4 research outputs found

    Pre-clinical evaluation of antiproteases as potential candidates for HIV-1 pre-exposure prophylaxis

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    Previous studies on highly HIV-1-exposed, yet persistently seronegative women from the Punwami Sex Worker cohort in Kenya, have shed light on putative protective mechanisms, suggesting that mucosal immunological factors, such as antiproteases, could be mediating resistance to HIV-1 transmission in the female reproductive tract. Nine protease inhibitors were selected for this study: serpin B4, serpin A1, serpin A3, serpin C1, cystatin A, cystatin B, serpin B13, serpin B1 and α-2-macroglobulin-like-protein 1. We assessed in a pilot study, the activity of these antiproteases with cellular assays and an ex vivo HIV-1 challenge model of human ecto-cervical tissue explants. Preliminary findings with both models, cellular and tissue explants, established an order of inhibitory potency for the mucosal proteins as candidates for pre-exposure prophylaxis when mimicking pre-coital use. Combination of all antiproteases considered in this study was more active than any of the individual mucosal proteins. Furthermore, the migration of cells out of ecto-cervical explants was blocked indicating potential prevention of viral dissemination following amplification of the founder population. These findings constitute the base for further development of these mucosal protease inhibitors for prevention strategies

    Mass spectrometry analysis of gut tissue in acute SIV-infection in rhesus macaques identifies early proteome alterations preceding the interferon inflammatory response

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    Abstract HIV infection damages the gut mucosa leading to chronic immune activation, increased morbidities and mortality, and antiretroviral therapies, do not completely ameliorate mucosal dysfunction. Understanding early molecular changes in acute infection may identify new biomarkers underlying gut dysfunction. Here we utilized a proteomics approach, coupled with flow cytometry, to characterize early molecular and immunological alterations during acute SIV infection in gut tissue of rhesus macaques. Gut tissue biopsies were obtained at 2 times pre-infection and 4 times post-infection from 6 macaques. The tissue proteome was analyzed by mass spectrometry, and immune cell populations in tissue and blood by flow cytometry. Significant proteome changes (p < 0.05) occurred at 3 days post-infection (dpi) (13.0%), 14 dpi (13.7%), 28 dpi (16.9%) and 63 dpi (14.8%). At 3 dpi, proteome changes included cellular structural activity, barrier integrity, and activation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) (FDR < 0.0001) prior to the antiviral response at 14 dpi (IFNa/g pathways, p < 0.001). Novel EMT proteomic biomarkers (keratins 2, 6A and 20, collagen 12A1, desmoplakin) and inflammatory biomarkers (PSMB9, FGL2) were associated with early infection and barrier dysfunction. These findings identify new biomarkers preceding inflammation in SIV infection involved with EMT activation. This warrants further investigation of the role of these biomarkers in chronic infection, mucosal inflammation, and disease pathogenesis of HIV

    Vaginal epithelial dysfunction is mediated by the microbiome, metabolome, and mTOR signaling

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    Summary: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is characterized by depletion of Lactobacillus and overgrowth of anaerobic and facultative bacteria, leading to increased mucosal inflammation, epithelial disruption, and poor reproductive health outcomes. However, the molecular mediators contributing to vaginal epithelial dysfunction are poorly understood. Here we utilize proteomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic analyses to characterize biological features underlying BV in 405 African women and explore functional mechanisms in vitro. We identify five major vaginal microbiome groups: L. crispatus (21%), L. iners (18%), Lactobacillus (9%), Gardnerella (30%), and polymicrobial (22%). Using multi-omics we show that BV-associated epithelial disruption and mucosal inflammation link to the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway and associate with Gardnerella, M. mulieris, and specific metabolites including imidazole propionate. Experiments in vitro confirm that type strain G. vaginalis and M. mulieris supernatants and imidazole propionate directly affect epithelial barrier function and activation of mTOR pathways. These results find that the microbiome-mTOR axis is a central feature of epithelial dysfunction in BV