18 research outputs found

    Using of Timing Constraints in Programmable Logic Design - Laboratory Exercise

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    Import 04/11/2015Cílem bakalářské práce je vytvoření laboratorní úlohy pro demonstraci vlivů časových omezení při návrhu programovatelné logiky v FPGA. Stručně je popsána technika FPGA a technologie návrhu programovatelných hradlových polí pomocí jazyku VHDL. Následuje seznámení s dostupnými omezeními, kde jsou především rozebrána časová omezení, která jsou zahrnuta do laboratorní úlohy. Výsledky této práce umožňují praktické ověření výhod časových omezení pro návrh logiky v FPGA. Výhody spočívají jednak v navýšení pracovní frekvence, úspoře použité logiky a díky kontrole parametrů hodinového signálu můžeme předejít tvorbě nejistot, které mohou ohrozit funkčnost celého obvodu. Smyslem práce je bližší seznámení, předně studentů s návrhem a funkčností časových omezení, přičemž práce může sloužit také jako český návod k dalšímu vzdělávání v oblasti omezení obecně.The aim of this Bachelor Thesis is the creation of laboratory task for the demonstration of timing constraints influences during suggestion of programmable logic in FPGA. Briefly, there is a description of FPGA techniques and creation technology of field programmable gate array thanks to VHDL language in this work. Further meeting available constraints, mainly focused on timing constraints that are included into the laboratory task. The results of this Bachelor Thesis enable practical verification of timing constraints advantages for suggestion of FPGA logic. These benefits contains the increase of working frequency, saving of used logic, and thanks to the control of clock signal parameters we can avoid the creation of uncertainty that can endanger functionality of the whole circuit. The aim of this Bachelor Thesis is to closely describe, especially to students, suggestion and functionality of timing constraints. The work itself can also serve as Czech instructions to further education in the area of constraints generally.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvídobř


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    The aim of this paper is to present a design and a development of a heat simulator, which will be used for a flow research in data centers. The designed heat simulator is based on an ideological basis of four-processor 1U Supermicro server. The designed heat simulator enables to control the flow and heat output within the range of 10–100 %. The paper covers also the results of testing measurements of mass flow rates and heat flow rates in the simulator. The flow field at the outlet of the server was measured by the stereo PIV method. The heat flow rate was determined, based on measuring the temperature field at the inlet and outlet of the simulator and known mass flow rate

    Objectification of Progress and Impact of Rehabilitation Exercises

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    V této diplomové práci je řešeno měření, analýza a vyhodnocení elektromyografických dat v korelaci s pohybem na balanční plošině, která je tvořena kruhovou úsečí. Data jsou analyzována v programovém prostředí Matlab s využitím metod segmentace, prahování a časově frekvenční analýzy. Výsledkem je software, který vyhodnocuje naměřená data a dává nám doplňující informaci o stavu a průběhu rehabilitace dolních končetin na kruhové úseči.In this diploma thesis, there are solved measurements, analysis and evaluation of electromyographic data in correlation with the movement on a balancing platform consisting of a circular section. Data are analysed in the programme Matlab with the usage of segmentation, thresholding and time-frequency analysis. The result of this work presents software that evaluates measured data and gives us additional information about the status and course of leg’s rehabilitation on the balancing platform consisting of the circular section.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Coal Home Heating and Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Relation to Lower Respiratory Illness in Czech Children, from Birth to 3 Years of Age

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate how indoor pollution from tobacco and home heating may adversely affect respiratory health in young children. DESIGN: A birth cohort was followed longitudinally for 3 years to determine incidence of lower respiratory illness (LRI). PARTICIPANTS: A total of 452 children born 1994–1996 in two districts in the Czech Republic participated. EVALUATIONS: Indoor combustion exposures were home heating and cooking fuel, mother’s smoking during pregnancy, and other adult smokers in the household. Diagnoses of LRI (primarily acute bronchitis) from birth to 3 years of age were abstracted from pediatric records. Questionnaires completed at delivery and at 3-year follow-up provided covariate information. LRI incidence rates were modeled with generalized linear models adjusting for repeated measures and for numerous potential confounders. RESULTS: LRI diagnoses occurred more frequently in children from homes heated by coal [vs. other energy sources or distant furnaces; rate ratio (RR) = 1.45; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.07–1.97]. Maternal prenatal smoking and other adult smokers also increased LRI rates (respectively: RR = 1.48; 95% CI, 1.10–2.01; and RR = 1.29; 95% CI, 1.01–1.65). Cooking fuels (primarily electricity, natural gas, or propane) were not associated with LRI incidence. For children never breast-fed, coal home heating and mother’s smoking conferred substantially greater risks: RR = 2.77 (95% CI, 1.45–5.27) and RR = 2.52 (95% CI, 1.31–4.85), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal smoking and coal home heating increased risk for LRI in the first 3 years of life, particularly in children not breast-fed. RELEVANCE: Few studies have described effects of coal heating fuel on children’s health in a Western country. Breast-feeding may attenuate adverse effects of prenatal and childhood exposures to combustion products

    Consumption rig utilization for particle determination in exhaust fumes

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    Teoretická část této bakalářské práce se zabývá emisními normami, souhrnnými informacemi o složení výfukových plynů a z toho vyplývajících rizicích pro životní prostředí a lidský organismus. Experimentální část popisuje metodiku zacházení s odběrovým čerpadlem AirChek 2000, pomocí něhož byly odebrány vzorky, které byly následně zkoumány za použití optické a elektronové mikroskopie.The theoretical part of this bachelor thesis deals with emission standards, overall information about the composition exhaust gasses and risk for the environment and human organism, which arise from it. The experimental part describes the methodology of manipulation with the circulation pump AirChek 2000. With its help, the samples were taken, which were than examined by using optical and electron microscope.Katedra dopravních prostředků a diagnostikyKomisi byla představena bakalářská práce zabývající se využitím odběrové soupravy pro stanovení částic ve výfukových plynech. Prezentace byla přehledně uspořádána, vizuálně pěkně a výstižně připravena. Student působil uvolněně s minimem váhání, jeho projev byl plynulý a dobře připravený. Reakce studenta byly v kontextu celé prezentace a bez problémů zodpověděl veškeré dotazy

    Analysis of parameters of air passing through the rain zone in a cross-flow

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    The research in the field of cooling towers shows that a rigorous determination of each parameter of air passing through areas with water drops is increasingly important. The transfer of heat, mass and momentum is represented, on the side of the air, as temperature and humidity increase and static pressure decrease due to the interaction between the flowing air and falling drops. The present article focuses on the description of the experimental setup allowing the measurement of these parameters on both the air and the water side, and possible ways to analyze measured values

    Experimental measurement of the aerodynamic charateristics of two-dimensional airfoils for an unmanned aerial vehicle

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    This paper is part of the development of an airfoil for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with internal propulsion system; the investigation involves the analysis of the aerodynamic performance for the gliding condition of two-dimensional airfoil models which have been tested. This development is based on the modification of a selected airfoil from the NACA four digits family. The modification of this base airfoil was made in order to create a blowing outlet with the shape of a step on the suction surface since the UAV will have an internal propulsion system. This analysis involved obtaining the lift, drag and pitching moment coefficients experimentally for the situation where there is not flow through the blowing outlet, called the no blowing condition by means of wind tunnel tests. The methodology to obtain the forces experimentally was through an aerodynamic wire balance. Obtained results were compared with numerical results by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) from references and found in very good agreement. Finally, a selection of the airfoil with the best aerodynamic performance is done and proposed for further analysis including the blowing condition

    Analysis of parameters of air passing through the rain zone in a cross-flow

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    The research in the field of cooling towers shows that a rigorous determination of each parameter of air passing through areas with water drops is increasingly important. The transfer of heat, mass and momentum is represented, on the side of the air, as temperature and humidity increase and static pressure decrease due to the interaction between the flowing air and falling drops. The present article focuses on the description of the experimental setup allowing the measurement of these parameters on both the air and the water side, and possible ways to analyze measured values

    Flow in data racks

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    This paper deals with the flow in data racks. The aim of this work is to find a new arrangement of elements regulating the flow in the data rack so that the aerodynamic losses and the recirculation zones were minimized. The main reason for solving this problem is to reduce the costs of data racks cooling. Another problem to be solved is a reverse flow in the servers, thus not cooled, occuring due to the underpressure in the recirculation zones. In order to solve the problem, the experimental and numerical model of 27U data rack fitted with 10 pieces of server models with a total input of 10 kW was created. Different configurations of layout of elements affecting the flow in the inlet area of the data rack were compared. Depending on the results achieved, design solutions for the improvement of existing solutions were adopted and verified by numerical simulations

    Flow in data racks

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    This paper deals with the flow in data racks. The aim of this work is to find a new arrangement of elements regulating the flow in the data rack so that the aerodynamic losses and the recirculation zones were minimized. The main reason for solving this problem is to reduce the costs of data racks cooling. Another problem to be solved is a reverse flow in the servers, thus not cooled, occuring due to the underpressure in the recirculation zones. In order to solve the problem, the experimental and numerical model of 27U data rack fitted with 10 pieces of server models with a total input of 10 kW was created. Different configurations of layout of elements affecting the flow in the inlet area of the data rack were compared. Depending on the results achieved, design solutions for the improvement of existing solutions were adopted and verified by numerical simulations