10 research outputs found

    Racist Stacking in Professional Soccer in Germany

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    Racist stacking is a phenomenon in team sports in which Black players are underrepresented in tactical and leading positions, while they are overrepresented in decentralized and physical positions. In this article, we propose that racist stacking is a type of institutional racism characterized by racist ascriptions incorporated in the daily routines of sport institutions. We explored whether racist stacking happens in soccer in Germany based on these assumptions. The results of an examination of the 36 teams in the male divisions of the first and second Bundesliga in the 2020/2021 season are presented in this article. We discovered patterns in our data that support a theory of racist stacking. White players are more likely to play positions associated with leadership, oversight, responsibility, intelligence, and organization, whereas Black players are more likely to play positions associated with aggressiveness, speed, and instinct. We conclude that, contrary to popular belief, professional sports do not just rely on the competitiveness principle. Instead, some decisions appear to be made on the basis of racist attributions, whether purposefully or accidentally.German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)Peer Reviewe

    Insights in the Effect of Fluctuating Female Hormones on Injury Risk—Challenge and Chance

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    It is time to take on the challenge of investigating the complex effect of fluctuating female hormones on injury risk as this offers a chance to improve female athletes’ health and performance. During the recent decade, the body of knowledge on female hormones and injury risk has largely been increased. New insights have been offered regarding the association of certain phases of the menstrual cycle and injury prevalence as well as regarding relationships between hormone levels and musculoskeletal changes such as, for example, ligamentous stiffness and knee laxity. However, current research often follows the theme of a causal relationship between estrogen levels and musculoskeletal function or injury and thus—one might argue—further enhances a rather simplistic approach, instead of uncovering complex relationships which could help in establishing more nuanced ways of preventing female injuries. To uncover real effects and to truly understand the physiological responses, we suggest to reflect on potential bias regarding research questions and current approaches. It may enhance future studies to apply a more nuanced approach to causation, to include multidimensional perspectives and to implement an interdisciplinary methodology.Peer Reviewe

    Othering in sport-related research: How research produces and reproduces images of ‘the immigrant Other’

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    The article explores how sport-related research contributes to the construction and reproduction of immigrants and their descendants as ‘Others’. This process, referred to as ‘Othering’ in this paper, is to be understood as a hegemonic act of ascribing otherness to social groups, marking them as being essentially different, generalising these alleged differences and transferring this alleged otherness into inferiority. This paper elaborates on this process of Othering theoretically and empirically. Qualitative content analysis of sport-related German-language academic publications enables an investigation of how researchers deal with social constructs of difference, such as ‘immigrant’, ‘migrant’ or ‘migrant background’, as well as revealing whether and how Othering occurs in their publications. As a result, this article demonstrates that Othering is found in a substantial number of academic publications. Furthermore, it exemplifies and discusses how the various forms of Othering manifest themselves at different stages in the research process.Peer Reviewe

    Politische Sozialisationsleistungen von Freiwilligenvereinigungen

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    Bezugnehmend auf die kontrovers diskutierten Krisenszenarien einer zunehmend politikdistanzierten Jugendgeneration, wurden in den letzten Jahren immer wieder Fragen nach den Möglichkeiten einer Re-Integration politischer Gemeinschaften thematisiert. Dabei avancierten gerade zivilgesellschaftliche Assoziationen im vorpolitischen Raum zu potenziellen HoffnungstrĂ€gern fĂŒr die Re-Integration politischer Gemeinschaften. Über die Beteiligung in Freiwilligenvereinigungen könnten sich gerade Jugendliche in ihrer Rolle des „mĂŒndigen BĂŒrgers“ ĂŒben und „Demokratie im Kleinen“ erproben. Diese inzwischen durchaus kontrovers und differenziert diskutieren Annahmen werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit systematisch aufgearbeitet und in einem darauf aufbauenden Schritt mit empirischen Daten konfrontiert. Über SekundĂ€ranalysen einschlĂ€giger Surveys wird speziell fĂŒr das Jugendalter recherchiert, welchen ErklĂ€rungsbeitrag die Beteiligung in Sportvereinen, kulturellen Vereinigungen, kirchlichen Gruppen und der freiwilligen Feuerwehr fĂŒr den Erwerb von politischen Orientierungen und Verhaltensweisen leisten kann, welche Kompetenzen auf diesem Wege ĂŒberhaupt erworben werden, welche Bedeutung den Kontexten der Partizipation in diesem Zusammenhang zukommt und welche weiteren EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen zu berĂŒcksichtigen sind.The ongoing debate on the citizens’ growing disenchantment with politics often focusses on political attitudes of adolescents. However, an increasing number of publications also address ways of political re-integration. Here, voluntary associations are perceived as schools of democracies that contribute to adolescents’ political socialization. It is claimed that membership in these associations induces civic mindedness, promotes positive feelings towards democracy and fosters political participation. This dissertation examines these assumptions: It gives an overview of the literature and empirically tests socialization mechanisms. Based on a secondary analysis of different surveys it is asked which particular political attitudes are socialized by the membership in voluntary associations. In addition, it is examined which types of voluntary associations contribute to political socialization. Furthermore, the dissertation also addresses the question if effects arise from active membership within these organizations and if selection effects account for correlations between associational membership and political attitudes

    Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Kerlan-Jobe orthopedic clinic shoulder and elbow score for German-speaking overhead athletes

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    Background The Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinic Shoulder and Elbow Score (KJOC) originally developed in English, assesses the functional status of the shoulder and elbow in overhead athletes. To date, no German version of the questionnaire exists. Objective The aim of the study was to translate and to culturally adapt the KJOC into German (KJOC-G) and to test its psychometric properties. Methods The first part of the study consisted of a translation and cross-cultural adaptation process which was performed in six stages according to international recommendations: Initial translations, synthesis, back translations, expert committee review, pretesting of the prefinal version, and final adaptations. Secondly, reliability, validity, and feasibility of the KJOC-G were assessed in German overhead athletes. Results The translation and adaptation process led to minor alterations due to cultural differences while maintaining the general structure and content of the original score. A total of 152 overhead athletes (age 25.0 ± 6.6 years; 87 men/65 women) were included in the main analyses. The internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.93) and test–retest reliability (ICC2.1 = 0.94) of the overall questionnaire were excellent. Moderate correlations with the German version of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire (r = −0.51, p < .05) as well as the DASH-sports module (r = −0.54, p < .05) suggest moderate construct validity. Known-group method analysis showed the ability of the KJOC-G to discriminate between actively playing symptomatic (score: 71.2 ± 16.0) and asymptomatic (score: 93.1 ± 8.7) athletes. Conclusion The KJOC-G score is valid, reliable, and suitable for assessing the functional shoulder and elbow status in German-speaking overhead athletes.Peer Reviewe


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    After the long summer of migration, strong social and political movements of solidarity with and resistance against refugees developed in Europe. Expressions of solidarity and resistance were also recognisable in the sport system, especially in voluntary sport clubs (VSCs). As a result of this observation, the following article addresses the question: “Which organisational conditions of VSCs promote or hinder the implementation of sport activities for refugees?” To this aim, the article analyses and discusses the results of three research projects concerning sport offers for refugees in Germany. The interview material (n=49) collected in these projects was examined through the qualitative technique of thematic analysis and interpreted through a systems theoretical framework. The results show that conditions which promote and hinder the implementation of sport offers for refugees were identified in all formal (decision programmes, communication channels, and human resources) and informal (organisation culture) decision premises. Furthermore, the implementation of sport offers for refugees is particularly dependent on human resources within the sport clubs. The data show that the resolute will of individuals or small groups of people is highly relevant for the implementation of these sport offers. Finally, when it comes to organizing support for refugees, VSCs display an unexpected dynamic and a high capacity to mobilise resources within a short period of time. The discussion reflects these results and articulates strategies to safeguard, foster, and facilitate the social engagement of VSCs in relation to refugees

    (Not) being granted the right to belong—Amateur football clubs in Germany

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    Empirical studies show that first- and second-generation immigrants are less likely to be members of sports clubs than their non-immigrant peers. Common explanations are cultural differences and socioeconomic disadvantages. However, lower participation rates in amateur sport could be at least partly due to ethnic discrimination. Are minority ethnic groups granted the same right to belong as their non-immigrant peers? To answer this question, this paper uses publicly available data from a field experiment in which mock applications were sent out to over 1,600 football clubs in Germany. Having a foreign-sounding name significantly reduces the likelihood of being invited to participate. The paper concludes that amateur football clubs are not as permeable as they are often perceived to be. It claims that traditional explanations for lower participation rates of immigrants need to be revisited

    (Not) being granted the right to belong—Amateur football clubs in Germany

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    Empirical studies show that first- and second-generation immigrants are less likely to be members of sports clubs than their non-immigrant peers. Common explanations are cultural differences and socioeconomic disadvantages. However, lower participation rates in amateur sport could be at least partly due to ethnic discrimination. Are minority ethnic groups granted the same right to belong as their non-immigrant peers? To answer this question, this paper uses publicly available data from a field experiment in which mock applications were sent out to over 1,600 football clubs in Germany. Having a foreign-sounding name significantly reduces the likelihood of being invited to participate. The paper concludes that amateur football clubs are not as permeable as they are often perceived to be. It claims that traditional explanations for lower participation rates of immigrants need to be revisited

    Integrationsspezifische Organisationsleistungen und –herausforderungen der deutschen Sportvereine

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    Breuer C, Wicker P, Forst M. Integrationsspezifische Organisationsleistungen und –herausforderungen der deutschen Sportvereine. In: Braun S, Nobis T, eds. Migration, Integration und Sport. Zivilgesellschaft vor Ort. Wiesbaden: Verlag fĂŒr Sozialwissenschaften; 2011: 45-61