25 research outputs found

    Revisiting labour and gender issues in Export Processing Zones : the cases of South Korea, Bangladesh and India

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    The establishment of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) is a strategy for economic development that was introduced almost fifty years ago and is nowadays employed in a large number of countries. While the number of EPZs including several variants such as Special Economic Zone (SEZs) has increased continuously, general interest in EPZs has declined over the years in contrast to earlier heated debates regarding the efficacy of the strategy and its welfare effects especially on women workers. This article re-evaluates the historical trajectories and outstanding labour and gender issues of EPZs on the basis of the experiences of South Korea, Bangladesh and India. The findings suggest the necessity of enlarging our analytical scope with regard to EPZs, which are inextricably connected with external employment structures, whether outside the EPZ but within the same country, or outside the EPZ and its host country altogether

    マシン フウシン スイトウ ムンプス ニ カンスル コウタイカ ケンサホウ ノ ダトウセイ ト カンセン ヨボウ タイサク : カンゴ ガクセイ ノ 3ネンカン ノ ジュウダン チョウサ カラ

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    予防接種により感染予防が可能な小児期感染症(麻疹、風疹、水痘、ムンプスの4疾患)について、看護学生に対する抗体価検査法の妥当性を得るために、個人の3年間の縦断調査結果を分析した。麻疹(HI法、陰性<8≦陽性)とムンプス(HI法、陰性<8≦陽性)の抗体測定法では、予防接種後の抗体陽転率が82.1%、45.2%であった。風疹(HI法、陰性<8≦陽性)、水痘(EIA法、陰性<2.0≦陽性)に関する現行の抗体測定法では、少数例であったが予防接種後は全員が陽転した。The purpose of this paper is to analyze the results of three&#8209;year longitudinal research on nursing students in order to examine the validity of antibody testing in respects to childhood infections (measles, rubella, chickenpox and mumps) which are preventable by means of vaccination. Measles (HI method, Negative<8≦Positive) and mumps (HI method, Negative<8≦Positive) respectively showed 82.1% and 45.2% a positive conversion ratio of antibody after vaccination. In a few cases, checked by using the current antibody testing, both rubella (HI method, Negative<8≦Positive) and chickenpox (EIA method, Negative<2.0≦Positive) resulted in 100% positive conversion ratio after vaccination

    The Structural changes of Korea's Labour Market and Labour Relations in the Democratized Process : The Case of Male Workers in Manufacturing

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    This thesis attempts to trace the internalization process of the male productive labour market for large companies in Korea, and to clarify the details thereof in a case study. / The "great worker's struggle" of 1987 has been continually promoted by the workers of Korea, which demonstrated their egalitarian and collective solidarity, based on the homogeneity of productive workers in large companies. Their power was strengthened so substantially that the management side couldn't control the situation at all Korean management adopted a reformist movement called the "New Management Strategy" in the beginning of the '90s to work against that kind ofan "emergency". The purpose of this strategy was to make the authority of foremen stronger, and simultaneously to encourage workers to join the management side "voluntarily". This was to be achieved through small-srale group activities similar to any in-company ''reform" or "proposal" by the workers themselves. Finally this was to subsume into the management side. As a result, those formal workers, the "core-workers" were subsumed into the management side and the strengthened labour-management cooperation subsequently weakened the solidarity of the workers. However, it can not be admitted unreservedly that the toughening of the international competitiveness through better quality control another purpose of the "New Management Strategy", has sucrneded. Furthermore, the "New Management Strategy" has not led to better quality control and in tum not led to the training of skilled workers which was needed to be able to manage variable manufacturing processes. In Korea, where the productive furmation consists of the continuous mass-production of standardized products, the fact was that the "quantitive flexibility" of employment was considered more important in adjusting to the changing market, than the "flexible" ability of the workers was. This tendency was displayed most clearly when contingent workers increased dramatically after the "IMF economic crisis". / The labour movement in Korea developed gradually from 1987, despite the strong tendency of the companies to subsume every individual ever more deeply. But the favorable conditions for labour were reversed by the "IMF eronomic crisis", which attacked the labour movement as aw hole. It is undeniable under the present situation, that the flexibility of the labour market has increased and has thus endangered the welfare rights of workers, since the labour movements consisting of core-workers, are still being promoted by company-based unions in the large companies, and are having difficulties in organizing those contingent workers.Ⅰ. 問題の提起 / Ⅱ. 労働者大闘争以降の雇用構造の変化(1988~98年) / Ⅲ. 労働市場の構造変化 / Ⅳ. 大企業における内部労働市場の深化と労働統制の変化 /  (1) 平等主義的な労働運動の展開と国家の労働統制の変化 /  (2) 企業による新経営戦略 / Ⅴ. 「IMF経済危機」と労働市場の柔軟化(1997年12月以降) / Ⅵ. 結論 / [付記]経済危機と産業再