137 research outputs found

    Reversible phase transition in laser-shocked 3Y-TZP ceramics observed via nanosecond time-resolved X-ray diffraction

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    The high-pressure phase stability of the metastable tetragonal zirconia is still under debate. The transition dynamics of shocked Y2O3 (3 mol%) stabilized tetragonal zirconia ceramics under laser-shock compression has been directly studied using nanosecond time-resolved X-ray diffraction. The martensitic phase transformation to the monoclinic phase, which is the stable phase for pure zirconia at ambient pressure and room temperature, has been observed during compression at 5 GPa within 20 ns without any intermediates. This monoclinic phase reverts back to the tetragonal phase during pressure release. The results imply that the stabilization effect due to addition of Y2O3 is negated by the shear stress under compression.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, draf


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    In recent years, a large number of studies have been made on medication and communication of astronomical knowledge. Although there are many studies on the official function of established education system in the context of a decline in the scholastic ability, there are many cultural diversities in the construction of astronomical image. The purpose of this paper is to examine astronomical club of Jissen Women\u27s University as a loose organization. On the basis of a preceding questionnaire, motivation and interest in astronomical culture and image were examined. It implies that astronomical image is constructed by not merely the education system but also by other representation media

    Internal Dose from Food and Drink Ingestion in the Early Phase after the Accident

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    Activity concentrations in food and drink, represented by water and vegetables, have been monitored continuously since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, with a focus on radioactive cesium. On the other hand, iodine-131 was not measured systematically in the early phase after the accident. The activity concentrations of iodine-131 in food and drink are important to estimate internal exposure due to ingestion pathway. When the internal dose from ingestion in the evacuation areas is estimated, water is considered as the main ingestion pathway. In this study, we estimated the values of activity concentrations in water in the early phase after the accident, using a compartment model as an estimation method. The model uses measurement values of activity concentration and deposition rate of iodine-131 onto the ground, which is calculated from an atmospheric dispersion simulation. The model considers how drinking water would be affected by radionuclides deposited into water. We estimated the activity concentrations of water on Kawamata town and Minamisouma city during March of 2011 and the committed effective doses were 0.08 mSv and 0.06 mSv. We calculated the transfer parameters in the model for estimating the activity concentrations in the areas with a small amount of measurement data. In addition, we estimated the committed effective doses from vegetables using atmospheric dispersion simulation and FARMLAND model in case of eating certain vegetables as option information

    Rotator Cuff Lesions in Patients with Stiff Shoulders A Prospective Analysis of 379 Shoulders

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    Background: Idiopathic adhesive capsulitis is defined as a frozen shoulder with severe and global range-of-motion los


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    腹痛を呈した上腸間膜動脈(superior mesenteric artery: SMA)に限局した高安動脈炎の一例を経験したので,文献的考察を加えて報告する.症例は17歳,男性.心窩部痛・右背部痛を認め,近医を受診し,その際施行した体外式腹部超音波検査(ultrasound: US)でSMA の壁肥厚が疑われ,当院総合診療科を紹介受診した.身体診察では上腹部正中に軽度圧痛を認め,血液生化学検査では血沈(60min)35mm, CRP 3.92mg/dL と軽度上昇を認めた.US では,腹痛を訴える部位に一致してSMA 起始部にびまん性の壁肥厚を認め,血管炎が疑われた.胸部造影・上腹骨盤部単純造影CT 検査(computed tomography: CT)ではSMA 周囲に造影効果を認める軟部影を認め,18F-FDGPET(18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography: PET)/CT 検査ではSMA 起始部付近に腫大と軽度のFDG 集積を認め,動脈炎による集積で矛盾しない所見であった.以上のことから,SMA に限局した高安動脈炎と診断した.ステロイド治療を開始し腹痛は速やかに消褪すると共に,US 所見にも改善がみられた.We report the case of a 17-year-old male who visited a hospital complaining of epigastric and right back pain. Thickening of the wall of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) was suspected by ultrasound (US), and he was referred to our hospital. Physical examination revealed median upper abdominal tenderness. Laboratory tests showed an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (60 min) of 35 mm and C-reactive protein of 3.92mg/dL. US examination in our hospital showed diffuse wall thickening at the origin of the SMA. Because the location of the pain and the affected area identified by US were the same, we suspected angiitis. An enhanced area around the SMA was revealed by computed tomography. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography showed swelling at the origin of the SMA and mild accumulation of fluorodeoxyglucose. He was diagnosed with Takayasu arteritis involving the SMA. Steroid therapy was started, and his abdominal pain and US findings improved