119 research outputs found

    Ergonomic Evaluation of Postural Assessment Among Aviation Maintenance Workers at ERAU

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    There are several factors playing a significant role in ergonomics, and these factors determine the health, safety, comfort, and efficient performance at a workplace. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most common problem reported by aviation maintenance workers. The study presents assessments of working postures of aviation mechanics at ERAU fleet maintenance hangar in Daytona Beach, FL. Our research objective is to propose innovative engineering controls of ergonomic hazards associated with aviation maintenance work. The aviation mechanics are subjected to awkward postures like bending, twisting, heavy load carrying, etc. Evaluation of these postures was carried out using the ergonomic assessment tool, Rapid Entire Body Assessments (REBA). By assessing postural using the REBA tool, the score 9 placed it in a high-risk level. However, there are other factors contributing to the existence of MSDs such as prolong standing and repetitive movement. These parameters are not considered in the REBA analysis. Thus, implementing an innovative engineering control may prevent awkward postures to provide maximum comfort to aviation mechanics and consequently enhance their productivity


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    Health care architecture, particularly tertiary care settings, which have the sickest people, and most advanced medical care, should accommodate and employ technology in ways that are both therapeutic and enabling. Although technology in the tertiary care setting is generally considered beneficial, it can sometimes have negative impacts, cause stress and result in poor health outcomes. Norman Cousins said in his book Anatomy of an Illness, \u27Many doctors are increasingly aware of the circular paradox [of the intensive care unit]. It provides better electronic aids than ever before for dealing with emergencies that are often intensified because they communicate a sense of imminent disaster to the patient.\u27 These negative side effects are typically the result of disabling technology, which above all restricts a patients\u27 ability to have and to sense comfort and control. This health care - technology paradox is often activated through medical equipment, medical practices and medical settings. When medical practices and medical equipment are disabling and do not sufficiently enabling comfort and control, then the medical setting can play a role in helping to temper the paradox and hence the total impact technologies have on the patient

    Influenza as a health problem of sea travellers

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    Traveling people may play an important role in spreading of influenza viruses in the word. The risk for exposure to influenza during travel depends on the time of year and destination, and the way of traveling (individual trip or organized excursion with a large group of people, especially coming from many different countries). Results of recent studies indicated that influenza may be the most frequent vaccine-preventable infectious disease with symptoms from respiratory tract. It is estimated that the attack rate of influenza in intercontinental travelers is 1%. The aim of the article is to describe current recommendations for travelers, especially see travelers (passengers and crew), concerning influenza prophylaxis, treatment and possible outbreak control. Guidelines for the prevention and control of influenza –like illness among passengers and crew members on cruise ships have also been described

    Closing the gap

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    Personality and Temperament Correlates of Pain Catastrophizing in Young Adolescents

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    Pain catastrophizing is generally viewed as an important cognitive factor underlying chronic pain. The present study examined personality and temperament correlates of pain catastrophizing in a sample of young adolescents (N = 132). Participants completed the Pain Catastrophizing Scale for Children, as well as scales for measuring sensitivity of the behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation systems (BIS-BAS), and various reactive and regulative temperament traits. Results demonstrated that BIS, reactive temperament traits (fear and anger-frustration), and perceptual sensitivity were positively related to pain catastrophizing, whereas regulative traits (attention control, inhibitory control) were negatively associated with this cognitive factor. Further, regression analyses demonstrated that only BIS and the temperamental traits of fear and perceptual sensitivity accounted for a unique proportion of the variance in adolescents’ pain catastrophizing scores

    Discussion on Sterility and Impotence in the Male

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    Congenital Hairy Mole

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    Spicate Oxalate Renal Calculi

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    Two Cases of Pyelovenous Backflow

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    Discussion On Secondary Deposits In Bone, Mistaken For Primary Tumours

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