7 research outputs found

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    Enabling Mobile Network Managers

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    Network and system maintenance personnel are increasingly mobile. This creates a potential market for a network, system and service management terminal that is highly mobile, which would supplement existing network and system management solutions. This paper presents a generic architectural solution for this problem based on a highly scalable and network-centric approach to development of network management applications. Although the specific focus is on network management solutions, the results are generally applicable to many other types of applications as well. Some details and experiences from an actual implementation are described, using the Nokia 9000 Communicator and IBM Webbin' CMIP as the enabling technologies. Areas for future research are also explored. Keywords: Network Management, Internet Technologies, Mobile Devices. 1. The Need for Mobile Network Management Terminals Network Maintenance Operation Center (NMOC) personnel generally perform their duties by using sophisti..

    Arjen turvaa Lapissa : Osallisuus, palvelut ja elinkeinot

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    Käsillä oleva kirja Arjen turvaa Lapissa: Osallisuus, palvelut ja elinkeinot (2018) on Lapin ammattikorkeakoulun strategiatyön tulos. Teksteissä tuodaan esille ajankohtaisia näkökulmia ja kehittämisteemoja, joita arjen turvaan liittyy. Kirja perustuu ammattikorkeakoulun perustehtäviin eli korkeatasoiseen opetukseen sekä innovatiiviseen tutkimus- ja kehittämistoimintaan. Artikkeleita laadittaessa on pyritty korostamaan aihealueen yhteistyötä ja kumppanuuksia. Lapin arjen turvan toimintamalli valittiin eurooppalaiseksi hyväksi käytänteeksi vuonna 2013 (EPSA 2013, Regional Level Award)

    Inclusion, services and livelihoods

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    The book at hand, Community-based safety in Lapland: Inclusion, services and livelihoods (2018) is a result of the strategy work of Lapland University of Applied Sciences. The texts highlight topical perspectives and development themes relating to community-based safety. The book is based on the basic tasks of the university of applied sciences: high-quality instruction and innovative research and development activities. The articles have been prepared with the intention of emphasising the collaboration and partnerships relating to the themes. Lapland’s operating model for community-based safety was selected as a European good practice in 2013 (EPSA 2013, Regional Level Award)