8 research outputs found

    Broadband: A Catalyst for National Development

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    The study was on Broadband; A Catalyst for National Development of country Nigeria. The study adopted secondary data as sources of information. Relevant literatures on broadband in Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) and national developments were elicited from various impact journals and critically reviewed. The study viewed broadband as an “ecosystem” that comprises different elements that use high-speed connectivity to interact in different ways. Findings provided evidence of broadband been a key enablers for national development of developing countries like Nigeria, this is because of its crosscutting nature thus affecting all sectors of  the nation’s economy ranging from socio-economics, agriculture, commerce, education, oil and gas, government expenditure computation, security, healthcare, environment, among others. Adoption and proper utilization of broadband in ICT will lead to sustained increase in economic growth, hence aggregate national development. Government at all levels should as a matter of urgency intensify awareness about broadband and encourage the development of broadband-enabled applications and services, build ICT skills and technological capabilities among firms and her citizen as this would enhance the nation’s annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) positively. Keywords: Broadband, Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), National Development, Nigeri

    Does the Incidence of COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Rice Yield? Lessons from Southeast Nigeria

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    Across Nigeria, while rice farmers are still battling the negative impact of climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new risk that threatens not only farmers’ livelihoods but also the most important global food security crop “rice”. Every farming season, rice farmers face risks such as low rainfall, price volatility, and poor government policies. But the present risks from the COVID-19 pandemic are putting new challenges in front of rice value-chain that is already under serious threat. As a matter of urgency, farmers must respond to this new threat by choosing measures that increase their yield. Incidentally, empirical studies that documented the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on rice yield cannot be found as at the time of this study. These create emptiness in research. With this present threat, Nigeria is likely to experience a reversal in the development gains already achieved and will be unlikely to achieve the Agenda 2030 Goals

    Understanding the Allocative Efficiency of Cassava Farms in Imo State, Nigeria

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    In Nigeria and particularly in Imo State, cassava is one of the mostly cultivated and useful root crop. These crop not only contribute to the share of agriculture in national economy, but possess a great potential and comparative advantage to compete in the liberalized economy. Despite all these potentials of cassava, empirical studies on the allocative efficiencies of cassava farmers in Imo State, have not been fully and systematically documented. On the other hand, most empirical studies on cassava have focused mainly on participation and level of adoption of cassava improved technologies. It is on this backdrop that the study was undertaken. Specifically, the study described the socio-economic characteristics of cassava farmers in the study area and allocative efficiency of cassava farmers in the study area and Multistage random sampling technique was used in the selection of respondents. Sample size comprised ninety (90) cassava farmers. Well structured questionnaire was the main tool for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools, and stochastic frontier production model and cost function. Result show that the mean age was 47.00 years. Greater proportions (73.33%) were female. Majority (76.67%) were married with an average household size of 6 persons. The mean educational level and farming experience were secondary and 28years respectively. Average farm size and annual farm income were 1.42ha and N500,500.00 respectively. Reasonable proportions (81.11%) were members of cooperative society. The estimated gamma (Îł) parameter of stochastic frontier production function showed that about 82.7% variation in output among cassava farmers in the study area was due to differences in relative efficiency. The return to scale (RtS) was 0.549 in the study area. This indicates a positive decreasing return to scale and that cassava production was in stage II of the production region where resources and production were believed to be efficient. The mean allocative efficiency was 0.860. The policy implication of these findings is that cassava farmers in the study area were efficient in allocating their resources considering their scope of operation and the limited resources. Result also showed that education, membership of cooperative, extension contact, farming experience and household size were farmers socio-economic characteristics that have a significant influence on their relative efficiencies. Hence, the second hypothesis was rejected. It was recommended that farmers particularly on their own should judiciously pool productive resources together through strengthened and stable cooperative society group as this would enhance their relative efficiencies in cassava production positively in the area. Moreover, effective agricultural policies and programmes should focus on granting farmers improved access to farm credit as these would enable them increase their production efficiencies positively in the area. Government at all levels should identify genuine cassava farmers and grant them easy access to farmland as these would significantly increase their relative efficiencies and standard of living positively in the area. Keywords: Allocative efficiency; Cassava; stochastic frontier production model; Imo State, Nigeria DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-19-09 Publication date:October 31st 201

    Analysis of Broadband: A Panacea for Nigeria Nations Development

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    The study was on Broadband; A Catalyst for National Development of Country Nigeria. The study adopted secondary data as sources of information. Relevant literatures on broadband in Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) and national development were elicited from various impact journals and critically reviewed. The study viewed broadband as an “ecosystem” that comprises different elements that use high-speed connectivity to interact in different ways. Findings provided evidence of broadband been a key enablers for national development of developing countries like Nigeria, this is because of its crosscutting nature thus affecting all sectors of  the nation’s economy ranging from socio-economics, agriculture, commerce, education, oil and gas, government expenditure computation, security, healthcare, environment, among others. Adoption and proper utilization of broadband in ICT will lead to sustained increase in economic growth, hence aggregate national development. Government at all levels should as a matter of urgency intensify awareness about broadband and encourage the development of broadband-enabled applications and services, build ICT skills and technological capabilities among firms and her citizen as this would enhance the nation’s annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) positively. Keywords: Broadband, Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), National Development, Nigeri


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    Globally, vegetable forms a most valuable part of every household's diet and are used to increase the quality of the soup. It has also become the most important crop grown by farmers in recent times. However, vegetable farming is not without production challenges. Regrettably, there is an acute shortage of empirical studies to substantiate this claim. It was against this backdrop that the study on analysis of vegetable production among rural women farmers in Imo State, Nigeria was undertaken. Specifically, the study was guided by the following objectives; describing the socio-economic characteristic of women in the study area; identifying the types of vegetables produced by women; identifying women's intent/reason for all-round vegetable farming. A multistage random sampling method was used in the selection of respondents. The sample size comprised one-hundred and thirty-five (135) vegetable women farmers. Well, a structured questionnaire was the main tool for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools, likert –scale rating, and multiple regression analysis.  Results show that the mean age was 44.00 years.  The majority (71.11%) were married with an average household size of 6 persons.  Average educational level, farming experience, farm size, and monthly farm income were 12 years (equivalent to secondary school education), 21.00years, 1.20ha, and N101,200 respectively. About 82.96% and 71.85% of the women farmers were visited once per month by extension agents and were members of cooperatives respectively. As types of vegetable crops produced by the women Approximately, 98.52%, 96.30% 91.85%, 89.63%, and 68.15% were also involved in Fluted pumpkin (Telfairiaoccidentalis), pepper (Capsicum annuum), Scent leaf (Ocimumgratissimum), Waterleaf (Talinumfruticosum) and Okra (Abelmoschusesculentus) respectively amongst others. The result shows that about 99.26%, 96.30%, and 95.56% identified personal intentions, wanting autonomy, and unstable income respectively as intent/reasons for all-round vegetable farming. Radio and farmers’ cooperative societies were identified by approximately 98.52% and 95.56% as sources of information on all-around vegetable farming among other sources. The study concludes that most of the women are involved in the cultivation of almost all the vegetables and therefore recommends that the extension agents should increase their visits/training to the rural vegetable farmers as results show low extension visits which affected them in the choice of vegetable planted as recent technologies has made it possible for farmers in the southeast to plant most of the vegetables formerly believed to survive only in the northern area of the country

    Do Rural Livestock Farmers Have Knowledge of Organic Livestock Farming Practices? Lesson from Southeast Nigeria

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    At global level, the use of inorganic feeds, veterinary drugs amongst others can significantly increase farm output in various livestock production systems. However, in recent times, quality-conscious consumers are increasingly seeking environmentally safe and chemical-residue free healthy livestock foods which organic production methods are said to ensure. Livestock Organic farming can offer promising opportunities for ensuring safe food, environmental sustainability, high livestock yield and income. Incidentally, empirical evidence on present discourse is still relatively very little. Although, a significant contribution has been made by various scholars, regrettably, these studies did not dwell on organic livestock practices and their knowledge level in South-east, Nigeria. Therefore, this presents a dearth in research and became increasingly pertinent that the study was systematically undertaken. A multistage and purposive random sampling procedure was used in the selection of 504 respondents who are organic livestock farmers. Data collected was analyzed using mean score analysis. Result shows that farmers had knowledge on practices of extensive system of livestock/poultry farming (X̄ =3.49); provision of natural air (X̄ =3.50); provision of natural water sprinkling during hot weather (X̄ =3.50); rearing animal without antibiotics (X̄ =3.56); and treating injured animals organically (X̄ =3.48) among others. Incidentally, majority of the livestock farmers lacked knowledge of how to induce ovulation for animals without drugs (X̄ =1.88). The inducement of ovulation for farm animals is one of the livestock organic methods used in forcing farm animals to come on heat/ovulation for quick multiplication. This method is harmful both for the animal an eventual consumer. Therefore, it is necessary that extension agents who are subject matter specialist (SMS) in livestock organic farming educate farmers on how to induce ovulation to farm animals organically with support from the government and farmers cooperative membership resources as these would significantly reduce harmful drugs injected to animal for quick ovulation and preserve the life span of the animal and consumers of the animal

    Understanding the Determinant of Income from Catfish Production in Imo State, Nigeria

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    Fish production is significant to Nigeria’s aggregate economy. In Imo State in particular, it contributes to employment and income generation; food security; foreign exchange earnings and bridging protein demand-supply gap. Despite all these, empirical studies that logically, explain the determinant of income from catfish production are still relatively scanty. These creates a vacuum in research and knowledge thereby make it extremely difficult if not impossible for the government and other relevant stakeholders to know the method they can use in helping farmers realize huge income from catfish production as well as prospective farmers to venture into catfish farming. It was on this backdrop that the study was systematically undertaken in the area. Data were elicited from 90 catfish farmers’ selected using multistage and purposive sampling procedure across Imo State, Nigeria. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical tool, gross income and multiple regression analysis. Result show that the mean age was 45.00 years. Greater proportions (71.11%) were male. Majority (78.88%) were married with an average household size of 7 persons. The mean educational level and farming experience were 12 and 15.00 years respectively. Reasonable proportions (68.89%) have no access to credit. Average annual farm income was ₦650,000.00 (1,570.64).Majority(45.561,570.64). Majority (45.56%) used concrete pond while approximately 47.78% of the farmers sourced their fingerling from commercials fish hatchery. Net farm income and return per capita invested were ₦3,050,714.69 (7,371.65) and N15.41k respectively. The profitability index was N15.30, which implies that for every naira earned as revenue from the catfish farming, about 15.30kobo returned to farmer as net farm income. Estimated regression results shows that pond size (X1); cost of fish feed (X2); cost of labour (X3); stocking rate (X6); Educational Level (X9); Farm Income (X10) and Farming Experience (X11) were the major determinant of income in catfish production. Findings provided evidence that catfish production is efficient and lucrative in the area. However, approximately 97.78% of the farmers complained of inadequate production capital. It was therefore recommended that farmers particularly on their own should judiciously pool productive resources together through strengthened and stable cooperative society group as this would enhance their profitability in catfish production in the area. Moreover, effective agricultural policies and programmes should focus on granting fish farmers improved access to farm credit as these would enable them increase their production frontier and realize huge profit overtime in the area. Keywords: Catfish; Income, Profitability, Management System, Imo State, Nigeria DOI: 10.7176/JESD/13-1-03 Publication date: January 31st 202


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    Fish production is significant to Nigeria’s aggregate economy. In Imo State in particular, it contributes to employment, income generation and bridging protein demand-supply gap. Despite all these, empirical studies that logically explain the determinant of income from catfish production are still relatively scanty. These creates a vacuum in research and knowledge there by making it extremely difficult if not impossible for the government and other relevant stakeholders to know the method they can use in helping farmers realize huge income from catfish production as well as prospective farmers to venture into catfish farming. It was against this backdrop that the study was systematically undertaken. Data were elicited from 90 catfish farmers’ selected using multistage and purposive sampling procedure across Imo State, Nigeria. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical tool, gross income and multiple regression analysis. Result show that the mean age was 45.00 years. Greater proportions (71.11%) were male. Majority (78.88%) were married with an average household size of 7 persons. The mean educational level and farming experience were 12 and 15.00 years respectively. Reasonable proportions (68.89%) have no access to credit. Average annual farm income was ₦650,000.00 (1,570.64).Majority(45.561,570.64). Majority (45.56%) used concrete pond while approximately 47.78% of the farmers sourced their fingerling from commercials fish hatchery. Net farm income and return per capita invested were ₦3,050,714.69 (7,371.65) and N15.41k respectively. The profitability index was N15.30, which implies that for every naira earned as revenue from the catfish farming, about 15.30kobo returned to farmer as net farm income. Estimated regression results shows that pond size (X1); cost of fish feed (X2); cost of labour (X3); stocking rate (X6); Educational Level (X9); Farm Income (X10) and Catfish Experience (X11) were the major determinant of income in catfish production. Findings provided evidence that catfish production is efficient and lucrative in the area. However, approximately 97.78% and 94.44% of the farmers complained of inadequate production capital and high cost of feed. It was therefore recommended that farmers particularly on their own should judiciously pool productive resources together through strengthened cooperative society group as this would enhance bulk purchase/buying of catfish production input in the area. Moreover, effective agricultural policies and programmes should focus on granting catfish farmers improved access to farm credit as these would enable them increase their production frontier and realize huge profit overtime in the area