1,207 research outputs found

    Specific Plateaus of the Quantum Hall Effect Induced by an Applied Bias

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    The spectrum and the eigenstates of a finite 2D tight-binding electronic system, with Dirichlet boundary conditions, in magnetic field and external linear potential are studied. The eigenstates show an equipotential character and may cross the plaquette in the direction perpendicular to the electric field. When leads are added to the plaquette, the channels carrying the current may be shortcut by equipotentials, resulting in additional plateaus situated inbetween the usual IQHE plateaus. This idea is confirmed by a numerical calculation within the four-terminal Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker approach.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, 2 gif figures and 5 postscript figure

    Perancangan Tata Letak Gudang dengan Metoda Class-Based Storage Studi Kasus CV. SG Bandung

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    CV.XY-Bandung merupakan Perusahaan konveksi yang memproduksi jilbab. Untuk dapat bersaing, Perusahaan harus mampu meningkatkan produktivitas dan mengurangi biaya operasional Perusahaan. Dari hasil pengamatan, CV. XY-Bandung belum memiliki tata letak yang baik. Hal ini terlihat dari cara penyimpanan bahan baku di gudang yang belum mengikuti kaidah tata letak gudang. Pada gudang bahan baku, kain diletakkan secara acak sehingga menyulitkan pencarian, kapasitas gudang bahan baku saat ini dikeluhkan tidak mencukupi kebutuhan. Parameter tata letak gudang bahan baku yang baik adalah dipenuhinya ruang secara maksimal dan pemenuhan terhadap permintaan bahan baku yang lebih cepat. Pada penelitian ini, metode class-based storage dan penggunaan rak, memisahkan kain berdasarkan jenis kain di gudang bahan baku mampu memberikan peningkatan kapasitas gudang. Dengan rancangan tata letak gudang bahan baku usulan dapat meningkatkan kapasitas gudang, sehingga mampu memberikan ruang kosong untuk 1600 polybag.CV. XY-Bandung is convection produsen that produce jilbab. To be able competing with others, produsen has to keep improving productivity and do cost efficiency. From observation, CV. XY-Bandung has not had a good layout. It is shown from raw material inventory in storage that has not using storage layout theory. In the storage of raw materials, fabrics are placed by random, make it difficult to search, and the storage of raw materials capacity is unable to fulfill demand. The good parameters for storage of raw materials are optimal utility and fulfillness of raw material demands faster. In this research, class-basedstorage method and shelf, separate fabrics are based on type of fabric in raw material storage that able to improving storage capacity. By proposes the design raw material storage layout, it should be able to increasing storage capacity, thus, it will be able to give space for 1600 polybag

    Pelanggaran Maksim Kerja Sama Grice Dalam Komik Humor Prancis Les Blondes Tome 1

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    Kata Kunci : pragmatik, prinsip kerja sama Grice, pelanggaran maksim Bahasa merupakan kajian utama dalam ranah linguistik. Penggunaan bahasa juga tak pernah lepas dari konteks. Salah satu disiplin ilmu linguistik yang mengkaji penggunaan bahasa berdasarkan konteksnya ialah pragmatik. Dalampragmatik terdapat prinsip kerja sama Grice yang dapat dipatuhi dan dilanggaroleh para pelaku tutur. Pelanggaran tersebut muncul karena beberapa alasan,misalnya untuk menciptakan kelucuan. Bentuk kelucuan yang sering ditemuiadalah dalam media komik humor, salah satunya adalah komik humor Prancis“Les Blondes Tome 1” karya Gaby dan Dzack. Oleh karena itu, penelitian inibertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan bentuk pelanggaran maksim apa saja yang terdapat dalam komik humor Prancis “Les Blondes Tome 1” (2) mendeskripsikan cara maksim-maksim tersebut dilanggar dan (3) mendeskripsikan tujuan dari pelanggaran maksim tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis secara deskriptif untuk membuat gambaran secara sistematis serta untuk memaparkan banyak informasi yang berhubungan dengan data yang diteliti secara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cerita dalam komik humor Prancis Les Blondes Tome 1 ini mengandung bentuk pelanggaran terhadap maksim kuantitas, maksim kualitas, maksim relevansi dan maksim pelaksanaan. Adapun bentuk pelanggaran yang lebih produktif digunakan ialah pelanggaran terhadap maksim relevansi. Cara pelanggaran maksim-maksim tersebut dimunculkan melalui ambiguitas makna, permainan makna dan tindakan yang tidak relevan dengan konteks. Hal ini berkaitan dengan tujuan pengarang dalam memunculkan efek humor serta untuk menunjukkan stereotipe perempuan blonde yang identik dengan ketidakpandaiannya dalam memahami ujaran sederhana. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya, disarankan untuk dapat menambah kajian pragmatik dari segi humor untuk melihat bentuk pelanggaran maksim yang lebih sering digunakan serta memperluas kajiannya pada media film humor, cerita pendek humor atau reality show humor Prancis lainnya

    Cold, tenuous solar flare: acceleration without heating

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    We report the observation of an unusual cold, tenuous solar flare, which reveals itself via numerous and prominent non-thermal manifestations, while lacking any noticeable thermal emission signature. RHESSI hard X-rays and 0.1-18 GHz radio data from OVSA and Phoenix-2 show copious electron acceleration (10^35 electrons per second above 10 keV) typical for GOES M-class flares with electrons energies up to 100 keV, but GOES temperatures not exceeding 6.1 MK. The imaging, temporal, and spectral characteristics of the flare have led us to a firm conclusion that the bulk of the microwave continuum emission from this flare was produced directly in the acceleration region. The implications of this finding for the flaring energy release and particle acceleration are discussed.Comment: ApJ Letters accepted; 5 figure

    3D Radio and X-Ray Modeling and Data Analysis Software: Revealing Flare Complexity

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    We have undertaken a major enhancement of our IDL-based simulation tools developed earlier for modeling microwave and X-ray emission. The object-based architecture provides an interactive graphical user interface that allows the user to import photospheric magnetic field maps and perform magnetic field extrapolations to almost instantly generate 3D magnetic field models, to investigate the magnetic topology of these models by interactively creating magnetic field lines and associated magnetic flux tubes, to populate the flux tubes with user-defined nonuniform thermal plasma and anisotropic, nonuniform, nonthermal electron distributions; to investigate the spatial and spectral properties of radio and X-ray emission calculated from the model, and to compare the model-derived images and spectra with observational data. The application integrates shared-object libraries containing fast gyrosynchrotron emission codes developed in FORTRAN and C++, soft and hard X-ray codes developed in IDL, a FORTRAN-based potential-field extrapolation routine and an IDL-based linear force free field extrapolation routine. The interactive interface allows users to add any user-defined radiation code that adheres to our interface standards, as well as user-defined magnetic field extrapolation routines. Here we use this tool to analyze a simple single-loop flare and use the model to constrain the 3D structure of the magnetic flaring loop and 3D spatial distribution of the fast electrons inside this loop. We iteratively compute multi-frequency microwave and multi-energy X-ray images from realistic magnetic fluxtubes obtained from an extrapolation of a magnetogram taken prior to the flare, and compare them with imaging data obtained by SDO, NoRH, and RHESSI instruments. We use this event to illustrate use of the tool for general interpretation of solar flares to address disparate problems in solar physics.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, ApJ accepte

    Uji Aktivitas Ekstrak Etanol Bunga dan Daun Soka (Ixora coccinea) pada Minyak Kelapa

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    Minyak kelapa mudah mengalami oksidasi ketika kontak langsung dengan udara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol bunga dan daun soka dan perubahan bilangan peroksida dan kadar asam lemak bebas pada minyak kelapa dengan penambahan ekstrak etanol dan daun soka. Ekstraksi bunga dan daun soka menggunakan metode maserasi dan pelarut etanol. Ekstrak yang didapatkan diuji fitokimia dan uji aktivitas antioksidan dengan metode DPPH. Minyak kelapa yang masing-masing telah ditambahkan ekstrak bunga dan daun soka diuji bilangan peroksida dan kadar asam lemak bebas. Hasil penelitian ekstrak bunga dan daun soka masing-masing mengandung senyawa fenolik dan flavonoid. Selain itu, ekstrak bunga dan daun soka masing masing memiliki nilai IC50 sebesar 18,0467 ppm dan 2,0204 ppm. Berdasarkan pengujian bilangan peroksida dan kadar asam lemak bebas pada minyak kelapa yang masing-masing ditambahkan ekstrak daun dan bunga soka mengalami penurunan dibandingkan dengan minyak tanpa penambahan antioksidan

    Development Protected Cultivation in Horticulture Product: Feasibility Analysis in West Java Province

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    The development of agricultural system cannot be solved only through technological changes  but also necessary to change the strategy of agricultural system as a whole. The aim of this research was to assess the factor of  strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis that can be used to identify relevant economic, ecological and societal (EES) issues for the assessment of sustainable development in protected cultivation in West Java Province. The potential of protected cultivation was higher energy productivity than open field production, indirect energy and renewable energy were the main source of energy. The ratio of output to input energy was higher in greenhouse production (0.85, 0.45 and 0.49) than open field (OF) vegetable production (0.52, 0.175 and 0.186) for tomato, and chili. Financial analysis revealed higher mean net returns from greenhouse vegetable production as 7043 /ha(92215,299/ha (922-15,299 /ha) when compared to 563 /ha(431,172/ha (43-1,172 /ha) from open field vegetable production. Among the greenhouse vegetables, tomato cultivation was the most profitable in terms of energy efficiency and financial productivity. Generally, reducing pest and disease in vegetable production is a main expectation from newly adopted technology. Limited land holding size of agricultural fields, high capital investment and lack of infrastructure were the constraints in improving their production through new technology. Low price of the product and lack of adequate market were also the other problems with vegetable production. Inadequate government support in term of training and financial support to farmers in certain areas make it difficult in protected cultivation technology. Capacity building of farmers, research and development on protected cultivation, manufacturing and financial sector support, supporting an efficient and adequate marketing system of protected cultivation product, and development of an agribusiness area especially for export commodities are the strategies suggested to develop and improve technology in cultivation toward sustainable agriculture

    Surface diffusion of Pb atoms on the Si(553)-Au surface in narrow quasi-one-dimensional channels

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    The one-dimensional diffusion of individual Pb atoms on the Si(553)-Au surface has been investigated by a combination of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), spectroscopy (STS), and first-principles density functional theory. The obtained results unambiguously prove that the diffusion channels are limited to a narrow region between Au chains and step edges of the surface. Much wider channels observed in STM and STS data have electronic origin and result from an interaction of Pb with surface atoms. The length of the channels is determined by a distance between defects at step edges of the Si(553)-Au surface. The defects can act as potential barriers or potential wells for Pb atoms, depending on their origin

    Pengembangan Modul Berbasis POE (Predict, Observe, and Explain) Disertai Roundhouse Diagram Untuk Memberdayakan Keterampilan Proses Sains Dan Kemampuan Menjelaskan Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta (Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014)

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    The objective of this development research was to know: 1) a product- learning module based POE (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) with Roundhouse Diagram (RD) to empowering 10th grade student\u27s science process skills and student\u27s explaining abilities of State Senior High School 5 Surakarta; 2) the feasibility of module based POE with RD to empowering 10th grade student\u27s science process skills and student\u27s explaining abilities of State Senior High School 5 Surakarta; 3) the effectiveness of module based POE with RD to empowering 10th Grade student\u27s science process skills and student\u27s explaining abilities of State Senior High School 5 Surakarta. This research used Research and Development (R&D) method which refers to the development of Borg and Gall modification. The sample used in the research development are early: 1) field trial sample consisting of 6 validators; 2) The main field trial sample consisting 10 students and 1 teacher; 3) operational field trial sample consisting of 32 students. The intsrumen used in the research are questionnaire, observation, interview and test. The operational field trial used one group pretest-posttest design. Science process skills and explaining abilities data are tested by paired t-test and counted by normalized N-gain. Based on the results of research it can be concluded that: 1) the development of module based on POE with RD using a modified Borg and Gall\u27s development model through some steps that are research and collecting information, planning, develop a preliminary form of the product, preliminary field testing, the main product revision, playing field testing, product revision operations, field operations, final product revition, dissemination and implementation; 2) the feasibility of module based on POE with RD which is developed at the trial is categorized as good by the expert, very good by the practitioners and good by the students as well; 3) the effectiveness of module based on POE with RD is significantly increased as medium categorized in empowering science process skills and high categorized in empowering the ability to explain