active tourists, with emphasis on the reasons that lead them to seek this kind of experiences. Given the framework provided by the push and pull theory, the aim of this study is to identify groups with homogeneous features in the heterogeneous collective of active tourists. Factor and cluster analysis, focused on a scale of pull factors, are sequentially applied to data obtained through an online questionnaire. The results show that the Spanish market of active tourism can be segmented into three groups ("health, novelty and cultural heritage seekers, adventure and fun seekers and professionals and health seekers neutral to pull factors"), where the importance attributed to different pull factors varies according to each group's push motivations. Specifically, those who engage in active tourism motivated by keeping healthy and discovering new places or people are those who most value the cultural heritage of the destination; those who engage in it seeking new sensations are those who most value the possibilities of having fun in the destination; and those who do it for professional reasons are indifferent towards the attractions of the destination. Nevertheless, regardless of the groups to which they belong, active tourists prioritize the richness of the natural surroundings when choosing a destination. Management implications: A better understanding of its target market is vital for active tourism destinations: • In the case of rural destinations, the segment of health, novelty and cultural heritage seekers could be a good target to which to offer hiking circuits, promoted through specialized guidebooks and magazines, which include interesting heritage resources. • Urban destinations, especially coastal ones, could seek to attract the adventure and fun seekers segment through an offer of exciting and fun activities, whose promotion, preferably carried out through social networking sites, would highlight the possibilities of nightlife. • Every destination should prioritize the protection and improvement of the natural surroundings

    Degree of integration of risk preventive measures in the management system of companies in the electricity sector

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    Despite the increasingly severe POH (Prevention and Occupational Health) regulation and the mandatory use of more effective protection equipment, workplace accidents and mishaps are still common events worldwide. Moreover, these mishaps include a considerable number of occasional accidents, that is, those that are caused by unsafe working conditions and behaviours, and therefore, could be avoided. Aiming to investigate the causes of such failures, the present study analyses the adoption and application of prevention measures within companies of the electricity (which has one of the highest levels of accidents). In this context, data on the organisation and adoption of prevention measures was collected through a survey with workers and supervisors of companies from Galicia, Spain (n = 220). Results suggest that there is a general deficiency regarding awareness of risk within companies from the sector, which leads to an insufficiency of adequate prevention measures. More specifically, a considerable percentage of both managers and workers have shown not to have enough knowledge on POH. Practical implications to mitigate these problems are addressed in the conclusions

    Promoción de destinos turísticos a través de las series audiovisuales. El caso de Juego de Tronos

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    La presente investigación muestra la importancia que puede tener el sector audiovisual como herramienta promocional del sector turístico, por ello se analiza un caso concreto de actualidad, la serie Juego de Tronos, con el objetivo de conocer de qué manera influye sobre los destinos que sirvieron de escenario para su rodaje. La metodología empleada es la técnica cualitativa de análisis de contenido, a través de la cual se analizan cuarenta y cinco webs oficiales de destinos turísticos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten extraer como conclusiones finales que se están creando productos turísticos relacionados con la serie, y en algunos destinos se utiliza como instrumento de promoción turística; aun así, no se están aprovechando la totalidad de los beneficios que la serie podría aportar al destino turístic

    The phenomenon 2.0 in the Tourism sector. Madrid 2.0 case

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    Hoy en día, en la mayoría de los ámbitos, Internet es un elemento clave para cualquier actividad, que cambia continuamente y que requiere una actualización constante. Una de las últimas evoluciones ha dado como resultado la web 2.0, que permite la interacción directa y la retroalimentación con el usuario, siendo su principal eje la publicación de opiniones e intercambio de informaciones. El sector turístico, al igual que toda la sociedad, también se ha visto envuelto en dichos cambios, presentándosele una oportunidad y una ventaja competitiva al poder trabajar con herramientas que posibilitan la comunicación directa. Una de las grandes apuestas ha sido la realizada por la Comunidad de Madrid a través de su web www.turismomadrid.es. En este trabajo se busca analizar el papel actual que Internet, la Web 2.0 y principalmente las redes sociales, están jugando en relación al turismo, para posteriormente poder comprobar a través de una comparativa con las webs turísticas de otras comunidades, si el caso de Madrid se muestra como el principal modelo de estrategia proactiva, tal como se recoge en sus objetivos iniciales.Today, Internet is a key element in any activity that is constantly changing and requires constant updating. One of the latest developments has been the web 2.0, which allows direct interaction and feedback to the user, being its main focus the publication of opinions and exchange of information. The Tourism Sector, like any society, has also been involved in these changes, presenting an opportunity and a competitive advantage to be working with tools to communicate with the user. One of the big bets has been made by Madrid Community, through its web www.turismomadrid.es. This paper seeks to analyze the current role of Internet, Web 2.0 and social networks and the role they are playing in relation to tourism and to verify through a comparison with tourist sites in other communities, whether Madrid case is shown as the principal model of proactive strategy, like they wanted on the initial objectives