22 research outputs found

    Isolated sternal fractures

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    W okresie od stycznia 2003 do grudnia 2009 w klinice autor贸w niniejszej pracy hospitalizowanych by艂o 28 chorych z izolowanym z艂amaniem mostka. Celem obserwacji na oddziale by艂o wykluczenie powik艂a艅 t臋pego urazu mi臋艣nia sercowego oraz du偶ych naczy艅 艣r贸dpiersia. Zgodnie z licznymi doniesieniami z pi艣miennictwa z艂amania mostka mog膮 si臋 wi膮za膰 z wyst膮pieniem tego typu powik艂a艅. Wszyscy przyj臋ci chorzy mieli rutynowo wykonane zdj臋cie RTG klatki piersiowej tylno-przednie, boczne celowane na mostek oraz EKG. Niekt贸rzy pacjenci mieli r贸wnie偶 wykonywan膮 echokardiografi臋 serca i oznaczenie aktywno艣ci enzym贸w sercowych. 呕aden z pacjent贸w w chwili przyj臋cia do szpitala oraz w trakcie pobytu nie mia艂 objaw贸w klinicznych, radiologicznych czy elektrokardiograficznych sugeruj膮cych st艂uczenie serca lub urazowe uszkodzenie aorty piersiowej. U 偶adnego z hospitalizowanych chorych nie obserwowano powik艂a艅 wymagaj膮cych interwencji chirurgicznej. Powszechne stosowanie pas贸w bezpiecze艅stwa w samochodach oraz gwa艂towny rozw贸j motoryzacji wi膮偶e si臋 ze zwi臋kszeniem liczby izolowanych z艂ama艅 mostka. Wobec tego ro艣nie r贸wnie偶 znaczenie opracowania odpowiednich standard贸w post臋powania w tego typu urazach. Do艣wiadczenia w艂asne, jak r贸wnie偶 przegl膮d opublikowanych ostatnio doniesie艅 sk艂oni艂 autor贸w niniejszej pracy do wprowadzenia w o艣rodku nast臋puj膮cych zalece艅: pacjenci z izolowanym z艂amaniem mostka, bez innych nieprawid艂owo艣ci w RTG klatki piersiowej oraz z prawid艂owym zapisem elektrokardiograficznym nie wymagaj膮 rutynowej obserwacji na oddziale chirurgicznym. W rutynowej diagnostyce z艂ama艅 mostka nie jest konieczna echokardiografia serca ani oznaczenie aktywno艣ci enzym贸w sercowych.Our in-patient surgical department during the time period from January 2003 to December 2009 saw 28 patients who were hospitalised with an isolated fracture of the sternum. The purpose of observing these patients in the surgical ward was to exclude any possible complications of blunt cardiac trauma or injury to the large mediastinal vessels. According to numerous previous reports in the literature, sternal fractures may be related to the occurrence of such sequelae. All patients admitted to the surgical unit had routine chest x-ray pictures taken in the AP (anterior-posterior) and lateral views, specifically targeting the sternum, as well as a routine electrocardiogram (ECG). Some patients also had an echocardiograph (ECHO) performed and cardiac enzyme levels assessed. None of the patients at the time of admission, nor during their hospital stay, had any clinical, radiological, or electrocardiographic signs suggestive of a cardiac contusion or a traumatic injury to the thoracic aorta or other great vessels of the mediastinum. None of the hospitalised patients had any complications which required surgical intervention. The widespread use of safety belts in cars and the rapid growth of motorisation is associated with an increase in the number of isolated fractures of the sternum. Therefore, it is of increasing importance to develop appropriate standards of treatment in this type of trauma situation. Our experience, as well as a review of recently published reports has prompted us to introduce the following recommendations in our centre: patients with isolated sternal fractures, with no other abnormalities seen on the chest X-ray and with a normal electrocardiogram do not require routine observation in the surgical ward. Echocardiography or the evaluation of cardiac enzyme levels is not necessary with the routine diagnosis of uncomplicated fractures of the sternum

    Endovascular treatment of long peripheral occlusions using a CTO-Crosser

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    W ostatnich latach obserwowuje si臋 szybki rozw贸j metod wewn膮trznaczyniowych w leczeniu niedokrwienia obwodowego. Niestety d艂ugie i mocno uwapnione niedro偶no艣ci wytyczaj膮 cz臋sto granice dla tych zabieg贸w. W poni偶szym artykule prezentujemy swoje pierwsze spostrze偶enia i uwagi dotycz膮ce u偶ycia CTO-Crossera w d艂ugich i uwapnionych niedro偶no艣ciach.Although one can observe the quick development of less invasive techniques in the treatment of peripheral ischemia, a long or heavily calcified stenosis still determines the limitation for such procedures. In this article we present our first observations and remarks on the use of the CTO-Crosser in long and calcified total occlusions

    False aneurysm of the superficial femoral artery as a sequelae of femoral fracture

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    Uszkodzenie t臋tnicy udowej powierzchownej z wytworzeniem t臋tniaka rzekomego jest bardzo rzadkim powik艂aniem z艂amania ko艣ci udowej. Wyst臋puj膮cy obrz臋k ko艅czyny oraz b贸l interpretuje si臋 jako efekt samego z艂amania. W przypadku t臋tniaka rzekomego mo偶liwe jest niedostrze偶enie objaw贸w niedokrwienia obwodu ko艅czyny, co mo偶e by膰 spowodowane wydolnym kr膮偶eniem poprzez t臋tnic臋 udow膮 g艂臋bok膮. Autorzy pracy wykonali jednoczasowe zespolenie z艂amania ko艣ci udowej oraz operacj臋 t臋tniaka rzekomego t臋tnicy udowej powierzchownej. Chirurgia Polska 2010, 12, 1, 39-42Damage to the superficial femoral artery with the subsequent formation of a false aneurysm is a very rare sequelae of a femur fracture. Peripheral oedema and pain of the limb is interpreted as a normal result of the fracture. With a false aneurysm, it is possible to easily omit the symptoms of reduced circulation to the lower limbs, which can be caused by proper circulation through the deep femoral artery (profunda femoris artery). In this case we nailed a fracture with a simultaneous procedure on an aneurysm of the superficial femoral artery. Chirurgia Polska 2010, 12, 1, 39-4

    Effect of the environment on home-based self-sampling kits for anal cancer screening

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    Background: Anal cancer incidence has increased in Western countries in recent decades and currently there are no consensus screening guidelines. Home-based self-sampling kits might facilitate screening for anal precancer/cancer but could require travel through postal mail where they may experience extreme temperatures or long transport times. Objective: To determine the effect of the environment on specimen adequacy for HPV genotyping of a mailed home-based self-sampling anal cancer screening kit. Study design: The Prevent Anal Cancer (PAC) Study in Milwaukee, Wisconsin recruited men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender persons 25 years of age and older. Participants were randomized to receive a mailed self-sampling kit or attend a clinic for screening. Kits were insulated with foam and included a device to record temperature every twenty minutes. Samples were returned via mail and underwent HPV genotyping using the SPF10-LiPA25 assay which also detected human RNase P to determine specimen adequacy by qPCR. For the first 93 kits, logistic regression assessed associations between specimen inadequacy and temperature, freeze-thaw cycle, presence of fecal matter, and number of days in an uncontrolled environment. Results: Most specimens (92.5%) were adequate for HPV genotyping. Specimen inadequacy was not associated with temperature, freeze-thaw cycle, or transit time. Fecal matter was present more often in inadequate (71.4%) compared to adequate specimens (16.3%) (p = .004). Conclusions: These real-world data from mailed home-based anal self-sampling kits found that environmental conditions did not affect specimen adequacy. While over 90% of specimens were adequate, presence of fecal matter predicted specimen inadequacy

    Use of ground-penetrating radar for diagnostics of pavement settlements: a case study from right-bank driveway to bridge over the Vistula river at Kwidzyn

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    Magneto-optical contrast in liquid-state optically detected NMR spectroscopy

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    We use optical Faraday rotation (OFR) to probe nuclear spins in real time at high-magnetic field in a range of diamagnetic sample fluids. Comparison of OFR-detected NMR spectra reveals a correlation between the relative signal amplitude and the fluid Verdet constant, which we interpret as a manifestation of the variable detuning between the probe beam and the sample optical transitions. The analysis of chemical-shift-resolved, optically detected spectra allows us to set constraints on the relative amplitudes of hyperfine coupling constants, both for protons at chemically distinct sites and other lower-gyromagnetic-ratio nuclei including carbon, fluorine, and phosphorous. By considering a model binary mixture we observe a complex dependence of the optical response on the relative concentration, suggesting that the present approach is sensitive to the solvent-solute dynamics in ways complementary to those known in inductive NMR. Extension of these experiments may find application in solvent suppression protocols, sensitivity-enhanced NMR of metalloproteins in solution, the investigation of solvent-solute interactions, or the characterization of molecular orbitals in diamagnetic systems