52 research outputs found

    Relationship between sound lateralization abilities and laterality index by Behavioral Inattention Test in unilateral spatial neglect patients

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    取得学位 : 博士(保健学), 学位授与番号 : 医博甲第1723号, 学位授与年月日 : 平成17年9月30日, 学位授与大学 : 金沢大学, 主査 :能登谷 晶子 , 副査 :生田 宗博, 染矢 富士

    Horizontal visual search in a large field by patients with unilateral spatial neglect

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    In this study, we investigated the horizontal visual search ability and pattern of horizontal visual search in a large space performed by patients with unilateral spatial neglect (USN). Subjects included nine patients with right hemisphere damage caused by cerebrovascular disease showing left USN, nine patients with right hemisphere damage but no USN, and six healthy individuals with no history of brain damage who were age-matched to the groups with brain right hemisphere damage. The number of visual search tasks accomplished was recorded in the first experiment. Neck rotation angle was continuously measured during the task and quantitative data of the measurements were collected. There was a strong correlation between the number of visual search tasks accomplished and the total Behavioral Inattention Test Conventional Subtest (BITC) score in subjects with right hemisphere damage. In both USN and control groups, the head position during the visual search task showed a balanced bell-shaped distribution from the central point on the field to the left and right sides. Our results indicate that compensatory strategies, including cervical rotation, may improve visual search capability and achieve balance on the neglected side. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Thesis of Ken Nakatani / 中谷 謙 博士論文 金沢大学医薬保健学総合研究科(保健学専攻

    Mechanistic insights into allosteric regulation of the A2A adenosine G protein-coupled receptor by physiological cations.

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    Cations play key roles in regulating G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), although their mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, 19F NMR is used to delineate the effects of cations on functional states of the adenosine A2A GPCR. While Na+ reinforces an inactive ensemble and a partial-agonist stabilized state, Ca2+ and Mg2+ shift the equilibrium toward active states. Positive allosteric effects of divalent cations are more pronounced with agonist and a G-protein-derived peptide. In cell membranes, divalent cations enhance both the affinity and fraction of the high affinity agonist-bound state. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest high concentrations of divalent cations bridge specific extracellular acidic residues, bringing TM5 and TM6 together at the extracellular surface and allosterically driving open the G-protein-binding cleft as shown by rigidity-transmission allostery theory. An understanding of cation allostery should enable the design of allosteric agents and enhance our understanding of GPCR regulation in the cellular milieu


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    The instrumental activities of daily living scale (IADL scale) for Alzheimer’s type of dementia (ATD) does not provide a simple and easy way for evaluators to directly evaluate the targeted individuals. Therefore, we developed an experimental method, which allows a desk evaluation of IADL (on-the-desk evaluation of IADL). The study involved a group of 24 subjects with normal control (MMSE, 28.9 ± 1.4) and a group of 21 subjects with ATD (MMSE, 19.8 ± 4.4). The desk evaluation of IADL involved 9 tasks, which included boiling water with an electric kettle, pulling the plug out of the outlet once the water boils, and making a telephone call. For the test, the subjects were instructed to figure out by themselves the sequence in which they would perform the tasks. The scoring was performed on the basis of the appropriateness or inappropriateness of their behavior in each task and the time it took them to complete each task. The maximum score was set to a total of 59 points. Additionally, in order to examine the validity of the test and the factors which may affect the desk assessment of IADL, various types of neuropsychological tests were performed. The IADL Scale and the Frenchay Activities Index (FAI) were used in the evaluation of IADL. The results showed significant difference in the scores between the 2 groups. The at-the-desk evaluation of IADL revealed a strong correlation between the IADL Scale and the FAI (r=0.89, r=0.82, p<0.001), and a multiple regression analysis of the IADL scores from the desk evaluation showed a high explanation rate (R2=0.84) by “the Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome, “the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised/digit span backwards test,” the “Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test/appointment”, “Composing task”. The high correlation between the desk evaluation of IADL and the IADL evaluation scale and the results of the multiple regression analysis indicated that the desk evaluation of IADL reflected cognitive functions in ATD and was highly reliable and valid. アルツハイマー型認知症(ATD)用の手段的日常生活活動(IADL)スケールは、評価 者が直接対象者に対して簡便に評価可能なものはない。そこで、我々は机上で実施可能な IADL評価方法(机上IADL検査)の開発を試みた。対象は、健常群24名(MMSE289. ±14. ) とATD群21名(MMSE198. ±44. )とした。机上IADL検査の課題は、電気ポットでお湯を 沸かす、お湯が沸いたらコンセントを抜く、電話をかける、などのIADLの課題を9つ設定 した。また、検査規則として、課題実施順番は自分で考えること、などを伝えた。得点化 は、各課題の適切・不適切行動と検査実施時間、実施順序を対象に行い、合計59点満点と した。さらに、机上IADL検査に影響する因子と妥当性を検討するために、各神経心理学的 検査を実施し、IADL評価スケールとして、IADL ScaleとFenchay Activities Index(FAI) を実施した。その結果、2群の得点比較では有意差が認められた。また、机上IADL検査 は IADL Scale、FAI ともに強い相関を認め(r =0 8.9、r =0 8.2、p<00.01)、重回帰分析で は、机上IADL検査得点に対し「遂行機能症候群の行動評価」、「改訂ウェクスラー記憶検 査・逆唱課題」「リバミード行動記憶検査・約束課題」「構成課題」により、高い寄与率 (R2=08.4)が示された。机上 IADL 検査は、IADL 評価スケールとの相関が高いこと、重 回帰分析の結果から、ATDの認知機能をよく反映した併存妥当性の高い検査と考えられた

    アルツハイマー病者のIADL に影響する高次脳機能障害についての検討 : 机上IADL 検査を用いて

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    はじめに:アルツハイマー病(AD)の軽度段階では、いくつかの手段的日常生活活動(IADL) の能力が低下し、高次脳機能の低下やうつがIADL に影響していると考えられている。し かし、IADL と高次脳機能、うつとの関連について検討した報告は少ない。そこで、我々 は「机上IADL 検査」を用いて、高次脳機能やうつがIADL にどのように影響しているの かについて検討した。方法:対象は軽度AD 群25 名と健常高齢者群22 名とし、7 種類の IADL 課題で構成され信頼性と妥当性が証明されている、「机上IADL 検査」と神経心理 学的検査、簡易うつ検査(GDS-15)を実施した。結果:軽度AD 群では、「服をしまう」、「ご みの分別」、「本の分別」の課題については、実施割合が高い結果となった。しかし、すべ てのIADL 課題で誤反応が健常高齢者より有意に多い結果となった。7 種類のIADL 課題 と神経心理学的検査とGDS-15、年齢との関連を検討したところ、神経心理学的検査によっ て相関の強さの違いがみられた。また各IADL 課題は、短期記憶との関連が強かった。 考察:軽度AD 者は、誤り行動を含みながらIADL タスクを実施していると考えられた。 また、軽度AD 者へのIADL 支援を行う際は、影響する認知機能の種類に配慮した検査の 選択が必要と考えられた

    初年次導入教育における「多職種連携学習(IPE)」の評価:PBL/ ポスターツアーの実践から

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     現代医療の高度化と複雑化の中で,多職種協働の教育は必須となっている。本研究は,保健学類5 専攻の初年次生を対象とした,多職種連携学習(Interprofessional Education:IPE)を評価するものである。教材に<社会問題を焦点化した6 課題>を準備し,PBL(Problem/Project-Based Learning)およびポスターツアー(ジグソー法)を行ったが,この方法が目的達成に適したものであったかを,学生の反応から評価する。 分析対象は,授業後に提出された187 名のレポート,成果物(ポスター),事後アンケートである。レポートは内容分析の計量テキスト分析(KH Coder (ver.3.) 使用)を行い,アンケートは記述統計を行った。 レポートの内容分析では,総文数は4,508,総段落数は2,913,抽出語数67,510,異なる語数3,302 であった。抽出された高い出現単語は,「専攻:1,104」「医療:813」「自分:478」「意見:407」「考える:405」等だった。さらに,共起ネットワーク(サブグラフ検出modularity)では,<自分-他専攻-違う-視点>がネットとなり,また<異なる-学生-保健-意義-考える>と<職種-理解-連携―思う>,<様々-意見-聞く>がつながっていた。KWIC コンコーダンスでの文脈分析からは,IPE の「交わる」や「つながる」,互いの考えを「取り入れる」,「広がる」などで,その連携や知の交流の意味は多面的にとらえられていた。一方で,PBL/ ポスターツアーに関連する,「討論する」「難しい」「面白い」などの,問いを立て,討議を通して深めていく知的探求の語の出現数は少なかった。 グループワークの成果物であるポスターの評価は,30 グループで,優:10,良:11,可:9 であり,課題の明確化,論旨の一貫性および自分たちの主張の面で不足があり,知識の寄せ集め的ポスターとなっていると評価したグループが3 割あった。 事後アンケートでは,<課題の発見><レジュメ作成><レジュメの説明>で,身についたが7 割強に留まり,<ポスターの発表力>は6 割だった。 全体として,IPE の理念の理解や態度形成は達成できた。一方PBL/ ポスターツアーの社会的課題を明確にしてプロジェクトとして課題解決をはかっていく,は課題が残り,授業設計の改善が示唆された


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    The purpose of this study was to summarize a program that connects high schools and universities (involving a “Poster Tour” and “World Café”), which was carried out through the cooperation of five health science departments in the School of Health Sciences and to discuss whether it was a success with regard to achieving its objectives, based on responses from participating university and high school students.  About 200 first-year students in five departments and 31 high school students participated in the program. The first-year students prepared posters in advance that summarized their opinions related to social problems in the medical field based on the methodology of problem/project-based learning. They gave their presentations in the “Poster Tour” and attended the “World Café” with the high school students. We analyzed the contents of the statements, which were written on 60 pieces of round paper put on round cardboard desks during the World Café session, as well as the results of ex-post questionnaires from the participants. We performed quantitative text analysis of the contents of description using KH Coder ver. 3 and totalized the results of the ex-post questionnaires.  The quantitative text analysis involved a total of 23,278 extracted words and 1,987 types of words. Some of the extracted high-frequency words were artificial intelligence (AI) (412 times), medicine (iryo, 241 times) and technology (gijutsu, 89 times). Some extracted words such as hungry (onakasuita, 29 times) suggest that the participants were able to discuss frankly and freely with others. 80%, 50%, and 70% of the high school students rated the atmosphere of the sessions as “excellent”, and stated that they were able to give their opinions “very well”, and that they were able to learn “very much”, respectively. There was a tendency for the participants to discuss a lot about “medical care provided by AI”, “AI changes job requirements”, and “induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and robots”, topics that have been prominent in the media.  Based on these results, the program connecting high schools and universities seemed to be effective as an opportunity for conversations among students in five departments and between university and high school students. However, it did not lead them to deepen their conversations by analyzing future medical care multilaterally and thinking of the issues as concerns of their own


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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系本研究では音の方向感認知能力の評価のためのシステムを開発し,高齢者,脳損傷者に適応して,特に半側空間無視例の音の感認知能力の特徴について明らかにした.具体的には音源定位課題では,前方空間で左右両端(左右72°),後方空間では左端(左72°)の音源で音の方向感認知の障害が明らかとなり,半側空間無視の聴覚無視症状を確認することが出来た.視線走査を併せて実施した課題では,左への視線移動が欠如したり,どの音源に対しても正中近傍に視線が停留したりする点などの特徴がみられた.また半側空間無視が改善した時期においても,視覚刺激への探索範囲の狭窄や聴覚刺激での音源定位が困難である例が観察された.In this study, we have developed a system for evaluating the directional hearing deficit and clarified the characteristics of the sound localization ability in unilateral spatial neglect patients. In the sound source localization task, the correct answer rate decreased for the sound source at the left and right ends (72 ° left and right) of the front space and the sound source at the left end (72 ° left) of the rear space. On the other hand, in the gaze search task, lack of gaze movement to the left and gaze retention near the midline were observed. Regarding the above findings, even when the unilateral spatial neglect disappeared, it was observed that the search range for visual stimulation was narrowed and the sound source localization was difficult. This suggests that the clinical course differs depending on the sensory modality in unilateral spatial neglect patients.研究課題/領域番号:16K01501, 研究期間(年度):2016-04-01 – 2020-03-31出典:「音の方向感認知能力の評価方法構築に関する基礎的研究」研究成果報告書 課題番号16K01501(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))(https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-16K01501/16K01501seika/)を加工して作