326 research outputs found

    The end of the road for prostate specific antigen testing?

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    Many candidate biomarkers for diagnosis of prostate cancer have been investigated, but prostate‑specific antigen (PSA) testing remains the frontline test for both mass screening and individual clinical testing. Although the PSA test is cost‑effective, analytically reliable, and flexibly high throughput, it has a very weak correlation with prostate malignancy. This has resulted in over‑diagnosis and over‑treatment of patients leading to costly economic, social, and psychological impacts. PSA testing lacks the ability to molecularly characterize prostate diseases and define aggressiveness and lethality, which are necessary to influence choice of treatment. Therefore, newer molecular tests are beginning to replace the PSA tests. The prostate cancer antigen 3 test has shown superiority and is now widely used. The recently reported sarcosine urine test, the already delineated TMPRSS2: ETS fusion genes, the glutathione‑S‑transferase P1 serum marker, and enhancer of zeste homolog 2 biomarker may also help improve diagnosis and prognostication of prostate cancer. The analytical trend is toward a multiplex testing format using molecular and/or proteomic techniques that are reliable, accurate, reproducible, and ensure rapid quantitation. Therefore, validation of these newer biomarkers and their assays are necessary for both large‑scale clinical trials and clinical utility.Keywords: Prostate cancer and prostate cancer antigen 3, prostate cancer antigen 3, prostate specific antigen, sarcosineNigerian Journal of Clinical Practice • Oct-Dec 2013 • Vol 16 • Issue

    Allelic variants of KLK2 gene predict presence of prostate cancer at biopsy

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    Objective: Several single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with prostate cancer risk have been reported in recent years. We evaluated polymorphisms in the human glandular kallikrein 2 (KLK2) genes because the protein product of this gene is known to be increased in prostate cancer. Materials and methods: Blood samples were collected from sixty patients who underwent prostate biopsy sectioning, and from their genomic DNA the SNPs in KLK2 gene were investigated by direct DNA sequencing. Another 138 archived prostate tissue sections were also evaluated using the TaqMan SNP genotyping assay. Results: Eighteen known SNPs were identified in the KLK2 gene. The SNPs were located in introns, coding exons and untranslated regions of the gene. Further analysis showed that two of the SNPs were associated with prostate disease. The T/T allele of rs198977 was significantly predictive of the presence of prostate cancer at biopsy and was also associated with high tumour grade. The A/A allele of rs2664155 was also significantly associated with the presence of benign hyperplasia at biopsy. Conclusion: Our results support previous reports of association of the rs198977 SNP with prostate cancer risk and also indicated a link with the disease phenotype. However, the second SNP (rs2664155) was more associated with benign hyperplasia than prostate cancer risk. The method of TaqMan SNP genotyping could be clinically useful in genetic screening and risk stratification of patients for prostate diseases

    Landmarks of Poetic Renaissance in the Works of Selected African Poets

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    The study is a survey of critical perspectives on a selection of modern African poets who concerned themselves with the socio-political problems in their various local setups and countries. The commonest thing to all of them is the belief and practice in the poet’s activist role in the African polity. This group of writers believes that a radical approach to literature is a solution, which they think must consist of an awareness which would eventually culminate in a revolution. In diverse but related exploration of the poetic medium, they evolved avenues of enforcing functionality to their poems. Using stylistic features of radicalism-commonly believed to of the then popular Marxian metaphor they indict their governments that always operate on the naivety of the populace, who are usually victims of deceit by the pretentious and brassy-voiced agendas and promises of these “hollow-men” whose corrupt dispositions would never allow them see beyond their personal interests. It is for such a reason that these selected poets have taken up the challenge of answering the oppressors on behalf of the voiceless majority. It is a renaissance that has shed a palpable landmark on the tone, pitch and intensity of the poetic genre

    Awareness and Acceptance of the New Trade and Entrepreneurship Curriculum among Public and Private School Teachers in North East Nigeria

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    The successful implementation of any educational reform is hinged upon teachers’ well informed interest and endorsement of the reform. This study centered on teachers’ awareness and acceptance of the trade and entrepreneurship curriculum newly introduced into the Nigeria education system. Specifically, the study ascertained the levels of awareness and acceptance of the new trade and entrepreneurship curriculum among senior secondary school teachers in North East Nigeria. Using a survey design, data were collected from 123 teachers who responded to the Teachers’ Trades Awareness and Acceptance Questionnaire (TTAAQ). They were requested to express on 3-point loading (‘Certainly No’, ‘Not sure’ & ‘Definitely Yes’) their awareness and acceptance level. Findings revealed that the respondents were ‘not sure’ about their awareness as well as their acceptance of the new Trades curriculum.  Their awareness and acceptance levels were poor or uncertain. It was found that there were no significant differences between public and private school teachers in their awareness as well as acceptance of the new curriculum. It was therefore suggested that the relevant authorities should intensify sensitization and advocacy on the new trade and entrepreneurship curriculum as well as increase teachers’ involvement in the entire curriculum development and implementation process. Keywords: Awareness, Acceptance, Curriculum, Education Reform, Trade and Entrepreneurshi

    Teachers’ Perception of the Trade/Entrepreneurship of the New Senior Secondary Education Curricula

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    The paper studied teachers’ perception of the trade/entrepreneurship subjects that form a central part of the new senior secondary school curriculum in Nigeria. It used a 35/7 matrix questionnaire to identify and rank teachers’ perception of the 34 trades/entrepreneurship subjects. A total of 53 teachers drawn from the four distinct fields of study (Science & mathematics, Technology, Humanities, and Business Studies) participated in the study. Simple statistics and Pearson correlation coefficients were used for data analysis. Result showed different ratings of the trade subjects and two prominent determinants of choice of trade subjects. The study recommended some considerations for staging trade subjects in school. Keywords: Trade/entrepreneurship, curriculum, teacher perceptio

    The urban poor and housing in Nigeria 1999-2007: A case study of the urban poor and housing programme in Port Harcourt, Rivers state.

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    Urbanization and its consequences are worldwide phenomenon and the increasing size and scale of urban settlement is characteristic of contemporary era. Rapid population growth has been accompanied by rapid urbanization vis­-a-vis rapid slum growth as well as rapid urban poverty. Consequently, the majority of the populations in some African cities live in abject poverty, illiteracy and in poor housing conditions.  The United Nations Millennium Development Goal Report, (2007), revealed that approximately half the World's population now lives in cities and towns. In 2005, one out of three urban dwellers (approximately 1 billion people) are living in slum conditions. However, urbanization is not synonymous with human progress because the report further stressed that urban slum growth is out pacing urban growth by a wide margin.Key words: Housing, Urbanization, Rivers State, Nigeri

    Therapeutic efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine for treatment of uncomplicated plasmodium falciparum malaria in Enugu, Nigeria

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    Purpose: To review current therapeutic efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine (AL) for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in patients in Enugu State, Nigeria.Methods: One hundred and fifty four malaria patients from three different Local Government Areas (LGA) of Enugu State, southeastern Nigeria, that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited through rapid diagnostic testing and blood film microscopy. The patients received a 3-day complete dose of AL treatment; they were monitored and 3 mL of blood in EDTA bottle was sampled on days 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28. The samples were  evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for  identification and quantification of Plasmodium falciparum. Clinical and parasitological responses were recorded and analyzed statistically.Results: There was significant decrease (p > 0.002) in patient’s  temperature (from 40 to 37 ºC) from day 0 to day 28. There was significant decrease (p < 0.001) between parasite mean density on day 0 and the values on days 3,7,14 and 28, with high prevalence of delayed parasite clearance. There was no early treatment failure, while 4 (3.4 %), 30 (25.4 %), and 84 (75.1 %) had late clinical failure, late parasitological response and adequate clinical and parasitological response, respectively.Conclusion: Artemether – lumefantrine combination therapy reduced fever in malaria patients but failed to totally clear parasitemia density, indicating its reduced therapeutic efficacy in Enugu State, Nigeria

    Democracy and poverty reduction in Nigeria: A case study of Rivers State: 1999 – 2007

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    This paper seeks to examine the extent to which Nigeria's democratic experience  (1999-2007) has elevated the living standards of the majority of the people. It specifically aimed at search lighting the impact of the regime's key poverty reduction strategies vis-à-vis the overall poverty situation in the country in general and Rivers State in particular. The study focused on two poverty reduction strategies: National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) and the Rivers State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (RIVSEEDS). The study utilized the primary and secondary sources of data in realizing its central objective. The Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) method was also adopted in the course of this research work. The sample population was drawn from ten Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Rivers State; Port Harcourt, Obio/Akpor, Ikwerre, Emohua, Etche, Omuma, Ahoada East, Ahoada West, Abua/Odual and Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni LGAs. The research work employed the Political Economy (P.E.) method of analysis. The PE approach elucidates in very clear terms how the policies and reforms of successive governments in Nigeria have debilitated the productive forces of a great number of her population. The findings of this study showed that the democratic experience has impacted little to the poverty situation of the people of Rivers State. It also revealed that the present government's poverty reduction programme is yet to be complemented by other macroeconomic policies to yield the desired results of poverty reduction, wealth creation and capacity building. KEY WORDS: DEMOCRACY, POVERTY REDUCTION; PARTICIPATORY POVERTY ASSESSMENT METHOD; POLITICAL ECONOMY APPROACH; NATIONAL POVERTY ERADICATION PROGRAMME (NAPEP) AND THE RIVERS STATE ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (RIVSEEDS

    Komatiites: From Earth's Geological Settings to Planetary and Astrobiological Contexts

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    Komatiites are fascinating volcanic rocks. They are among the most ancient lavas of the Earth following the 3.8 Ga pillow basalts at Isua and they represent some of the oldest ultramafic magmatic rocks preserved in the Earth's crust at 3.5 Ga. This fact, linked to their particular features (high magnesium content, high melting temperatures, low dynamic viscosities, etc.), has attracted the community of geoscientists since their discovery in the early sixties, who have tried to determine their origin and understand their meaning in the context of the terrestrial mantle evolution. In addition, it has been proposed that komatiites are not restricted to our planet, but they could be found in other extraterrestrial setting in our Solar System (particularly in Mars and Io). It is important to note that komatiites may be extremely significant in the study of the origins and evolution of Life on Earth. They not only preserve essential geochemical clues of the interaction between the pristine Earth rocks and atmosphere, but also may have been potential suitable sites for biological processes to develop. Thus, besides reviewing the main geodynamic, petrological and geochemical characteristics of komatiites, this paper also aims to widen their investigation beyond the classical geological prospect, calling attention to them as attracting rocks for research in planetology and astrobiology.Comment: 53 pages, submitted (Nov 22th, 2005) to Earth, Moon and Planets and accepted for publication on Jan 18th, 2007. The new version is the corrected paper after acceptance for publicatio


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    Balita pendek (stunting) adalah masalah kurang gizi kronis yang disebabkan oleh asupan gizi yang kurang dalam waktu cukup lama akibat pemberian makanan yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan gizi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan ibu balita sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan tentang stunting melalui media video dan leaflet di wilayah kerja puskesmas saigon kecamatan pontianak timur. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode Quasi Eksperiment, rancangan nonequivalent control group pada 66 ibu balita di Puskesmas Saigon dengan teknik Purposive Sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tanggal 21-24 Juni 2019 dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis yang dilakukan menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Ada perbedaan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan melalui media video berdasarkan uji Wilcoxon diperoleh nilai p=0,001. Ada perbedaan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan melalui media leaflet berdasarkan uji Wilcoxon diperoleh nilai p=0,001. Media video lebih efektif terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan ibu balita tentang stunting di Puskesmas Pontianak Saigon Kecamatan Pontianak Timu
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