239 research outputs found

    Bilateral reconstruction of the mandibular body with symphyseal preservation using a single fibula free flap: operative technique

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    Background: Mandibular osteonecrosis may occur in 5% of the patients who undergo radiotherapy for the treatment of head and neck malignancies. Resection and microvascular reconstruction is the treatment of choice in complicated osteoradionecrosis, however multifocal presentation may complicate the management of the disease given the poor quality and limited availability of adequate recipient vessels. Operative technique: A 74-year-old man affected by multifocal severe osteoradionecrosis of the mandible underwent bilateral resection of the mandibular bodies while preserving the symphysis. The defects were reconstructed with a single fibula flap composed by two bony segments connected by a central segment, corresponding to the symphyseal region, in which the bone was dissected and removed. The anastomosis was performed on a single side of the neck. Healing was uneventful and the adopted technique allowed for a quick functional and esthetic recovery. Conclusion: The presented technique provided a safe and efficacious, although technically challenging, solution in a case presenting multifocal osteonecrosis of the jaw. The morbidity of the procedure was limited because the tissue resection and reconstruction processes were minimized. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Folded Radial Forearm Free Flap for the Reconstruction of Total Soft Palate Defects: Operative Technique

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    Background: The surgical plan to reconstruct the palate must be carefully prepared given the morphological peculiarity of the soft palate forming both the roof of the mouth and the floor of the nasal cavity. This article focuses on the use of folded radial forearm free flaps to manage isolated defects of the soft palate in the absence of tonsillar pillar involvement. Methods: Three patients affected by squamous cell carcinoma of the palate underwent resection of the soft palate and immediate reconstruction with a folded radial forearm free flap. Results: All three patients showed good short-term morphological-functional outcomes as far as swallowing, breathing, and phonation were concerned. Conclusions: The folded radial forearm free flap seems to be an efficacious way to manage localized defects of the soft palate, given the positive outcomes of the three patients treated, and in accordance with other authors. In general, the radial forearm free flap was confirmed to be a versatile solution for those intraoral defects of the soft tissue requiring a limited quantity of volume as in the case of the soft palate

    A snapshot of knowledge about oral cancer in italy: A 505 person survey

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    Objectives: Patients’ knowledge about oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) plays an important role in primary prevention, early diagnosis, and prognosis and survival rate. The aim of this study was to assess OSCC awareness attitudes among general population in order to provide information for educational interventions. Methods: A survey delivered as a web-based questionnaire was submitted to 505 subjects (aged from 18 to 76 years) in Italy, and the answers collected were statistically analyzed. Information was collected about existence, incidence, features of lesions, risk factors of oral cancer, and self-inspection habits, together with details about professional reference figures and preventive behaviors. Results: Chi-square tests of independence with adjusted standardized residuals highlighted correlations between population features (age, gender, educational attainment, provenance, medical relationship, or previous diagnoses of oral cancer in family) and knowledge about oral cancer. Conclusions: Knowledge about OSCC among the Italian population is limited, and it might be advisable to implement nudging and sensitive customized campaigns in order to promote awareness and therefore improve the prognosis of this disease

    Maxillary Sinusitis as a Complication of Zygomatic Implants Placement: A Narrative Review

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    Aims: The aim of this review is to consider maxillary sinusitis as a complication of zygomatic implants placements. Maxillary sinusitis a common complication but in the literature there are no reviews that focus only on this condition and its possible treatment. This review was carried out with to highlight the main findings of the literature on this topic and to improve knowledge in this field. Methods: The search strategy resulted in 155 papers. After selection of the inclusion criteria only 11 papers were examined. From the papers these, 12.3% patients presented maxillary sinusitis but only four studies evaluated sinusitis (both clinical and radiological evaluation). The most common treatment used by the authors were antibiotics alone or combined with functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). Results: The literature shows an absence of precise and shared guidelines diagnosis and post-operative follow-up, and of the treatment of maxillary sinusitis following zygomatic implantology. It has not been determined if the surgical placement of ZIs is better than the other techniques for treatment of the onset of maxillary sinusitis in the post-operative period. Conclusion: To date there are no shared protocols for maxillary sinusitis treatment. In our experience, and according to the literature in the presence of risk factors such as age, comorbidities, smoking, nasal septal deviation or other anatomical variants, we suggested that FESS is performed at the same time as placement of zygomatic implants

    Outcomes of a Pharmacological Protocol with Pentoxifylline and Tocopherol for the Management of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (MRONJ): A Randomized Study on 202 Osteoporosis Patients

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    Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) is a challenging situation in clinics. Previous studies have shown that pentoxifylline combined with tocopherol proved to be beneficial in patients with osteoradionecrosis, due to their antioxidant and antifibrotic properties. The aim of this randomized study was to evaluate the effect of pentoxifylline and tocopherol in patients that had developed MRONJ after tooth extractions. The study population consisted of 202 Stage I MRONJ female patients with an average age of 66.4 ± 8.3 years, who were divided into two groups. The test group (n = 108) received a pharmacological protocol with pentoxifylline and tocopherol (2 months pre-operatively and 6 months post-operatively). The control group (n = 94) had sequestrectomy operations without any pharmacological preparation. The main outcomes were clinical healing of the mucosa after 1 month, and clinical and radiographic healing of the bone lesion at 6 months. In the test group all patients had mucosal healing and there was only one relapse within 6 months. In the control group, in 17% of the patients the mucosa did not heal, 71% of the patients relapsed within two months, and 7% developed infectious complications (such as abscess or phlegmon). After 6 months, the control group patients with persisting issues were prescribed pentoxifylline and tocopherol, as in the test group. At a subsequent follow-up, all those patients healed completely. Patients were monitored for a period of 7.8 ± 0.3 years, during which no relapse or additional problems were reported. As a conclusion, pentoxifylline and tocopherol protocol seems to be beneficial in the management of MRONJ patients

    The Transantral Endoscopic Approach: A Portal for Masses of the Inferior Orbit\u2014Improving Surgeons' Experience Through Virtual Endoscopy and Augmented Reality

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    In the past years, endoscopic techniques have raised an increasing interest to perform minimally invasive accesses to the orbit, resulting in excellent clinical outcomes with inferior morbidities and complication rates. Among endoscopic approaches, the transantral endoscopic approach allows us to create a portal to the orbital floor, representing the most straightforward access to lesions located in the inferior orbital space. However, if endoscopic surgery provides enhanced magnified vision of the anatomy in a bloodless field, then it has several impairments compared with classic open surgery, owing to restricted operative spaces. Virtual surgical planning and anatomical computer-generated models have proved to be of great importance to plan endoscopic surgical approaches, and their role can be widened with the integration of surgical navigation, virtual endoscopy simulation, and augmented reality (AR). This study focuses on the strict conjugation between the technologies that allow the virtualization of surgery in an entirely digital environment, which can be transferred to the patient using intraoperative navigation or to a printed model using AR for pre-surgical analysis. Therefore, the interaction between different software packages and platforms offers a highly predictive preview of the surgical scenario, contributing to increasing orientation, awareness, and effectiveness of maneuvers performed under endoscopic guidance, which can be checked at any time using surgical navigation. In this paper, the authors explore the transantral approach for the excision of masses of the inferior orbital compartment through modern technology. The authors apply this technique for masses located in the inferior orbit and share their clinical results, describing why technological innovation, and, in particular, computer planning, virtual endoscopy, navigation, and AR can contribute to empowering minimally invasive orbital surgery, at the same time offering a valuable and indispensable tool for pre-surgical analysis and training

    Analysis of the Complications in Patients Undergoing Orthognathic Surgery by Piezosurgery(R): A 13 Years Retrospective Study

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    Orthognathic surgery is a branch of maxillo-facial surgery increasingly in demand, which deals with the correction of skeletal deformities. The aim of the present study is to identify the most common post-operative complications following orthognathic bimaxillary surgery performed by means of Piezosurgery(R). Furthermore, through an examination of the available scientific literature, we wanted to establish whether the frequency of postoperative complications were consistent with those already reported. A retrospective study on 58 patients who underwent orthognathic surgery with a bilateral sagittal osteotomy (BSSO) of the mandibular bone branch, maxillary surgery with Le Fort I mono-segmented or multi-segmented approach, and genioplasty technique using Piezosurgery(R). The complications taken into consideration were disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), paraesthesia and hypoesthesia, asymmetries, nose enlargement, nasal septum deviation, nasal obstruction, dental discolorations, pulpal necrosis, occlusion and masticatory efficiency, gingival recession, periodontal problems, dysgeusia, nausea and vomiting, weeping alterations, hearing problems, delayed healing, superinfection, removal of synthesis means, reoperation, cicatricial outcome, and bilateral pneumothorax. It has been highlighted that a number and type of postoperative complications matched those reported by the most recent literature reviews. Temporomandibular disorders and paraesthesia were the most common ones. The only complication rate that differed from the literature was nerve damage, which was significantly lower. Post-surgical complications depend on the used surgical techniques, clinical work, and treatment methods. The use of piezoelectric devices in orthognathic surgery operations provides an innovative, safe, and effective technique compared to traditional methods

    Efficacy of a Non-addictive Nasal Irrigation Based on Sea Salt Enriched with Natural Enzymes among Patients with Sinusitis: An In Vivo, Randomized, Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common condition that is defined as inflammation of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Nasal irrigation plays an important role in the treatment of CRS. Evidence from basic research favors hypertonic saline over isotonic saline for mucociliary clearance, but evidence from clinical studies is controversial. AIM: This study aims to investigate the hypothesis that the use of daily nasal irrigation based on sea salt, enriched with natural enzymes and lysozyme, may be useful in patients with CRS. PATIENT AND METHODS: Patients (30 men and 30 women) 18–55 years old (mean age 41 ± 3 y.o.), with two episodes of acute sinusitis or one episode of chronic sinusitis per year for 2 consecutive years, were enrolled stratified by sex and age and randomly divided into two groups supplementation: Group A (test) and Group B (control/ placebo). Moreover, an exit questionnaire was asked to Group A subjects to report whether their sinus-related quality of life has gotten worse, stayed the same, or improved (scale from 0 to ±100%). RESULTS: The result showed that in the test group (A) from T0 to T1, a reduction of 17.65% for the symptoms related headache and/or facial pressure and a reduction of the 18.18%, for the symptoms relates to congestion and/ or nasal discharge. On the other hand, the control group (B) shown less difference between T0 and T1. CONCLUSIONS: This study strengthens the argument that the tested formulation is a safe, well-tolerated, long-term therapy that patients with chronic sinonasal complaints can and will use at home with minimal training and follow-up

    Custom-Made Alloplastic Prosthetic Implant to Treat Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis in Pediatric Patients: A Case Study

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    Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) ankylosis represents a fairly common condition which surgeons need to face. According to Rowe, it can be defined as a restricted functional capacity of the jaw with limited movements owing to bony or fibrous adhesions between the condyle and either glenoid fossa, disc or eminence (or both). It can become a disease which impacts patients' daily life, who suffer from limited mandibular excursion with reduced intercisal opening, anterior open bite, inability to swallow, sleep disorders, and speech problems. In children this may also result in abnormal mandibular and facial growth. In this paper, we deal with the case of a child with an important momolateral ankylosis, previously treated surgically with Costochondral Grafting arthroplasty without success and subsequently treated with a custom-made prosthesis

    Path Tracing vs. Volume Rendering Technique in Post-Surgical Assessment of Bone Flap in Oncologic Head and Neck Reconstructive Surgery: A Preliminary Study

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    This study aims to compare a relatively novel three-dimensional rendering called Path Tracing (PT) to the Volume Rendering technique (VR) in the post-surgical assessment of head and neck oncologic surgery followed by bone flap reconstruction. This retrospective study included 39 oncologic patients who underwent head and neck surgery with free bone flap reconstructions. All exams were acquired using a 64 Multi-Detector CT (MDCT). PT and VR images were created on a dedicated workstation. Five readers, with different expertise in bone flap reconstructive surgery, independently reviewed the images (two radiologists, one head and neck surgeon and two otorhinolaryngologists, respectively). Every observer evaluated the images according to a 5-point Likert scale. The parameters assessed were image quality, anatomical accuracy, bone flap evaluation, and metal artefact. Mean and median values for all the parameters across the observer were calculated. The scores of both reconstruction methods were compared using a Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test. Inter-reader agreement was calculated using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. PT was considered significantly superior to VR 3D reconstructions by all readers (p < 0.05). Inter-reader agreement was moderate to strong across four out of five readers. The agreement was stronger with PT images compared to VR images. In conclusion, PT reconstructions are significantly better than VR ones. Although they did not modify patient outcomes, they may improve the post-surgical evaluation of bone-free flap reconstructions following major head and neck surgery
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