23 research outputs found

    SferiÄŤna kristalizacija zdravilnih uÄŤinkovin

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    Spherical crystallization of drugs is the process of obtaining larger particles by agglomeration during crystallization. The most common techniques used to obtain such particles are spherical agglomeration and quasi-emulsion solvent diffusion. Ammonia diffusion systems and crystallo-co-agglomeration are extensions of these techniques. By controlling process parameters during crystallization, such as temperature, stirring rate, type and amount of solvents, or excipient selection, it is possible to control the formation of agglomerates and obtain spherical particles of the desired size, porosity, or hardness. Researchers have reported that the particles produced have improved micromeritic, physical, and mechanical properties, which make them suitable for direct compression. In some cases, when additional excipients are incorporated during spherical crystallization, biopharmaceutical parameters including the bioavailability of drugs can also be tailored.Sferična kristalizacija je postopek izdelave večjih delcev z aglomeracijo manjših med samo kristalizacijo. Najpogosteje uporabljeni tehniki za izdelavo takšnih delcev sta sferična aglomeracija in kvaziemulzija z difuzijo topila. Sistem z difuzijo amoniaka in kristalo-ko-aglomeracija sta razširitvi teh dveh metod. Z nadzorovanjem procesnih parametrov med kristalizacijo, kot sta temperatura in hitrost mešanja, z izbiro lastnosti in množine topil ter z izbiro pomožnih snovi, lahko vplivamo na nastanek aglomeratov in izdelamo sferične delce želenih velikosti, primerne poroznosti ali trdote. Raziskovalci poročajo, da imajo izdelani delci izboljšane pretočne lastnosti, izboljšane druge fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti zaradi česar so primerni za direktno tabletiranje. V nekaterih primerih lahko ob vgradnji ustreznih pomožnih snovi, ki jih dodamo med procesom sferične kristalizacije, izboljšamo tudi biofarmacevtske lastnosti zdravilnih učinkovin vključno s povečanjem biološke uporabnosti

    Severe Asthma Standard-of-Care Background Medication Reduction With Benralizumab: ANDHI in Practice Substudy

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    peer reviewedBackground: The phase IIIb, randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled ANDHI double-blind (DB) study extended understanding of the efficacy of benralizumab for patients with severe eosinophilic asthma. Patients from ANDHI DB could join the 56-week ANDHI in Practice (IP) single-arm, open-label extension substudy. Objective: Assess potential for standard-of-care background medication reductions while maintaining asthma control with benralizumab. Methods: Following ANDHI DB completion, eligible adults were enrolled in ANDHI IP. After an 8-week run-in with benralizumab, there were 5 visits to potentially reduce background asthma medications for patients achieving and maintaining protocol-defined asthma control with benralizumab. Main outcome measures for non–oral corticosteroid (OCS)-dependent patients were the proportions with at least 1 background medication reduction (ie, lower inhaled corticosteroid dose, background medication discontinuation) and the number of adapted Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) step reductions at end of treatment (EOT). Main outcomes for OCS-dependent patients were reductions in daily OCS dosage and proportion achieving OCS dosage of 5 mg or lower at EOT. Results: For non–OCS-dependent patients, 53.3% (n = 208 of 390) achieved at least 1 background medication reduction, increasing to 72.6% (n = 130 of 179) for patients who maintained protocol-defined asthma control at EOT. A total of 41.9% (n = 163 of 389) achieved at least 1 adapted GINA step reduction, increasing to 61.8% (n = 110 of 178) for patients with protocol-defined EOT asthma control. At ANDHI IP baseline, OCS dosages were 5 mg or lower for 40.4% (n = 40 of 99) of OCS-dependent patients. Of OCS-dependent patients, 50.5% (n = 50 of 99) eliminated OCS and 74.7% (n = 74 of 99) achieved dosages of 5 mg or lower at EOT. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate benralizumab's ability to improve asthma control, thereby allowing background medication reduction. © 202

    Les patients de la cohorte IDEAL : une photographie de l’asthme sévère en France

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    International audienceCet article rapporte les résultats d’une analyse post-hoc contenant les données françaises de l’étude internationale IDEAL dont l’objectif était de décrire une cohorte récente d’asthmatiques sévères, l’impact de la maladie sur la qualité de vie des patients, ainsi que la population de patients éligibles à omalizumab, mépolizumab et reslizumab

    Rev Mal Respir

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    Au cours de la vie de la femme, l’asthme peut affecter de façon diverse celle-ci avec l’apparition d’un asthme prémenstruel actuellement sous diagnostiqué. On estime environ à 20 % la proportion de femmes asthmatiques ayant un asthme prémenstruel, plus fréquent chez les patientes ayant un asthme sévère. Les femmes asthmatiques sont à haut risque d’exacerbations et d’asthme sévère. L’asthme est la maladie chronique la plus fréquente au cours de la grossesse avec des complications potentielles materno-fœtales. Les médicaments de l’asthme présentent une innocuité pour le fœtus et il est indispensable de poursuivre le traitement préexistant et de l’adapter à l’évolution de l’asthme pendant la grossesse. Les stéroïdes sexuels modulent la structure et la fonction des cellules bronchiques et immunitaires. La compréhension de leur rôle dans la pathogénie de l’asthme est compliquée par les effets ambivalents des œstrogènes bronchodilatateurs et pro-inflammatoires ainsi que la diversité de réponse à leur association à la progestérone. L’asthme de la ménopause est une entité clinique et fait partie d’un des phénotypes d’asthme sévère non-allergique et peu corticosensible. L’évaluation ciblée environnementale domestique et professionnelle permet d’optimiser la prise en charge de l’asthme.In a woman's life, asthma can affect her in a variety of ways, with the onset of premenstrual asthma currently under-diagnosed. It is estimated that about 20% of women with asthma have premenstrual asthma, which is more common in patients with severe asthma. Women with asthma are at high risk of exacerbations and of severe asthma. Asthma is the most common chronic disease during pregnancy with potential maternal and foetal complications. Asthma medications are safe for the foetus and it is essential to continue pre-existing treatment and adapt it to the progress of asthma during the pregnancy. Sex steroids modulate the structure and function of bronchial and immune cells. Understanding their role in asthma pathogenesis is complicated by the ambivalent effects of bronchodilating and pro-inflammatory oestrogens as well as the diversity of response to their association with progesterone. Menopausal asthma is a clinical entity and is part of one of the phenotypes of severe non-allergic and low steroid-sensitive asthma. Targeted assessment of the domestic and professional environment allows optimization of asthma management

    Multicenter observational study of erlotinib therapy (OBSTAR) for non small-cell lung cancer: A GFPC study.

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    International audienceCONTEXT: Erlotinib therapy for non small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has mainly been evaluated in randomized trials. METHOD: OBSTAR was a multicenter, retrospective, observational study involving all patients treated with erlotinib in 18 French centers between June 2005 and September 2007. The analyses focused on the patients' characteristics, previous treatments, and treatment efficacy during a three-year follow-up period. RESULTS: 534 patients were included in this study. The median survival times were respectively 5.2 [3.7-7.4] and 4.7 [4.1-5.7] months, depending to whether erlotinib was used as second- (n=190), or ≥third-line treatment (n=305). The disease control rate were 39.1% [30.2-48.7] and 29.9% [29.6-36.9] according to the line of treatment. Factors predictive of an objective response were gender, age, and smoking status. Factors predictive of progression were age, sex, smoking status, the line of treatment, and the number of metastases. Treatment had to be interrupted for toxicity in 8.5% of cases. CONCLUSION: This study of erlotinib therapy in 2005-2007 confirms, in the general NSCLC patient population, the results of pivotal trials