62 research outputs found

    La construcción social de la fibromialgia como problema de salud a través de las políticas y la prensa en España

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    Antecedentes/Objetivos: La fibromialgia (FM) es una enfermedad crónica dolorosa recientemente reconocida que afecta principalmente a las mujeres. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la emergencia y visibilidad de la FM como un problema de salud en las políticas sanitarias, iniciativas parlamentarias (IP) y noticias de prensa en España. Métodos: Este estudio está estructurado en tres análisis independientes pero relacionados entre sí, acerca de la visibilización de la FM como un problema de salud desde distintos enfoques metodológicos y fuentes de información. Para ello se realizaron búsquedas sistemáticas a través de Internet y análisis de contenido cualitativo de los planes de salud autonómicos, noticias de prensa (El País, El Mundo y ABC) e iniciativas parlamentarias (IP) en España hasta el año 2013. Resultados: Los planes de salud no incluyen la FM entre los problemas de salud que priorizan en sus estrategias. Las IP reflejan la desproporcionada prevalencia femenina de la FM y denuncian su difícil diagnóstico, la falta de recursos destinados a la investigación y a su tratamiento, así como la falta de reconocimiento social y de las incapacidades laborales. La prensa refleja el estereotipo de enferma de las pacientes, pasivas y resignadas, que por el contrario cobran fuerza en grupo mediante las asociaciones, representadas como activas y luchadoras, quienes han conseguido llegar al Parlamento y tener impacto en las políticas. Ambos análisis indican que el año 2002 supuso un punto de inflexión en el reconocimiento social de la enfermedad, debido a la popularización del caso de particular de la diputada del PSOE en Cataluña, Manuela de Madre, a quien se le diagnosticó FM. Conclusiones: La incipiente incorporación de la FM en la agenda parlamentaria española y su cobertura periodística tienen un impacto positivo, puesto que promueven el conocimiento y la sensibilización social sobre este problema de salud. Aún así, los resultados muestran que la construcción social de la FM como problema de salud se encuentra en fase de decrecimiento gradual de interés. Además, la falta de reconocimiento social de la enfermedad puede estar relacionada con que se construye socialmente como un problema de salud de mujeres, con estereotipos de género.Centro de Estudios sobre la Mujer (CEM), Universidad de Alicante

    Microdevice-based mechanical compression on living cells

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    Compressive stress enables the investigation of a range of cellular processes in which forces play an important role, such as cell growth, differentiation, migration, and invasion. Such solid stress can be introduced externally to study cell response and to mechanically induce changes in cell morphology and behavior by static or dynamic compression. Microfluidics is a useful tool for this, allowing one to mimic in vivo microenvironments in on-chip culture systems where force application can be controlled spatially and temporally. Here, we review the mechanical compression applications on cells with a broad focus on studies using microtechnologies and microdevices to apply cell compression, in comparison to off-chip bulk systems. Due to their unique features, microfluidic systems developed to apply compressive forces on single cells, in 2D and 3D culture models, and compression in cancer microenvironments are emphasized. Research efforts in this field can help the development of mechanoceuticals in the future

    Application of sequential cyclic compression on cancer cells in a flexible microdevice

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    Mechanical forces shape physiological structure and function within cell and tissue microenvironments, during which cells strive to restore their shape or develop an adaptive mechanism to maintain cell integrity depending on strength and type of the mechanical loading. While some cells are shown to experience permanent plastic deformation after a repetitive mechanical tensile loading and unloading, the impact of such repetitive compression on deformation of cells is yet to be understood. As such, the ability to apply cyclic compression is crucial for any experimental setup aimed at the study of mechanical compression taking place in cell and tissue microenvironments. Here, we demonstrate such cyclic compression using a microfluidic compression platform on live cell actin in SKOV-3 ovarian cancer cells. Live imaging of the actin cytoskeleton dynamics of the compressed cells was performed for varying pressures applied sequentially in ascending order during cell compression. Additionally, recovery of the compressed cells was investigated by capturing actin cytoskeleton and nuclei profiles of the cells at zero time and 24 h-recovery after compression in end point assays. This was performed for a range of mild pressures within the physiological range. Results showed that the phenotypical response of compressed cells during recovery after compression with 20.8 kPa differed observably from that for 15.6 kPa. This demonstrated the ability of the platform to aid in the capture of differences in cell behaviour as a result of being compressed at various pressures in physiologically relevant manner. Differences observed between compressed cells fixed at zero time or after 24 h-recovery suggest that SKOV-3 cells exhibit deformations at the time of the compression, a proposed mechanism cells use to prevent mechanical damage. Thus, biomechanical responses of SKOV-3 ovarian cancer cells to sequential cyclic compression and during recovery after compression could be revealed in a flexible microdevice. As demonstrated in this work, the observation of morphological, cytoskeletal and nuclear differences in compressed and non-compressed cells, with controlled micro-scale mechanical cell compression and recovery and using livecell imaging, fluorescent tagging and end point assays, can give insights into the mechanics of cancer cells

    Novel Bi-Directional Dual-Flow-Rootchip to Study Effects of Osmotic Stress On Calcium Signalling in Arabidopsis Roots

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    Being able to detect and respond to abiotic and biotic stresses is fundamental for plant growth and survival. However, understanding of signal transduction within the root remains limited. To help shed light on these processes, we have developed a bidirectional-dual‐flow‐RootChip (bi-dfRC), which adds bidirectional stimulation to the existing asymmetric laminar flow root perfusion platforms. In this paper we show design, fabrication and characterisation of the bi-dfRC, as well as growth of wildtype and Ca2+ indicator (G-CaMP3) Arabidopsis thaliana plants on the platform. Applicability of the bi-dfRC is further demonstrated by probing the dynamic response of Arabidopsis roots to simulated drought stress effects via a fluorescent Ca2+ sensor in a variety of combinations and spatial orientations. The latter enables the tracking of growth, localisation, and quantity in response to bidirectional stimulation in real time at a cellular level

    A monolithic polydimethylsiloxane platform for zoospore Capture, germination and single hypha force sensing

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    This paper reports a triple-layer, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based lab-on-a-chip platform combining the capture and culture of individual oomycete zoospores with integrated force sensing on germinated hyphae. The platform enables the concurrent study of cell-to-cell variability in hyphal growth and protrusive force generation. To demonstrate the applicability of the platform, individual zoospores of the oomycete Achlya bisexualis were trapped by a constriction structure, cultured on the device and the micro-Newton forces exerted by hyphae measured by tracking the deflection of elastomeric micropillars. The platform provides a new tool to help understand protrusive growth on a single cell level

    Microfluidics for Small-Angle X-ray Scattering

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    Small-angle X-ray scattering is a well-established biophysical technique, whilst micro-fluidics is proving to be a convenient technology for creating miniaturised multifunctional devices. Both fields are highly versatile and find use in multiple scientific disciplines. Together, they offer the potential to obtain structural information on biomacromolecules, nanoparticles and condensed matter, in a high-throughput manner and with enhanced time-resolution capabilities. This chapter provides practical design considerations for X-ray-based microfluidic systems and examines some of the existing microfluidic platforms used in conjunction with small-angle X-ray scattering. As the exclusive advantages of microfluidics become recognised and accessible, the prevalence of microfluidic sample environments in X-ray scattering measurements will hopefully increase

    Spatially-resolved 3ω thermal flow sensing for microfluidics and biology

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    This paper reports an alternating current (AC) thermal flow sensor, based on the 3ω method, capable of measuring fluid flow in stacked microfluidic channels and through separating membranes. The measurement concept is tested in a triple-layer polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) device containing two parallel channels separated by a membrane. A 3ω element integrated into the bottom channel was used to determine the flow direction and magnitude in both channels. Our results show that the phase of the temperature wave is linked not only to fluid velocity, but the physical dimensions of the channel, thus providing a novel non-contact tool to probe fluid flows

    A dual-flow RootChip enables quantification of bi-directional calcium signalling in primary roots

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    One sentence summary: Bi-directional-dual-flow-RootChip to track calcium signatures in Arabidopsis primary roots responding to osmotic stress. Plant growth and survival is fundamentally linked with the ability to detect and respond to abiotic and biotic factors. Cytosolic free calcium (Ca2+) is a key messenger in signal transduction pathways associated with a variety of stresses, including mechanical, osmotic stress and the plants’ innate immune system. These stresses trigger an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ and thus initiate a signal transduction cascade, contributing to plant stress adaptation. Here we combine fluorescent G-CaMP3 Arabidopsis thaliana sensor lines to visualise Ca2+ signals in the primary root of 9-day old plants with an optimised dual-flow RootChip (dfRC). The enhanced polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) bi-directionaldual-flow-RootChip (bi-dfRC) reported here adds two adjacent inlet channels at the base of the observation chamber, allowing independent or asymmetric chemical stimulation at either the root differentiation zone or tip. Observations confirm distinct early spatio-temporal patterns of salinity (sodium chloride, NaCl) and drought (polyethylene glycol, PEG)-induced Ca2+ signals throughout different cell types dependent on the first contact site. Furthermore, we show that the primary signal always dissociates away from initially stimulated cells. The observed early signaling events induced by NaCl and PEG are surprisingly complex and differ from long-term changes in cytosolic Ca2+ reported in roots. Bi-dfRC microfluidic devices will provide a novel approach to challenge plant roots with different conditions simultaneously, while observing bi-directionality of signals. Future applications include combining the bi-dfRC with H2O2 and redox sensor lines to test root systemic signaling responses to biotic and abiotic factors

    Microfluidic Platform to Study Electric Field Based Root Targeting by Pathogenic Zoospores

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    This paper reports the fabrication and application of a microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip platform to study the electrotactic movements of pathogenic microorganisms. The movement of the pathogens in response to electric fields are one way in which they are thought to locate their hosts. Design and fabrication of the platform, and associated micro-electronics are described. The platform contains arrays of micro-electrodes that generate an electric field of defined strength in a micro-chamber into which feed inlet and outlet channels for entry and exit of media and microorganisms. To demonstrate applicability of the platform, motile zoospores of the pathogenic oomycete Phytophthora nicotianae were seeded in the inlet and a voltage was applied to investigate the electrotactic responses of the zoospores. This platform offers a unique opportunity to study electrotactic movements that may be responsible for the ability of the pathogens to locate and invade host tissue

    Droplet actuation induced by coalescence: experimental evidences and phenomenological modeling

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    This paper considers the interaction between two droplets placed on a substrate in immediate vicinity. We show here that when the two droplets are of different fluids and especially when one of the droplet is highly volatile, a wealth of fascinating phenomena can be observed. In particular, the interaction may result in the actuation of the droplet system, i.e. its displacement over a finite length. In order to control this displacement, we consider droplets confined on a hydrophilic stripe created by plasma-treating a PDMS substrate. This controlled actuation opens up unexplored opportunities in the field of microfluidics. In order to explain the observed actuation phenomenon, we propose a simple phenomenological model based on Newton's second law and a simple balance between the driving force arising from surface energy gradients and the viscous resistive force. This simple model is able to reproduce qualitatively and quantitatively the observed droplet dynamics