13 research outputs found

    Waist and hip circumference are independently associated with the risk of liver disease in population-based studies

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    Background & Aims While several anthropometric measures predict liver disease, the waist-hip ratio (WHR) has shown superiority in previous studies. We analysed independent and joint associations of waist circumference (WC) and hip circumference (HC) with liver disease and liver-related risk factors. Methods Cross-sectional study (n = 6619) and longitudinal cohort (n = 40 923) comprised individuals from Health 2000 and FINRISK 1992-2012 studies. Prevalent and viral liver diseases were excluded. Longitudinal cohort was linked with national healthcare registers for severe incident liver disease. Linear regression and Cox proportional hazards models were used to analyse anthropometric, lifestyle, metabolic and bioimpedance-related parameters; liver enzymes; and 59 liver-related genetic risk variants. Results WC and HC showed independent and opposite associations with both liver enzymes and incident liver disease among men (HR for liver disease: WC, 1.07, 95% CI 1.03-1.11; HC, 0.96, 95% CI 0.92-0.99; P-range .04 toPeer reviewe

    Compensatory IgM to the Rescue: Patients with Selective IgA Deficiency Have Increased Natural IgM Antibodies to MAA-LDL and No Changes in Oral Microbiota

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    IgA is the most abundant Ab in the human body. However, most patients with selective IgA deficiency (SIgAD) are asymptomatic. IgM, and to lesser extent IgG Abs, are generally presumed to compensate for the lack of IgA in SIgAD by multiplying and adopting functions of IgA. We used data from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 to investigate whether SIgAD patients have differences in levels of natural Abs to oxidized epitopes compared with 20 randomly selected healthy controls. First, we screened the saliva and serum samples from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 cohort (n 5 1610) for IgA concentration. We detected five IgA-deficient subjects, yielding a prevalence of 0.3%, which is consistent with the general prevalence of 0.25% in the Finnish population. To detect natural Abs, we used malondialdehyde acetaldehyde–low-density lipoprotein (MAA–LDL), an Ag known to bind natural Abs. In this study, we show that natural secretory IgM and IgG Abs to MAA–DL were significantly increased in subjects with SIgAD. Given that secretory IgA is an important part of mucosal immune defense and that, in the gut microbiota, dysbiosis with SIgAD patients has been observed, we characterized the oral bacterial microbiota of the subjects with and without SIgAD using high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing. We found no significant alterations in diversity and composition of the oral microbiota in subjects with SIgAD. Our data suggest that increased levels of secretory natural Abs in patients with SIgAD could be a compensatory mechanism, providing alternative first-line defense against infections and adjusting mucosal milieu to maintain a healthy oral microbiota. ImmunoHorizons, 2021, 5: 170–181.Peer reviewe

    Humoral immune response to phosphatidylethanol

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    Abstract Heavy alcohol consumption places a substantial burden on health all over the world. Metabolites of alcohol evoke alterations that lead to tissue damage in many organs. Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) is a unique phospholipid formed in the cellular membranes during the metabolism of ethanol after alcohol consumption. PEth has attracted special attention as it is postulated to be a reliable marker of long term heavy alcohol consumption. The aims of present study were to investigate the immunogenicity of phosphatidylethanol in mice and to analyze the plasma antibodies binding to phosphatidylethanol in humans. In this study a clear immune response was generated in mice immunized with PEth in human low density lipoprotein (LDL) carrier. Mouse monoclonal IgM antibodies binding specifically to phosphoethyl head group of PEth were generated using hybridoma technology. Since PEth was shown to be immunogenic in mice, plasma was analyzed for the presence of antibodies also in humans. PEth-specific antibodies of IgG, IgA and IgM isotypes in plasma were detected in heavy drinkers of alcohol with or without pancreatitis as well as in the controls. The plasma levels of the antibodies binding to PEth were significantly lower in the study subjects with heavy alcohol use and in this present study sample the low IgA levels to PEth were better indicators of heavy alcohol consumption as compared to the some of the traditional markers of heavy alcohol use. The antibody levels to PEth associated significantly to plasma antibodies binding to malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde adducts that are known to be formed during alcohol metabolism but not to antibodies binding to phosphocholine which is generated by lipid oxidation in humans. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that phosphatidylethanol is immunogenic in mice when using carriers such as human LDL in the immunization process. The binding of the monoclonal antibodies specifically to the PEth head group suggests that it would be feasible to develop a diagnostic immunoassay to PEth. The presence of antibodies binding to PEth in plasma indicates that PEth may be a target of humoral immunity in humans.TiivistelmÀ Runsas alkoholinkulutus aiheuttaa maailmanlaajuisesti merkittÀviÀ terveydellisiÀ haittoja. Alkoholin aineenvaihduntatuotteet muuttavat kudoksien rakenteita ja aiheuttavat kudosvaurioita. Fosfatidyylietanoli on alkoholin aineenvaihdunnan tuloksena solukalvoilla syntyvÀ fosfolipidi, jota on tutkittu kahdenkymmenen vuoden ajan lupaavana alkoholin suurkulutuksen merkkiaineena. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ fosfatidyylietanolin immunisoinnin aiheuttamaa vasta-aineiden muodostumista koe-elÀinmallina kÀytetyissÀ hiirissÀ sekÀ mÀÀrittÀÀ ihmisten plasmanÀytteistÀ vasta-aineita, jotka sitoutuvat fosfatidyylietanoliin. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin immuunivasteen muodostuminen hiirissÀ, jotka immunisoitiin ihmisen LDL hiukkasiin liitetyllÀ fosfatidyylietanolilla. Hiiren monoklonaalisia fosfatidyylietanoliin sitoutuvia IgM-luokan vasta-aineita tuotettiin tutkimuksessa soluviljelyn avulla. Fosfatidyylietanolin aiheuttama vasta-aineiden muodostuminen hiirillÀ johdatti mittaamaan fosfatidyylietanoliin sitoutuvia vasta-aineita myös ihmisiltÀ. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin fosfatidyylietanoliin sitoutuvia IgG-, IgA- ja IgM-luokan vasta-aineita alkoholin suurkuluttajilla, alkoholihaimatulehdusta sairastavilla ja verrokkihenkilöillÀ. Vasta-aineiden pitoisuudet olivat alkoholia runsaasti kÀyttÀvillÀ koehenkilöillÀ merkitsevÀsti pienemmÀt kuin verrokkiryhmÀllÀ. Matalat IgA-vasta-ainepitoisuudet osoittautuivat aineistossa paremmaksi alkoholin suurkulutuksen osoittajiksi kuin erÀÀt tavanomaisesti kÀytetyt alkoholinkÀytön merkkiaineet. Plasman fosfatidyylietanoli-vasta-aineiden ja alkoholin aineenvaihdunnan seurauksena syntyvien malondialdehydi-asetaldehydi-addukteihin sitoutuvien vasta-aineiden mÀÀrÀn vÀlillÀ havaittiin merkitsevÀ yhteys, jota ei havaittu rasvojen hapettumisen seurauksena syntyvien fosfokoliini-vasta-aineiden ja fosfatidyylietanoli-vasta-aineiden vÀlillÀ. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettÀ hiirillÀ voidaan aikaansaada vasta-ainevÀlitteinen immuunivaste, kun ne rokotetaan ihmisen LDL-hiukkaseen liitetyllÀ fosfatidyylietanolilla. Fosfatidyylietanoliin spesifisesti sitoutuvien monoklonaalisten vasta-aineiden tuottaminen voi tulevaisuudessa johtaa immunologisen diagnostisen mÀÀritysmenetelmÀn kehittÀmiseen. Fosfatidyylietanoliin sitoutuvien plasman vasta-aineiden havaitseminen viittaa siihen, ettÀ fosfatidyylietanoli on vasta-ainevÀlitteisen immuunivasteen kohde myös ihmisillÀ

    Time-Resolved Raman Spectrometer with High Fluorescence Rejection Based on a CMOS SPAD Line Sensor and a 573-nm Pulsed Laser

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    A time-resolved Raman spectrometer is demonstrated based on a 256\times 8 single-photon avalanche diodes fabricated in CMOS technology (CMOS SPAD) line sensor and a 573-nm fiber-coupled diamond Raman laser delivering pulses with duration below 100-ps full-width at half-maximum (FWHM). The collected backscattered light from the sample is dispersed on the line sensor using a custom volume holographic grating having 1800 lines/mm. Efficient fluorescence rejection in the Raman measurements is achieved due to a combination of time gating on sub-100-ps time scale and a 573-nm excitation wavelength. To demonstrate the performance of the spectrometer, fluorescent oil samples were measured. For organic sesame seed oil having a continuous wave (CW) mode fluorescence-to-Raman ratio of 10.5 and a fluorescence lifetime of 2.7 ns, a signal-to-distortion value of 76.2 was achieved. For roasted sesame seed oil having a CW mode fluorescence-to-Raman ratio of 82 and a fluorescence lifetime of 2.2 ns, a signal-to-distortion value of 28.2 was achieved. In both cases, the fluorescence-to-Raman ratio was reduced by a factor of 24-25 owing to time gating. For organic oil, spectral distortion was dominated by dark counts, while for the more fluorescent roasted oil, the main source of spectral distortion was timing skew of the sensor. With the presented postprocessing techniques, the level of distortion could be reduced by 88%-89% for both samples. Compared with common 532-nm excitation, approximately 73% lower fluorescence-to-Raman ratio was observed for 573-nm excitation when analyzing the organic sesame seed oil.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Immunization with gingipain A hemagglutinin domain of Porphyromonas gingivalis induces IgM antibodies binding to malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde modified low-density lipoprotein

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    Abstract Treatment of periodontitis has beneficial effects on systemic inflammation markers that relate to progression of atherosclerosis. We aimed to investigate whether immunization with A hemagglutinin domain (Rgp44) of Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), a major etiologic agent of periodontitis, would lead to an antibody response cross-reacting with oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OxLDL) and how it would affect the progression of atherosclerosis in low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient (LDLR-/-) mice. The data revealed a prominent IgM but not IgG response to malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde modified LDL (MAA-LDL) after Rgp44 and Pg immunizations, implying that Rgp44/Pg and MAA adducts may share cross-reactive epitopes that prompt IgM antibody production and consequently confer atheroprotection. A significant negative association was observed between atherosclerotic lesion and plasma IgA to Rgp44 in Rgp44 immunized mice, supporting further the anti-atherogenic effect of Rgp44 immunization. Plasma IgA levels to Rgp44 and toPg in both Rgp44- and Pg-immunized mice were significantly higher than those in saline control, suggesting that IgA to Rgp44 could be a surrogate marker of immunization in Pg-immunized mice. Distinct antibody responses in plasma IgA levels to MAA-LDL, to Pg lipopolysaccharides (Pg-LPS), and to phosphocholine (PCho) were observed after Rgp44 and Pg immunizations, indicating that different immunogenic components between Rpg44 and Pg may behave differently in regard of their roles in the development of atherosclerosis. Immunization with Rgp44 also displayed atheroprotective features in modulation of plaque size through association with plasma levels of IL-1α whereas whole Pg bacteria achieved through regulation of anti-inflammatory cytokine levels of IL-5 and IL-10. The present study may contribute to refining therapeutic approaches aiming to modulate immune responses and inflammatory/anti-inflammatory processes in atherosclerosis

    Tonsillar granuloma associated with hypogammaglobulinemia

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    Abstract Background: Rare tonsillar granulomas may be caused for example by infections, malignancies or sarcoidosis. Granulomas also occur in inborn errors of immunity (IEI) such as common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) with B cell maturation defects and hypogammaglobulinemia. CVID shares various features with sarcoidosis and drug-induced secondary hypogammaglobulinemia; careful consideration of differential diagnosis between these conditions is warranted. Case presentation: A 29-year-old female with epilepsy developed dysphagia, dyspnea and impaired exercise tolerance. Obstruction caused by swollen lingual tonsil and edema in the epiglottis and arytenoid mucosa were found. Lingual tonsil and epiglottis biopsies displayed non-necrotizing granulomas. There was no evidence of viral, bacterial, mycobacterial or fungal infections. Chest X-ray, computerized tomography of chest and ultrasound of neck and abdomen remained unremarkable. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) showed laryngeal enhancement. Empiric antimicrobials combined with prednisolone were insufficient to control her disease. In immunological evaluation, the patient had normal counts of B and T cells. Proportions of CD27+ memory B cells (30.3%) and IgD−IgM−CD27+ switched memory B cells (7.2%; normal range 6.5–29.2%) were normal. Percentage of activated CD21low B cells was high (6.6%; normal range 0.6–3.5%). IgG (3.5 g/L; normal range 6.77–15.0 g/l) and all IgG subclass concentrations were low. Anti-polysaccharide responses were impaired, with 3/10 serotypes reaching a level of 0.35 ”g/ml after immunization with PneumovaxÂź. The findings were consistent with hypogammaglobulinemia resembling CVID, possibly secondary to antiepileptic medication. Her dyspnea and dysphagia responded favorably to subcutaneous IgG and rituximab. Conclusions: Tonsillar granulomas can be the presenting and only clinical feature of B cell deficiency, highlighting the diversity of symptoms and findings in primary or secondary immunodeficiencies

    Compensatory IgM to the rescue:patients with selective IgA deficiency have increased natural IgM antibodies to MAA–LDL and no changes in oral microbiota

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    Abstract IgA is the most abundant Ab in the human body. However, most patients with selective IgA deficiency (SIgAD) are asymptomatic. IgM, and to lesser extent IgG Abs, are generally presumed to compensate for the lack of IgA in SIgAD by multiplying and adopting functions of IgA. We used data from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 to investigate whether SIgAD patients have differences in levels of natural Abs to oxidized epitopes compared with 20 randomly selected healthy controls. First, we screened the saliva and serum samples from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 cohort (n = 1610) for IgA concentration. We detected five IgA-deficient subjects, yielding a prevalence of 0.3%, which is consistent with the general prevalence of 0.25% in the Finnish population. To detect natural Abs, we used malondialdehyde acetaldehyde–low-density lipoprotein (MAA–LDL), an Ag known to bind natural Abs. In this study, we show that natural secretory IgM and IgG Abs to MAA–DL were significantly increased in subjects with SIgAD. Given that secretory IgA is an important part of mucosal immune defense and that, in the gut microbiota, dysbiosis with SIgAD patients has been observed, we characterized the oral bacterial microbiota of the subjects with and without SIgAD using high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing. We found no significant alterations in diversity and composition of the oral microbiota in subjects with SIgAD. Our data suggest that increased levels of secretory natural Abs in patients with SIgAD could be a compensatory mechanism, providing alternative first-line defense against infections and adjusting mucosal milieu to maintain a healthy oral microbiota

    Salivary IgA antibody to malondialdehyde–acetaldehyde associates with mild periodontal pocket depth

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    Abstract Objective: Oxidized epitopes such as malondialdehyde–acetaldehyde (MAA) play a crucial role in the progression of atherosclerosis through activation of the humoral immune response. The exact mechanism of the association between atherosclerosis and periodontal diseases is not fully understood. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the association of oral humoral immune response to oxidized epitopes with parameters of periodontal disease. Materials and methods: The Parogene cohort consist of patients who have undergone coronary angiography due to cardiac symptoms. In this study, 423 patients were randomly selected for an extensive oral examination. Salivary Immunoglobulin A to oxidized epitopes and bacterial antigens was determined by chemiluminescence immunoassay. Results: In a binary logistic regression model adjusted with periodontal disease confounders, periodontal pocket depth (PPD) 4–5 mm associated with salivary IgA antibodies to MAA-LDL (p = 0.034), heat shock protein 60 of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (p = 0.045), Porphyromonas gingivalis (p = 0.045), A. actinomycetemcomitans (p = 0.005), P. intermedia (p = 0.020), and total IgA (p = 0.003). Conclusions: The current study shows the association of salivary IgA to MAA-LDL with PPD 4–5 mm in a cohort of patients with chronic coronary artery disease. Humoral immune cross-reactivation to oxidized epitopes such MAA-LDL could partly explain the link of periodontitis with systemic diseases

    Time-Resolved raman spectrometer with high fluorescence rejection based on a CMOS SPAD line sensor and a 573-nm pulsed laser

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    Abstract A time-resolved Raman spectrometer is demonstrated based on a 256 × 8 single-photon avalanche diodes fabricated in CMOS technology (CMOS SPAD) line sensor and a 573-nm fiber-coupled diamond Raman laser delivering pulses with duration below 100-ps full-width at half-maximum (FWHM). The collected backscattered light from the sample is dispersed on the line sensor using a custom volume holographic grating having 1800 lines/mm. Efficient fluorescence rejection in the Raman measurements is achieved due to a combination of time gating on sub-100-ps time scale and a 573-nm excitation wavelength. To demonstrate the performance of the spectrometer, fluorescent oil samples were measured. For organic sesame seed oil having a continuous wave (CW) mode fluorescence-to-Raman ratio of 10.5 and a fluorescence lifetime of 2.7 ns, a signal-to-distortion value of 76.2 was achieved. For roasted sesame seed oil having a CW mode fluorescence-to-Raman ratio of 82 and a fluorescence lifetime of 2.2 ns, a signal-to-distortion value of 28.2 was achieved. In both cases, the fluorescence-to-Raman ratio was reduced by a factor of 24—25 owing to time gating. For organic oil, spectral distortion was dominated by dark counts, while for the more fluorescent roasted oil, the main source of spectral distortion was timing skew of the sensor. With the presented postprocessing techniques, the level of distortion could be reduced by 88%-89% for both samples. Compared with common 532-nm excitation, approximately 73% lower fluorescence-to-Raman ratio was observed for 573-nm excitation when analyzing the organic sesame seed oil

    Total fecal IgA levels increase and natural IgM antibodies decrease after gastric bypass surgery

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    Abstract Obesity is associated with low-grade inflammation and increased systemic oxidative stress. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery is known to ameliorate the obesity-induced metabolic dysfunctions. We aimed to study the levels of natural antibodies in feces, before and 6 months after RYGB surgery in obese individuals with and without type 2 diabetes (T2D). Sixteen individuals with T2D and 14 non-diabetic (ND) individuals were operated. Total IgA, IgG and IgM antibody levels and specific antibodies to oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL), malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde adducts (MAA adducts), Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipain A hemagglutinin domain (Rgp44) and phosphocholine (PCho) were measured using chemiluminescence immunoassay. Total fecal IgA was elevated, while total IgM and IgG were not affected by the surgery. Fecal natural IgM specific to oxLDL decreased significantly in both T2D and ND individuals, while fecal IgM to Rgp44 and PCho decreased significantly in T2D individuals. A decrease in IgG to MAA-LDL, Rgp44 and PCho was detected. RYGB surgery increases the levels of total fecal IgA and decreases fecal natural IgG and IgM antibodies specific to oxLDL. Natural antibodies and IgA are important in maintaining the normal gut homeostasis and first-line defense against microbes, and their production is markedly altered with RYGB surgery