185 research outputs found

    Endogenous Choice on Tax Instruments in a Tax Competition Model: Unit Tax versus Ad Valorem Tax

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    This paper analyzes an endogenous choice problem with regard to tax instruments in a capital tax competition model. Considering a symmetric and two-region model of tax competition, where each region is allowed to choose either unit or ad valorem tax, we show that selecting unit tax as a policy instrument is the dominant strategy of governments. An interpretation of this result is clearly explained by the properties of the best response curves.Tax competition, Unit tax, Ad valorem tax

    Endogenous Choice on Tax Instruments in a Tax Competition Model : Unit Tax versus Ad Valorem Tax

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    High resolution mapping of Twist to DNA in Drosophila embryos: Efficient functional analysis and evolutionary conservation

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    Cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) function by binding sequence specific transcription factors, but the relationship between in vivo physical binding and the regulatory capacity of factor-bound DNA elements remains uncertain. We investigate this relationship for the well-studied Twist factor in Drosophila melanogaster embryos by analyzing genome-wide factor occupancy and testing the functional significance of Twist occupied regions and motifs within regions. Twist ChIP-seq data efficiently identified previously studied Twist-dependent CRMs and robustly predicted new CRM activity in transgenesis, with newly identified Twist-occupied regions supporting diverse spatiotemporal patterns (>74% positive, n = 31). Some, but not all, candidate CRMs require Twist for proper expression in the embryo. The Twist motifs most favored in genome ChIP data (in vivo) differed from those most favored by Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX) (in vitro). Furthermore, the majority of ChIP-seq signals could be parsimoniously explained by a CABVTG motif located within 50 bp of the ChIP summit and, of these, CACATG was most prevalent. Mutagenesis experiments demonstrated that different Twist E-box motif types are not fully interchangeable, suggesting that the ChIP-derived consensus (CABVTG) includes sites having distinct regulatory outputs. Further analysis of position, frequency of occurrence, and sequence conservation revealed significant enrichment and conservation of CABVTG E-box motifs near Twist ChIP-seq signal summits, preferential conservation of ±150 bp surrounding Twist occupied summits, and enrichment of GA- and CA-repeat sequences near Twist occupied summits. Our results show that high resolution in vivo occupancy data can be used to drive efficient discovery and dissection of global and local cis-regulatory logic

    Phenotypic change of macrophages in the progression of diabetic nephropathy; sialoadhesin-positive activated macrophages are increased in diabetic kidney

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    Inflammatory process is involved in pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy, although the activation and phenotypic change of macrophages in diabetic kidney has remained unclear. Sialoadhesin is a macrophage adhesion molecule containing 17 extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains, and is an I-type lectin which binds to sialic acid ligands expressed on hematopoietic cells. The aim of this study is to clarify the activation and phenotypic change of macrophages in the progression of diabetic nephropathy. We examined the expression of surface markers for pan-macrophages, resident macrophages, sialoadhesin, major histocompatibility complex class II and alpha-smooth muscle actin in the glomeruli of diabetic rats using immunohistochemistry at 0, 1, 4, 12, and 24 weeks after induction of diabetes by streptozotocin. Expression of type IV collagen and the change of mesangial matrix area were also measured. The mechanism for up-regulated expression of sialoadhesin on macrophages was evaluated in vitro. The number of macrophages was increased in diabetic glomeruli at 1 month after induction of diabetes and the increased number was maintained until 6 months. On the other hand, sialoadhesin-positive macrophages were increased during the late stage of diabetes concomitantly with the increase of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive mesangial cells, mesangial matrix area and type IV collagen. Gene expression of sialoadhesin was induced by stimulation with interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha but not with IL-4, transforming growth factor-beta and high glucose in cultured human macrophages. The present findings suggest that sialoadhesin-positive macrophages may contribute to the progression of diabetic nephropathy

    Effects of Transmutation Products on the Formation of Interstitial Loops in High Purity Aluminum

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    Effects of the transmutation products during neutron irradiation in high purity aluminum on the formation of the interstitial loops were examined by the subsequent electron irradiation and electron microscopic observation. It is shown that Si atoms formed by (n, γ) nuclear reaction enhance the nucleation of interstitial loops. It is pointed out that p or α formed by (n, p) or (n, α) nuclear reactions form its complex with vacancies at high temperature and these complexes also enhance the nucleation of the interstitial loops


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    We reviewed the records of 13 patients with adrenal masses operated on over a ten-year period to clarify clinical characteristics of adrenal tumors. Tumors were found incidentally in seven of nine patients with primary adrenal tumors (78%); however, three of these seven patients (43%) proved to have shown symptoms related to adrenal hyperfunction when re-e、raluated. Other adrenal tumors (metastatic in three patients and inflammatory in one) were found without any symptoms referable to the tumors. In nine of 13 patients (69%), tumors were discovered by computerized tomography (CT). All patients with primary tumors have been gotten free of disease postoperatively. In contrast, although all three patients with metastatic adrenal tumors underwent resection of all known disease tissue, they died of the recurrence of malignancies within 10 months. This study suggests that a number of functional adrenal tumors are possibly left undiagnosed until found incidentally, and that CT is the most powerful tool to detect adrenal tumors. Our data did not support surgical intervention in cases of metastatic adrenal tumors.副腎腫瘤の臨床的特徴を明らかにするために過去10年間に当科で手術された13例を検討した. 原発性腫瘍9例中2例は臨床症状より原発性アルドステロン症を疑われ副腎腫瘍を発見されているが, 残りの7例(78%)は偶然腫瘍が発見された, いわゆる incidentaloma であった. しかしながら, retrospective にみるとこの7例中3例(43%)で副腎機能亢進によると考えられる症状を呈していた. 転移性腫瘍3例, histoplasma による肉芽腫1例は全て無症状であった. 13例中9例(69%)はCTにより, 2例は超音波, 1例は血管造影, 1例は scintigraphy によりそれぞれ病変を発見され, CT で副腎腫瘤を指摘できなかったのは1例のみであった. 13例中11例は経腹的に, 2例 は開胸開腹で手術されたが, 術後合併症は1例に創感染を認めたのみであった. 原発性腫瘍例は全例術後再発を認めていないが, 転移性腫瘍の3例は全例, 術後10ヶ月以内に再発死した. 以上の結果は機能性副腎腫瘍でも偶然発見されるまで診断されない場合が多いことを示唆しており, 臨床症状を注意深く検討し常に副腎腫瘍の可能性を考慮にいれることが肝要であると考えられる. また, 今回の結果より CT が副腎腫瘤の診断において重要な位置を占めるものと考えられた. なお, 転移性副腎腫瘍に対する手術療法は今回の検討ではそれを積極的に支持する結果は得られず, 今後さらに検討を要する問題と思われる

    A model for sequential evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) data

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    A Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX) experiment begins in round one with a random pool of oligonucleotides in equilibrium solution with a target. Over a few rounds, oligonucleotides having a high affinity for the target are selected. Data from a high throughput SELEX experiment consists of lists of thousands of oligonucleotides sampled after each round. Thus far, SELEX experiments have been very good at suggesting the highest affinity oligonucleotide, but modeling lower affinity recognition site variants has been difficult. Furthermore, an alignment step has always been used prior to analyzing SELEX data. We present a novel model, based on a biochemical parametrization of SELEX, which allows us to use data from all rounds to estimate the affinities of the oligonucleotides. Most notably, our model also aligns the oligonucleotides. We use our model to analyze a SELEX experiment containing double stranded DNA oligonucleotides and the transcription factor Bicoid as the target. Our SELEX model outperformed other published methods for predicting putative binding sites for Bicoid as indicated by the results of an in-vivo ChIP-chip experiment.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOAS537 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    HASC2011corpus: Towards the Common Ground of Human Activity Recognition

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    UbiComp '11 Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, September 17-21, 2011, Beijing, ChinaHuman activity recognition through the wearable sensor will enable a next-generation human-oriented biquitous computing. However, most of research on human activity recognition so far is based on small number of subjects, and non-public data. To overcome the situation, we have gathered 4897 accelerometer data with 116 subjects and compose them as HASC2011corpus. In the field of pattern recognition, it is very important to evaluate and to improve the recognition methods by using the same dataset as a common ground. We make the HASC2011corpus into public for the research community to use it as a common ground of the Human Activity Recognition. We also show several facts and results of obtained from the corpus

    Big-Volume SliceGAN for Improving a Synthetic 3D Microstructure Image of Additive-Manufactured TYPE 316L Steel

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    A modified SliceGAN architecture was proposed to generate a high-quality synthetic three-dimensional (3D) microstructure image of TYPE 316L material manufactured through additive methods. The quality of the resulting 3D image was evaluated using an auto-correlation function, and it was discovered that maintaining a high resolution while doubling the training image size was crucial in creating a more realistic synthetic 3D image. To meet this requirement, modified 3D image generator and critic architecture was developed within the SliceGAN framework.Sugiura K., Ogawa T., Adachi Y., et al. Big-Volume SliceGAN for Improving a Synthetic 3D Microstructure Image of Additive-Manufactured TYPE 316L Steel. Journal of Imaging 9, 90 (2023); https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging9050090