57 research outputs found

    Brief communication: X-ray breast imaging experience at Azienda USL-IRCCS Reggio Emilia

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    Abstract This note describes the experience of the Azienda USL-IRCCS di Reggio Emilia (AUSL-RE) in the field of X-ray breast imaging in the AUSL-RE catchment area of the Emilia Romagna Region (RER). It focuses on new applications for digital mammography

    Contrast-enhanced spectral mammography in neoadjuvant chemotherapy monitoring: a comparison with breast magnetic resonance imaging

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    Background: Neoadjuvant-chemotherapy (NAC) is considered the standard treatment for locally advanced breast carcinomas. Accurate assessment of disease response is fundamental to increase the chances of successful breast-conserving surgery and to avoid local recurrence. The purpose of this study was to compare contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) and contrast-enhanced-MRI (MRI) in the evaluation of tumor response to NAC.Methods: This prospective study was approved by the institutional review board and written informed consent was obtained. Fifty-four consenting women with breast cancer and indication of NAC were consecutively enrolled between October 2012 and December 2014. Patients underwent both CESM and MRI before, during and after NAC. MRI was performed first, followed by CESM within 3 days. Response to therapy was evaluated for each patient, comparing the size of the residual lesion measured on CESM and MRI performed after NAC to the pathological response on surgical specimens (gold standard), independently of and blinded to the results of the other test. The agreement between measurements was evaluated using Lin's coefficient. The agreement between measurements using CESM and MRI was tested at each step of the study, before, during and after NAC. And last of all, the variation in the largest dimension of the tumor on CESM and MRI was assessed according to the parameters set in RECIST 1.1 criteria, focusing on pathological complete response (pCR).Results: A total of 46 patients (85%) completed the study. CESM predicted pCR better than MRI (Lin's coefficient 0.81 and 0.59, respectively). Both methods tend to underestimate the real extent of residual tumor (mean 4.1mm in CESM, 7.5mm in MRI). The agreement between measurements using CESM and MRI was 0.96, 0.94 and 0.76 before, during and after NAC respectively. The distinction between responders and non-responders with CESM and MRI was identical for 45/46 patients. In the assessment of CR, sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 84%, respectively, for CESM, and 87% and 60% for MRI.Conclusion: CESM and MRI lesion size measurements were highly correlated. CESM seems at least as reliable as MRI in assessing the response to NAC, and may be an alternative if MRI is contraindicated or its availability is limited

    Mortality Prediction of COVID-19 Patients Using Radiomic and Neural Network Features Extracted from a Wide Chest X-ray Sample Size: A Robust Approach for Different Medical Imbalanced Scenarios

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to develop robust prognostic models for mortality prediction of COVID-19 patients, applicable to different sets of real scenarios, using radiomic and neural network features extracted from chest X-rays (CXRs) with a certified and commercially available software. Methods: 1816 patients from 5 different hospitals in the Province of Reggio Emilia were included in the study. Overall, 201 radiomic features and 16 neural network features were extracted from each COVID-19 patient’s radiography. The initial dataset was balanced to train the classifiers with the same number of dead and survived patients, randomly selected. The pipeline had three main parts: balancing procedure; three-step feature selection; and mortality prediction with radiomic features through three machine learning (ML) classification models: AdaBoost (ADA), Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA) and Random Forest (RF). Five evaluation metrics were computed on the test samples. The performance for death prediction was validated on both a balanced dataset (Case 1) and an imbalanced dataset (Case 2). Results: accuracy (ACC), area under the ROC-curve (AUC) and sensitivity (SENS) for the best classifier were, respectively, 0.72 ± 0.01, 0.82 ± 0.02 and 0.84 ± 0.04 for Case 1 and 0.70 ± 0.04, 0.79 ± 0.03 and 0.76 ± 0.06 for Case 2. These results show that the prediction of COVID-19 mortality is robust in a different set of scenarios. Conclusions: Our large and varied dataset made it possible to train ML algorithms to predict COVID-19 mortality using radiomic and neural network features of CXRs

    Validation of a new fully automated software for 2D digital mammographic breast density evaluation in predicting breast cancer risk.

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    We compared accuracy for breast cancer (BC) risk stratification of a new fully automated system (DenSeeMammo-DSM) for breast density (BD) assessment to a non-inferiority threshold based on radiologists' visual assessment. Pooled analysis was performed on 14,267 2D mammograms collected from women aged 48-55 years who underwent BC screening within three studies: RETomo, Florence study and PROCAS. BD was expressed through clinical Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) density classification. Women in BI-RADS D category had a 2.6 (95% CI 1.5-4.4) and a 3.6 (95% CI 1.4-9.3) times higher risk of incident and interval cancer, respectively, than women in the two lowest BD categories. The ability of DSM to predict risk of incident cancer was non-inferior to radiologists' visual assessment as both point estimate and lower bound of 95% CI (AUC 0.589; 95% CI 0.580-0.597) were above the predefined visual assessment threshold (AUC 0.571). AUC for interval (AUC 0.631; 95% CI 0.623-0.639) cancers was even higher. BD assessed with new fully automated method is positively associated with BC risk and is not inferior to radiologists' visual assessment. It is an even stronger marker of interval cancer, confirming an appreciable masking effect of BD that reduces mammography sensitivity

    Does improved access to diagnostic imaging results reduce hospital length of stay? A retrospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One year after the introduction of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to support diagnostic imaging at our hospital, clinicians had faster and better access to radiology reports and images; direct access to Computed Tomography (CT) reports in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) was particularly popular. The objective of this study was to determine whether improvements in radiology reporting and clinical access to diagnostic imaging information one year after the ICT introduction were associated with a reduction in the length of patients' hospital stays (LOS).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data describing hospital stays and diagnostic imaging were collected retrospectively from the EMR during periods of equal duration before and one year after the introduction of ICT. The post-ICT period was chosen because of the documented improvement in clinical access to radiology results during that period. The data set was randomly split into an exploratory part used to establish the hypotheses, and a confirmatory part. The data was used to compare the pre-ICT and post-ICT status, but also to compare differences between groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no general reduction in LOS one year after ICT introduction. However, there was a 25% reduction for one group - patients with CT scans. This group was heterogeneous, covering 445 different primary discharge diagnoses. Analyses of subgroups were performed to reduce the impact of this divergence.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results did not indicate that improved access to radiology results reduced the patients' LOS. There was, however, a significant reduction in LOS for patients undergoing CT scans. Given the clinicians' interest in CT reports and the results of the subgroup analyses, it is likely that improved access to CT reports contributed to this reduction.</p

    A Filmless Radiology Department in a Full Digital Regional Hospital: Quantitative Evaluation of the Increased Quality and Efficiency

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    Reggio Emilia hospital installed Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) as the final step towards a completely digital clinical environment completing the HIS/EMR and 1,400 web/terminals for patient information access. Financial benefits throughout the hospital were assessed upfront and measured periodically. Key indicators (radiology exam turnaround time, number of radiology procedures performed, inpatients length of stay before and after the PACS implementation, etc.) were analyzed and values were statistically tested to assess workflow and productivity improvements. The hospital went “filmless” in 28 weeks. Between the half of 2004 and the respective period in 2003, overall Radiology Department productivity increased by 12%, TAT improved by more than 60%. Timelier patient care resulted in decreased lengths of stay. Neurology alone experienced a 12% improvement in average patient stay. To quantify the impact of PACS on the average hospital stays and the expected productivity benefits to inpatient productivity were used a “high level” and a “detailed” business model. Annual financial upsides have exceeded $1.9 millions/year. A well-planned PACS deployment simplifies imaging workflow and improves patient care throughout the hospital while delivering substantial financial benefits. Staff buy-in was the key in this process and on-going training and process monitoring are a must

    A straightforward multiparametric quality control protocol for proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Validation and comparison of various 1.5 T and 3 T clinical scanner systems

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to propose and validate across various clinical scanner systems a straightforward multiparametric quality assurance procedure for proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Methods: Eighteen clinical 1.5 T and 3 T scanner systems for MRS, from 16 centres and 3 different manufacturers, were enrolled in the study. A standard spherical water phantom was employed by all centres. The acquisition protocol included 3 sets of single (isotropic) voxel (size 20 mm) PRESS acquisitions with unsuppressed water signal and acquisition voxel position at isocenter as well as off-center, repeated 4/5 times within approximately 2 months. Water peak linewidth (LW) and area under the water peak (AP) were estimated. Results: LW values [mean (standard deviation)] were 1.4 (1.0) Hz and 0.8 (0.3) Hz for 3 T and 1.5 T scanners, respectively. The mean (standard deviation) (across all scanners) coefficient of variation of LW and AP for different spatial positions of acquisition voxel were 43% (20%) and 11% (11%), respectively. The mean (standard deviation) phantom T2 values were 1145 (50) ms and 1010 (95) ms for 1.5 T and 3 T scanners, respectively. The mean (standard deviation) (across all scanners) coefficients of variation for repeated measurements of LW, AP and T2 were 25% (20%), 10% (14%) and 5% (2%), respectively. Conclusions: We proposed a straightforward multiparametric and not time consuming quality control protocol for MRS, which can be included in routine and periodic quality assurance procedures. The protocol has been validated and proven to be feasible in a multicentre comparison study of a fairly large number of clinical 1.5 T and 3 T scanner systems

    The impact of chest CT body composition parameters on clinical outcomes in COVID-19 patients

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    We assessed the impact of chest CT body composition parameters on outcomes and disease severity at hospital presentation of COVID-19 patients, focusing also on the possible mediation of body composition in the relationship between age and death in these patients. Chest CT scans performed at hospital presentation by consecutive COVID-19 patients (02/27/2020-03/13/2020) were retrospectively reviewed to obtain pectoralis muscle density and total, visceral, and intermuscular adipose tissue areas (TAT, VAT, IMAT) at the level of T7-T8 vertebrae. Primary outcomes were: hospitalization, mechanical ventilation (MV) and/or death, death alone. Secondary outcomes were: C-reactive protein (CRP), oxygen saturation (SO2), CT disease extension at hospital presentation. The mediation of body composition in the effect of age on death was explored. Of the 318 patients included in the study (median age 65.7 years, females 37.7%), 205 (64.5%) were hospitalized, 68 (21.4%) needed MV, and 58 (18.2%) died. Increased muscle density was a protective factor while increased TAT, VAT, and IMAT were risk factors for hospitalization and MV/death. All these parameters except TAT had borderline effects on death alone. All parameters were associated with SO2 and extension of lung parenchymal involvement at CT; VAT was associated with CRP. Approximately 3% of the effect of age on death was mediated by decreased muscle density. In conclusion, low muscle quality and ectopic fat accumulation were associated with COVID-19 outcomes, VAT was associated with baseline inflammation. Low muscle quality partly mediated the effect of age on mortality.We assessed the impact of chest CT body composition parameters on outcomes and disease severity at hospital presentation of COVID-19 patients, focusing also on the possible mediation of body composition in the relationship between age and death in these patients. Chest CT scans performed at hospital presentation by consecutive COVID-19 patients (02/ 27/2020-03/13/2020) were retrospectively reviewed to obtain pectoralis muscle density and total, visceral, and intermuscular adipose tissue areas (TAT, VAT, IMAT) at the level of T7-T8 vertebrae. Primary outcomes were: hospitalization, mechanical ventilation (MV) and/or death, death alone. Secondary outcomes were: C-reactive protein (CRP), oxygen saturation (SO2), CT disease extension at hospital presentation. The mediation of body composition in the effect of age on death was explored. Of the 318 patients included in the study (median age 65.7 years, females 37.7%), 205 (64.5%) were hospitalized, 68 (21.4%) needed MV, and 58 (18.2%) died. Increased muscle density was a protective factor while increased TAT, VAT, and IMAT were risk factors for hospitalization and MV/death. All these parameters except TAT had borderline effects on death alone. All parameters were associated with SO2 and extension of lung parenchymal involvement at CT; VAT was associated with CRP. Approximately 3% of the effect of age on death was mediated by decreased muscle density. In conclusion, low muscle quality and ectopic fat accumulation were associated with COVID-19 outcomes, VAT was associated with baseline inflammation. Low muscle quality partly mediated the effect of age on mortality

    Parassympathic preservation impact in cardiac morphofunctional aspects in myocardial infarcted rats

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    Neste estudo, testamos a hipótese de que a estimulação colnérgica pela administração de piridostigmina, um agente anticolinesterásico reversível, protege o miocárdio submetido à isquemia miocárdica crônica durante 3 tempos de observação: 7, 21 e 42 dias. Para essa avaliação foram medidos a área de acinesia (índicador de área de infarto), os índíces das funções sistólica e diastólica pela ecocardiografia e por medida direta bem como marcadores da função autonômica como a sensibilidade do barorreflexo e a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (FC) e da pressão arterial (PA). O bloqueio farmacológico do sistema nervoso autônomo e o estudo da via eferente parassimpática foram também realizados. Utilizou-se ratos Wistar machos divididos em 4 grupos: controle, controle piridostigmina, infartado e infartado piridostigmina. Os resultados mostraram os efeitos protetores da piridostigmina nos diferentes tempo de infarto com redução da área de acinesia ( maior que 80%) tanto pelo ecocardiograma quanto pela histologia. Além disso observou-se recuperação das funções sistólica e diastólica, com normalização da pressão diastólica final e das derivadas de contração e relaxamento. Essas melhoras foram mais consistentes em 21 e 42 dias, sem diferenças entre esses tempos de tratamento. Em 7 dias ainda persistiram alguns índices de disfunção ventricular, embora a função autonômica estivesse bem preservada. Parte dessa melhora se deve, provavelmente, ao aumento do tônus vagal e redução do simpático. A potenciação da bradicardia pela estimulação elétrica do vago induzida pela piridostigmina confirma seu papel com estimulador colinérgico. A sensibilidade do barorreflexo reduzida de forma semelhante pelo infarto do miocárdio aos 7, 21 e 42 dias, voltou aos valores controle após o tratamento com piridostigmina, sem diferenças devidas ao tempo de tratamento. Da mesma forma, a variabilidade da FC foi aumentada após o tratamento com o brometo de piridostigmina no grupo infartado o que também ocorreu no grupo controle. Em adição, o aumento da banda de alta frequência e a redução da banda de baixa frequência que refletem respectivamente a modulação parassimpática e simpática da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca, levaram a uma redução no balanço simpato-vagal dos animais infartados tratados. Em conclusão, a estimulação colinérgica por piridostigmina preserva a função parassimpática protegendo o miocárdio da isquemia induzida por oclusão coronariana, mantendo a função cardíaca e a função autonômica dentro dos valores da normalidadeIn this study we tested the hypothesis that cholinergic stimulation by pyridostigmine administration, a reversible cholinergic inhibitor, protects the ischemic myocardial in three periods of follow-up: 7, 21 and 42 days. For this evaluation we measured the akinetic area (infacrtion area indicator), systolic and diastolic indexes by echocardiography and left ventricle direct measurements as well as autonomic function markers, as baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) variabilities. Pharmacological blockade of the autonomic nervous system and the study of the efferent parasympathetic pathway were also performed. Male Wistar rats were divided in 4 groups: control, control treated with pyridostigmine, infarcted and infarcted treated with pyridostigmine. The results showed the protective effects of pyridostigmine in the different periods of infarction, with the reduction of the akinetic area (more than 80%), either by the echocardiography and by histology. Moreover, we observed systolic and diastolic functions recovery, with normalization of the end diastolic pressure and the maximum rates of left ventricle BP rise and fall. These improvements were more consistent in 21 and 42 days, with no differences between these two periods of treatment. In 7-day treatment, some indexes of ventricular dysfunction remained, although the autonomic function seemed to be preserved. Part of these improvements is probably due to the increase in the vagal tonus and the decrease in the sympathetic tonus. The pyridostigmine effects in the potencialization of the bradycardia induced by vagus nerve electrical stimulation confirms its role as a cholinergic stimulator. The reduced baroreflex sensitivity by myocardial infarction, which was similar in 7, 21 and 42 days, returned to control values after pyridostigmine treatment, without differences related to treatment extent. Similarly, HR variability was increased after pyridostigmine treatment in the infarcted group, which also occurred in the control group. In addition, the increase in the high frequency band and the reduction in the low frequency band, which reflect, respectively, the parasympathetic and the sympathetic modulation of HR variability, led to the diminishment in the sympatho-vagal balance in the infarcted-treated animals. In conclusion, cholinergic stimulation by pyridostigmine preserves parasympathetic function, protecting the myocardial against the ischemia induced by coronary occlusion, maintaning cardiac and autonomic functions within normal value

    Comparison of different computed radiography systems: Physical characterization and contrast detail analysis

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    Purpose: In this study, five different units based on three different technologies\u2014traditional computed radiography (CR) units with granular phosphor and single-side reading, granular phosphor and dual-side reading, and columnar phosphor and line-scanning reading\u2014are compared in terms of physical characterization and contrast detail analysis. Methods: The physical characterization of the five systems was obtained with the standard beam condition RQA5. Three of the units have been developed by FUJIFILM (FCR ST-VI, FCR ST-BD, and FCR Velocity U), one by Kodak (Direct View CR 975), and one by Agfa (DX-S). The quantitative comparison is based on the calculation of the modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). Noise investigation was also achieved by using a relative standard deviation analysis. Psychophysical characterization is assessed by performing a contrast detail analysis with an automatic reading of CDRAD images. Results: The most advanced units based on columnar phosphors provide MTF values in line or better than those from conventional CR systems. The greater thickness of the columnar phosphor improves the efficiency, allowing for enhanced noise properties. In fact, NPS values for standard CR systems are remarkably higher for all the investigated exposures and especially for frequencies up to 3.5 lp/mm. As a consequence, DQE values for the three units based on columnar phosphors and line-scanning reading, or granular phosphor and dual-side reading, are neatly better than those from conventional CR systems. Actually, DQE values of about 40% are easily achievable for all the investigated exposures. Conclusions: This study suggests that systems based on the dual-side reading or line-scanning reading with columnar phosphors provide a remarkable improvement when compared to conventional CR units and yield results in line with those obtained from most digital detectors for radiography