511 research outputs found

    Application of hot spring pool training in outpatients with chronic diseases and its clinical evaluation

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    1996年4月より6月までの3ヵ月間に,三朝分院内の温泉プールで水泳ないし歩行訓練を受けた内科外来患者は延べ2109例(実数213例)で,外来患者総数(延べ6848例)に対する利用率は30.8%であった。これらの対象症例について,リハビリテーション受診カードにより,性別,年令別,疾患別の検討を行った。その結果,性別では女性が多く(72.3%),年齢別では50才以上の患者が多い(80.3%)傾向が見られた。また,地域別検討では,鳥取県内からの患 者が多い(88.3%)傾向であった。さらに,1996年12月より1997年1月へかけて,アンケート調査を行い(集計数;64例)継続期間,利用回数,効果を感じた期間,効果のあった症状などについて疾患別に比較検討した。その結果,慢性閉塞性肺疾患を主とした呼吸器疾患では,週に1~2回の利用回数(50.0%)で長期間(3年以上:52.9%)続けている患者が多い傾向であった。また慢性関節リウマチ,腰痛などの慢性疼痛性疾患では,訓練期間は比較的短期間であっ たが(3年以下:52.9%),利用回数は週に3~5回(38.0%)と多い傾向が見られた。温泉プール訓練では,疾患本来の症状改善に加えて,全身状態の改善,精神的リラックス,気分転換などを感じていることが示唆された。For three months from April to June in 1996, 2109(30.8%) of 6848 outpatients (the total number) had swimming and walking traning in a hot spring pool. Of the 213 patients (the actual number), the numbers of female patients (72.3%), of patients over the age of 50 (80.3%), and of those coming inside Tottori prefecture (88.3%) were larger in analysis by the consultation cards for rehabillitation. The results of questionnaire from the patients performed from December 1996 to January 1997 demonstrated that patients with chronic respiratory disease had pool training 1 to 2 times a week (50.0%) and for longer term (more than 3 years, 52.9%), and patients with chronic pain disease had the training 3 to 5 times a week (38.0%) and for shoter term (less than 3 years, 61.9%). It was suggested from the results that tha training in a hot spring pool improved subjective and objective symptoms of each disease, and, furthermore, brought about improvement of general condition, psychological relaxation, and a change of feeling

    Drug-induced liver injury due to the long-term oral administration of rosuvastatin

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    A 67-year-old man was admitted to our hospital presenting with a liver injury. He had used several types of oral medication for the prior 2 years, including rosuvastatin calcium for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and prostatic hypertrophy. His liver dysfunction was noted for the first time in February 2013, and at re-examination in March 2013 he showed exacerbation of the liver dysfunction, he was admitted to our hospital at that time. We stopped all of his oral medications, and his liver function improved steadily. We conducted a drug-induced lymphocyte transformation test (DLST), and the rosuvastatin calcium result was positive. He was diagnosed as having a drug-induced (by rosvastatin calcium) liver injury. He resumed oral medications other than rosuvastatin calcium from the time of discharge, with no exacerbation of liver dysfunction since then. Reports of drug-induced liver injury due to drugs with a long-term oral administration are extremely rare. We discuss the relevant literature herein

    Functional association between the nef gene product and gag-pol region of HIV-1

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    AbstractNef gene function is diverse among virus isolates of primate immunodeficiency viruses. We found differential effects of nef mutation on the virus replication between two HIV-1 clones, NL432 and LAI. The nef mutation in NL432 affected the infectivity more severely compared with that in LAI, although the Nef functions of both clones were comparable. Analysis with a series of chimeric viruses between NL432 and LAI revealed that the gag-pol region was responsible for the differential effect of nef mutation. The functional association between Nef and gag-pol suggested that one of the potential targets of Nef was located within the gag-pol region

    Molecular-Cloud-Scale Chemical Composition I: Mapping Spectral Line Survey toward W51 in the 3 mm Band

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    We have conducted a mapping spectral line survey toward the Galactic giant molecular cloud W51 in the 3 mm band with the Mopra 22 m telescope in order to study an averaged chemical composition of the gas extended over a molecular cloud scale in our Galaxy. We have observed the area of 25×3025' \times 30', which corresponds to 39 pc ×\times 47 pc. The frequency ranges of the observation are 85.1 - 101.1 GHz and 107.0 - 114.9 GHz. In the spectrum spatially averaged over the observed area, spectral lines of 12 molecular species and 4 additional isotopologues are identified. An intensity pattern of the spatially-averaged spectrum is found to be similar to that of the spiral arm in the external galaxy M51, indicating that these two sources have similar chemical compositions. The observed area has been classified into 5 sub-regions according to the integrated intensity of 13^{13}CO(J=10J=1-0) (I13COI_{\rm ^{13}CO}), and contributions of the fluxes of 11 molecular lines from each sub-region to the averaged spectrum have been evaluated. For most of molecular species, 50 % or more of the flux come from the sub-regions with I13COI_{\rm ^{13}CO} from 25 K km s1^{-1} to 100 K km s1^{-1}, which does not involve active star forming regions. Therefore, the molecular-cloud-scale spectrum observed in the 3 mm band hardly represents the chemical composition of star forming cores, but mainly represents the chemical composition of an extended quiescent molecular gas. The present result constitutes a sound base for interpreting the spectra of external galaxies at a resolution of a molecular cloud scale (10\sim10 pc) or larger.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Interaction of the Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Protein with Brd4 Tethers the Viral DNA to Host Mitotic Chromosomes

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    AbstractThe papillomavirus E2 protein tethers viral genomes to host mitotic chromosomes to ensure genome maintenance. We have identified the bromodomain protein Brd4 as a major cellular interacting partner of the bovine papillomavirus E2. Brd4 associates with mitotic chromosomes and colocalizes with E2 on mitotic chromosomes. The site of E2 binding maps to the C-terminal domain of Brd4. Expression of this C-terminal Brd4 domain functions in a dominant-negative manner to abrogate the colocalization of E2 with Brd4 on mitotic chromosomes, to block association of the viral episomes with Brd4, and to inhibit BPV-1 DNA-mediated cellular transformation. Brd4 also associates with HPV16 E2, indicating that Brd4 binding may be a shared property of all papillomavirus E2 proteins. The interaction of E2 with Brd4 is required to ensure the tethering of viral genomes to the host mitotic chromosomes for persistence of viral episomes in PV-infected cells

    "See and treat" LEEP biopsy for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2/3

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    Purpose of investigation: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) biopsy using a "see-and-treat" strategy, and compare outcomes after "LEEP biopsy, inpatient LEEP and ablation, and inpatient conization with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2/3. Materials and Methods: The authors performed a retrospective study including 300 women with CIN2/3 who were followed up ≥ 6 months following outpatient LEEP/inpatient LEEP and ablation/inpatient conization. Recurrence, additional treatment for recurrence, pregnancy, and term delivery following treatment were evaluated. Results: During the median follow-up duration of 22 months, recurrences were significantly more common following LEEP biopsy (39%) compared to LEEP and ablation (13%) and conization (16%) and were managed by repeat LEEP. Pregnancy and full-term delivery rates following LEEP biopsy were significantly higher. Conclusion: "See-and-treat" LEEP biopsy was safely performed in the outpatient department. Pregnancy rates and full-term deliveries following LEEP biopsy appear favorable


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 深田 吉孝, 東京大学教授 飯野 雄一, 東京大学准教授 舘林 和夫, 東京大学教授 武川 睦寛, 東京大学准教授 前田 達哉University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Fatal accidental asphyxia

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    Accidental death from postural or positional asphyxia can occur when an individual’s body compromises their respiration. The diagnosis of positional asphyxia is usually based on circumstantial evidence supported by the absence of other significant underlying causes of death. A female in her twenties was found dead in the so-called bridge position on a chair with wheels. Her jacket had rolled under one of the chair’s wheels. She was 159 cm in height and weighed 28.8 kg. Her body mass index was 11.4 (she was severely emaciated), and her muscles, including the rectus abdominis muscle, were thin. Her head, face, and neck were markedly congested. Her lungs, especially the upper lobes, were also congested. A small quantity of left cardiac blood was detected, which was slightly coagulated. The right cardiac blood was liquid (21 ml), and the right ventricle was slightly enlarged. It was suggested that the circulation from the lungs to the heart had been restricted. Toxicological tests detected psychoactive agents in the deceased’s blood and urine. The concentration of one of them, tofisopam, was slightly higher than normal. It was suggested that the effects of tofisopam and the deceased’s poor physical condition had impaired her motility, trapping her in an abnormal body position, ‘the reverse jack-knife position’. Therefore, her manner of death was considered to be accidental positional asphyxia. We should be aware that chairs with wheels can occasionally cause such accidents

    Liver Sarcoidosis with Unique MRI Images Using Gadolinium Ethoxybenzyl Diethylenetriamine Pentaacetic Acid

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    Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease characterized by the formation of non-caseating granulomas in multiple organs. In the diagnosis of sarcoidosis, imaging modalities such as ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are useful;however, there are few reports of MRI imaging using gadolinium ethoxybenzyl diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB) MRI. A 46-year-old Japanese female with suspected pulmonary sarcoidosis was admitted to our hospital because low-density mottles in the liver were observed incidentally by chest CT. The low-density mottles were not enhanced at the arterial phase or portal phase by abdominal CT and MRI, and decreased uptake was observed in the hepatobiliary phase of Gd-EOB MRI. No hematological disorder was observed except for a slight increase of biliary enzymes. The lesion was diagnosed as liver sarcoidosis by the liver biopsy. Since the patient refused steroid therapy, we prescribed ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). 600mg/day. The serum levels of biliary enzymes were normalized and the abdominal CT findings gradually improved after the initiation of UDCA medication. Gd-EOB MRI showed unique hypointense areas in the liver at the hepatobiliary phase, which might be useful in the diagnosis of liver sarcoidosis