17 research outputs found

    Das Phytoplankton des Dümmers (1982/1983)

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    Im Zeitraum von März 1982 bis März 1983 wurde das Phytoplankton im Dümmer erfaßt. Dieser hoch eutrophierte Flachsee zeichnete sich durch ausgeprägte .Alqenblüten" im Frühjahr und im Herbst aus. Ganzjährig präsent war ein Mischplankton, das sich aus Arten der Gattungen Scenedesmus, Pediastrum, Synedra, Cyclotella und Stephanodiscus zusammensetzte. Die hohen Zelldichten spiegeln den polytrophen Zustand des Dümmers wider

    Limnologische Untersuchungen am Hochwasserrückhaltebecken Alfhausen/Rieste : die Situation des Alfsees in den Jahren 1984 und 1985 ; mit 3 Tabellen

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    Der als Hochwasserrückhaltebecken künstlich angelegte Alfsee wird seit seiner Inbetriebnahme im Jahre 1982 regelmäßig amtlich untersucht. Zusätzlich zu den chemischphysikalischen Messungen wurden 1984/85 das Phyto- und Zooplankton und die Unterwasserflora und -fauna bearbeitet. Damit konnte ein Ausschnitt aus der Entwicklung eines sehr jungen Gewässers dokumentiert werden. Der Alfsee ist ein stark mit Nährstoffen belasteter Flachsee, der sich bereits zu einem polytrophen, artenreichen System entwickelt hat. Bemerkenswert ist die üppige Unterwasservegetation mit einer entsprechenden, individuenreichen Benthosfauna. - Der Entwicklunqsprozeß ist sicher noch nicht abgeschlossen: In der Biocönose fehlen noch z. T. weit verbreitete und in anderen Gewässern häufige Arten

    Detection of Tumor Cell-Specific mRNA in the Peripheral Blood of Patients with Breast Cancer-Evaluation of Several Markers with Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR

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    It is widely known that cells from epithelial tumors, e. g., breast cancer, detach from their primary tissue and enter blood circulation. We show that the presence of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in samples of patients with primary and metastatic breast cancer can be detected with an array of selected tumor-marker-genes by reverse transcription real-time PCR. The focus of the presented work is on detecting differences in gene expression between healthy individuals and adjuvant and metastatic breast cancer patients, not an accurate quantification of these differences. Therefore, total RNA was isolated from blood samples of healthy donors and patients with primary or metastatic breast cancer after enrichment of mononuclear cells by density gradient centrifugation. After reverse transcription real-time PCR was carried out with a set of marker genes (BCSP, CK8, Her2, MGL, CK18, CK19). B2M and GAPDH were used as reference genes. Blood samples from patients with metastatic disease revealed increased cytokine gene levels in comparison to normal blood samples. Detection of a single gene was not sufficient to detect CTCs by reverse transcription real-time PCR. Markers used here were selected based on a recent study detecting cancer cells on different protein levels. The combination of such a marker array leads to higher and more specific discovery rates, predominantly in metastatic patients. Identification of CTCs by PCR methods may lead to better diagnosis and prognosis and could help to choose an adequate therapy


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    An algae toximeter - a novel automated biosensor - is presented that is applied as a rapid indicator of herbicides in rivers, lakes and waste water. The apparatus functions continously in the control station and transmits the measuring results via data telecommunication to a host computer. The opto-electronic unit of the biosensor detects immediately the chlorphyl]l-fluorescence emission from the algae which have been contaminated by the water being tested. Due to the influence of substances in the water which are toxic to algae, in particular due to the influence of herbicides (electron transport blockers), a measurable increase in the chlorophyll-fluorescence emmision can be observed. This apparatus can also be used, as a laboratory version, in the screening to exotoxicological substances

    Laudation to PD Dr. Wolfgang Ahlf : towards integrated approaches in sediment toxicology and its transfer to sediment quality guidelines

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    Thanking PD Dr. Wolfgang Ahlf on the occasion of his retirement for his outstanding experimental and conceptual merits in the field of sediment ecotoxicology and his personal 65th anniversary this article will present a laudation. This Editorial furthermore introduces a series of papers on ‘Progress in sediment research and decision making’ which is dedicated to Wolfgang Ahlf, one of the longstanding and leading experts in the field of sediment research. We cordially invite all colleagues who feel they can contribute to the topic to submit a manuscript to ESEU with reference to this series

    Laudation to PD Dr. Wolfgang Ahlf : towards integrated approaches in sediment toxicology and its transfer to sediment quality guidelines

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    Thanking PD Dr. Wolfgang Ahlf on the occasion of his retirement for his outstanding experimental and conceptual merits in the field of sediment ecotoxicology and his personal 65th anniversary this article will present a laudation. This Editorial furthermore introduces a series of papers on ‘Progress in sediment research and decision making’ which is dedicated to Wolfgang Ahlf, one of the longstanding and leading experts in the field of sediment research. We cordially invite all colleagues who feel they can contribute to the topic to submit a manuscript to ESEU with reference to this series