9 research outputs found

    Agronomic performance and adaptability of three varieties of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) on sandy loam soil in derived savanna

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    Amidst tropical vegetables, watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is increasing popular for its numerous health benefits. In Nigeria, this vegetable crop is still under-produced in the relatively more humid southern part where it is heavily consumed. This situation is partly due to lack of empirical data on existing exotic and local varieties particularly in the southeastern region of the country. In this study, field trials with three watermelon varieties [Lagone (exotic), Koloss (exotic) and Charleston gray (local) serving as control] were conducted on a sandy loam acid soil at Nsukka in southeastern Nigeria typifying Derived Savanna. They were evaluated for agronomic performance including vegetative growth and fruit yield. Koloss took less time (~ 10 days) to emerge compared to Lagone (15 days) and Charleston gray (14 days). Lagone attained first and 50% flowering earlier (36 and 39 days, respectively) than the others. Charleston gray had the longest vine (196.42 cm) nine weeks after planting but showed fewer fruits (3.33) than the others, while Koloss showed largest fruit width (15.66 cm). Fresh fruit yield indicated nominal differences but tended to be highest in Koloss (1.95 kg/plant); Lagone and Charleston gray had 1.85 and 1.74 kg/plant, respectively. For enhanced production of watermelon, Koloss is recommended to farmers in Nsukka agro-environment and similar climate-soil zones in the savanna. In the future, this exotic variety could be hybridized with the local Charleston gray and the hybrid seeds evaluated against the pure lines.Keywords: watermelon ecology, exotic varieties, vegetative growth, fruit yiel

    Demographic characteristics related to consumption of snail meat among inhabitants of Bori, Nigeria

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    The study investigates the demographic characteristics related to the consumption of snail meat in Bori, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was administered to 48 respondents who were systematically selected from 24 households in the study area. Data analysis was by the use of both descriptive (frequencies and percentages) and inferential (chi-square) statistics. Findings of the study revealed that most of the respondents are male, single, between 20 and 30 years and have formal education. Also it was found that most respondents earn between N1, 000 and N10, 000 as income. Consumption level (number of snails) of snail meat was found to be high (70.83%), but frequency (number of times) of consumption was low (93.75%). The study found no significant relationship between gender, marital status, age, education, income and consumption level of snail meat. However, significant relationship was found between frequency of snail meat consumption and gender, marital status, education. It was recommended that government and non government-owned livestock extension organizations in the area should intensify awareness about importance of snail meat and also encourage domestication of snails. (Af. J. of Livestock Extension: 2003 2: 54-57

    Bending Analysis of Thick Anisotropic Rectangular Plate using Modified First Shear Deformation Theory

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    <p>In this work, displacement functions obtained by direct integration of governing equation were used to analyse anisotropic rectangular plates that are simply supported on its four edges (SSSS) and clamped on two adjacent edges and simply supported on the other two (CCSS). A modified first order shear deformation theory was used to develop the kinematic and constitutive relations of the plate. The total potential energy functional was formulated from which the governing and two compatibility equations were developed and solved to generate the polynomial displacement functions. By satisfying the boundary conditions of the plates, their peculiar displacement functions were determined. With these functions the anisotropic stiffness coefficients were obtained. By differentiating the total potential energy functional with respect to the displacement coefficients, the formulae for the coefficients were obtained. For each boundary condition analysis in this study, the displacement parameter values, in-plane stresses parameter values and out-of-plane stresses parameter values at various span to depth ratios (7.142857, 10 and 20), aspect ratios (0.5 to 2) and angle of fibre orientation of 00 were calculated. The solutions of this work were compared with those from various researchers and their results were close.</p><p>Keywords:- Polynomial Displacement Function; Total Potential Energy Functional; Thick Plate; Anisotropic; Displacement; Stress, Governing Equation.</p&gt

    Growth performance and linear body measurements of gestating rabbit subjected to varying level of feed restrictions

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    To optimize production and ensure sustainability, there is need for judicious management of the resources employed in livestock production enterprise. For inefficient utilization of resources can jeopardize or hamper livestock production and availability. This present study was conducted to determine the performance and changes in morphological parameters of rabbit does subjected to quantitative feed restriction at different  periods of gestation. A total of seventy-two rabbits does with initial live weight range of 1.7-2.0 kg were employed in this study. The study was arranged in a 3x3 factorial layout. The rabbits were divided into nine treatments of eight does per treatment and exposed to three levels of feed restrictions (0, 15, 30%) at different gestation periods (15-19, 20-24, 25-29 days). Water was supplied ad libitum throughout the experimental period. Data were collected and documented for analysis on feed intake, weight gain, changes in linear body parameters and gestation length. Significant (p<0.05) differences were noted for final weight, weight gain, feed gain, feed intake and gestation length. Restriction at 15% recorded highest final  and weight gain. Longest gestation length was recorded for does on 30% restriction. Interaction between restriction and periods of gestation shows significant (p<0.05) differences in weight gain, feed gain, feed intake and gestation length. All the morphological parameters considered in this present study were not influenced (p>0.05) by restricted feeding and periods of feed restriction. Therefore, it can be concluded that 15% feed  restriction could be applied at 20-24 days of gestation without any adverse effect on maternal well-being. Keywords: Gestation, morphology, maternal, pregnancy, realimentatio

    Growth performance and blood profile of rabbit bucks in two housing types on aqueous extract of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus Jacq ex fr.)

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    The growth performance and blood profile of forty-eight (48), six (6) weeks old rabbit bucks of cross (Chinchilla and New Zealand White) were assessed for 10 weeks. The bucks were allotted on weight equalization basis in a 2 x 4 factorial experimental layout composed of 24 rabbits into steel hutches and wooden hutches each and on four (4) varying levels (0, 5, 10 and 15 mL/litre of water, respectively) of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus Jacq ex fr.) extract. Six (6) bucks were assigned to each treatment group and replicated three times with two (2) bucks per replicate in a Completely Randomized Design. The phytochemicals of the oyster mushroom extract showed that 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z, Z)- methyl ester was the most abundant. Results showed that the feed conversion ratio was significantly (P<0.05) best (6.08) in bucks reared in wooden cage and administered 15 mL oyster mushroom extract. Significantly (P<0.05) highest triglycerides (81.00 mg/dL) was obtained in bucks on steel hutch and on 5 mL oyster mushroom extract and lowest (55.00 mg/dL) in bucks on steel hutch and on 10 mL oyster mushroom extract. The lowest (P<0.05) lymphocytes (59.00%) were recorded in bucks on wooden cage and administered 10 mL oyster mushroom extract. It was concluded that oyster mushroom extract up to 15 mL/litre of water administered in either steel hutch or wooden hutch did not impair the growth performance and blood profile of rabbit bucks. Keywords: Rabbit bucks, housing types, blood profile, oyster mushroom, phytochemical

    Performance and blood indices of growing rabbits fed diets containing shrimp waste meal as partial substitutes for soybean meal

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    A total of 96 growing rabbits were used in an experiment to determine the performance and blood indices of rabbits fed shrimp waste meal (SWM) as partial substitutes for soybean meal (SBM). Rabbits were allotted on weight equalization basis to 4 treatment groups having 4 replicates of 6 rabbits each. Four iso-caloric (2240kcal/Kg) and iso-proteinous (15% CP) diets (NRC, 1977) were formulated at 0g/kg (0%), 66.3g/kg (33%), 132.7g/kg (66%) and 201.1g/kg (100%) SWM inclusion levels replacing SBM. Feed and water were offered ad-libitum during the 8 weeks feeding trial. Data on performance were taken and at the 8th week, blood samples collected were assayed for haematology and serum metabolites. Data analysis was done using ANOVA in a Completely Randomized Design. Weight gain and feed conversion ratio indicated that rabbits on 132.7g SWM/kg diet performed better than the control and other substitution levels with those on 201.1g SWM/kg diet having the lowest performance indices. Feed cost per kilogram diet reduced with increasing levels of SWM; also feed cost per unit weight gain. Rabbits fed 132.7g SWM/kg had higher (cubic) mean values for total protein, albumin and globulin and lower (p<0.05) values for urea and creatinine than those on the other diets. There was no significant difference on all haematological indices assayed attributable to the SWM inclusion. It was concluded that SWM can be used as partial substitutes for soybean meal in the diets of growing rabbits up to 66% (132.7g/kg) without adversely affecting their performance, haematology and key serum metabolites.Keywords: Shrimp waste meal; Soybean; Rabbits; Performance; Bloo

    Interactive compensatory response of growing pigs to feed withdrawal periods and ascorbic acid supplementation

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    A total of fifty four Large White growing pigs with weight range of 21.70-23.89 kg were used in a 60-day trial to determine the compensatory response of growing pigs to feed withdrawal periods and ascorbic acid supplementation. The pigs were grouped on weight equalization into 9 treatments with 3 replicate groups of 2 pigs each. The experimental layout was a 3x3 factorial聽 arrangement with 2 factors; factor A consisting of three levels of feed withdrawal periods (0, 2 and 4 hours) and factor B聽 consisting of 3 levels of ascorbic acid supplementation (0, 1500 and 2500 mg/kg feed). Pigs were subjected to 90 days feed withdrawal periods with or without ascorbic acid supplementation and 60 days realimentation period. Growth performance,聽 morphological and physiological parameters data were collected fortnightly. Results obtained revealed that final weight, weight gain, average daily weight gain, total feed intake, and average weekly feed intake were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by聽 interactive effect of feed withdrawal periods and ascorbic acid supplementation during the realimentation period, pigs formerly聽 subjected to 2 hours feed withdrawal period with 2500 mg/kg feed ascorbic acid supplementation recorded the best results for all indices of growth performance. Tail length and loin girth were significantly (P<0.05) compensated by the interaction between feed withdrawal periods and ascorbic acid supplementation. Physiological indices monitored were significantly (P<0.05) affected by the interaction between feed withdrawal periods and ascorbic acid supplementation. The results of this study indicated that pigs earlier subjected to 2 hours feed withdrawal period and ascorbic acid supplementation at 2500 mg/kg feed exhibited a better聽 compensatory growth in terms of weight gain, tail length and loin girth as well as the vital signs of the pigs hence, it could be used as a management tool to improve growth performance and welfare of growing pigs.Key words: Compensatory, physiological, supplementation and withdrawal period

    Effects of duration and level of feed restriction on performance and meat quality of broiler chickens

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    Two hundred and sixteen unsexed 14 days- old Marshall broiler chicks were used in a 3脳3 factorial experimental design to test the effect of restricting feed intake of birds by 0 %, 20 % and 40 % levels for 2, 4 and 6 weeks after two weeks of the starter phase. The unrestricted (control) treatments were fed ad libitum throughout the experiment. The experiment lasted for 42 days. Data were collected and calculated on weight gain, feed:gain, feed intake, mortality, proximate composition of meat and cost-benefit analysis. Data obtained were subjected to a 2-way analysis of variance. Results showed significantly higher (p<0.05) final weights in the unrestricted birds (control) compared to the restricted birds. Interaction between duration of restriction and level of restriction indicated that weight gain and feed intake significantly (p<0.05) reduced as duration and level of feed restriction increased. Feed:gain was significantly (p<0.05) different across the treatments with birds restricted at 40 % for 6 weeks having the best feed:gain (1.91). The mortality recorded was not significant (p>0.05) across duration and level of restriction. Abdominal fat decreased with increasing duration and level of restriction with birds on 40 % level and 6 weeks duration of restriction having the lowest fat content (0.20 %). Crude protein content of the breast muscle significantly increased while crude fat content of the breast muscle significantly decreased with duration and level of restriction. Crude fat content was lowest at 40 % level and 6 weeks duration of feed restriction. As level and duration of feed restriction increased, feed cost/ kg reduced. Birds restricted at 40 % level for 2, 4 and 6 weeks durations respectively had better cost benefit than birds restricted at 0 and 20 % levels for 2, 4 and 6 weeks durations. It can be concluded that the best feed:gain, lower abdomi- nal fat, higher protein and better cost benefit was achieved in birds restricted at 40 % for 6 weeks.Durante 42 d铆as, 216 pollos broiler Marshall, de 14 d铆as, fueron empleados en un dise帽o experi- mental factorial 3x3 para estudiar el efecto de la restricci贸n de la ingesti贸n de alimento en 0, 20 y 40 %, durante 2, 4 y 6 semanas en la fase de iniciaci贸n. El tratamiento control (no restringido) recibi贸 alimentaci贸n ad libitum durante todo el experimento. Se obtuvieron datos sobre ganancia de peso, alimento/peso, ingesti贸n, mortalidad, composici贸n de la carne y relaci贸n coste benefi- cio. Los datos obtenidos se sometieron a un an谩lisis de varianza de dos v铆as. Los resultados mostraron mayor peso final (p<0,05), en las aves sin restricci贸n, la interacci贸n duraci贸n*nivel de restricci贸n indic贸 que tanto la ganancia de peso como la ingesti贸n, se redujeron cuando aumenta- ron la duraci贸n y nivel de restricci贸n. La relaci贸n alimento/ganancia fue diferente (p<0,05) entre tratamientos siendo la mejor (1,91) en las aves con restricci贸n de 40 % durante 6 semanas. No hubo diferencias (p>0,05) en la mortalidad registrada. La grasa abdominal disminuy贸 al aumentar la duraci贸n y nivel de restricci贸n, alcanzando el menor contenido (0,20 %) en los niveles m谩s intensos de restricci贸n. El contenido proteico de la pechuga aument贸 y su contenido graso se redujo al aumentar el tiempo y nivel de restricci贸n. El contenido graso fue igualmente menor en los niveles mas intensos de restricci贸n. Cuando la restricci贸n se hac铆a mayor, el coste por kg produ- cido se reduc铆a. Las aves con restricci贸n del 40 % tuvieron en todo el tiempo mejor relaci贸n coste beneficio que las de control y las de restricci贸n del 20 %. Se puede concluir que con la restricci贸n del 40 % durante seis semanas se consigue mejor transformacion de alimento, menor grasa abdomi- nal, mayor cantidad de prote铆na, y mejor relacion coste beneficio